Read Jonesin' For Action Online

Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Jonesin' For Action (4 page)

BOOK: Jonesin' For Action
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She bolted upright and snapped on the night light. Aidan jerked in surprise and whipped the sheet across his lap. Something thunked against the floor. He covered up so fast she caught only a glimpse of his amputated leg. It looked like just about any other male thigh, except there was no knee hanging over the edge of the bed. It wasn’t any more startling than the sight of one leg of his baggy shorts being pinned shut at the end while he had waterskied. Still, he clearly thought otherwise as he sat there staring back at her. He hadn’t bothered to make sure the tip of his hard cock was covered. It peeked out from the sheet as if it were playing a game of hide and seek and really hoping she’d find it.

“Sorry,” Aidan said. “I was trying not to wake you.”

Marissa combed her hair off her face with an impatient swipe of her hand. “No problem.” She paused and narrowed her eyes at him. “You got some place you need to be at nearly,” she glanced at her nightstand clock, “four in the morning?”

He grimaced. “Um, no. I just figured you’d appreciate it if I was gone before morning.”

“Huh!” She flopped back down. “In the whole history of humanity, has any woman ever been the one that wanted the guy gone after fucking?”


“That was a rhetorical question, Chief.” She waved at him. “Look, if you want to go, go. I had a great time, but no strings attached. I get it.” Part of her did, but part of her was hurt, and that was plain dumb because she had propositioned him. She knew he was on vacation and looking for a quick lay like just about everyone else who came to Key West. It wasn’t fair to fault him for wanting to leave once he had gotten his rocks off.

“Hey.” He reached across the bed and clasped her hand. “I don’t want to leave. I really did think you might prefer it.” He rubbed his thumb in slow circles around her inner wrist. “It will be light soon, and I’m not the prettiest sight first thing in the morning.”

She rolled her eyes. “As if anyone is. I know,” she added before he could say it. “You don’t want me seeing your leg. I can see your cock, though, and it looks eager to play some more.”

He gave her a sly grin. “You do seem to inspire it. Besides, I want you to look at my dick. It’s one of my best features.” His grin faded. “My leg’s not. It’s kind of…ugly.”

She wanted to argue the point and knew it was futile. It wasn’t fair, either, for her to push him on it. He’d taken a big step in coming to a bar and then coming home with her. If she insisted he go outside of his comfort zone, she’d drive him away. She wasn’t his girlfriend or even a casual date. This was a one night stand, but if she played her cards right, maybe it could be more. Leaning over to turn off the light, she said, “Grab a condom and come back to bed.”

She settled down with her eyes closed to give him whatever space he needed to position himself back by her side. She heard the drawer open and the crinkle of the wrapper. The mattress dipped as he slid in beside her. With gentle hands, he turned her on her side, her back to him. He bent her top leg, pressing her knee close to her chest. Then he slid his cock into her pussy with one long, slow stroke. His pubic hair tickled her bottom as he set a pace of steady thrusting. He wiggled one arm under hers to clasp a breast, his thumb and forefinger squeezed the already hardened nipple. His other hand slung over her hip, and he dipped his fingers between her folds to tease and stroke her clit.

The pleasure built slowly, pulling her up to the peak without making her surrender the languor of having been recently asleep. She remained passive in his embrace, happy to let him do all the work, believing it mattered to him, too, that he was in command. It was only when her breaths became shorter and harsher, testament to her mounting climax, that his pace increased. His thrusts became stronger, his body slapping against hers with greater urgency. As she felt the first wave of orgasm crest, she pressed her body back in a counter rhythm to force him harder into her eager cunt. She squeezed the walls around his cock as tightly as she could and cried out. He slammed his cock in one more time before he shouted above her head, his fingers pressing into her flesh.

The need to sleep pulled her under even before the last spasm subsided. This time, she felt Aidan’s arms firmly around her body and knew he wasn’t going to sneak away.


He was gone when Marissa woke up the second time. Light shone through her curtains, telling her it was morning before she even looked at the clock. Normally she’d sleep in later on a Sunday, and if it weren’t for the smell of coffee and the sound of Aidan talking quietly in the kitchen, she might have rolled over and willed herself back to unconsciousness. He hadn’t left her after all, only her bedroom.

