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Authors: Angela Castle

Keeping Katie (3 page)

BOOK: Keeping Katie
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"Some of us aren't lazy arses." Jordan slapped Jacks arse as he rolled out of bed.

Jack growled when Jordan jumped out of reach of his retaliating hand. One part of his body was up even if the rest wasn't.

"Back here boy or you'll be sorry." Jordan's eyes lit with Jack's challenge.

"Why don't you make me?" Jack jumped off the bed faster than Jordan could leap away. Jack tackled Jordan to the floor, pushing him face down on the carpet. He twisted and pinned Jordan's right arm behind his back. Not enough not to cause pain but enough to control and manoeuvre him easily. Jack used his other hand to grip the base of Jordan's neck.

Jack was half a foot taller than Jordan, but Jordan was heavier built with more defined muscle mass. Jordan could have thrown Jack off, winning the physical contest for dominance. But Jack knew Jordan loved these power play games, trusting Jack would never over step the bounds and hurt him. Both breathing hard, Jack leaned down and bit Jordan between his shoulder and neck. Jordan's muscles relaxed in submission.

"Bend over the bed, boy." When he was on his knees, Jack pulled on Jordan's arm to bring him off the floor. Jack forced Jordan over the end of the bed. Jordan's dick was pressed into the side of the bed and his arse exposed. "Hand's above your head."

Jordan complied, fisting the sheets in his hands. Jack slammed his open palm over his arse cheek. Jordan yelped.

"Not a sound, take your punishment like a good boy." Jack smacked the other arse cheek, rubbing out each sting before slapping again and again, his hips jerking into the comforter over and over until Jordan's whole arse was glowing red. It was a beautiful sight.

"Good boy." Jack's praise made Jordan groan. He dropped to his knees bending to kiss the rosy globes before pulling Jordan's arse cheeks apart and licking at his hole.

Jordan moaned and wriggled his ass. Jack slipped his tongue deep inside.

"Ooooh, fuck, Jack," Jordan moaned. He frantically pushed his arse deeper onto Jack's tongue. Jack hungrily stabbed at Jordan's ass; his wet hole pulsed and twitched sucking in his tongue. His wall muscles squeezed and pulsed, just begging to be fucked. Jack grabbed onto Jordan's hips, and his tongue slipped out. Jordan moaned in disappointment. Jack was desperate to sink his hard cock into Jordan's hot dark channel.

"Don't move." Jack jumped to the bedside drawer pulling out the lube, flipping off the cap hastily then squeezing a blob onto his dick. He smoothed it over and in a flash he was back behind Jordan. He placed the head of his cock at the puckered hole and pushed, slipping easily past the sphincter muscle.

"Oh, good god!" Jordan moaned, pushing his arse back against him. Jack shoved all the way till he was buried balls deep. Jordan's tight hole always felt fucking fantastic the way his inner walls gripped at his long cock.

"Oh yeah, baby, take it." Jack closed his eyes slowly sliding in and out a few times before he started to fuck Jordan at a fast and furious pace. He reached around grabbing a hold of Jordan's thick cock, pumping it tightly up and down to the same rhythm of his thrusts.

"Oh god, fuck, fuck, fuck, Jack!" Jordan panted and moaned. Beads of perspiration broke out over both their bodies. Jack quickened his pace, thrusting harder into Jordan. "Fuck man, I'm gonna come!" Jordan practically screamed.

Jacks hands tightened on Jordan's cock, pumping it tight in short quick jerks. Jordan started convulsing; Jack felt he wasn't far behind, as his lover blew his load all over the comforter. Jack kept milking Jordan until he was spent. Before Jack released him to grip Jordan's hips, he slammed into him hard.

Jack threw back his head, growling as stars exploded behind his eyes, spewing deep into Jordan's channel. With a few more pumps, Jack collapsed onto Jordan's back.

He rolled off to pull Jordan into his arms. Jack softly brushed his lips over Jordan's.

Their tongues mingled, both giving a soft moan.

"That was fucking fantastic," Jordan said when he finally got his breathing under control. "You know I love you man."

