Read Krac's Firebrand Online

Authors: S. E. Smith

Krac's Firebrand (17 page)

BOOK: Krac's Firebrand
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Skeeter melted the moment their lips touched. Her hands moved up to his broad shoulders before curling around his neck. She sighed as he parted his lips for her. Warmth filled her as he opened for her. Her hands tightened in his hair when she felt the hardness pressed against her stomach, making her gasp as he pushed her back against the wall of the lift. His lips began moving along her jaw with a desperate urgency that left a burning path that left her hungry.

“Every time I get near you I begin to ache,” he muttered as ran his lips back along her jaw to the corner of her mouth. “Feel me! I can shut my body down with a single command, except when I am near you. When you touched me with your lips the other day….” He closed his eyes and released a low hissing breath as he pressed his hips more firmly against her. “I have never experienced anything like that before. No female has ever touched me like that before.”

Skeeter tilted her head to the side as his lips slid back down in a fiery path that had her wriggling as the heat exploded between her legs. It took a moment for his words to sink in. She closed her eyes when he opened his mouth and latched onto her throat in a hot wet kiss that pulled a long, low moan from her.

“Oh Krac,” she whispered as her fingers frantically pulled at him as she lifted her leg to wind around his. “You make me ache too.”

Krac pulled back far enough to look down at her with eyes blazing with desire. He reached down and wrapped his hand around the thigh of the leg pulling him forward. He lifted her slightly so he could press into her more firmly. He groaned as his cock fitted tightly against her. A shudder wracked his body as an almost primitive need flared to life inside him. He slid both of his hands under her ass, forcing her to lift her legs until they were wound around his waist.

“This feels right,” he muttered. “I don’t understand, but this feels right.”

Skeeter’s head dropped forward as he rocked against her. Her breathing turned to pants. She couldn’t believe this would be her second time with him and she was about to climax in her pants again.

“I need more,” Krac growled in frustration as he pushed into her. “Make the ache go away. Like you did before.”

“Ah, Krac,” an amused male voice interrupted over the comlink in the lift. “I hate to tell you this, but we need the lift. Can you finish this later?”

Skeeter gasped and turned bright red. “They can hear us?”

“Just the last part,” the voice chuckled.

Krac closed his eyes and gritted his teeth before opening them again in frustration. “Cooraan, you are a dead man the next time I see you.”

Cooraan’s laughter echoed in the small compartment. “Just be thankful I was the one that was informed of the malfunction to the lift and not the regular maintenance crew. You might have had more of an audience.”

Skeeter tilted her head and frowned. “Do I know you? Your voice sounds awfully familiar.”

Cooraan’s choked cough covered his muttered curse. “I’ve reactivated the lift. Safe travels to Sallas.”

Krac’s eyes flashed at the reminder of the private dance that Skeeter had given the Zion warrior. He released a frustrated sigh and leaned his forehead against Skeeter’s when the lift began moving again. He still ached.

“I swear I know him from somewhere,” Skeeter murmured in confusion.

“You will forget about him,” Krac said, slowly releasing her legs and stepping back. “I want you to tell me how to stop this constant ache. I have never had it before I met you. It is beginning to drive me insane.”

Skeeter’s mouth dropped open for the second time in astonishment as Krac stepped out of the lift onto the departure bay. Her eyes shimmered in wonder as he pulled her along beside him. She shook her head in disbelief before a mischievous smile lit up her face.


Chapter 22

Skeeter settled back in the co-pilot’s seat of Krac’s starship. It was much fancier than the freighter’s bridge. There were so many lights and panels and screens that it made her head hurt to think about trying to figure out what they all did much less how to fly the damn thing. She knew she should be impressed and ask questions about it, but all she could think about was his softly growled demand in the lift.

She twirled a strand of her thick red hair around her finger and bit her lip. She listened as he received clearance from the
to depart. She glanced out the front viewport as the starship rose before shooting forward out of the side of the Zion Warship.

Darkness surrounded them as they left the brightly lit interior of the warship. The starship tilted slightly as it turned toward the
Lulu Belle
. Skeeter sat forward and stared at her freighter as it came into sight.

