Intimate Kiss (Bend To My Will #3) (4 page)

BOOK: Intimate Kiss (Bend To My Will #3)
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“It should be a word that you will easily remember, since you will need to say it when under stress. But it shouldn’t be the word
, because you might say that in the heat of passion and not mean it,” Jacob said. “Take a minute and decide on a safe word.”

When Jacob leaned back against the sofa, Vivienne reached for her wine. She drained the glass and twirled the stem between her fingers. “I’ll use the word
. When I’m stressed or don’t like a situation, I want to get

“Then the safe word is
.” Jacob refilled their wine glasses. “I should hope that you don’t have to use it. We will start with milder play, and gradually increase the intensity. I’ll learn to read your body language, know your reactions. If I do it well, you should be able to handle each new challenge.”

The way Jacob talked about it was a little scary, but also tempting. “I do want to try,” Vivienne said. “Just don’t expect too much.”

Jacob’s eyes softened. “There are no
. Not like you are thinking. It’s not a competition. What we do in the playroom is for our mutual pleasure. But I do expect for you to please me.”

“In what way?”

“Once we are in the room, you will address me as sir. It’s a sign of respect, and is the proper way for a submissive to address her master,” Jacob said. “I will command you, and I expect immediate compliance.”

“Or you will punish me?” Vivienne was catching on.

“Yes, I will.” Jacob stirred in his seat, and she noticed the bulge in his pants. He was as turned on as she was. “The punishment will match the severity of the offense. We will go over that in detail.”

Vivienne wondered what she’d gotten herself into. Did other women want the things she did? The voice inside whispered again, nagging at her that the playroom was decadent. She didn’t belong there. But Vivienne ignored the wayward thought, because she did belong. She belonged with Jacob, and in his playroom, however forbidden it might be.

For a while, Jacob discussed hard and soft limits, confirming with Vivienne what she was willing to do or try, and what she wasn’t. A couple of the suggestions were shocking, so she labeled them as hard limits. Whether she’d like it or not, Vivienne didn’t know. But she wasn’t ready to try it.

Jacob seemed pleased with what she was willing to do, and with the soft limits she agreed to. Those were the things she wasn’t certain that she’d be comfortable with, but she was willing to try. In return, Jacob went over his hard limits, letting her know about activities that he would not engage in. She breathed a sigh of relief over each one, as she had no intention of attempting any of them. The fact that Jacob didn’t want to either was good.

“Trust is important,” Jacob said. “I’ve mentioned that before, but I must stress it. During sex play, you will be reliant on my judgment, and will count on me to guide you. Only with your trust will I be able to accomplish that successfully.”

The way Jacob spoke, it was as if he was discussing what movie they should see, and it made Vivienne wonder how involved he would be in the activities. Then she remembered the playroom at the villa, and recalled how what they did affected Jacob as much as it did her.

And even as he spoke now, there were signs. His jeans were tight, his arousal evident. And his eyes glistened with desire. When he talked about the playroom, his jaw stiffened and his expression was stern. Jacob was affected by the prospect of their playroom activities. Yet Vivienne still didn’t understand him.

Jacob poured the last of the wine into their glasses. “When we talk, I don’t want you to hold back. It’s important that I know what you’re thinking, and how you feel about what we do.” He sipped his wine. “Do you have anything you’d like to ask?”

The wine had dulled Vivienne’s anxiety, and the talk had encouraged her to share her feelings. Jacob looked at her, waiting for her reply. “Will I sleep in your bed tonight?”

“No, you will have your own room,” Jacob said. “You will be quite comfortable.”

Vivienne sensed his withdrawal. A moment before, Jacob had been talking about the most intimate things they would do together. Now his expression was cold, and he seemed distant, which annoyed her.

“So I’m just your sex slave?” Vivienne said in a sharp voice.

Jacob’s jaw clenched. “You are not a slave.”

“What then?”

Jacob only glared at her.

“You slept with me that last night at the villa,” Vivienne said.

“That was different,” Jacob said in an icy tone. “Aftercare is vital. That’s expected.”

“How is it different?”

“When we engage in sex play, it can be very emotional. Afterwards, I will care for you,” Jacob said. “I won’t leave you in a traumatic state. I’ll take care of you.”

“So when you took me to your bed, you were just taking care of me?”

“Yes, I felt it was necessary.” Jacob looked at her. “But it was a risk.”

“I don’t agree,” Vivienne said. “What is the risk? That doesn’t make sense.”

“It might give you the wrong impression, and encourage the wrong type of closeness,” Jacob said. “The intimacy of the playroom will be a lot to deal with. You will see that soon enough. But to mix it with other emotions is dangerous. It’s easy to confuse the intensity of what you feel in the playroom for love.”

