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Authors: Adrianne Byrd

King's Passion (10 page)

BOOK: King's Passion
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Eamon asked, “Could you give us a few—?”

“I'm ready to order,” Victoria announced.

“Ahh.” Benito lit up. “Not only are you beautiful but you're a woman who is quick and decisive.” He winked and then elbowed Eamon. “You might want to hang on to this one. I have a
feeling about her. And people
around here will tell you that I'm never wrong about these things.”

“Are these the same people who are on payroll?”

“One and the same,” Benito boasted.

“Then I'll just pass.”

“What can I get for you,

“I'd like to start off with the
frietella di granchio
—I'm crazy about crab cakes.”

“Ah. It's a weakness for myself, as well.”

“For the main dish, I'd like the
branzino con finocchi e rughetta.
Please make sure that the sea bass is cooked all the way through. And for the

“You already know what you want for dessert?” Eamon asked.

Victoria's laser green eyes shot up over the menu. “Is that a problem?”

“No. No. Not at all.” He smiled awkwardly over at Benito. “Quick and decisive.”

Benito gave his thumbs-up and gave her another wink.

“I'll have the tiramisu.”

“Excellent.” Benito took her menu and then turned toward Eamon. “And for you?”

Eamon just handed over his menu. “I'll just have what she's having.”

“Excellent. Excellent. I'll leave you two alone.” There was more winking and thumbs jutting up before the exuberant manager escaped their small room.

“Well. You've gone from not being hungry to being able to eat enough for a small minor-league team in less than an hour.”

She smiled before she had a chance to stop herself. “Yes. I'm not what men would call a salad date. I hope that's not a problem for you.”

“Why would it be a problem? I tend to have a healthy appetite myself.” He locked on to her stare while he sipped his wine.

Victoria tried to pass off the weird fluttering in her stomach as mere hunger pangs, but it wasn't working. The way the flickering candlelight danced in Eamon's eyes put her on edge. How on earth was she going to be able to deflect a whole evening of sexual innuendos from the man when she was fighting not to sweep everything off their table and beg him to do her right then and there?

“I have a question,” he announced. “It's something that has been bothering me since the moment we met.”

She reached for her own glass. “Shoot.”

“I remember Marcus Henderson rather well. Nice guy… but, uh…how in the world did you two hook up?”

Victoria blinked.

Eamon chuckled and shook his head while he set his glass back down. “No disrespect, but you two are like night and day. The heiress and the accountant doesn't quite jibe with me. What gives?”

“I don't think that I understand what you mean.”

He locked down her gaze. “I think you do.”

It was her turn to squirm in her seat. “I didn't realize that I needed to run my preference in men by the Eamon King committee.”

“You're ducking the question.”

“Just because you ask a question doesn't mean that you're entitled to an answer.”

“Humor me and answer it anyway.”


“Why not?”

“Because…” She struggled for answer. “I don't want to.”

“Fine.” Eamon shrugged. “Then you force me to give my own assessment. Care to hear it?”

“Do I have a choice?”

He cut his gaze away as if he was seriously considering the question but then delivered a quick “No.”

She did, however, get a quick reprieve because Benito and a waitress delivered their appetizers, but they blew in and out like a Midwest tornado.

“Now, where was I?” Eamon asked. “Ah, yes. You purposely selected a man that you thought was a safe choice—nonthreatening.”

“Don't be ridiculous.” She unfolded her silverware and placed her linen napkin into her lap.

“Someone who didn't put on airs or was in the market for a trophy wife,” he continued. “Probably even someone who wouldn't mind signing an iron-clad prenuptial agreement, either.”

Victoria sliced into the tender crab cakes too hard and then jumped when the fork clanged against the plate.

“How am I doing?” he asked.

She refused to answer him.

“I'm not going to pretend that I grew up under similar conditions. My brothers and I grew up with more love than money. But my experience the last few years has introduced me to this phenomenon where it's difficult to judge whether people are around you for who you are and not what you have or possibly what you can give them.” He paused for a moment. “But from what little I do know about you, I think you're selling yourself short.”

