Read Kyle’s Bargain Online

Authors: Katherine Kingston

Kyle’s Bargain (14 page)

BOOK: Kyle’s Bargain
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“It’s a generous offer,” Meg answered.

Cilla and Charles both chuckled as they shared a glance. “We
both have enough exhibitionist in us to enjoy showing off what we can do,”
Cilla said. “We like sharing our knowledge and experience with others.”

“I’ve benefited from that too.” Jason broke the silence he’d
kept for most of the evening. Meg couldn’t help but wonder about him. He seemed
so withdrawn she didn’t understand why he was there. And his reserve contrasted
oddly with Charles’ and Cilla’s openness.

Curiosity as much as anything else prompted Meg to say,
“Yes, I’d like to join you. At least in watching—as long as that doesn’t offend

Cilla smiled at her. “We’re definitely not offended. In
fact, I’m flattered. And if you decide you want to join in, that won’t offend
us either. Or not. In fact, very little does bother us.” Her grin faltered as
she looked at Jason, however. “Will it bother you?” she asked.

His expression didn’t change from the careful neutrality
when he said, “Not at all. I’m learning too.”

The waiter brought their check and handed it to Charles. He
didn’t hand over a credit card but wrote something on it and gave it back to
the waiter, who looked, smiled and thanked him. Interesting.

Once in the hall outside the lounge, Charles turned to
Jason. “I was late getting here and didn’t have time to pick up the key. Would
you mind getting it for us? Two sixteen. We’ll meet you there.”

Jason nodded and left. Meg and Kyle followed Cilla and
Charles up a wide, sweeping staircase to the second floor. They stopped at the
door marked two sixteen.

“About Jason,” Charles said. “There are a couple of things
you need to know. He came here on his own a little while ago. He knew he was a
sexual Dominant and wanted to try it out but was terrified of it at the same
time. He doesn’t talk much about his background, but there was some nasty stuff
there, some kind of abuse, and it makes him worry about whether he can handle
things, whether he might lose control during a scene. Fortunately someone
directed him to us. He says he’s getting therapy as well, and from the way he
talks and acts, I think it’s true. I hope so. We’re not a substitute for
psychotherapy and damaged people risk damaging others. On the other hand, he
has more control than almost anyone I’ve ever met, which is probably a defense
mechanism and probably dangerous to himself in the long run.”

“You’re analyzing,” Cilla said.

He shrugged. “You’re right. And I don’t have any degrees for
it, either. What I do know is that the boy has the potential to be a damn good
Dominant and—I think—a damn good man if he can find a way to deal with his
scars. In the meantime, we’re training him as best we can and he’s a superb

“With his looks he probably already has most of the subs in
the place panting after him.” Meg glanced at Kyle, remembering that he’d been
in a similar position, though with less baggage. She hoped.

“He’s pretty much ignored them too,” Cilla said. “For weeks
he came and just watched, made no attempt to hook up with anyone.”

“We’re trying to work on his confidence,” Charles added.
“Along with his technique. He’s doing okay with the light stuff. We’ll move on
to more midrange tonight.”

“What does that—?”

Her question was cut off by the return of Jason with the key
card for the room. Before they entered, though, Charles rooted around in his
pocket and drew out a strip of leather with a Velcro fastening at either end.
He handed it to Cilla, who took it and fastened it around her neck.

“By accepting this collar, you accept the dominance of
myself and anyone else I designate for as long as you’re wearing it.” He made
it a formal pronouncement, probably for her benefit and Kyle’s.

“I accept it,” Cilla replied with equal formality.

“Good. You will accept orders and admonishment from Jason as
if he were myself.”

“Accepted, Master.”

Jason unlocked the door and they all followed him into a
dimly lit room that featured a raised, round dais in the center. It took up
about half the space. A few chairs sat on one side while a cabinet and benches
filled the other side.

Meg stopped, staring around the area, which had no windows or
artwork on the walls. Charles went to a panel near the door and flipped a few
switches to adjust the lighting so that several spotlights shone on the dais
while the rest of the room remained in shadows. Kyle guided her to a chair and
took the one next to her.

“Up on the dais,” Jason said to Cilla.

The woman mounted the two steps and stood in the middle of
the platform, head bowed, looking down.