She jumped out of bed and pulled on a cotton camisole and panties. As she walked into the living room, she tied her hair back with a scrunchy. She stopped, stared and grinned at the sight of her guest standing in her kitchen, sexily rumpled, bare-chested, and talking on the phone.

“No worries, dude, I’ll find my way back to the house and get my stuff. Stay alert out there.” He hung up and pocked the phone in his shorts. “Sorry, did the call wake you?” His tone was casual, but his heated gaze made her blush.

She sauntered toward him, aware that her nipples pressed against the thin material of her shirt and her panties were already sticking to the folds of her wet cunt. Damn, she wasn’t usually a morning sex person. The sight of this man encouraged her to reassess her viewpoint.

“Not really,” she said in answer to his question and couldn’t help cooing in delight when he poured her some fresh coffee. Sliding onto a bar stool at the counter, she grasped the mug with both hands and inhaled deeply.

“I hope you don’t mind my starting breakfast,” he said as he handed her the carton of cream. “I have eggs ready to scramble and English muffins waiting in the toaster.”

“Mind?” She eyed him with an arched brow. “What woman minds a guy cooking for her?”

“Well, some people are proprietary about their kitchens. Which reminds me,” he added, leaning against the counter with his own mug in hand. “I used some of your toothpaste this morning.”

Marissa ran her tongue along her own fuzzy-feeling teeth. “That’s not a problem. I should do the same, and I could use a shower.” She looked at him over the rim of her mug and said, “Maybe we can take one together.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she realized what she had said. Before she could sputter an apology, he shook his head with a smile.

“A tempting offer. I’d love to soap you all up, but,” he shrugged. “It’s easier for me to shower sitting down. Plus I need grab bars high up.” He shrugged again and looked away.

And he didn’t want her seeing his leg. Boy, how dumb was she? They’d covered this territory already about a million times. Keeping it light, she hopped off the stool with her coffee. “If you’ve got the food covered, I think I’ll grab a quick shower. Why don’t you take a PTA bath after we eat?” When he looked at her in confusion, she clarified. “Pits, tits and ass, PTA. It’s a Maine expression I think. I’ve heard my father say it my whole life when talking about a sponge bath.”

“So you’re from Maine? I couldn’t place the accent.”

“I’m from nowhere and everywhere, actually. My father is career Navy. He’s chief engineer on the U.S.S. Intrepid.”

Aidan gave her a brilliant smile, all anxiety over the shower talk gone. “You’re a Navy brat, huh? Should have known. That’s the real reason you pegged me so quickly.”

“Maybe,” she allowed. “Are your friends going wheels-up?”

“Yeah, it’s a training mission.”

Sure it was if by training he meant fighting terrorists in Afghanistan. She knew the drill, though. SEALs’ missions were top secret. She could tell how much it hurt him to be excluded from the action. So maybe she’d convince him to spend the day with her until her shift started. There were all kinds of ways she could keep his mind occupied.

“I like my scrambled eggs dry and my muffins crisp,” she said and walked back to her bedroom swaying her hips as much as she dared.

“You keep wiggling that adorable ass of yours and breakfast will be delayed,” he called out.

“Big talk from a guy standing in a kitchen,” she tossed over her shoulder.

She entered her bedroom and set her mug on the nightstand before going into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, she leaned in to test the water and shrieked when an arm of steel wrapped around her waist and yanked her back. How the hell had he come after her so fast and so quietly. Damn SEAL! He spun her around to face the vanity. She could see his fierce expression reflected in the mirror.

“Questioning my manhood, are you?” For a heart-stopping moment, she thought he was serious. Then he gave her a feral grin, and she knew he was only playing. But oh what a game!

She grasped the counter top as he pulled her panties down. She watched him work his cock free and cover it, or at least she saw his arms move and his gaze lower. It was impossible to see exactly what he was doing, and the almost helplessness turned her on. Without even thinking about it, she jutted her ass out. He rewarded her by grabbing it with both hands. His fingers dug into her flesh.

His gaze met hers in the mirror. “Your ass is perfect. I want to bite it.” Her pussy wept at the admission. Other guys had made her feel wanted and desired, of course, they had. Somehow this guy was different. There was an intensity to the way he looked at her and in his tone of voice that told her she was the only woman in the world worth having. It made her want him with a degree of passion that was new to her and made her eager to please him. She squirmed in his hold.

