Read Island of the Cavemen: Huge Size Caveman Erotica Online

Authors: Fannie Tucker

Tags: #virgin sex, #parnaormal erotica, #monster romance, #paranormal romance, #breeding erotica, #monster erotica, #supernatural erotica, #breeding slave, #erotic stories, #minotaur erotica, #virgin breeding, #submissive, #erotic horror, #monster breeding, #supernatural romance, #monster breeding erotica, #alpha male romance, #domination, #alpha male erotica, #horror erotica, #submission, #barbarian sex, #sex slave

Island of the Cavemen: Huge Size Caveman Erotica (3 page)

BOOK: Island of the Cavemen: Huge Size Caveman Erotica
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The caveman's cock plunged ever deeper, until finally he pushed against her cervix, sparking a bright flash of sensation so intense that Paige could no longer distinguish between pleasure and pain.  It felt as though the tip of his cock might pop out of her mouth, and she pushed against him, urging him to go no further.

The slick tightness of her passage drove Urgar wild.  The big caveman began pumping his hips with the hungry efficiency of a hunter who didn't know if his next meal was tomorrow or next week.  His huge shaft moved back and forth inside her with the force of a piston in a hot rod, and her breasts swayed with the motion of her body sliding against the smooth rock floor.

Urgar's hands were everywhere, groping and squeezing.  He rubbed at her flesh, drinking in the unfamiliar sensations of a body untouched by the elements.  Paige knew she was a novelty to him, yet his hands, almost worshipful in their attentions, made her feel beautiful.

She stared up into his dark eyes, wincing as every thrust roiled the sensations swirling through her body like bellows stoking a forge's fire.  Pleasure and pain were one, and she embraced it all, her slender young body nothing more than a sleeve of flesh for the caveman's cock.  She felt his tension rising with each forceful stroke, and she urged him on, knowing she could only endure so much of this rough pounding.

At the height of his frenzy, the caveman suddenly pushed himself up, and Paige felt the inside of her pussy collapse as his massive manhood slid out, leaving her aching and empty.  Despite the fear she'd felt only minutes before, she craved him now, needed him back inside her.

She didn't have to wait long.

Kneeling atop her, Urgar took her by the shoulder and flipped her onto her stomach, then took her hips in both hands and lifted her ass into the air.  She rested on her elbows, looking back over her shoulder at the giant caveman behind her.  The tips of her breasts brushed against the stone floor, but its coolness couldn't soothe their heat.  Her slit gaped, wet and ready, and he plunged back into it with the same eagerness she felt.  She cried out again as he went deep, and from this angle it felt as though he was taking her virginity for a second time.  His girth touched new places inside her, sparking sensations that made her scream and writhe and wriggle on his cock as he pumped her with vigorous barbarism.

Each thrust elicited a whine of pleasure now, and though she pleaded in words he couldn't understand, he needed no urging.  His wants and hers were the same now.  He fucked her with savage enthusiasm, throwing himself into the act with abandon.  This wasn't a man worried about his own performance, or football, or his grade on the midterm.  Urgar's primitive brain lived only in the moment, sating the lust he felt with no thought of what might follow after.  The fullness of his cock inside her echoed the pure intensity of his desire, and as its swollen length plumbed her depths, she felt a rising pressure deep in her abdomen, like something immense and heavy being pulled from the dark abyss of the sea, the waters rolling back to reveal its beauty and perfection.

Paige had brought herself to orgasm before, using her hands or the little battery-operated toy she'd bought herself online.  But nothing could prepare her for the surge of ecstasy that exploded inside her now.  A shockwave of sensation seized her body, pushing the air from her lungs in a wild shriek of pleasure raw enough to leave her hoarse for days.  Her muscles thrummed with the power of it, tensing and clenching as the orgasm sparked by the caveman's massive cock rolled through her.  She flexed around him as though trying to keep him inside her forever.

Her thrashing climax and clenching hips drove Urgar over the edge, and he growled as he buried himself deep.  With his hips pressed against the swell of her buttocks, he moved her body up and down, pressing her wet pussy against his cock.  Her only warning was a slight, jerking tension in his hands, followed by the swelling throb of his already enormous manhood in her tight hole.

The caveman exploded inside her like a gushing geyser.  His hot, fertile seed erupted into her, and his grip tightened, big fingers digging into the flesh of her buttocks as he pulled her hard against him.  Paige hung in his grip, powerless between the throes of her own orgasm and the power of his lust.  Each pulse of his cock sent another thick streamer of primordial jizz into her cervix, and she shuddered, begging him for more with each wordless gasp.