During the next pause, her eyes slowly climbed from the gorgeous crab cakes to his maple-brown gaze.

“You're beautiful, smart and there's feistiness in you that is an incredible turn-on.”

Victoria watched as his gaze went from hot to
smoldering within a snap of her fingers. She didn't know how long they sat there staring at each other, but it was long enough for their main course to arrive even though they had yet to taste the appetizer. Benito paused just long enough to refill their wineglasses and then directed the waiter to quickly set the food on the table. In another blink they were gone.

“All right,” she said after finding her voice again. “Since you seem to know so much, what kind of man do you think I should go after?”

Eamon's lips sloped crookedly and in that instant, she decided that was her favorite smile by him. “That's a softball question.”

“Then let me hear your easy answer.” That damn candlelight continued to dance in his eyes, hypnotizing her effortlessly.

He reached across the table and captured her free hand within his. The electric connection jolted her. The small hairs on her arm and the back of her neck stood at attention.

Eamon's voice dropped to an all-time low register, “You need
deserve a man who is bold, adventurous and could take on that hot temper of yours with the same passion that you dish out.”

There was no doubt in Victoria's mind that her Agent Provocateur panties were now soaked and the ache pulsing between her legs matched the hammering that was going on inside her chest.

Braided hands. Sweaty bodies. Silk sheets.

At the moment, she would've gladly substituted the silk sheets for an oak table.

Victoria swallowed and licked her lips. She felt a surge of confidence when she saw how his eyes tracked her pink tongue as it glided across her glossy lips. “That's an
interesting list of qualities. You wouldn't happen to know anyone like that, would you?”

His slick smile returned as he nodded. “You're looking at him.”

Chapter 9

he small private room in the back of Bella's instantly went from a sauna to a raging inferno when Eamon stood up from his chair and swept his muscled arm across the tabletop and sent their dinner crashing to the floor.

Victoria was convinced that her heart had cracked through her rib cage as she stared up at Eamon like he was Mount Everest. Fleetingly, she thought that if she had any objections to what was about to go down she needed to speak now or forever hold her peace. She opened her mouth, but as luck would have it her vocal cords chose that moment to go out of service. The next thing she knew, Eamon's large and powerful hands were wrapped around her waist and she was airborne. It was a short flight before she landed onto their empty tabletop.

She might've had some concerns about the possibility of someone walking in on them, but the warning in her head was silenced the moment Eamon's hungry mouth
found hers. She moaned like an innocent fawn, but she soon found herself too drunk from the heady, rich taste of Eamon's kiss. His silken tongue glided against her own and then started mating in a ritual that was as old as time.

At that moment, there was no real thinking on either of their parts. It was all instinct and feeling. She was vaguely aware of her dress sliding up and her silk-lace panties sliding down her legs, just as he hardly paid attention to the tiny scratches her long fingernails made as she tore at his shirt. Even above the music she could hear buttons ping and zing around the room like .38 caliber bullets.

With an extra yank, Victoria's dress flew over her head and she was left sprawled across the table with only her pink-lace bra with a black ribbon around the band and sweetheart-shaped cups and a pair of metallic stilettos. Eamon raised his head long enough to take in her erotic pose, while she feasted her eyes on his muscular frame and smooth chocolate skin. Every inch of him looked so rich that she was sure that she would get a cavity if she risked biting him.

When their eyes locked together again, their mouths followed suit shortly thereafter. It might've been a mistake for her to close her eyes, because the colors inside her head spun like a kaleidoscope on crack.

Dean Martin crooned “when the moon hits your eye” as Eamon's fingers skimmed her body, stopping briefly to circle her belly button. Even that hardened her nipples. Through the delicate lace, they looked like toy marbles, and soon started to ache the same way the rose-colored pearl did between her legs.

She needed some relief…and soon.

