Read It's A Wonderfully Sexy Life Online

Authors: Hope Tarr

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It's A Wonderfully Sexy Life (12 page)

BOOK: It's A Wonderfully Sexy Life
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Calories consumed: status still negative but light-headedness attributable not to lack of food but to multi-orgasmic rocketing straight to moon. (Think “Ground control to Major Tom…”) “Sustenance” has taken on new, powerful, non-food related meaning. Descent from upstanding enforcer of law and potential wife and mother to carnally-crazed sex-aholic: total or, mission accomplished. Weight: haven’t been near scale in days, so can’t say, but availability of stretchy microfiber wear may make dieting occupation of past.
in the bed, propped up against the banked pillows and obviously naked beneath the sheet. He caught sight of her framed in the open doorway, and his jaw dropped. “You’re stunning.”
Reaching for her courage, Mandy crossed the room toward him, the floorboards chilly beneath her bare feet, the thong abrading the sensitive skin of her labia, a subtle, sensual surprise.

Coming up on the bed, she said, “You were supposed to keep your eyes closed until I said you could open them.”

He ran his gaze over her from head to toe and swallowed hard. “Sorry, but I’ve never been much of a rule follower.” He pushed the covers away and got up to meet her, gloriously naked and more than ready to fulfill all her fantasies. “And I’m glad, because I wouldn’t want to miss out on so much as a minute of looking at you. You look…wow!”

“Really? You’re not just being nice?”

He shook his head. “No, I’m not being nice, I’m being honest. I don’t say things I don’t mean. You should know that about me.”

True, she didn’t look like the models in the Victoria’s Secret catalog ads but then what living, breathing woman did? For the first time she considered that maybe a digitally enhanced model wasn’t the only benchmark for feminine beauty. Shedding some pounds was still a goal for her, but in the meantime maybe she didn’t look half bad the way she was.

He reached for her, gently tugging her down on the bed beside him. She came down on her knees, the thong doing a quick slide back and forth. “It is a little tight.”

“Really? I think it fits just fine. Perfect, actually.”

“The thong part is, uh…a little snug. When I walk, it moves up and down.”

“Does that feel good?”

What she felt was wickedly sensual, delightfully naughty. Going with it, she held his gaze and nodded. “It feels very good, as a matter of fact. And the crotch snaps.”

He ran his hand down her belly to her mons. Cupping her, he gave a light squeeze. “I can see that. I’ll bet it unsnaps, too. Shall we give it a try?” Before she could answer, he had the flap open and a finger slipping inside her. “God, you’re drenched.”

Holding his stare, she said, “I know, and it’s all because of you. You make me wet, you make me crazy.” Still kneeling, she spread her legs wider.

“You like it when I fuck you with my finger, don’t you, sweetheart?”

“Yes, oh, yes.” She braced a hand on either of his shoulders and bucked against him.

“Good, I’m glad because I like it, too.” He sank a second finger inside to join the first and moved them scissor-fashion.

Mandy let out a moan and grabbed for his hand, willing him to deepen the penetration, increase the pressure. This wasn’t sensual playacting calculated to turn him on, this was for real. “Oh, Josh, that feels good, so good. Please don’t stop.”

“Not a chance.” Still working his fingers, he bent his head to her breasts and sipped at her nipple through the lacy fabric. Drawing back, he looked up at her and asked, “You never did open that gift from your sister, did you?”


He flicked his thumb over her clitoris, and Mandy felt a tremor of pleasure pulse through her. “What would you say to our opening it together?”


He nodded. “Yes, unless you want to save it for your…private time.”

With sex like this, who needed private time? “No, I don’t think so. I’d rather share it with you.”

“In that case, where is it?”

“Over there.” She gestured to the dresser.

“I’ll go get it.” He took his hand away and Mandy felt its absence like the loss of a newly returned long lost friend.

“Seeing how you’re on to my bathroom window escape plan, I guess I’m stuck here.”
Stuck on you,
she almost added, but stopped herself in time. No sense in spoiling one of the sexiest moments of her life by putting out sappy sentiment that wouldn’t be returned.

“Good, because I’d hate to have to tie you down to the bed. On second thought, I’d love to tie you down only for fun, not necessity. For now, don’t you go anywhere, okay?” He kissed her, soft and slow and thoroughly, and then got up.


