Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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Chapter 10

As we follow Demon, getting closer and closer to the loud music, Natasha comes from behind and walks alongside me. Natasha gives me a slight smile and links hands, giving me that little bit of comfort before I’m thrown into the unknown. She lets go and walks in front of me, and I’m confused as to why she has traded places with me until we enter the dark room and I’m surrounded by loud, vibrating music and men’s voices. By the sound of it, there are a lot of men here. I would not have liked to walk into this room right behind Demon, I see men lurking at Natasha and then at me. I use Natasha to hide behind, I love this woman even more for what she has done for me. Unfortunately it doesn’t last for too long because Demon steps back and wraps an arm around us both, walking in the middle of us as if we’re his trophies.  Men stare and I’m not saying I’m a stranger to attention from the opposite sex, but in this room and in this stupid outfit it’s a lot different. I’m essentially on show for these men, an advert for sex and if you want me you can have me, no objections.

“Now girls,” Demon speaks to us. “You’re here to give these men a great night and that means they’re in charge. I don’t want any trouble, if I hear anything I won’t be a happy man and if I’m not happy you won’t be.”

I hear the threat and nod, I know my duties here and even though I hate every second spent here I don’t want to be tortured tomorrow because I didn’t open my legs for a man tonight. That may be fucked up, but right now that’s the way it is for me. If what I watched last night of Natasha’s time with the club members, and that wasn’t torture, then I dread to think what is and I don’t intend to find out.

Demon leaves us to it and is welcomed by many men at the bar. He’s treated like a god around here.

“Stick with me.” Natasha orders and as she slowly struts through the crowd, I follow. Men reach out and touch us as we pass. I feel like I’m a piece of meat on sale at a freaking market by the way they hungrily stare. 

The silent girl from the pamper room with Tracy appears and quickly passes Natasha two small glasses. I look to Natasha who motions for me to follow. I look around to see the girl but as quickly as she arrived, she’s gone. I quickly walk behind Natasha and when we round a corner she faces me, thrusting the glass in my face. “Drink.”

“What is it?” I ask.

“Liquid courage.” She tips her head back, swallowing what I’m guessing is alcohol. The booming laughter of the bikers behind us persuades me to do the same. “When she passes, you take. It’s not practical, but it helps.”

We drop our glasses and walk back into the main area. “Who is she?” I ask her.

“Everyone calls her Chatter.” She whispers back.

“But I haven’t heard her talking.” I point out.

“Exactly.” She laughs.

“Did she come here like us?” I ask.

“No, she’s actually the daughter of a member.” I’m that shocked that I almost stop walking. Natasha gives me a sad smile and I have to gather myself quickly because we’re back to the meat market.

The music is so loud that when Natasha does talk to me, I can’t hear her and the same goes for the men. I can’t hear their rude comments and I’m glad, but I do see the way they look at me. That I can’t ignore. Sadly for me she’s been approached by a man in leather. I watch as he grabs her close, Natasha smiles and tries to put some space between them but he pulls her back in. He begins to kiss her and I turn around, I don’t want to watch. I look around and all I can see is sex, booze and as much as I love both of them, I’m used to being on the outside of club life and this is completely different. I walk in between sexing couples and eager men, I know I should act interested but I don’t think I can. I spot a door, totally unguarded and make my way to it. I see my chance and take it, quickly strutting as fast as I can. My heart beats faster and faster the closer I get to it, it’s in my reach. I have to get out of here, I feel so hot and sweat coats my skin. I crave the fresh air, to have it cool me and refresh my skin. A plan forms in my mind, to find the nearest house and save Natasha and the rest of the girls. 

A wide smile appears as I reach for the door and find that it’s unlocked. I burst through and I’m about to make a run for it but a hand clamps around my wrist and pulls me back into a body. I gasp and I’m about to scream but his hand covers my mouth.

“Trying to run away from me?” Demon growls. I shake my head, lying to him probably isn’t a good idea but I can’t tell him what my plans really are. Demon laughs and turns me around to face him. “Then why did I see you running out here then?”