“Now strip. Slowly,” Jason added.

“Yes, Master,” Cilla said. She reached for the buttons of
her elegant silk blouse and began to undo them with deliberate care. Her
fingers brushed over the surface of each and ran around the edge as if it were
the head of a lover’s cock. Then she’d release it and twist her shoulders
sensually to allow the fabric to part and fall open, revealing a little more of
her chest with each advance. Three buttons down it became obvious she wore no
bra. Additional arcs of her breasts became visible as the opening widened.

By the time she’d reached her waist and pulled the tails out
of her waistband, tantalizing slices of her nipples showed. Kyle’s breath
caught and sped up. A flash of jealousy made Meg clench her fists.
, she reminded herself.
Men reacted to naked breasts no
matter whose they were
. Still she reached for his hand. His fingers closed
around hers.

Cilla undid the last button and shrugged off the blouse,
allowing it to fall to the floor. She reached for the button on her skirt and
slid the zipper down, all moving almost in slow motion, she did each action so
deliberately. The skirt whispered gently down her hips, revealing she wore very
brief, dark blue silk panties beneath.

“Turn around,” Jason ordered. “Slowly. Show yourself off.”

The woman made a slow pirouette on the stage, arching her
back to push her breasts out. Kyle’s fingers tightened around her hand.

“Very nice. Take off the panties.”

She pushed her fingers under the waistband and pushed them
along her hips until they slid down her legs. Cilla stepped out of them and
stood there wearing only the high-heeled pumps and the collar.

Jason stepped up onto the dais, carrying a bench about five
feet long and a foot wide, topped with a padded leather cover. He set it down
in the center then moved back to the side of the dais. Charles stood just
behind him but on the floor two steps down. He watched intently. A trick of the
light and his angle meant Meg could see his expression clearly enough and the
gaze he bent on Cilla was hot and hungry but with a yearning that went beyond
just sexual.

“You’ve been instructed to keep your pussy shaved clean at
all times,” Jason said. “Sit on the bench and open your legs so I can inspect
how well you’ve followed those orders.”

Cilla froze for a moment and she shot one quick, panicky
glance toward Charles. Her expression softened into a tiny smile before she
lowered her head, and said, “Yes, Master.” She sat on the bench.

Meanwhile Jason’s expression went hard, but he didn’t seem
able to do or say anything for a moment either. Charles stepped up beside him
and whispered something in his ear. Jason listened then nodded. His expression
relaxed into relief and satisfaction. “You hesitated in obeying an order.” He
made it an accusation.

Cilla’s chest heaved as she drew a breath. “Yes, Master. I’m
sorry, Master.”

“What happens to subs who fail to obey an order promptly?”
Jason asked.

“They get punished, Master.”

“So they do. But first we still need to see if you’ve been
shaving as thoroughly as you should. Lie back on the bench and spread your legs
wide apart.”

Cilla swiveled so she could lie back then did as he ordered,
separating her legs and letting her feet rest on the floor on either side of
the bench. From where she sat to the woman’s right, Meg got only a glimpse of
her belly and the inside of one thigh. Jason walked over, though, leaned over
her and ran a finger down her stomach to her slit. The woman shivered and drew
a sharp breath.

Kyle’s fingers squeezed hers. “Come here,” he whispered to
her, and pulled gently. Meg didn’t resist as he tugged her toward him and then
sat her down on his lap with her back to his chest and her legs straddling his.
She had to hike her skirt up to her thighs. Kyle’s arms went around her waist,
but one hand brushed up to caress her breast. Warmth roused in her core.

She couldn’t see clearly what Jason did with Cilla, but his
fingers explored between her legs, drawing a light moan from her. After a
moment he straightened and backed away.

“You’ve been naughty, Cilla,” he said. “Doubly. Not just
resisting an order, but I felt stubble around your pussy. You haven’t done a
good job of keeping it smooth.”

She didn’t answer and he didn’t expect it.

“Double punishment,” he said, “For a double offense. Roll

Cilla lifted her legs and rolled over on the bench, ending
up lying flat on it, her feet hanging off the end. She turned her face toward
where Charles stood, away from where Meg sat on Kyle’s lap.