"I know," was all Jack could reply. His eyes closed and heart still pounding, he was comforted by Jordan's warmth. He felt Jordan pull out of his arms. A moment later he heard the shower going. It's not that he didn't feel something for Jordan; this was the longest relationship Jack had ever had. Whenever he tried to tell Jordan how he felt, he always seemed to clam up. Jack had known for most of his life, if something was too good to be true, it most likely was.

~ * ~

"How'd you find your first night?"

Katie handed her uncle Allen a cup of tea as he came into the kitchen.

"Not bad, it was easy enough."

"Two nights a week will give you some pocket money."

She nodded, sitting down to drink her tea. She hadn't slept well last night. Her head had been full of Jack Cullen-his smile, and the way his voice had sounded like silk, caressing her skin. She remembered the way his lips had felt when they had touched the back of her hand and the warmth of his breath. She gave a shudder, remembering how her dreams had then morphed into the usual nightmare of her past, nightmares that had plagued her for a very long time.

"So, what are you going to do today?" Allen asked, bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Oh, I'd thought I'd take my scooter and go explore the east side."

"A sound idea, but be careful on that contraption of yours." She had spent a fair bit of her savings on a Vespa moped bike. It seemed like the most sensible way to get around the outer London streets. Already having a motorbike license, she had found it easy to get a British permit to drive her moped around.

"Aunt Penny told me there are jobs pinned up on the local notice board at the market square. It might be worth a look."

Her elderly uncle gave an encouraging smile. "Good luck then, Katie." Allen picked up his newspaper she had collected from the doorstep along with the milk.

Her uncle and aunt were the only family she had left. They had been kind and had taken her in. Katie was more than grateful. They were generous and caring, but Katie didn't want to be a burden on anyone. She was used to working, even if it was helping her grandfather and keeping house. She wanted to work to pay her way, yet she had never had a real paying job. The Australian Government had paid her an allowance to stay at home and look after her sick grandfather until his death.

Aunt Penny had flown over from the UK for his funeral and had invited her to come and live in London with them, leaving the sale of the house in the hands of an agent.

She didn't know how long the house would take to sell, but until then she needed to earn a living.

Katie helped out around the house as much as her aunt would allow. Her Aunt fussed about her doing too much, saying she should be out enjoying herself with people her own age. She didn't know anyone her age. She didn't have a lot of social experience or social skills. She was usually shy and withdrawn and found it difficult to make friends. Even after four weeks living in the outer London suburbs, she was still trying to get her bearings and decide what she wanted to do with her life.

"Enjoy your day, Uncle Allen." She picked up her helmet and jacket.

"You too love. Remember, be careful on those roads. London drivers are crazier than the hounds of hell."

"I'll be careful." She smiled, heading out the backdoor. Her moped was parked by the back shed. She donned her jacket, slipped on her helmet before swinging her leg over the bike seat, and fired it up.

~ * ~

At the market square, Katie glanced over the public notice board. There were a few adverts for waitresses, a plumber, two Fitters and Turners, and a flower shop assistant. She frowned. There wasn't much there. Maybe she could wait tables.

Turning the wheel, she dislodged one of the notices; it fluttered down onto the floor.

She bent down to retrieve the fallen piece of paper, only to notice a second notice lodged behind a gumball machine. She picked up both notices, reading the second one.

"Casual labour required for restoration work, 132 Carters Road East Village.

Interview in person with Jordan MaKensy before ten a.m."

It was today's date. She checked her watch. It was nine thirty a.m. She doubted anyone else had seen this ad as it has been hidden on the floor. Katie tucked the notice into her jacket pocket and went to the counter of the shop to ask for directions to Carters Road.

~ * ~

Jordan groaned in frustration. The teenage boy with the spiked hair and overly baggy clothes had removed only a small part of the debris from the front parlour. The boy complained constantly and kept ducking out to smoke cigarettes.

Jordan was all for giving the youth a fair go, helping turn them into productive, hard workers, and teaching them skills that would take them through their lives. But he couldn't help those who didn't want it.

This boy didn't seem to want it. What he seemed to want was lots of money with very little effort. Jordan sighed; he knew what he had to do.

"Justin, a word if you will." The boy looked up with a sneer of distaste on his face.

"Yeah, what now?"

Jordan took in a deep breath to steel himself for the task at hand.

"Look son, I don't think things are quite working out. I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go." There, it was out. Jordan took a fifty-pound note from his wallet. It was far more than the little work the boy had done.