The moment stretched out as the intensity of orgasm cleared Paige's mind of all thought, filling her with the pure, sweet light of unspeakable pleasure.  As it finally ebbed, she wished she could find some way to communicate with Urgar, to make him understand what he'd done for her.

As Urgar's huge cock throbbed its last and began to soften, she felt his whole body relax.  He lowered her to the ground, and she slipped out of his grip and turned to look at him.  He panted for breath, his simple face full of the same deep satisfaction she felt beneath the ache of her ravaged body.  His cock, still wet with her fluids, had begun to sag.

"What happens now?" she wondered aloud, though he couldn't understand her.  But the caveman gave his own answer a moment later as his eyelids drifted shut.  Without a second thought, he grunted and stretched out across the stone floor, all seven feet of him nearly filling the little alcove.  In a moment, he was snoring softly.




Paige didn't sleep.  Even if the crash of the waterfall and the rumbling snore from Urgar went quiet, her racing mind wouldn't allow her the satisfaction.  For a while, she sat next to him, feeling his semen ooze out of her, thick and warm.  A treasure trove of DNA, yet now that it was over, she felt dirty, and not just from the sweat that dappled her skin.

She slipped off the ledge and let the cold water wash over her, rinsing her naked body clean.  Gasping at the chill, she hurried back into the alcove, shivering violently as she huddled near the torch.  Finally, she snuggled up against the caveman's big body, savoring his warmth.

As the night wore on, Paige pressed her hands against her belly.  Tens of thousands of years separated them, but she wondered if it was enough.  Had he left something in her that would linger long after she left this island behind?  What would the child of caveman and modern woman look like?  She suppressed a shudder and shoved the thought aside.  Before she worried about carrying a caveman's baby, she had to escape Yeman Island.

When at last the sky began to lighten with the first pale gray hints of dawn, Paige carefully slipped away from Urgar's prone form and gathered her still-damp clothing.  She slipped out of the alcove, any sound she made masked by the incessant crash of the waterfall.  She found the beach easily enough, but a thick fog hung over the ocean, concealing the ship - if it was still there.

Paige's heart sank when she reached the campground.  The landing craft had not returned, and the site had been ransacked.  The tents were gone, but a random assortment of supply crates and gadgets lay strewn about, some destroyed, others ignored.  She marveled at how much the three cavemen had carried off, and she wondered how long it would be until they returned.

Icy fear clutched her heart.  What if Professor Donegal and Ben and the others had left for good?  What if they thought she was dead?  She tried to imagine life on the island, defenseless and alone among savages as they passed her around, nothing but a tool for their lust.

Then a faint hum reached her ear, carrying across the water.  Paige's heart leapt at the distinct sound of an outboard motor.  A moment later, the landing craft came into view.  It held fewer people this time - a driver, Professor Donegal, and Ben.  The other two passengers were members of the ship's crew, and they held a pump-action shotgun, the butts resting on their thighs, the muzzles pointed skyward.

She laughed with relief as the boat slid up onto the beach, but that relief drained out of her a moment later as a new thought struck her.  What would happen to Urgar and his people once word of this got out?  A vision of government helicopters swarming the island flashed through her mind - cavemen running in terror before their inevitable capture.  They would be thrown into an unfamiliar world, poked and prodded and put on display.  What kind of life would that be?

She hurried toward the craft, a desperate lie forming in her head.

"Professor!" Paige called as the engine quieted.  "We have to leave.  Right now."

Professor Donegal already had one foot out of the boat, his bright blue eyes scanning the wreckage of his camp.  "Paige!  We were so worried, but we didn't dare come back after...  after whatever that was last night.  Who were those men?"

"Russians, Professor," Paige said, hoping the urgency in her voice masked the falsehood of her words.  "Some kind of military program."

"Wait, what?  How do you know?"

Paige nearly screamed with frustration.  Donegal's quick, analytical mind would pick her lie apart if she wasn't careful.  "I... there were others that wore uniforms.  I think the ones that trashed the camp were drunk."

"How many were there?  What made that awful sound last night?"

"Some kind of alarm, I think," Paige lied.  At least this lie was more believable than the truth.  But this isn't an undiscovered island at all.  The Russians have a military installment on the other side of the ridge.  Professor, we
to go!"

She glanced past Donegal at Ben to see if he was buying her story, but her boyfriend - ex-boyfriend now, she supposed - had the decency to look embarrassed about abandoning her.

Donegal gritted his teeth.  "Damned Russians.  Figures.  The University will have my head."

"They don't tell them," Paige said.  "We can say it was a barren rock, that there's nothing here.  The others will listen to you.  Nobody wants an international incident."