“And it’s not?”

“No, it isn’t. And I must be careful not to mislead you.” Jacob pulled Vivienne over to the sofa and put his arm around her. “It wouldn’t be fair. It’s up to me to give you pleasure, to push boundaries in the playroom. That is enough emotion for you. Mixing love, dating, and other romantic notions with it will only confuse you.”

Vivienne wanted to tell him that she didn’t care about that; she could deal with her emotions. But right then, she wasn’t sure of anything. Her head was spinning. She had a lot to think about. Soon Jacob would bring the playroom to life, and expect her to submit. Yet Vivienne wondered if she could do it.

When they finished the wine, Jacob opened another bottle, and Colette served dinner in the dining room. Vivienne didn’t have much of an appetite, although the food smelled delicious. Her stomach was in a knot. Jacob encouraged her to eat, but she just couldn’t. At least her submission was limited to the playroom, so she wasn’t forced to choke down the food.

Vivienne passed on dessert, and Colette showed her up to her room. Jacob said he would see her in the morning. “You need some rest,” he said. “This first night I will let you sleep.”

The bedroom was as elaborate as the rest of the place, but Vivienne hardly noticed. She changed for bed and slipped under the covers. Jacob’s explanation of why she was confined to a separate bedroom was unsatisfactory. Although it made sense to him, it didn’t make sense to Vivienne.

The separation of one’s heart from sexual intimacy seemed wrong. It didn’t fit, and no matter how she viewed it, Vivienne didn’t agree. She could see that was how Jacob felt, or how he claimed to feel. But she knew he was holding something back. Call it women’s intuition, but she could feel it when he talked about not mixing romance with sex.

Vivienne wished he wouldn’t shut her out. For all his talk about trust, it seemed to be a one-way proposition. She was supposed to trust Jacob, and not question him. Yet, clearly, he didn’t trust her enough to tell her what tormented him, or to share his past.

The prospect of going into the playroom with Jacob the next day was exciting. Vivienne had tasted what he offered, and she wanted more. But she wasn’t sure she could hide her feelings for him. How was she supposed to have the hottest sex she could imagine and not fall in love? The thought made her miserable. As much as Vivienne craved Jacob and the experiences he offered, she had doubts that this whole arrangement was going to work. She’d managed to hold back her emotion in Jacob’s presence. But now that she was alone, Vivienne buried her face in the pillow and let the tears flow.



Chapter 4

The next morning, Vivienne felt better. She would be with Jacob, which is what she wanted. After showering and dressing, she went downstairs. Colette greeted her with a cheery smile. “Good morning, miss,” she said. “Mr. Rinaldi is on the terrace.”

“Please call me Vivie. There’s no need to be formal with me, Colette.”

“Okay…Vivie.” The cook went back to preparing food. “There is coffee and juice on the table. Let me know if you prefer something else.”

“That will be fine, thank you.”

Vivienne went to the enclosed terrace, where the sun streamed through the windows. Jacob was looking out at the view, and her eyes went to his tight ass. In the jeans, he was yummy, and Vivienne’s thoughts drifted to sharing the playroom. She was looking forward to seeing him naked.

When her shoes clicked on the stone floor, Jacob turned. “Good morning, baby.” He came over and stood close, making Vivienne melt. “You smell so good.”

Jacob leaned down and put his fingertips under her chin, then kissed along her jaw. Vivienne’s body tingled, and her skin warmed. “You look beautiful,” Jacob whispered in her ear, his breath caressing her.

Then Jacob stepped back. “Would you like coffee?”

“That sounds good,” Vivienne said, and turned to pour her own, since the pot was on the table beside her. She added cream, then went to stand beside Jacob. The park below was brilliantly lit by the morning sun.

“I enjoy this view,” Jacob said. “Even though it’s not outside, it feels so.”

The terrace was built out from the main building, and although it was enclosed, it hovered high above the city below. “It’s amazing,” Vivienne said, but her attention was really on the man beside her.

After they ate the tasty breakfast that Colette served, Jacob gave her a tour of the penthouse, or at least part of it. The place was so big that Vivienne could easily get lost. There was an art gallery in one room, and a game room with a pool table in another.

The wine room had textured walls, and wood racks on the two side walls, which stored about two thousand bottles of wine. There was a small counter on the far wall with an inset painting of a vineyard, and a tall tasting table with chairs. The mosaic floor was the centerpiece of the room.

Jacob had a sound room with an expensive system, special acoustics, and comfortable furniture. So they sat for hours, lost in listening to music, ranging from classical to rock. In the dim lighting, they pressed close together, the tension between them palpable.