She looked at it with a critical eye. It was hard to tell that it was pink in space. It was funny how it ended up that way. It had been a dull dark gray before the explosion that took out almost seven meters of the upper cargo bay on the port side.

“I can’t believe I landed that by myself,” she murmured.

“I can’t either,” Krac responded darkly. “If your father had not killed your co-pilot, I would have.”

Skeeter shook her head and sighed. “Druss wasn’t a very nice man. I caught him stealing from some of the merchants and he… he almost killed a man on one of our stops. He was mean when he was drunk, which was most of the time.”

“Why did you keep him on?” He asked with a frown.

She shrugged. “I was going to replace him when we got back to Sallas. He had smuggled illegal cargo aboard that I didn’t know about until I found it when I went to scan the inventory for our arrival. He threatened to kill me if I said anything. I guess he planned on moving the canisters, but got drunk halfway through. One broke loose. When it hit the side, the
Lulu Belle
shook like crazy. I issued a mayday and requested emergency planet side assistance as I was losing pressure from the structural damage and had lost my starboard stabilizers. It was too dangerous to try to dock with the Space station as I didn’t have enough control.”

“Froget said Druss took your escape pod,” Krac said before silently wishing he had kept his statement to himself when he saw the flash of pain and sadness reappear in Skeeter’s eyes.

Skeeter gave him a sad smile. “Yes. I guess he figured if he escaped and I crashed the
Lulu Belle
there would be no evidence of what happened and no one to point their finger at him. He would take care of both problems at once.”

“But you didn’t crash,” Krac said with a nod.

“No, I didn’t crash. I don’t know how I made it down in one piece. I think it was the simulator daddy made me do over and over. I liked it. It was like a game. Daddy was on the other end, talking to me the whole time. I focused on what he was saying. He promised to always keep me safe and he has,” she replied softly, looking at the
Lulu Belle
with a smile as they got closer.

“Why pink?” Krac asked suddenly, staring at the freighter with a look of horrid fascination.

Skeeter’s delighted laughter echoed as she gazed ahead. “There was a mix up with the maintenance crew that was doing the repairs. One brother wanted it painted white. The other wanted it red. They found out they didn’t have enough of either to paint the entire thing so they had the bright idea to mix the paint together. Of course, daddy was horrified, but I loved it. There was just enough red paint left over for me to paint the Phoenix on the side as a symbol for surviving my first almost crash.”

“He should have killed the brothers as well,” Krac reflected before tilting his head to the side. “Maybe not, it does look like you.”

“Mm, why do you say that?” She asked, looking at him in surprise.

“It is colorful, like you. The bird on the side is vivid and strong, like you. It is… different, like you,” he finished in a husky voice. “I am aching again.”

“I know how to take the ache away,” Skeeter whispered.

Krac’s eyes flashed to hers. The warmth in them sent a shiver through him. The look in her eyes was the same as what he saw in Gracie’s when she looked at Kordon. It was a look that he never thought to see from a female, at least not when they looked at him.

His throat tightened as he turned back to open the lower cargo bay doors on the
Lulu Belle
. He entered the opening smoothly and landed. His hands skimmed over the controls, shutting everything down and securing it before he turned in his seat in determination.

“Show me,” he demanded in a husky voice. “Show me how you can take the ache away.”

“Here?” Skeeter asked, looking at the cramped space before shaking her head. “What I’m planning is going to take a lot more space and you in the horizontal position.”

“Horizontal position,” he repeated with a frown. “You took the ache away in the vertical position before.”

Skeeter’s eyes danced with delight. “Krac, can I ask you something personal?”

“Will answering you get you to take the ache away faster?” He asked in frustration as his eyes kept straying to her lips and images of them wrapped around him.

“Oh, definitely,” she replied with a shy smile.

“Then yes,” he grunted out as she bit her lip again, pulling a low moan from him. “But hurry. I do not like this ache. It is getting worse.”

“Have you ever made love to a woman before?” She blurted out, unable to think of a better way to ask him.

“You mean have sex with one?” He asked, cautiously.