Justin let out a string of curses before he snatched the fifty pounds from Jordan's hands.

"Fucking fantastic; hate this crap anyhow," he muttered. Jordan stood his ground, waiting until the youth had picked up his things and stomped off. Jordan kept close watch until Justin had cleared the gate before breathing a sigh of relief. One problem solved was another problem caused. He was now short a pair of hands.

He checked his watch; it was five to ten. No one had turned up in response to the notice he had placed on the local job market wall. He may have to advertise in the paper or even use a job agency to find a worker.

Jordan turned around and heaved another sigh. The place wasn't going to renovate itself.

A buzzing sound in the distance grew louder and louder until he saw a little red moped bike and rider drive into the main yard. A small measure of hope came over him. Maybe someone had seen his ad after all. He saw the swell and outline of breasts before she pulled her helmet off. It was a woman with curly blond hair and beautiful wide blue eyes and oh, so full red lips. Jordan stood transfixed as she switched off the bike, kicked out the stand, and dismounted.

"Are you Jordan MaKensy?" Jordan swallowed hard, recognizing the accent as Australian. Did she realize how sexy she looked with her tight, worn Denim jeans and a pink T-shirt that hugged her upper torso? An upper torso which was slightly hidden by a black denim jacket? Her wavy blond hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail. He wanted to reach out and pull the band from her hair so he could run his fingers though the golden masses. He realised he was staring, possibly drooling.

Blood coursed down into his cock. Fuck, now he'd have a hard on for the rest of the day. He cursed himself for thinking with his dick and not his brain.

"Ah, yeah, you are?"

"Hi, I'm Katie Weston. I understand you need a labourer."

"No offense, Miss Weston, but I was kind of hoping for a guy."

She looked him straight in the eyes and smiled. His pulse suddenly doubled as more blood rushed down to his cock, making it almost agonizing. Jordan prayed she hadn't noticed.

"I know, but I'm a hard worker, and I know which end of a hammer to drive a nail. My grandfather was a builder. I used to spend a lot of time on building sites, helping out."

Jordan sent a silent thank you to the heavens, but he would have to test her claim.

He desperately needed a worker and wasn't going to refuse her on her gender, even one as sexy as this little Australian.

"Okay, can you start right now? My last worker just left." Her beautiful blue eyes widened in delight.

"You mean that kid with the weird spiky hair?"

Jordan was grinning like an idiot.

"Yes, that one."

She gave a laugh. "Don't worry, they breed them weird in Australia too." He smiled at her humour; he liked her more with every passing second.

"Where can I park my scooter?"

"Put it around the side of the house, but don't blame me if you run screaming when you see how much work there is to do."

"If I run screaming, I'm sure it won't be from a job, unless you're really an axe wheeling manic, luring workers so you can hack them to pieces."

He laughed, heartily. "The axe is inside; you can tell me if it's sharp enough to hack with." With a broad smile he watched her skip back to her scooter. She kicked back the stand and pushed it along. This gave him a nice view of her denim-covered backside as she leaned over her bike.

She shouldered off her denim jacket. Jordan noticed she wore a grey, long sleeved shirt under her pink T-shirt. He forced himself to turn away as he walked into what would be his and Jack's new home.

"Wow, nice place, great potential." She was glancing around in the main foyer.

"Got it for a song. With the down turn in the housing market, no one wants to buy into detonators at the moment."


"Renovate or detonate." She stood close to him and the soft smell of vanilla wafted off her body. He licked his lips hungrily, wanting a taste of his sweet Aussie worker.

"Ahhh, so this is going to be your place?"

He gave a nod.

"I'm taking a break from my regular renovation work to work on my own project for once."

"Sounds good. So, Boss, what's first on the agenda?"

out of those jean's.
He chastised his wayward thoughts.

"Would you like me to clear out the main rooms on the ground floor? Are the floor boards good or are you going to replace them?"

Jordan had to stop his jaw from dropping; she may know a thing or two after all. He cleared his throat.

"Everything is good apart from the dining room. Be careful where you tread. There is a skip though the back door via the kitchen and one out the front. I need to get the patches into the ceiling and replace several of the roof slates. If you need anything or have any troubles, you'll have to come outside and yell."

BOOK: Keeping Katie
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