“Like that idea, do you?” he whispered into her ear.

Her eyes closed and a shiver ran through her. “Hmm,” was all she could say.

“To bad this angle and my leg make that virtually impossible. But I have another idea.” His voice was low, almost soothing. It made what he did next wildly startling.

With the palm of his hand, he smacked one side of her ass. Marissa yelped, and her eyes popped open. He smiled like a hungry wolf back at her. He did it again as they stared at each other. Another cry ripped from her throat. Her body jumped and quivered in his grasp. She didn’t tell him to stop, though. He was waiting for it, gave her time to say it before he did it again, this time on the other side of her butt. And still she didn’t stop him. This was a new experience, and if she’d been asked, she’d have said, no, she didn’t like being spanked.

She would have been wrong, dead wrong. Her clit throbbed at the stinging sensation infusing her bottom. Far from dampening her passion, it ratcheted it up. Her pussy ached and clenched in desperate need of a cock to fill it. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the feeling of the next smack. She moaned and gnawed her lower lip between her teeth. Her breath came out in staccato cries as he continued the assault. Soon she was gasping and pleading, although for what she didn’t really know.

Aidan did.

He stopped the spanking abruptly, and as he ran his thumb around her ass cheeks, his fingers dug into her hips and pulled her to him. He thrust his cock deep inside her pussy and set a punishing pace. His skin and shorts rasped against her tender flesh, but that only increased her pleasure, pushing her higher to the peak of her climax. Not high enough, however. She was near the edge, yet couldn’t quite get to it. She pushed against him and yowled in frustration like an animal.

He understood. Releasing her hip with one hand, he reached around to slide his fingers between her folds. He captured her clit between them and rubbed the swollen nub at the same fast pace of his thrusting. The orgasm ripped through her. She screamed and pounded her palm against the sink as her body bucked wildly between hard counter and hard man. He roared into her echo and latched his mouth and teeth onto her shoulder. His body jerked into hers, trapping her against his hot skin. He didn’t let her go until they both stopped moving.

He placed a gentle kiss on the same spot he had bitten. “Sorry to interrupt your shower,” he said with a still-breathless voice. “I’ll go make the eggs.” He pulled out of her and staggered over to the toilet. Marissa stepped to the shower on shaky legs. She turned when he called her name. “I was wrong before when I said your ass was perfect. But it is now,” he added with a wink.

Looking over her shoulder, she smiled as she realized what he meant. Her ass was now rosy pink.


Although Marissa tried to hide the wince when she sat gingerly on the stool, Aidan still caught it and grimaced in sympathy and guilt. Holy fuck, what had he been thinking? Spanking was one of those things that you maybe,
tried with a long-standing girlfriend, not someone you barely knew. He was damn lucky she hadn’t run screaming out of the bathroom after the first smack to dial 911. A small woman like her had to be leery of the physical power of men. She hadn’t, though. She had not only let him continue, but had seemed to honestly enjoy it. Still, guilt poked at him.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

They were sitting side by side at the counter. She turned to look at him and gave him a sly smile that dimmed as she squinted to look deeply into his eyes. “I’m trying to think of something clever to say but you look worried.”

“I am worried,” he admitted and cleared his throat in embarrassment. “I got a little rough in there. You barely know me, and I want to make sure I didn’t scare you or get too aggressive. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

She leaned over and gave him a sweet kiss. “My mother says my first word was no. I haven’t lost my knack for using it since.” With a quick wiggle of her butt, she added, “There’s something wickedly arousing about still feeling your hands on me even when you’re not touching me anymore.” She sighed and picked up her coffee. “It’s possible you’ve spoiled me for other men.”

He grinned. “In that case, maybe I’d better stick around for a while longer to keep you happy. It’s the least I can do.” He tried to make the statement casual, sipped at his own coffee to cover his nervousness. It was a bold offer to throw out there after only one night. She wasn’t the one on vacation, either. She had work, probably that very night, and for all he knew, she was silently counting the minutes for him to haul his sorry ass out of her apartment and out of her life. By her own admission, however, she wouldn’t have any trouble answering in the negative.

BOOK: Jonesin' For Action
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