Pulling herself up on her elbows, she followed him with her eyes across the room, admiring the backside view of him, all broad shoulders, narrow hips and tight ass. A spasm of desire struck between her legs, followed by a splash of warm wetness. Squeezing her thighs tightly together, she sucked in her breath and dropped back down on the bed. She’d never thought it would be possible to orgasm from just looking at someone, but Josh was so beautiful, so altogether perfect, that for the first time she considered that visual stimulation alone might be enough to push her over the edge.

He crossed back to the bed. Holding out the box, he gave it a light shake. “What do you think it is?”

“I have a pretty good idea it’s not a body massager.”

He handed it to her. “Here, open it.”

This time she tore open the wrapping without a thought for the pretty paper. The contents were no great surprise and yet holding out a sex toy and tube of Joy Jelly in the bright light of day in front of a lover had embarrassment burning her cheeks.

He took the lubricant from her and tossed it on the nightstand. “I don’t think we’ll be needing this, do you?”

She shook her head. “Definitely not.” She’d never felt so hot, so wet, or so sexy in all her life and though the dildo was a diverting novelty, the catalyst was Josh watching her, touching her, mentally stripping the teddy off her with his eyes as, she was sure, his hands would shortly follow.

He flicked the switch on the toy. A soft hum permeated the room, and he came down beside her on the bed.

“Open your legs for me, sweetheart, as wide as you can.” He slid a hand beneath each of her knees.

She obeyed, opening wide and bending her knees. Without looking down, she knew exactly what he was seeing—her wet, swollen inner lips and pulsing pink clit fully exposed and begging for his attention.

He slid the hand resting on her waist upwards over her belly to rest on her breast. Rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he said, “I want you to tell me everything you’re feeling, thinking, wanting. Everything, Mandy, I want to know it all.”

With his other hand, he stroked her with the vibrating toy, moving it slowly over the top of her pubis, the sensitized flesh of her inner thigh, the juncture where her thigh and pelvis met—everywhere but where she craved contact the most, a deliberate sensual tease. “I want to know where you want it, how you want it.”

Licking dry lips, she pushed upward, craving the toy but craving Josh even more. “You know where.”

Mouth teasing the outer shell of her ear, he said, “I do but I want you to tell me, to say the words.”

Grabbing for his hand, she lifted herself, willing him to do her silent bidding, frustrated when he refused to budge. Perspiration filmed the backs of her knees, she ground out, “My clit, I want it there.”

“Right there, like this?” She heard the smile in his voice as he positioned the vibrator.

“Y-yes…oh, yes.” Her body was humming with satisfaction in sync with the toy, the friction carrying her natural libido upwards to a quick, sharp spiral.


Eyes squeezed shut, she nodded, a silent yes.

He slid the vibrator lower to the slippery wet slit between her swollen lips. “You’re so small and tight. The other night, I was amazed at how I slid right in you.”

With the vibrator humming inside her, she shifted her hips, absorbing the thrill of invasion. Eyes still closed, she pretended it was Josh inside her instead of the toy. “It’s because you make me so wet.”

Indeed, it wasn’t the toy making her wet and so wild but knowing Josh’s was the hand wielding it. Looking down at his big hand between her legs, she envisioned his cock inside her instead, and a wave of pleasure washed over her, so intense it caused her to curl her toes.

“I like getting you wet. In fact, I can’t wait to have a taste. Mind?” Before she could answer, he’d clicked the vibrator off and replaced it with his searching fingers. Dipping one thick digit inside her, he pulled it back out and slid it between his lips. “Hmm,” he said, “you taste amazing, but I need more.” He slid down and found her with his mouth, tongue lapping at her clit.

The orgasm hit her fast and hard, spasms of pleasure so intense her entire body trembled with the force of it, the contractions deep and powerfully satisfying, gradually fading to a lingering golden glow, the perfect release.

When she opened her eyes and looked back, Josh was on his knees rolling on a condom. “Are you ready for more?”

Even though she’d just come, she didn’t hesitate. “I’m ready for more of you.”

He nodded, eyes stark with urgent need, powerful chest rising and falling with each rapid-fire breath. “Good, because I can’t wait any longer. I have to have you…

Unless he was the greatest actor on the planet, he really was turned on by her. Sliding her gaze down the length of him, she saw he was big and hard, potent and powerful. For the present at least, all that loosely harnessed maleness was for her and her alone.