Vivienne didn’t resist what was happening to her. As the day slipped by, she wanted Jacob, unbearably. And judging by his demeanor, the way he spoke, and how he touched her, Jacob needed her too. A soft brush of his fingertips along her jaw, or down her bare arm, sent a thrill through her.

It reminded Vivienne of the villa, and how normal it had been. Jacob had spent time with her, dined with her, and talked with her. That was the man Vivienne knew, the man she was drawn to. The trepidation of the night before had vanished.

Jacob pulled her close and pressed her cheek against his chest. “There’s another room I want to show you,” he said, and stood up.

Vivienne took his hand and went with him. The room was down a long hall, around a corner. When Jacob turned the knob, her heart raced. “It’s okay to look around. I want you to get familiar with it.”

When Vivienne hesitated, he added, “The playroom rules don’t apply…yet. Just look around first, get used to this room.” Jacob’s eyes filled with lust. “I plan on being in here with you…often.”

The door opened, and Vivienne stepped inside. The design was different than the room at the villa. The space was large, almost cavernous, allowing for a wide range of activities. The style was oriental, with carved rosewood furniture and a tall screen with panels made of rice paper.

The mural covering one wall was an oriental painting, but the sexual overtones were clear. Walking over the shiny wood floors, Vivienne took in the sensual atmosphere. Cabinets with two-tone lacquer finishes, some with gold leaf panels, gleamed under the overhead lighting.

The playroom was equipped for its intended purpose. Vivienne trembled when her eyes roamed over the implements hanging from the wall. Seeing them reminded her that such things were used for punishment.
Her punishment
if she disobeyed.

The thought aroused her. Vivienne ran her fingers over the leather of a padded bench and across a chair, covered in silk fabric of royal blue, pink, and gold. When she turned to look at Jacob, he stepped toward her, removing his shirt as he went.

Wearing jeans only, Jacob walked across the polished floor in his bare feet. Vivienne licked her lips. He stood close, his male scent drugging her. Then he reached to the side and pressed a button. A wooden panel high on the wall slid open. A window set at an angle let in outside light.

“I want to see you in natural light,” Jacob said. “I don’t want to hide your loveliness.”

Then he began to slowly undress Vivienne, so that she felt each touch, every tiny motion. Jacob pulled her cotton shirt up, covering her eyes while he kissed the swell of her breasts, before taking it off. Then he knelt down to remove her shoes, rubbing the insides of her ankles with his thumbs.

Vivienne’s panties were soaked before he ever got to the top button of her pants. On his knees, Jacob undid the zipper and let them drop to the floor so she could step out. Though still in her bra and panties, Vivienne felt very naked.

When Jacob lowered her panties and kissed across her vulva, Vivienne trembled. Her breathing was ragged, and she plunged her hands into his hair, scratching with her fingernails. Jacob gave her one swat on her bare butt, just to remind her of who was in charge.

Only she wanted more of the same, and would have defied him to get it. Yet Jacob’s mouth on her skin distracted her, making her unable to hold on to a thought. Vivienne’s mind was filled only with the feel of his lips, his heat, and his masculine scent.

Jacob stood up and deftly removed her bra. Although he had barely touched her, Vivienne’s nipples were distended and aching. He pinched her nipples, gently at first, then harder. Her clit tensed, and Vivienne tossed her head back. “Jacob…”

“I do enjoy seeing you naked in the sunlight,” Jacob said. Rays of brilliant light filtered through the window above, giving the scene a heavenly cast. He delayed, looking at her, letting his gaze linger over her breasts, down to her waist, and over her hips.

When Jacob put his palms on her cheeks, Vivienne saw his expression change. The gentleness was gone, replaced by a stern look. “Are you ready to play, Vivienne?”

His commanding tone made Vivienne shiver. In answer to his question, she nodded, unable to find her voice.

“No,” Jacob said. “That won’t do.”

Vivienne feared that she’d already erred, and they had just started. She dug her teeth into her lower lip.

“When I ask you a question, you will answer…verbally.” Jacob’s steely look brooked no disagreement. “And I think you know how to address me.” He paused, giving her time to consider the consequences of her actions.

“Now, let’s try that again,” Jacob said. “Are you ready to play?”

“Yes, sir,” Vivienne said without hesitation, hoping to avoid the punishment that was likely due.

“That’s better,” Jacob said. “This is your first time in this room, and you are learning. Even still, I cannot let you get away with any offense. It sets a bad precedent.”

Vivienne knew better than to speak, remembering that the playroom was not the place for questions. Jacob had initiated play, so she should have known he expected her to answer his question out loud.

Jacob took her hand. “It’s a first offense, so I won’t be overly harsh,” he said. “Bend over that leather bench and grasp the handles.”

On shaky legs, Vivienne did so. She wrapped her hands over the padded handles, leaving her butt up in the air. Her feet touched the ground.