Demon lets his hand from my mouth drop so I’m able to answer. “I needed some air.”

Demon thinks for a few seconds, staring at me and eventually nods. “Come with me.” He takes hold of my hand, but I don’t move. Demon turns with a deep frown. “I said come with me.”

Natasha’s warning words repeat in my head and I let him lead me back inside. My body screams to not let him, to keep running but I don’t see how that’s possible. Demon pulls me through the large crowd of people, most of the coupling has disappeared which I’m glad to see. Women give Demon wide smiles, and scowl at me when they see he’s leading me. These women aren’t wearing the same outfit as I am. They’re wearing their own clothing. These are the bitches that choose to be here and think its ok to have women like Natasha and I kept captive. They’re as bad as the bikers.

I catch sight of Natasha sitting on the bar, now naked and seeing to two men. This is fucking wrong but I’m afraid I’ll never get out. Natasha catches sight of me and stares wide eyes as she watches Demon lead me away. She slowly shakes her head before she’s pulled down to suck someone’s cock. I’m not stupid. I haven’t forgotten her warning words about Demon. I can’t be good at this. I can’t stand out because I don’t want to become his. I have to live, and if I become Demon’s latest obsession then I’m as good as dead.

Chapter 11


After a few minutes I recognize that Demon is taking me to his office. My heart picks up speed and I try to pull on his arm to stop but he tugs back even harder. I wince from the pressure. I’m going to have a lovely mark tomorrow.

He throws the door open, shoving me inside and locking it behind us. He slowly strolls into the middle of the room, his large frame is very intimidating and no, I can’t ignore the fact that he is sexy but that doesn’t change who he is. “You’re lucky that it was me who found you.”

I look around the room, happy to see there’s not as many guns on the desk as there was last time. “How so?” I ask.

I see the annoyance flash on his face. “Because if it was any of those other men out there, you would be naked, hung up and being raped repeatedly right now.”

My eyes widen from the shock of his words and he nods. “And you’re better?” I dare to ask.

A devilish grin appears across his face. “No, I’m not saying that but you need to watch how you speak to me.” I nod in answer. “Now sit on the sofa.”

I hesitate for a second but when I see the warning on Demon’s face, just daring me to disobey, I decide to take a seat. Demon quickly follows, standing over me. “How do you like your new life with the Devil’s?” I’m shocked by his question, and obviously I can’t say how much I hate it, so I nod my head and smile. This makes him laugh down at me. “I think it’s time to give you your name.”

“I have a name.” I point out.

“Lauren?” He asks and I shouldn’t be shocked. He is Andrew’s uncle after all. “No, I don’t like that.” He reaches for my hair and swirls it around his finger. “I love your shiny black hair, makes me want to pull it as I fuck you from behind.” I gulp at his words. “That’s what I’ll call you.”

“What?” I’m confused. “Black hair?”

Demon laughs loudly. “No! Your name is Raven.” He rakes his big hands through my hair, it feels so good and I hate the fact that I close my eyes and savour it. “See Raven, I think you could really enjoy life here. You just need to relax.” He crouches down in front of me. “If you let the club look after you and let me take care of all your needs, you will have a much happier life.”

A happier life? Is this guy for real?

I don’t think this place is capable of providing a happy life for anyone, except maybe the members. Demon opens my legs and of course I do nothing to stop him. When he sees that I am naked under the skirt that was provided by Tracy, he smiles along with a groan. “See, you’re perfect.”

He dips his head between my legs and my reaction is to pull away but when Demon glares up at me, I place my bottom back on the sofa. The thing with Demon is that he acts like he’s better than all his men, but I keep getting these glimpses of the beast hidden underneath. Demon is definitely a man to watch, it’s like Natasha said, he’s the president for a good reason. I let my legs soften, “Good girl, Raven.”