As if their mouths were connected through tantric sexual telepathy, Eamon's fingers were on the move again. Skating casually along the bottom of her flat belly and then
dipping toward the soft fur between her legs. She didn't mean to, but she started to hold her breath the closer he came to dipping his fingers into her warm honey pot. Her lungs were probably grateful that she didn't have that long to wait.

The moment he pried her open and slid his middle finger inside of her, she pulled her lips away from his mouth and sighed like a deflating tire. He made small, teasing circles while he rained featherlight kisses down her long neck. It was enough to make her shoot off her fist orgasm in less than ninety seconds.

Eamon chuckled while her body quaked. “Something tells me that you've been waiting for that one.”

Victoria wished that she had something smart to say to that, but she was losing brain cells at an alarming rate. And when Eamon started frenching her left nipple through the thin nylon of her bra while kneeing her to spread her legs wider, she was ready to start speaking in tongues.

Eamon was doing his own dance with insanity. At that moment, he would've sworn in a court of law that Victoria's heavenly breasts were either sprinkled with fairy dust or brown sugar. And since diabetes ran in his family, he needed to take it easy. If that wasn't enough, there was something dangerously wicked about the feel of the honey coating his hand.

She was slick, warm and soft.

He was hard, smooth and ready.

He fought a war as to whether to take his time or ravish her like a starving man before an all-you-can-eat buffet. His body and mind were split right down the middle. One thing was for sure, his new addiction wasn't waiting for him to make up his mind. She crested her second orgasm the moment he slid in another finger.

Just watching her expressions alone was enough to get
any red-blooded man off. She didn't hold back with her sighing, moaning and groaning. Her face was a colorful canvas of orgasmic emotions and it was simply breathtaking. Gone was the carefully constructed wall around her heart and the well-honed sarcasm and cynicism. She was simply and completely caught up in the moment.

That was what made Eamon decide to take his time.

He abandoned her sweet breast making a mental note to return to it later. This time when he traveled down her body, he used his tongue to roll straight down the center of her torso. No GPS was needed. He was locked on to his coordinates while easing her body down toward the edge of the table.

Victoria's head thrashed as her body started building toward her third orgasm. It was already a record-breaking night as far as she was concerned. But when she felt the first flick of Eamon's tongue hit the center of her Tootsie Pop, she bolted upright on the table.

But that didn't stop Eamon's feasting. If anything, he was just getting started. Once again, she opened her eyes, but became fixated at the sight of this black King buried between her thighs. Their gazes remained locked as his tongue twirled around her honey-coated clit. The faster it went, the lower her jaw sagged. Between his tongue and the steady pumping of his other hand, she was riding another orgasmic wave. This one was by far the strongest of the three and Victoria instinctively tried to back away from the explosion that was just seconds from happening.

Eamon was having none of it. If she moved an inch, he moved two and made sure that he held on to her creamy, firm thighs for dear life in case she tried to buck him off.

As it turned out that was exactly her next game plan. The power of her third orgasm had her babbling a one-on-
one conversation with the Almighty while she collapsed against the table, bucking and thrashing like a cowgirl at the rodeo.

“Mmm. That was good, baby. Did you enjoy that?” He peppered kisses around her inner thigh while reaching into his back pocket for a condom. “Hmm?” More kisses were planted around her lower stomach, quivering belly button and then around the valley between her breasts.

Only when he was close enough to her lips could he make out her faint whisper of “Yes.”

He smiled at the sight of her messy hair and flushed face. This was definitely a vision he wouldn't mind spending his life gazing into. As quickly as the thought floated across his head, it disappeared like a wisp of smoke and he turned his attention again toward another slow suckling of her sweet breasts. This time, he peeled down the delicate bra and went for those beautiful brown nipples. Meanwhile, Eamon's steel-hard erection saw the corner of her right leg as a quiet request.

After thirty seconds, with no resistance or protest, he shifted his head to give the other puckered nipple some quality time while inching his hips and hard-on closer to her soft down.

She moaned. It was a clear sign that she was regaining her strength. Hard, ready and pressed against the apex of her sex, he found some reasonable amount of restraint to say, “If you want me to stop, say so now.”