“Spread your legs,” Jacob said.

Vivienne opened her thighs, leaving her pussy bared to Jacob, as well as her ass.

“My hand will do,” Jacob said, and put his palm on her bare skin. “Five swats will remind you of your place here.”

Jacob’s hand smacked her ass, stinging her skin, and Vivienne gasped. It didn’t hurt that much, but she certainly felt it. He whacked her butt sharply, and she had no doubt it would be red when he was done. She didn’t think to count, but soon enough the punishment was over.

A part of Vivienne said that she should feel demeaned, that she should reject such treatment. But her nipples ached with need, and her pussy vibrated with desire. Offering herself to Jacob was far from objectionable.

Jacob lifted her from the bench. “Now we need to clarify a couple of other things.”

Vivienne was listening.

“Today was different. But in the future, I will ask you to come to this room to prepare for me,” Jacob said. “You will kneel and keep your eyes cast down, until I tell you otherwise. No matter how long you have to wait for me, you will do so. Do you understand, Vivienne?”

“Yes, sir.”

Jacob looked pleased. “Let’s try it now.” He pointed to a square rug, beside a chair. “Kneel there, and I’ll show you the position.”

Vivienne knelt on the rug and followed his instruction. She sat on her heels, but kept her back straight. She rested her palms on her thighs and looked down at the floor.

“I like seeing you there,” Jacob said. “It gets you in the right frame of mind.” He paused. “You are not to look up, unless I allow it. And you are not to speak, unless I ask you a question. Then I expect an answer.”

Vivienne swallowed.

“Do you understand, Vivienne?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You are doing very well,” Jacob said. “I’m going to help you up, and I meant it when I said you are not to look up unless I tell you to.”

Vivienne stood with his help, and he guided her to a long padded bench. She stared at the floor. Then Jacob held a lace blindfold so she could see it. “I’m going to blindfold you, but you can partially see through it. It’s to acclimate you to being blindfolded.”

Jacob tied the blindfold over her eyes. “Now, get up on the bench, on your back.”

There was a wooden step, and Vivienne could see well enough to make her way up. The bench was as large as a twin bed, so there was plenty of room for her. She felt the cool leather underneath her, which escalated her excitement.

Jacob took two long black ribbons and tied her wrists to the loops along the edge of the bench. Her arms were secured at her sides. “This is to let you know that you shouldn’t move,” he said. “Now spread your legs.”

Vivienne did so, getting more turned on by the second. She could see through the lace, and watched Jacob undo his jeans. He yanked them down and tossed them aside, giving Vivienne the immense pleasure of seeing his gorgeous cock. Yet she made sure not to look up, unwilling to risk his displeasure.

Jacob turned on some music so it played in the background. Then he came back holding a long implement. It looked like a plume of feathers. “Looks are deceiving,” he said. “You will see what erotic torture can be achieved with a light touch.”

Vivienne wisely didn’t answer.

“You have a safe word, Vivienne. What is it?”

, sir.”

“And I expect you to say it if you need to,” Jacob said. “It is allowable for you to discontinue play at any time. There will be no consequences for doing so. Say yes if you understand that.”

“Yes, sir.”

“There is one other word you can say at any time,” Jacob said. “If you feel I’m pushing you too far, edging so close to a limit that it makes you uncomfortable…just say
.” He stroked the feathers over her belly. “That is how you can slow things down if you need to. If you don’t say either word, then I will assume you are tolerating the activity well.”

Vivienne tensed, unsure exactly what Jacob had in mind.

“Until I say otherwise, you are not to make any sound. You may not whimper, moan, or speak. This is not an easy task, Vivienne. But I have confidence in you,” Jacob said. “And you will not move. Although I guarantee you will become very aroused, painfully so, you will stay very still.” He paused. “I do want you breathing, so panting is allowed, although without further sound effects.”

Vivienne’s heart pounded.

Jacob stroked the soft feathers down her arms and legs, so she relaxed a little. “Let the pleasure fill you, baby,” he said. “Close your eyes.”

Without being able to see, Vivienne couldn’t predict where or how Jacob would touch her. Her senses were on high alert: the music was more pronounced, the feel of the leather underneath her more tactile, and each touch of the feathers more dramatic.

Jacob worked the implement with an expertise she hadn’t known was possible. The feathers grazed her skin with such a light touch that her skin tingled. Then he used a flatter side, and the soft surface caressed her, almost as if hands were teasing her.

The ambient air wafted over Vivienne’s wet pussy, adding to the stimulation. Her clit was as hard as a tiny pebble, and her distended nipples ached. The temptation to whimper, or to writhe on the bench, was strong.

BOOK: Intimate Kiss (Bend To My Will #3)
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