Skeeter gave a nervous chuckle. “Sex, made love, got down and dirty, you know,” she muttered, blushing.

Krac stiffened before he remembered his promise. “No. My… past,” he broke off and looked away. “There was only one time that I had the opportunity to experience sex with a female. My body did not react to her. She was very unpleasant.”


Skeeter rose out of her seat so she could cup his strong face between her hands. It broke her heart to see the flash of doubt in his eyes before he turned away from her. She gently traced his face as he turned back to look at her.

She didn’t say anything at first. He was the most unique, most incredible male she had ever met besides Bulldog. Her fingers gently skimmed his brow before tracing over his high cheekbones and down to his jaw.

“I’m glad,” she whispered, sliding her hands down so she could entwine her fingers with his. “Do you have a sleeping compartment on-board?”

“Yes, but….” He stood up as she pulled on him. “I like your sleeping quarters better. It is more pleasing.”

“Then, my quarters it is. Can you set the auto-pilot?” She asked, pulling him toward the exit.

“I already did,” he replied sheepishly. “As soon as we boarded the starship I connected with the
Lulu Belle
. I told you I ache.”

She giggled as he stepped down and reached up for her. Instead of setting her down on her feet, he cradled her in his arms as he turned to stride down the corridor toward her room.

She sighed as she snuggled closer. Her mind refused to focus on anything but how she was going to drive him crazy with pleasure. One idea after another swept through her mind. Each one making her hotter than the one before.

“I want to undress you,” she murmured, twirling her fingers in the hair along the back of his neck. “Yes, first I’m going to undress you. Slowly. I think I’ll kiss every part of you as I do. Mmm, you taste so good. I can’t wait to see if the rest of you tastes just as good as your cock. Then, I’m going to explore every inch of you.”

“Son-of-a-bitch,” Krac cursed hoarsely as he turned the corner. “You are going to kill me if you keep talking like that.”

“Just wait until I get my hands on you,” she whispered, pressing a hot kiss to his neck. “And my mouth. Definitely my mouth.”


Krac’s brain was close to short-circuiting. The images her words were creating, especially after having experienced some of what she was talking about, had his body pulsing with expectation. He swept through the door of her cabin and froze as the unfamiliar feelings of indecision and being unsure of what he should do next hit him. His eyes moved to the bed as he tried to decide what to do next.

He wished now that he had paid more attention to what the guards at the lab had said when they joked around with each other. He knew what sex was by definition. As it had never really applied to him except for that one time in the lab, he had assumed it was a defect in his creation. What he was feeling now made him realize that he was in no way defective. At least, if the hardness of his cock was any indication.

“I… I don’t…,” he started to say, a confused and uncertain frown making his cheeks turn darker as he gazed down at her.

“It’s okay,” she whispered, cupping his face with her right hand and stroking his cheek with her thumb. “We’ll take it slow. Just let yourself feel.”

He slowly lowered her to her feet until she was standing in front of him. He looked down at her with uncertainty. He knew what he wanted to do. Some instinct inside him wanted to rip her clothes off and bury himself deep inside her. He just didn’t know if that was his human instinct or his Alluthan. The last thing he wanted to do was scare or hurt her.

He clenched his hands at his side to keep from reaching for her. Sweat beaded on his brow and he wondered vaguely if there might be a problem with the environmental system. His whole body felt hot and his clothes actually felt like they were irritating his skin.

He hissed when he felt the front of his shirt slowly part and Skeeter’s hot, moist lips pressing against his chest. He held himself stiff, afraid that if he touched her, she would stop. His throat worked up and down as her lips moved further down as she released more of the buttons on his shirt.

“Skeeter, I am not sure this is… perhaps we should…” his voice faded to a low moan as she slid his shirt off his shoulders. “That feels incredible.”

“How about this?” She asked as she teased his left nipple with her tongue. “Or this?” She pulled the clasp holding the front of his pants loose and slid her hands down and around him so she could cup his ass.

“Yes!” His loud moan filled her room. “Skeeter, I want to touch you.”

BOOK: Krac's Firebrand
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