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Authors: My Last Romance,other passions

Kathleen Valentine (13 page)

BOOK: Kathleen Valentine
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Knit Your Tail Off: The Mermaid's Garden Shawl

In this booklet you will find knitting instructions for this beautiful lace shawl including charts for 3 lace patterns and a discussion of knitting lace in the round.
(eBook only)





Kathleen Valentine was born and grew up in the Allegheny highlands of Pennsylvania. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in The Arts and worked for over twenty years in the art/marketing departments of high-tech corporations. Since 2003 she has run her own design business, She is the author of
Fry Bacon. Add Onions
, a cookbook/memoir of growing up Pennsylvania Dutch, as well as 3 novels, several novelettes and short story collections, and knitting instruction books. Her blog at has been read by thousands of readers since its beginning in July 2005.


She currently lives in Gloucester, Massachusetts, America’s oldest seaport, and is writing
every day.



BOOK: Kathleen Valentine
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