Donegal grunted.  "Shit.  Get on the boat, Paige.  We'll work out what to do later, but no sense provoking them now."

Paige hurried onto the craft, praying the fog would swallow them before a tribe of angry savages descended out of the hills to reveal her lie.  As the boat headed for open waters, she forced herself not to look back.  She said a silent prayer for Urgar, that he and his people might live in peace on the island and remember her fondly.  Her hands rested on her belly, where some deep intuition told her that she carried a part of him out into the world.


The End


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About the author:

Fannie Tucker is a horny woman of indeterminate age who likes driving too fast, cussing too loud, and writing stories that would make her grandmother keel over dead.

She first discovered her talent for writing naughty stories while passing dirty notes to her boyfriend during English 201. When her professor confiscated one of the notes, he kept her after class and recommended a new and interesting line of work, and she never looked back. She lives in California with her husband and a Dachshund who rules them both.

Mrs. Tucker is the author of over 120 works of erotic fiction ranging from the romantic to the kinky to the downright weird. If you enjoyed this story, check her out online!


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This is a work of fiction.  Names, places, businesses, characters, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner.  Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


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Free Sample: 
Broodmaiden for the Centaur

Monster Broodmaidens

Available on
Men and centaurs have united to celebrate the end of a war and the wedding of King Pirithous. When the unruly centaurs swill too much wine, their leader hopes to claim the king's bride and her retinue of innocent maidens to bear his warriors' young.
In the resulting chaos, Lyta, a delicate woman known for beauty and purity, distracts a powerful centaur warrior named Pholus to protect her friend from his savage lusts. But she can't outrun him, and Pholus captures Lyta and hauls the maiden deep into the forest, where he takes her body and plants his seed, showing her that he's half man, half horse, and all rough passion!
This 5,400-word story based loosely on the Centauromachy of ancient Greek legend contains explicit adult content, including an innocent young maiden deflowered by a monstrous centaur with the thick, long... legs of a horse.               

Lyta felt Pholus's gaze on her.  She looked up and found the centaur watching her with hooded eyes as he paced back and forth, pawing at the ground with one front hoof.  "Why did you carry me away?" she asked him.

Pholus snorted.  "Eurytus and the others were fools to let their impulses rule them.  In their drunken stupor, they could not wait for a better moment.  Instead, they sought to sate their lust, thinking themselves stronger than even King Pirithous's mighty host.  I'm no fool to stay and die by their hands."  He came to her, slow and unhurried, until his powerful body towered over her.

Lyta could smell that wild scent again, only stronger now, thick with musk and sweat.  "What do you want from me?"

"The same thing Eurytus demanded," Pirithous.  "A broodmare."  He reached down and stroked her bare upper arm, and Lyta felt gooseflesh ripple out across her smooth skin.  Pholus grinned at her reaction.  "You want it too, don't you?"

"I want nothing from you," Lyta snapped, but that was a lie.  The heat between her legs called to him, though she would never admit it.  She tightened her legs together protectively.  Standing in front of him, Lyta couldn't see Pholus's cock, but she remembered her glimpse of it well enough.  She'd never been with a man, and her mind quailed at the thought of that monstrous rod inside her even as her body craved it.

Pholus chuckled.  "Deceive yourself if you like, woman.  I can smell your desire."  His big, rough hand moved up across her shoulder and stroked her dark hair.  When she flinched away, he paused.  "Have you not lain with a man?"

Lyta shook her head.  "I was chosen as one of the Seven Virgins.  To break my vows would be to dishonor my mistress, Deidamia."

At this, Pholus threw back his head, and his booming laughter filled the glade, deep and full and fearless.  "After the dishonor that Eurytus visited upon her, I doubt she would much notice."  He stepped forward, closing the distance between them as Lyta shrunk back.  "I'll break you to the saddle, little mare."

Lyta kept walking backwards until she stumbled as her heel pressed against a boulder twice her height, and her slow retreat halted.  Pholus closed in and took her by the arms, lifting her onto the rock with ease.  Elevated, she stood at eye level with the centaur, his thick beard just inches from her heaving chest.  His pale eyes bored into hers, and she felt her soul laid bare.  The flesh between her thighs felt hot and damp, and when Pholus sniffed the air, she knew he could smell her arousal.

His hands took hold of her waist, and he slid them down to feel the ripe curve of her womanly hips.  Through the thin shift, his touch seemed to prickle her flesh, and she squirmed atop the rock, unable to flee, but unwilling to push him away.

BOOK: Island of the Cavemen: Huge Size Caveman Erotica
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