Jack of Hearts (Desert Sons MC Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Jack of Hearts (Desert Sons MC Book 1)
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“To try to start again.”


“How were you going to do that? Do you have family there or something?”


“No. No family but my mom, and she is still in Las Cruces. I don’t know. I just need to get out of New Mexico. Maybe I will herd cattle or something. I just want a new start, that’s all. To put my past behind me and try to start fresh.”


Jack was about to say more when their food arrived, so he dropped it. They ate and nursed a couple of beers. The more he talked to Tina, the more he liked her. She was hellion and a spitfire, but she did have a moral compass, even if it was skewed a little off center. But who was he to criticize?




When they arrived back at the clubhouse, Jack asked Tina to show him how she picked his pocket. The only reason he knew his wallet had gone missing the night before was that when he took his pants off to play hide the sausage again with Ms. Jeep, he noticed the pocket was empty as he threw the pants over the back of a chair.


Tina demonstrated by lifting his wallet again and again. If he watched her, he could feel her nimble fingers pluck the wallet from his pocket, but otherwise he would never know. Once, she handed him his wallet and his watch. He was stunned that she had managed to get his watch and hadn’t even noticed it missing. He watched her do it again as her fingers worked quickly and smoothly, unfastening the catch while she held his wrist like an old friend.


He then challenged her by sticking various items in different pockets. She couldn’t get
he tried, but she did take a high percentage of them, and he couldn’t tell which item she took until she handed it back to him.


As she showed off for him, a hint of an idea began to form in his mind. The rest of the Desert Sons would be by tomorrow, just like every other Saturday, and suddenly they had some new business to discuss.




That night, as she settled on the couch, Tina thought about her change in fortune as she began the slow slide into sleep. Lying on the couch, well-fed and relaxed, she decided that she would stick around and work off her debt to Jack as promised. He had been very good to her, and she was surprised that she cared what he thought of her. That was something that hadn’t happened very often since her life started its slide downhill. She was still trying to remember the last time she cared what anyone thought of her as slumber took her.


Jack lay in his bed thinking. Tina had demonstrated a remarkable ability to lift things from his person. Keys, cell phone, watch, wallet … hell, she could probably take his underwear and the fillings from his teeth if she really wanted them. They had a big score planned in a week, something to put them on easy street, and they had sweated every detail. But there had always been one sticking point: how to get into the building. They had planned to do it the hard way, but having Tina break into the clubhouse might be fate’s way of saying there was a better, smarter way.


The more he thought about it, the more he realized that she was the missing piece, the one thing they didn’t even know they needed until it was tossed through the window and into their laps. The question was, would she do it? And could they trust her? He believed her when she said she was trying to put her life together. She might not be willing to step back into that world again if she could get out, and he won’t coerce her.


He spent the next two hours tossing and turning, working out the details of how Tina could help. By the time sleep finally took him, he was smiling. If the rest of the Sons went along with it, this was going to be the slickest heist New Mexico had seen in






When Jack staggered out of bed the next morning, slightly groggy from the lack of sleep, he went in search of Tina. The lounge area was spotless, but there was no sign of Tina. His stomach sank and he hurried into the warehouse for a quick inventory. The cars and bikes all appeared to be there. While he stood there in relief, she stepped out of the lounge.


“Good morning!” she said brightly


Jack took a deep, cleansing breath as he turned to make sure his voice would be neutral when he spoke. He didn’t want her to realize that he thought she had run … and probably taken something in the bargain.


“Good morning. What are you up to this morning?”


“The sun shines right in those windows in the morning and it woke me up. So I got started cleaning. The men’s bathroom was a shit hole. Why can’t guys aim?”


Jack chuckled in relief. “We’re not firing at point-blank range like women are. Cut us some slack.”


“Whatever. It’s clean now.”


“Ready for breakfast?” Jack asked with a yawn.


“I can clean, but I can’t cook … much. So I hope you’re doing the cooking.”


Jack smiled. “Yeah. Eggs and sausage or French toast. You pick.”


“Whatever. Either of those is better than the Pop-Tart I would have had for breakfast if I were home.”


After a breakfast of eggs and sausage, Jack set Tina to work sweeping out the clubhouse while he cleaned his own apartment. While he wouldn’t say he trusted her with his life, she had shown that she didn’t have to be watched every moment.


The clubhouse wasn’t a pig sty, and she went about efficiently sweeping the place out with a large push broom. In a back corner, by a large, enclosed, three-axle trailer, she found several large plastic bins chock-full of odds and ends: dozens of tennis rackets, clothes, GPS’s, and even an empty pistol holster.


“Hey, Jack!” she called.


“What?” came his voice from inside his apartment.


“What’s all this stuff? The clothes and tennis rackets and stuff.”


After a moment, Jack appeared. “Oh, that. Just some stuff that was left here when we bought the place. If you want to dig through it, you might find some more clothes that fit.”


