It Takes Two (Blindfold Club #0.5) (5 page)

BOOK: It Takes Two (Blindfold Club #0.5)
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I could improvise if I couldn’t find it. Same with the restraints. I hadn’t been to Joseph’s blindfold club, but I understood the setup. I had some rope in the garage left over from landscaping that would work, assuming Nina was game.

I turned into the driveway and hit the remote. Nina’s eyes widened as she took in my place. It wasn’t big or impressive-looking, but the two-bedroom bungalow was all mine. We slid into the shade of the garage, I parked, and shut off the engine.

Her hand drew away from my leg, but otherwise there was no movement. She didn’t reach for the door handle.

“Didn’t think you’d end up here?” I said.

“No,” she admitted. “I wasn’t sure I’d even shoot the scene.”

“You were that nervous?”

“No.” Her blonde hair shimmered as she shook her head. “I didn’t know if I was going to get the greenlight.”

“Are you kidding? You’re so fucking hot.”

She stared at me with big eyes filled with disbelief, so I could tell she wasn’t fishing for a compliment. What was it with women? I’d met a few who were overconfident about their looks, but generally girls had self-esteem issues. Lots of pretty women were walking around believing they were less attractive than they were. I liked a humble person more than a cocky one, but confidence? It was fucking sexy.

Pink flashed over her cheekbones at my compliment. “Thanks.”

“Come on,” I said. “Let’s go inside and figure out what to do about your car.”

What I really wanted to do was to put my mouth on hers again. The drug of Nina was beginning to fade and I was desperate for another hit. I shoved my door open and hurried around the front of the truck while she reached for her purse, which allowed me to open the passenger door for her.

Just because I shot porn, sometimes even the rough stuff, didn’t mean I wasn’t a gentleman in real life. From the minute I’d been introduced to her, I was hell-bent on making Nina feel comfortable. Coming home with a guy she’d just met, even though we’d acted together, had her guard up, and I lived alone. She had a right to be cautious.

I let her into my kitchen first, and then hurried around her, wishing I could block the view. The place was a disaster. “Uh, yeah. The dishes kind of got away from me.”

She smiled as I guided her on into the living room.

Also a disaster.

I grabbed the open pizza box off the coffee table and folded it up, tossing it into the kitchen. “Gimme a second to—”

“Seriously, Scott, don’t worry about it.” Amusement played on her expression. Her gaze roamed over the couch littered with two PS4 controllers and the end table covered in empty Mt. Dew cans.

I owned my house, but I felt nothing like an adult now, and I didn’t want Nina to see me as a boy. My messiness hadn’t bothered Kendall because she was a bigger slob than me, but I could be better than this.

“I’ve got an idea,” I said. “I’ll call my friend who works at a garage while you hop in the shower.” I rubbed my palm on the back of my neck, and then offered my hand out. “I mean, if you want a shower.”

She paused. “I do, but . . .

“It’s not gross in there, I swear.” Oh shit, was it? I tried to recall the state of my bathroom this morning. Nothing stood out, but I’d have to get in there first just to be safe.

“No.” She laughed lightly. “I mean, it seems weird using your shower when we just met.”

I blinked. The longer we went without touching, the further she slipped into shyness. Where was the girl who’d asked me for
during our scene? I reached for her, trapping her small waist in my hands and tipped my face down to hers. “You let me fuck you, Nina.” I emphasized her name the way she seemed to like it, and slid a hand down until it cupped a handful of her ass. “I had my dick
. The least I can offer you is the use of my shower.”

I bent the last inch and set my lips on top of hers, igniting our kiss. Instantly her mouth was open, accepting my tongue as I sought out hers. It was electric. The buzz roared back to full strength when my tongue swept in her mouth, and she pressed her lips against mine, answering with the same intensity.

When it ended, she swayed under my hands. Warmth spread across my chest at my effect on her.

“Okay.” Her voice was as unsteady as her body. “I’ll use your bathroom which you say is not gross.”

I nodded enthusiastically. “That’s
not gross.”

For fuck’s sake, it was.

I grabbed my damp towel off the floor where I’d left it and used it to scrub the counter clean as quickly as possible. At least the shower tub was okay. I tossed my dirty towel into the hallway and grabbed a new one down from the shelf in the closet. It was a beach towel, but whatever. It was clean.

