Knights of Desire [Flights of Fancy 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (5 page)

BOOK: Knights of Desire [Flights of Fancy 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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"What can that mean?"

Cedric couldn't avoid answering a direct question. "I'm not certain, but I think the man is a politician while the woman is a soldier."

Handley's eyes narrowed, the yellow irises glowing as if on fire. "They plot against us."

"That I do not yet know, Sire. They have offered no harm to anyone."

"What else could it mean?" Handley lashed his tail, and as the green and gold scales crashed into the floor, small chips of stone flew from the rocks. "You will do whatever is needed to protect us."


* * * *


They rarely had the time or energy while at the scene of a battle, but Landis and Clemmons liked to take a walk before bed. Landis wondered about why the dragons had given them the time to walk the past few days since the arrival of Shane and her people.

"I think the lizards don't know what to make of our guests." Clemmons squeezed Landis's hand before he went on. "I know the dragons are aware of the visitors, but they want more information."

The lizards had made no attacks since Shane's arrival, flying only high overhead. Landis knew the soaring dragons could learn much from that practice with their remarkable eyesight, but without hearing the talks between the parties, they would also miss a lot of the information. Landis wondered if that was good or bad.

"Perhaps we should take advantage of their confusion and attack the dragons."

Clemmons shook his head. "No, not until we know what Shane would make of that."

"You're right, of course, and I don't think it would be the wisest thing we could do, either." Landis still had some concerns about the strangers. Shane and her soldiers made no offer of violence, but it was clear the weapons and tools at her disposal were far superior to the strong sword clicking softly in its scabbard on his hip.

"I'm always right." Landis felt Clemmons squeeze his hand again. "Tell me what you think of Shane."

"In some ways, she frightens me. She's confident of her abilities and those of her people. I don't think she's overconfident, either."

"Nor do I, but that's not what I mean." Clemmons paused a few moments. "Don't you find it odd for such a beautiful woman to be a soldier?"

"For us, yes, but we know little of the ways of her people. It may not be unusual at all for them."

"I think you're wrong. Look at the other women with her."

"Oh, I have, and one of the other warriors is nearly as pretty as Shane, and the woman who is talking with Lord Halstone about the crops is perhaps prettier."

"I think you're wrong about that." Clemmons again hesitated for a second or two. "Don't you find Shane attractive?"

Landis had found her gorgeous since the first time he saw her, but he hadn't mentioned that to Clemmons. "It doesn't really matter."

"Yes it does." He sighed. "I can't recall a woman nearly that beautiful."

It occurred to him that Clemmons was confessing. "You know, there's no harm in looking at a pretty woman."

"I guess not."

"I owe you an answer. Yes, Shane is very attractive."

"Well, it's not just me, then."

"No, it's not." Since confessions seemed to be the order of the evening, Landis had his own. "I have to admit I've wondered what she would feel like in my arms."

"So have I." Clemmons nodded slowly.

He decided to ask the question that had nagged him for the last four days. "Do you miss being with a woman?"

Clemmons walked in silence for more than a minute. "In some ways, yes." He stopped and tugged Landis's hand, turning him so they faced each other. "But not many."

Landis had thought about this before and even more the last few days. "I think I know what you mean, but never forget I love you."

Without a word, Clemmons slipped his arms around his waist and pulled them together, pressing his lips to Landis's mouth. He pressed his tongue between his lover's lips, and waves of warmth, mixed oddly with shivering chills, rushed through Landis, and he hugged Clemmons tightly. The flavor of Clemmons's perspiration danced across his tongue and filled his nose, the clean saltiness adding to the sensations assailing him.

He and Clemmons moved against one another, and Landis's cock stirred in his pants, the gentle rubbing building his passions like it always did. He slipped his hands down Clemmons's back to cup the firm muscles of the big man's ass and squeezed, pulling their hips tighter together. Clemmons eased his lips from his and kissed across the fine stubble of beard to flick his tongue deep into Landis's ear, swirling wetly around the folds and plunging into the canal.

Clemmons moved his hands to unfasten the buttons of the light shirt Landis wore, and the firm fingers, deliciously rough with calluses gained from years of wielding a sword massaged his chest, darting across his nipples, making them hard with desire.

Leaning his head back with a sigh, Landis allowed himself to fall into the passions of love.


* * * *


Moving through the unfamiliar woods towards the two men, Shane watched her handheld scanner. They had stopped moving, perhaps talking about the strange visitors to their world or maybe just watching the night sky as she did. As she came within twenty meters of their location, a funny sound, a soft moaning came from their direction.

The scanner showed nothing except the three of them in the area, but on a new world it was best to err on the side of caution until she was certain the sensors weren't blind to some unknown animal or other threat. She silently drew her sidearm and flicked the weapon to stun while disabling the safety with her thumb.

Moving forward through the dark undergrowth, Shane kept quiet, avoiding the sticks and piles of dry leaves on the forest floor. At the same time, she kept her eyes open, watching both the scanner and the woods in the half-light of the full moons filtering through the trees. The sensor showed her only six meters from the men, and the strange moaning pants were louder than when she first heard them. She pushed aside a small branch to peer into the clearing ahead.

At first, she didn't understand the sight before her. Landis and Clemmons were in the clearing, fully illuminated by the bright moons overhead, and the sounds she followed to her hiding place in the underbrush came from Landis. No animals or other people were around them, but Landis moaned nonetheless.

Clemmons knelt in the damp debris of the forest floor. Landis stood before him, his pants around his ankles, as Clemmons slowly licked the length of his cock. The low moans escaped from between Landis's pursed lips each time Clemmons sucked the mushroom-like head of his cock between his lips, swallowing the long shaft deep down his throat.