Feeling the full force of her feminine power for perhaps the first time in her life, she reached for him, her fingers trailing the length of his sheathed penis. “I don’t want you to wait.”

“Then get on your hands and knees for me.”

For the first time since coming out in the skimpy lingerie, she hesitated. “But my butt is huge.”

“Your butt, your
is beautiful, and I want to see it up close. In fact, I want it right in my face when I fuck you.”

Oh my God
. Heart pounding with anticipation, she turned over and knelt, bracing her weight on her hands. She was still wet from coming and his first thrust brought him fully, deeply inside her.

Drawing back, he asked, “Does this feel good? Not too much?”

She reached upward and grabbed the metal bedposts with both hands. Holding on tight, she glanced back at him over her shoulder. All that masculine beauty and strength was hers for the taking, and suddenly it didn’t matter if her butt was too big or her thighs too full because in this moment, this perfect moment, she felt beautiful and free, sexy and powerful.

“Not too much. In fact, I want more. I want all of you. Go ahead, Josh, I can take it. Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

Josh’s breath was a hot breeze on her neck, his dirty talking a sexy whisper into the shell of her ear. Hands anchored to her hips, he started out slow and steady, increasing the pace and pressure. They moved together in perfect rhythm, perfect unison. He seemed to have a sixth sense about what she wanted, what she needed him to do, to say. All the while he moved inside her, he told her how beautiful she was, how amazing she smelled and tasted, how good she felt around him. And just when she thought she’d reached the pinnacle, that nothing and no one could possibly make her feel this good, let alone even better again, he reached a hand down between them and stroked her clitoris with his thumb.

Mandy’s world shattered, spun apart, and then slowly came together again. Opening her eyes, she realized he was still behind her, still inside her, her inner flesh fluttering around his still hard penis. Wanting to please him, to milk his essence, to feel him come inside her, she deliberately contracted her inner muscles, squeezing him as tightly as she could, an invisible embrace.

“Oh God, Mandy.”

Josh pulled out and drove into her once more. He came hard and fast, a hoarse shout announcing his release. Body shuddering, he collapsed against her. With her head tucked beneath his chin and his hands cradling a breast in either palm, they settled into, if not exactly a “long winter’s nap,” a very sound, very satisfying sleep.

, the Men in Black hunkered down in the upper storey of a brick row house in a room furnished only with two beat-up Salvation Army straight-back chairs and the state-of-the-art in audio surveillance equipment. Turning to his partner, Special Agent Walker pulled the microphone from his ear. “Looks like all’s quiet on the Western front.”
McKinney blew out a breath. “Meaning they must be sleeping. Jesus, it’s about time. What…what, uh, do you figure he was doing to her in there?” He reached for his foam cup of tepid black coffee, wishing it were ice water instead.

Guarding a federally protected witness was serious business but at times like this it was hard to keep a straight face—or a limp love muscle. If things in Thornton’s apartment got any steamier, McKinney was sure his glasses would fog over.

Turning down the audio, Walker nodded. Fatigue had caused him to drop his normal poker face, and he found himself fighting a smile. “I don’t know, but whatever it is, she obviously liked it—a lot.”

They’d had the apartment bugged before they’d moved Thornton in gratis a local cleaning service that was really a FBI front. Wiretapping a witness’s lodging wasn’t exactly textbook procedure, but in a high-profile case such as this one it paid to cover all your bases. If the mob got to him in the apartment, they’d have the murder as a digital recording. That was something at least.

The play-by-play sex talk was a new wrinkle entirely. Until just before the holiday, the most risqué sounds to come out of that apartment were Thornton’s letting loose with a swear word when a pot boiled over or he stubbed his toe. But ever since a certain red-haired lady cop stepped into the picture on Christmas Eve, the content rating on the daily digital recordings had spiked from PG-13 to full-out X.

McKinney rubbed a fist at tired eyes. “Looks like Rule Number Three must have slipped his mind, huh?”

Walker nodded. “Don’t get personally involved. Personal involvements put you off your guard and sooner or later, you slip up. Judging from the sounds coming out of that mike, this particular
could end up in getting Mr. Thornton killed.”

BOOK: It's A Wonderfully Sexy Life
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