“Are you, uh, joining me?” Her eyes seemed to spark with excitement at the idea.

“If you don’t mind, sure.” But then I thought about what I still needed to do. “Get started without me, I’ll make the call and be back in a few minutes.”

Nothing would kill the mood faster than her seeing my underwear and socks covering the bedroom floor.

I called my friend, explained the situation, and he offered to drive over to the studio and check her car out on his way to work tonight. When I had everything shoved in the closet and the bed made, I found the blindfold and rope, tucked them under a pillow, and headed for the shower.

The curtain was drawn so I couldn’t see her, and I wasn’t sure if she’d heard the door open and close. I didn’t want to startle her. “Ready for company?”

She laughed softly. “As long as that company doesn’t get my hair or face wet. I don’t want to redo my makeup and I’m sure you don’t have a hair dryer.”

“No, I don’t.” I pulled back the curtain, revealing a nude and glistening Nina. “Fuck me running,” I groaned as I stepped into the tub. “Kimberly needs to put you in a shower scene.”

Nina moved out of the way, making room for me to get under the angled stream of water, but her gaze swept down my frame and lingered appreciatively on my dick.

Which was already growing hard for her.

“Do you always work for Kimberly?”

“No, I’ve worked with some others. The pay’s better at Wicked Entertainment, but they run things differently. It’s not really my style. Kim’s is more laid back, and I have more fun there.”

I scrubbed my hands through my hair under the shower, grabbed my all-in-one shampoo, and worked up a lather, trying to hurry along. The water did nothing to dampen my appetite.

“How long have you been doing it?”

I paused while I thought. “Three years?” I resumed my washing, surprised it had been that long. Sometimes I still felt new. “I didn’t start getting regular work until last year.”

“You like it?”

“Getting paid to fuck? Hell yeah.” Occasionally, I got to be with two women at once, and they paid
for that. “Sometimes it’s work, but for the most part, it’s a pretty sweet deal.”

She hesitated, and then blurted the question out. “Is that how you met you last girlfriend?”

No, I definitely hadn’t met Kendall on set. “We were a couple before. We did an amateur casting couch thing.” I fought to keep the embarrassment from my voice. “Remember when I said I was awful my first time? It was with her.”

I rinsed the last of the shampoo from my hair, running my hands over my chest and lower, cleaning off. Nina’s gaze followed the path of my hands and I swallowed hard. If I stroked myself, would she take over? I was ready to find out.

“Can I ask what happened with you two?”

I froze mid-stroke and abandoned my grip. “Yeah, sure. Having sex in front of the camera can be addicting. We got to a point where she didn’t want to fuck me unless someone else was watching.”

Nina’s mouth dropped open and shock blanketed her face. “Oh, that’s ridiculous.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, I thought so, too. The breakup was mutual.”

She drew in a deep breath, but yet her voice was rushed, like she wanted to say it before she ran out of courage. “I’m happy to fuck you when no one’s watching.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and shivered, probably because I was hogging all the water. I stepped to the side, ignoring how the shower curtain clung to me.

“Come here,” I whispered. She hadn’t a clue how badly I needed to hear that, and I was more than ready to show her some appreciation.

Chapter Seven

Nina took a tentative step forward, and it was all the opening I needed. I wrapped my arms around her and slammed my mouth over hers, letting our slick bodies press against each other.

My cock grew so hard it was painful, and the ache intensified when she ran her fingers down my length. We groped and explored, sliding our wet hands over smooth skin.

God, it was so fucking nice to enjoy. There weren’t thoughts about lighting, or my bicep blocking a camera angle, or any of that. My focus was only on her, and me, and
. Her touch began hesitant but grew confident, and she gripped me firmly, making my heartbeat climb.

“I’m getting ready to take away your hands,” I mumbled against her mouth, “so enjoy it while you can.”

I could have been talking to myself.

Like everything else, her kiss started as a slow burn and escalated until it was wildfire. We mashed our mouths together, panting and nipping, hungry for more. I brushed my palm over her perfect tits as I worked my way down the curve of her body.

I eased one finger inside her, followed instantly by a second one, where it was scorching hot.