He lifts my legs higher, revealing myself to him and in that moment I let Lauren drift away and welcome Raven. As Demon begins to swipe his tongue, I can’t help but let out a long sigh. I begin to moan and let my tears fall. No matter how mean Demon is, the man is very talented with his tongue. My head is against this, but my clit is arguing with me. He growls, deepening his tongue and I gasp at the intrusion. I can feel my climax approaching but I try to fight it off. I don’t want this man to make me come, that’s just all sort of wrong! In the end, if doesn’t matter how much I fight it, Demon enters two fingers into me as he continues to lick and I come with a vengeance. I don’t hide my tears when he looks up at me, my juices glistening around his mouth.

“You, fucking taste amazing.” Demon moans and then in a flash becomes wild.

He lets go of my legs, unfastens his belt and lets his cock free.
Holy shit that’s a huge cock!
I watch, fascinated as he covers his large piece of meat. Demon watches me as he sinks inside, keeping eye contact as he fills me. He never breaks it as he pounds into me, holding my legs high so that he hits my sweet spot. I have no choice but to moan from the feeling and Demon loves it. His grin widens the more I groan. After I fall apart a second time, he flips me over and starts all over again from behind. I stare off into space; my body feels distant as he uses me for his enjoyment.

Chapter 12


After using me, Demon bathes me and dries me himself with a towel. I don’t know what to do or say, so I do nothing. I let him care for me because that’s what it feels like he’s doing.

By the time he takes me back to my room, better known as my cell, Natasha is already there. I cry as I look at her as she glares at Demon securing my chains. “Hope you had a good night, girls.” He grins and locks the door behind him.

“Are you ok?” Natasha asks.

“I’ll be fine.” I quietly answer.

“What happened?” She sounds concerned and she has a reason to be.

“What do you think?” I ask sarcastically.

“Shit.” She curses. “Did he?” She struggles to ask.

“Use his favourite knife? Yes he did.” I finish.

“Fuck, when I saw you with him I was so worried.” She confesses.

“How are you?” I ask. “Last time I saw you, you were being chocked.”

“Same shit different day.” She responds and I nod, even though she can’t see me. “Let’s just take a much needed breather from this fucked up bullshit.”

“Amen.” I whisper, feeling sleepy already from all the madness and crying.

My eyes begin to flutter when I hear the click of the lock. I hear Natasha gasp and I rub the sleep from my eyes. When the door opens, I see the one and only Strike standing in the doorway, scowling down at me. He makes a beeline for me, crouching down to get right in my face.

“I’ve been hearing stories about you.” He sneers. “Seems like the good old Prez had you all to himself.”

I don’t reply, both me and Natasha stay silent.

“Don’t get used to it, little bitch.” He continues. “You prefer my cock, I know you do.”

Suddenly he yanks me up, my chains will only let me go into a standing position but that doesn’t bother him. Strike pins me up against the wall, spreading my legs with his knee. Natasha quickly follows, the light coming from outside the door letting me see the anger in her face.

“What’s the matter?” He asks Natasha. “Can’t save your girl? Too bad, you’re just going to have to watch.”

Strike struggles but he manages to get out his cock and apply a condom one handed and thrusts himself into me. I cry out in pain but he doesn’t give a shit. “You better not like Demon’s dick more than mine.” He growls, thrusting harder and harder. I look over his shoulder and find Natasha’s eyes. She gives me a smile as she stands and watches. She can’t get to me, but she still helps me. I keep eye contact with her, tears rolling down my face and hers too. Strike eventually comes, and like the gentleman he is he swings a right hook that lands on my left cheek and I slam to the floor. I hear Natasha scream and Strike tells her to shut up, leaving us alone again.

“Lauren?” She whimpers and I manage to lift my head, that punch was packing some weight. “Can you come any closer?”

I try to move but my head spins a little, eventually I make it close enough to her that she can touch me. She wraps her arms around me the best she can with her chains and kisses my forehead.

“I got you.” She whispers. “We only have each other in this shit, remember that, Lauren.”

BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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