When she didn't immediately answer, there was a skip in his heartbeat while his brain tried to scramble for a plan B. Just when the warning bells were going off and his hips were about to retreat, Victoria reached over and cupped his face in her hands. Their eyes locked for another simmering connection while she thrust her butt downward and joined their bodies together. Once she did so, he was
the one to gasp at the sudden snug fit. However, she had only managed to get him halfway in. To complete their joining, he lifted her up effortlessly and then allowed gravity and her body's sweet juices to ease him all the way home.

He groaned.

She moaned.

Now that they were joined, he didn't press her back down onto the table or even jack her up against a wall. Instead he sat down in a chair with her on his lap. The moment his bottom hit the chair, Victoria took the reins and started working her hips in a figure eight and even tossed in the occasional bounce.

Eamon continued groaning while burying his head in between her breasts. When it really got good to him, he locked his hands onto her hips while she rode him through the land of ecstasy where there were jasmine and white roses everywhere. He played every single mental game he could think of to extend the dizzy feelings that were coursing through him, but he was one trick short and the next thing he knew he was coming like a runaway freight train. It was just a stroke of luck that she came with him.

“Volare” floated like a lyrical dream from the overhead speakers while the newly minted lovers continued to cling to each other waiting to catch their breath. By the end of the three-minute song, both of them slowly started to take in their surroundings.

“Oh my God,” Victoria said, pressing a hand against her kiss-swollen mouth. “Look at this place.”

“Yep. It's a mess,” he said rather amused.

At the sight of that cocky smile, she tried to scramble off his lap.

“Wait. Where are you going?”

“To get dressed. It's just lucky that Benito hasn't come back here and caught us…”

Eamon arched a brow while he kept her firmly locked on his lap. “Hasn't caught us what?”

She looked at him as if he'd just sprouted a second head. “Stop playing and let me up. This whole thing is embarrassing enough.”

“Oh. You're embarrassed now?” he said, his amusement deepening. “You didn't look too embarrassed a few minutes ago. In fact…you looked rather breathtaking.”

She stopped squirming on his lap. And he was sorry that she did. His dick was getting harder by the second.

“There you go blushing at compliments again. I swear I don't know what to make of you.” He started nibbling on her neck and lower earlobe. At the sound of her sweet moan, his erection was back in full force. The speed with which he was able to reboot was impressive. Then again, she turned him on in a way that no other woman ever had. He was intrigued enough to want to keep her around a little while longer to get to the bottom of what he was feeling.

There wasn't anything wrong with that—was there?

She started to get up again, at least that's what he initially thought until he released her waist only to have her slide back down his ever hardening cock. When she tightened her vaginal muscles and rolled her hips, he knew that she wanted to play again.

“I guess that you're not so concerned about Benito anymore?” He lifted his hips as well and started meeting her soft thrusts with one of his own.

“We might have a few extra minutes,” she reasoned between short breaths.

“We have longer than that, if he wants to keep his job,” Eamon chuckled before zeroing in on her delectable right nipple.

Victoria stopped and grabbed the sides of his face. “What are you talking about? This is his restaurant, isn't it?”

Eamon frowned. “I don't remember selling it to him.”

She released his face and then eased back in his lap. Once again, his arms locked around her waist to make sure that she didn't try to escape. “This is your restaurant?”

He bobbed his head and smiled. “It looks like I'm going to have to get your opinion on those crab cakes another time.”

“So no one is going to come back here?”

“Not unless they want to reserve a spot on the unemployment line.”

Victoria slapped him on the chest.

“Oww!” He blinked. “What was that for?”

“You could've told me,” she snapped, but couldn't stop her lips from creeping even higher.

“Sorry, but, uh…” He tweaked her nipples. “I was a little busy.”

“Were you now?” Her smile grew downright playful while her hips started making those wonderful figure eights. “Well, you haven't seen nothin' yet.”


She nodded. “Fasten your seatbelt, it going to be a bumpy ride.”

BOOK: King's Passion
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