Tina looked at Jack dubiously. Something about the statement didn’t ring quite true. What it looked like to her was stuff you might find in a car. Just like when she had first broken in, she got the feeling that this place was a breaker, but she said nothing, not wanting to offend Jack if she was wrong.


“Okay, thanks. Maybe I will. Why don’t you sell this stuff? I see, three, four, six GPS’s in there. And what is that, twenty tennis rackets? This stuff has to be worth a few bucks.”


Jack shrugged. “Just haven’t gotten around to it. But you are welcome to take whatever you can find that you need.”


Tina debated claiming the lot. She should be able to get at least a couple hundred bucks at a pawn shop for the stuff, but she didn’t want to appear greedy. “Thanks, Jack. I will see if some of the clothes will fit to give me another set.”


“Help yourself,” Jack said with a smile. He looked around the clubhouse. Except for this corner, the place hadn’t looked this good in a long time. Tina had obviously worked her ass off this morning. “When you get finished here, we’re done for the day. The rest of the Sons will be here a couple of hours. I’ll introduce you.”


“You have a son?” Tina asked in surprise.


Jack chuckled. “No. The Desert Sons, the motorcycle club I belong too. This is our clubhouse. Those are some of the guys’ bikes over there, those that don’t have a place to keep them. I live here and take care of the place.”


“Ah!” Tina breathed as so many questions were answered. “So what do the Desert Sons do?”


“Nothing. We hang out. Go on rides. Drink, fight, and fuck. The normal stuff motorcycle clubs do,” Jack said with a big grin.


“Yeah … I saw the fucking part the first night.”


Jack laughed. “Actually, we’re just a group of friends that get together on Saturdays and shoot the shit. Once a month or so we go for a ride as a club. We’re just normal guys, doing what we do.”


“What do you do, Jack, when you aren’t taking care of the clubhouse? You haven’t had to go to work these last couple of days.”


“I work for myself. I sell used cars. The Audi is mine, but the BMW and the Jag, those are cars I am getting ready to sell.”


“Pretty high end stuff. That Jag can’t be more than six months old.”


“That’s what I do. I find almost new cars that someone bought but doesn’t want anymore. In over their head on payments or whatever. I buy it, then flip it.”


“Pretty good work, if you can find it.”


“It’s not a bad living. People around here know me. Most of the time they come to me.”


Tina grunted. “When did you say the Sons would be here?”


Jack looked at his watch … or would have if it were still on his wrist. He looked up to see Tina’s smiling face as she dangled his watch in front of him. Jack made a big production out of feeling for his wallet, finding it securely in his pocket. “Goddammit. Would you stop it?” he teased good naturedly as he puts his watch back on, then looked at it. “They start arriving at about noon, so in about an hour.”


“Okay, I’ll finish this up and see if anything in here fits. May I use your shower when I’m done?”




“Okay. Thanks.” As Jack turned and walked away, Tina let him take three steps before she called to him. “Jack! Don’t forget this,” she said as she tossed him his wallet.


He caught it, his surprise clear on his face as he felt his now empty pocket. “Am I going to have to handcuff you?” he grinned, stuffing the wallet into his pocket as he walked away.


Tina looked at the floor and smiled as she started sweeping again.
Being handcuffed by Jack … to a bed … might not be so bad,
she thought.




When Tina stepped out of Jack’s apartment, dressed in another set of clothes that almost fit, if didn’t coordinate, she saw a half dozen additional bikes sitting just inside the big roll up door, and perhaps a dozen men and four or five women milling about in the lounge. Loud music mixed with the sounds of happy people.


Tina swallowed hard and made her way toward the group. She really didn’t want to mingle, but she didn’t want to hide in Jack’s apartment either, afraid of how that might look. She had always been a bit of a loner, and there was no possible way to put a positive spin on why she was here.


As she approached, all eyes turned to her and the babble of voices fell silent. Jack turned the music down a little before he approached her. “Sons, this is Tina.” She got a reserved welcome. “She is here working off a little debt to me.”


“I bet she is,” needled a guy lounging on the couch which caused the rest of the group, including Jack, to laugh.


“She’s down on her luck and she broke in…”


As Jack talked, Tina felt herself flush furiously. Here it came…


“... to find something eat and a place to sleep.”


Tina was surprised that Jack ended the tale there, but the Sons still stared at her coldly. “She broke in and you let her stay? How did she get in?”


“She came in through one of those windows,” Jack said with a nod of his head at the three window along the wall of the lounge.


Everyone turned and looked, then looked back to Tina. “She came through one of those? Are you sure?” another man asked.


“That’s why she is still here,” Jack explained. “She has agreed to stay and work off the replacement cost of the window.”


“Doing what?” a woman asked with a smirk.


Jack grinned. “Not that, Michelle. She helped me put the window in, and I’m sure you noticed how clean the place is. Tomorrow I will find something else for her to do.”


“Can you trust her?”


“I think so. She has stood by her word so far. And she has quite a party trick too, if anyone is interested in seeing it.”

BOOK: Jack of Hearts (Desert Sons MC Book 1)
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