Jason walked off the side and came back holding a flogger.
“Legs spread.”

The woman moved her legs, letting them fall off on either
side of the bench again. This angle gave them a clear view of her pussy. If
she’d missed any stubble it wasn’t obvious from their distance.

Jason raised the flogger, tossing the tails backward as he
did, paused for a moment and then brought it down sharply on Cilla’s rear end.
It made a soft plop as it struck. The dozen or so tails spread out across the
surface of both mounds with one or two hitting close to her slit. Meg guessed
it hadn’t struck very hard, however.

Kyle worked his right hand under Meg’s sweater and pushed up
her bra to reach her breast. She jolted when his fingers brushed over her

Meanwhile Jason lifted the flogger and brought it down
again. It landed with a slightly louder snap. Cilla didn’t move or make any
outcry that Meg could hear. Probably those strokes did little more than warm
the skin a bit. When it came to warming, though, Kyle’s fingers were doing the
job for her. He stroked one nipple and then the other, sending rivers of heat
flooding her body.

She shut her eyes for a moment, drinking in the sensory
flood—Kyle’s masculine scent coupled with the aroma of sexual arousal
permeating the room, the increasingly loud pops of the flogger meeting flesh
and the shards of raw pleasure that shot through her when Kyle pinched her
nipple hard enough to create a small pain that transformed into screaming

As Jason continued to work on Cilla with increasingly firm
strokes, Kyle slid the fingers of his left hand down Meg’s abdomen and began to
stroke her pussy over the silken panties. Her breathing sped up as heat built
in her womb.

Cilla moaned as the strokes heated up her bottom and the
tops of her thighs. A pink flush spread over the mounds and downward. Jason
slashed a few wicked strokes on the insides of her legs, which were exposed to
his punishment by the way the bench held them apart. Several of the tails laced
into her cunt in the course of it. The woman let out one louder groan and began
wriggling, her breath emerging in loud pants.

Jason let the flogger drop to his side and approached her.
He ran a finger down along the crack of her bottom to her pussy. Cilla drew a
sharp breath as he touched the most sensitive flesh, and whispered, “Please.”

“Please, what?” Jason asked. “Please let you come? You know
better than that, Cilla. We’ve barely begun your punishment.” The words were
authoritative and he made an effort to back them with his delivery, but
something else slipped through in his tone, a note of uncertainty or even fear.
He looked back at Charles, who gave him a nod of approval.

“Roll over,” Jason ordered. “On your back, legs on either
side of the bench.”

Cilla sighed but did as he commanded.

Jason stared at her for a long moment. Then he drew a deep
breath and straightened his back before he turned and took an object from a
drawer in a nearby cabinet. Meg caught a glint off something metal as he leaned
over Cilla. He hesitated again before he put a hand on one of her breasts and
pinched the nipple into a tight peak. Squeezing open the clamp, he positioned
it over the pink bud and let it snap shut. Cilla squealed, a combination of
surprise and pain.

She squirmed and panted as he placed a second clamp on her
other breast.

Kyle covered each of Meg’s breasts with a hand and began
teasing the nipples and squeezing them until she squirmed almost as vigorously
as Cilla was. Each time he pinched it sent shards of pleasure-pain tearing
through her. Meg couldn’t help but wonder what those clamps would feel like on
her own nipples. Could she bear it? Would the pleasure be worth the pain?

Jason stood, staring at the writhing woman for a moment, his
expression unreadable, before he went back to the cabinet at the side of the
room and took something else out of it. He returned with a strap some eighteen
inches long and two inches wide. The leather gleamed as he swung it up over his
shoulder then brought it down on her thighs.

Cilla jolted and let out a sharp squeal. It seemed to take
Jason by surprise, making him stumble backward. Charles stepped up beside him
and whispered in his ear again. He put a hand on the younger man’s shoulder and
squeezed lightly. Jason nodded and returned to Cilla’s side.

He raised the strap and smacked it down several times.
Cilla’s feet rose off the floor twice and with one hard blow, she yelped.
Charles moved to her side and began playing with the clamps on her nipples,
tweaking and pulling them until the woman gasped while Jason continued to lash
her thighs and occasionally her belly with the leather.

BOOK: Kyle’s Bargain
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