Shane considered a number of options for her reaction, and the calm, almost clinical way she considered them fascinated her on some level. She considered making some noise to alert the two lovers to her presence, and then pretending she didn't see anything. The idea of simply leaving quietly probably was the best course she could follow. Maybe running away from the pair would be even better.

Instead, she slipped the weapon into its holster, shut off the scanner, and watched.

As Clemmons alternated between licking and sucking his dick, Landis ran his hands gently over the blonde hair that spilled from Clemmons's head like a golden waterfall to cascade down his shoulders and over his bare chest and back. The moonlight, shimmering with a yellow hue, reflected from the slightly warmer sun, made the men's skin glow like bronze armor.

Heat spread across Shane's breasts, and her nipples hardened despite the warmth of the night air. She stared as Clemmons slipped the bulging head of Landis's cock into his mouth, his face moving rapidly as he sucked. Landis tensed slightly, and he gripped the blonde hair, pushing his dick deeper into Clemmons's mouth. Even over the passionate moans coming from Landis, Shane could hear the soft gagging sounds Clemmons made when the long shaft pressed to the back of his throat.

As she watched from her position in the darkness, Shane rubbed her breasts through her blouse. Pinching her nipples sent shockwaves of pleasure and fire through her, and she considered yet another option for what to do—she thought of joining the two lovers she spied on.

Landis quivered, and Clemmons pulled back, the shaft of the cock he'd been sucking glistening wetly in the light of the moons. Landis thrashed, somehow avoiding falling, as cum erupted from his dick, squirting onto Clemmons's face before he licked at the frothy white fluid, lapping it from his lips.

Shane licked her lips and squeezed her breasts, almost able to taste the hot stickiness of cum on her face.

Landis dropped to his knees, and he kissed Clemmons's face passionately, licking and no doubt tasting his own cum on the face of the warrior. He reached to one of the small bags Shane had seen the men wearing, and Landis pulled out a small container. Opening the jar, he dipped his fingers inside and scooped out a shiny, wet substance and stroked some onto Clemmons's cock that stood out firm and hard from his body. Shane watched as Landis rolled slightly and spread more of the goop around his anus before turning to position himself on his hands and knees, ass high in the air.

Clemmons knelt behind Landis and rubbed the huge head of his raging cock against Landis's ass. Gripping Landis's hips in his big hands, Clemmons thrust forward, and the full length of his dick vanished into Landis's ass.

While the men thrust against each other, trying to get Clemmons's length just a little farther inside Landis's ass, Shane reached down. Shoving her hand inside her uniform, she rubbed her fingers over the hard bud of her clit, causing her to shiver with delight. The wetness oozing from her pussy spread over and between her fingers as she flicked her hand over her slit, spreading her lips to tease at the moist opening.

Landis rose up on his elbows slightly, and she could see his cock was again hard. It bounced and twitched with each thrust of the dick sliding in and out of his ass, and Shane imagined what it would feel like to have that hard shaft in her pussy while Clemmons fucked Landis from behind.

She pulled her hand from her jumpsuit and licked her fingers, tasting the sweetness of her pussy, while Landis reached back between his legs to cup Clemmons's balls in his palm. Sucking her fingers into her mouth, Shane imagined Clemmons's huge dick not in Landis's ass but in her mouth, the throbbing head slipping down her throat as she straddled Landis, taking his dick deep in her ass as she writhed in the pleasure of making love to both men.

Licking the last of her juices from her fingers, she reached into her uniform once more, her fingers plunging deep in her pussy and her palm pressing firmly against her clit. Clemmons bucked hard against Landis, and the men both grunted and moaned. Landis twitched as cum again spurted from the throbbing head of his cock to spill onto the forest floor. Her last coherent thought was that it was a waste of cum—she could have taken his load on her breasts and Clemmons could have licked her clean.

Suddenly, every star in the unfamiliar night sky seemed to explode in the death throes of supernovae, each brighter than the rest of the galaxy. Despite the waves of orgasmic passion washing over her, Shane's training kicked in. Turning her head, she bit down on the collar of her jumpsuit, choking off the scream that fought to find voice in the quiet night air.

As the tremors of her climax receded, Shane watched the two men holding each other while the shakes of their orgasms also faded.


* * * *


Landis sat up a little, lifting his head from Clemmons's shoulder. "Did you hear something?"

Clemmons listened but heard only the normal sounds of the forest insects. "No, nothing."

"Just my imagination, I guess."

"We should finish our walk and get back to camp."

"We should." Landis stretched a little.

As he pulled on his clothes, Clemmons watched Landis. Yes, there were a few things he missed about being with a woman but not many, and none of them were physical. Even though most people never suspected he would be interested, Clemmons often missed just talking with a woman, hearing her feminine opinions and ideas.

They finished dressing and prepared to move off toward the encampment. As they turned, holding hands, a bright light suddenly flashed on, shining directly in their eyes.

He reacted instantly, as did Landis, reaching for his sword, when a voice he recognized came from the undergrowth in the direction of the light.

"Don't move."

They had walked in the direction of the odd ship, and Shane had told them there would be guards in the area. She never mentioned she would be one of the guards in the woods.

The light went out, and Shane made her way closer to them. "You don't need your swords with me."

He chuckled. Clemmons wasn't sure how comfortable he was being close to Shane so soon after making love with Landis. "We know that, Shane."

She stepped into the clearing and pulled out one of the cold torches her people used for light. He'd been right, and when she smiled, her face lit up like the sun. "What are you two doing out here so late?"

"Just going for a walk, that's all." Landis gave him a wink before he turned back to face Shane. "And what of you?"

BOOK: Knights of Desire [Flights of Fancy 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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