Just Physical (45 page)

BOOK: Just Physical
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Jae grew up amidst the vineyards of southern Germany. She spent her childhood with her nose buried in a book, earning her the nickname
. The writing bug bit her at the age of eleven. For the last eight years, she has been writing mostly in English.

She used to work as a psychologist but gave up her day job in December 2013 to become a full-time writer and a part-time editor. As far as she's concerned, it's the best job in the world.

When she's not writing, she likes to spend her time reading, indulging her ice cream and office supply addictions, and watching way too many crime shows.


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Damage Control



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An actress practically since birth, Grace Durand has finally made it in Hollywood. When a photo of her in a seeming compromising situation with another woman is plastered all over the tabloids, she fears for her career as a lead in romantic movies.

Desperate for a publicist who'll convince America that she's straight, Grace hires Lauren Pearce, one of Hollywood's leading PR agents, not knowing that she's a lesbian.

Lauren has dealt with PR nightmares for years, so doing damage control for one more rich, spoiled client shouldn't be a problem—or so she thinks. But the more time she spends with Grace, the more she realizes how different she is from her television persona.

Getting involved with her client is not in her game plan, especially since it would confirm the rumors and ruin Grace's career, but the attraction between them is growing as they run the gauntlet of the paparazzi together.



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Having just landed a role on a hot new TV show, she's determined to focus on her career and doesn't need any complications in her life. After a turbulent breakup with her starlet ex, Michelle swore she would never get involved with an actress again.

Another high-maintenance woman is the last thing she wants, and her first encounter with Amanda certainly makes her appear the type. But after a date that is not a date and some meddling from Amanda's grandmother, they both begin to wonder if it's not time for a departure from their usual dating scripts.

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When Teresa and Ellie meet and fall in love, their worlds clash. Ellie would love to be part of Teresa's family, but they both know that will never happen. Sooner or later, Teresa will have to choose between the two halves of her heart—Ellie or her family.

Set in 1980, the beginning of the Reagan era and the decline of Pittsburgh's steel empire, Cast Me Gently is a classic lesbian romance.



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Filled with self-doubt, Anna feels as if she's making a mess of the entire thing, especially when she collides with a long-legged stranger. Anna barely has time to brush her teeth in the morning, let alone to date a woman—least of all one who has no idea about the two kids under her care.

Just when Anna finally starts to feel as if she's getting some control of the situation, the biggest fight begins and Anna really has to step up once and for all.



Rewriting the Ending

hp tune


Juliet is an author with a deadline. A big deadline…and a ratty old backpack, and she's on her way to Belgium.

Mia has a one-way, first-class ticket to anywhere. Today anywhere happens to be Scotland. The one thing she knows is that money can't buy happiness, and she has no idea what does.

A chance meeting in an airport lounge and a shared flight itinerary leaves Juliet and Mia connected. They've known each other for only twenty-four hours and they are destined for separate continents. How do you forge a future when the past keeps pulling you back?



Stowe Away

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Samantha Latham is a little socially awkward and a lot brilliant. When she arrives at Yale, thrilled to finally escape her rural Vermont hometown called Stowe, the focused and driven Sam knows exactly what she wants: an illustrious career as a medical researcher and a relationship with her new best friend Natalie, a talented yet capricious girl who keeps Sam guessing.

Everything changes when Sam must suddenly withdraw from school to care for her invalid mother back in Vermont. Moving back to Stowe means no more brilliant career in medicine, and definitely no more Natalie. As she finds herself alone, faced with a life she never wanted, Sam slowly learns to recalibrate what she considers success, discovering the artistic side of Stowe, a community of lesbians she never imagined existed there, and a new woman who inspires Sam to rethink everything she thought she knew—especially about love.

Just Physical

© by Jae


ISBN (mobi): 978-3-95533-535-9

ISBN (epub): 978-3-95533-536-6


Also available as paperback.


Published by Ylva Publishing, legal entity of Ylva Verlag, e.Kfr.


Ylva Verlag, e.Kfr.

Owner: Astrid Ohletz

Am Kirschgarten 2

65830 Kriftel





First edition: December 2015


No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are a product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.



Edited by Lauren Sweet

Proofread by Joan Bassler

Cover Design by Streetlight Graphics

BOOK: Just Physical
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