She moaned it in her smoky voice. “

The word shot down my spine, and arrowed into my groin like a knife of desire. Nina had both arms wrapped around my shoulders, but she reached a hand up, maybe looking for something else to cling to. She gripped the shower curtain and bucked in my hold as I fucked her, driving my fingers deep inside.

She gasped for breath, and suddenly the plastic curtain began to rip, tearing free of the rings.

“Oh, shit!” she cried.

We both froze and stared at the damage. The cheap curtain sagged in the middle, barely hanging on to the rod. She looked horrified, but a laugh bubbled up deep inside me.

“You better get in my bed,” I said as I shut off the water, “before I do something that makes you tear the whole fucking shower down.”

Neither of us bothered with a towel. We stumbled together into my room and I flung her down on the bed, chasing after her. I wanted to lick the water drops from her damp skin, but she wouldn’t hold still. She pawed at me. Her fingers tangled in my hair as we kissed.

Our damp bodies should have been cold in the air conditioning, but we were a burning mess, writhing together on my bed. I didn’t break the kiss as I slipped a hand under the pillow and pulled out the blindfold and rope.

“You ready?” I asked softly.

She trapped her bottom lip between her teeth, biting back a grin, and nodded quickly. God, she was sexy. I was going to miss seeing the excitement in her eyes as we both moved to get the blindfold on her, but I was looking forward to giving her this experience.

I looped the rope around her wrists and cinched them together, pulling the knot closed. “How’s that?”

The word came from her breathy. “Good.”

“I’m gonna tie this off on the bedframe, so I need to angle you.” I tugged gently on the end of the rope, signaling how I wanted her to shift so her arms were pulled over her head.

And when it was done, I stood beside the bed and took in my work.

Nina’s chest rose and fell rapidly, like she was thirsty and drinking in the air. Her gorgeous body cut a straight diagonal across the mattress, and her tanned skin stood out against the dark blue comforter. Completely bare for me except for the black blindfold. “Oh,
,” I said. “You look so fucking good like that.”

She shifted, subtly rubbing her legs together. It made me grin, and I fisted my cock, stroking to tease myself as I’d done to her.

Her perfect, dusty-colored nipples jutted out into points and begged for my attention. She sighed as I laid my palms on them and caressed. Her tits were amazing, and I took my time. I wasn’t on anyone’s schedule. No one was waiting to change setups, and I didn’t have a bulleted sheet listing what acts to perform, and in which order.

She let loose a tight noise of frustration after a while. I’d been licking and pinching for a long time, roaming from one breast to the other. My lips curled into a smile. “Do you like this?”

“Yeah, I do.” She shifted her hips beneath me, calling my attention to down between her legs. “But I want more.”

Again she asked me for
, and I was thrilled. I moved along on the bed, dropping kisses over her belly, and settled between her parted thighs. Her pussy was beautiful. All pink and soft, and so wet. I traced the tip of my tongue over her clit and her whole body flinched.

“Oh!” The rope made a noise as it snapped taut, like she’d forgotten she couldn’t use her hands.

I laughed darkly, and then got to work tasting her. From above, there were huge gulps of air as I licked and sucked. I teased the bud of her clit and got her bent knees to shake in response. The ache in my dick was sharp and angry, but I knew how to focus elsewhere.

Nina’s back arched when I shoved my middle two fingers inside her pussy, and fluttered my tongue right above.

“Oh my God,” she whined.

It just made me want to keep going. Her husky voice was loaded with sex, and to give myself some satisfaction, I rolled my hips against the bed. Yeah, dry humping the mattress wasn’t something I’d do in front of cameras, or really, anyone. But Nina couldn’t see under the blindfold, and I needed both hands on her. One was holding her spread open to my mouth, and the other drove deep where she was soaking wet.

“How are we doing?” I whispered. “Still all right?”

She shuddered as my lips locked onto her clit and I used suction. She gasped. “Shit, Scott. Please.”

“Please, what?” Even though it was clear what she needed.

“Fuck me,” she groaned.

I crawled up her body, holding back the need to plunge deep inside as a thought popped into my head. The production companies always required a good cumshot. I wanted to go all the way and finish inside her. Fucking hell, that’d be even more intimate than kissing. I tried to keep the hopeful anticipation from changing the pitch of my voice. “No condom still okay?”

BOOK: It Takes Two (Blindfold Club #0.5)
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