Read Instructing Sarah Online

Authors: Anne Rainey

Instructing Sarah (4 page)

BOOK: Instructing Sarah
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When he continued staring at her, she chose silence. She was way out of her element with Greg. He was nothing like the other men she’d dated. He was so bold and candid, and she didn’t know what to make of him. He said whatever came to mind and she was used to men hiding behind flattering words and nice gestures. On the other hand, Greg wouldn’t hide from anyone for any reason.

"Dance with me. I want to get you in my arms. I want to feel you against me.”

He growled and stood, holding his hand out to her. "May I have this dance, fair lady?” He bent over her hand and kissed the back of it as he slipped back into the role of charming prince.

Sarah let out her breath, loving Greg’s absurdity. Endeavoring to sound serious, she effected an English accent and accepted his offer. "Why yes, kind sir.” She got up and curtsied, completing the performance.

Sarah’s body felt heavy and warm as Greg led her to the middle of the crowded dance floor. Once there, he put his arms around her and pulled her up against his hard strength.

Sarah felt at home. It was odd, but there it was. Nothing could ever harm her with Greg's strong arms surrounding her,.

She twined her arms around his neck and he pulled her even closer still. She immediately knew what he wanted to show her. Greg’s rigid, thick cock was now pressed into her belly and Sarah’s knees went weak. Her eyes sought his, as if searching for confirmation; he smiled down at her and rotated his hips, causing heat to pool between her legs and her face to flame.

Greg leaned down and Sarah felt his hot breath against her ear. "Don't be embarrassed, baby. You’re beautiful and feeling your sweet curves against me drives me out of my mind, but I won’t do anything to make you uncomfortable.” He lifted his head then, his eyes so dark she barely saw the pupils. “ Though, I do wish we were back at my condo right now and doing this without clothes.” His gaze dropped to her chest and Sarah’s nipples hardened for him. His nostrils flared as he muttered, “Of course, if we were naked, you can be sure that dancing would be the furthest thing from my mind."

“I wouldn’t mind being back at your condo right now either, Greg,” Sarah confessed.

The words came out so soft he wasn’t sure he heard her right. He stopped dancing and cupped her chin in his palm, urging her to look up at him so he could see her expressive green eyes. “Are you saying you want me, Sarah?”

S h e nodded, her eyes so eager, as if pleading with him to take her home and make love to her. “Believe me, I want that more than anything right now. I’ve wanted you for a long time, actually, but you need to be one hundred percent sure. It’s only our first date, sweetheart.”

Sarah’s face took on a determined, almost rigid quality that he’d never seen before and it stunned him a little. Her words stunned him even more. “I don’t think I want you to be a gentleman about this, Greg. I want you and you want me.

That’s all I really need to know.”

Greg searched for the truth in her words. She seemed ready and he damn well knew he was ready. Fuck, he’d been ready for months now.

Slowly, giving her time to change her mind, Greg brought his mouth to within an inch of hers and proclaimed, “Your wish is my command, fair lady.” Then he kissed her, sealing her fate.


Walking into the softly lit room, Sarah felt an immediate sense of panic. What inner demon had prompted her to accept Greg's invitation tonight? She was as nervous as a rabbit in a farmer’s field. But even her anxiety couldn't hinder the zing of anticipation that ran the length of her spine.

She'd stood on the outskirts looking in for far too long. Now it would be her turn to experience passion. Passion at the very capable hands of Greg Stiles.

Darned if that didn’t get a girl’s heart fluttering.

After their one and only dance, Greg hadn’t




Determination was stamped into his untamed features as he’d led her out of the restaurant and back to his truck. He’d driven home without so much as glancing her way. She’d watched him from the corner of her eye, noting the way his fists had clutched the steering wheel. In that moment, he’d seemed large and dangerous and grim. The teasing prince was gone. In his place was an unyielding and dominant man hungry for sex. It had drawn a shiver from her then and now. But she had wanted Greg for two years. Two long, lonely years and all she’d been to him was a casual acquaintance. She had wanted more than that, and this time she'd have what she wanted. Tonight was the night and she would let nothing spoil it for her.

Not even herself.

She came further into the living room with her back ramrod straight, Greg behind her. She heard the lock snick into place and it sounded overly loud in the quiet room.

She twined her fingers together, trying and failing to remain calm. How was she supposed to please a man like him? She was a virgin! He’d be completely turned off by her the minute he realized how little she knew about pleasures of the flesh. Sarah turned to him then and saw him staring at her. She licked her lips and forced herself to stay still.
Don’t bolt, no matter how bad you
want to,
she commanded herself as she watched him move towards her. Sarah felt an immediate rush of relief when he took her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers.

This kiss wasn’t the delicate touching of flesh that it had been in the truck. This time, Greg took her mouth in wild abandon, dipping his tongue inside the wet cavern of her mouth and then back out again, teasing and tasting. She melted against him and moaned. Never had she felt anything as deep. It went straight to the heart of her, causing butterflies to spring to life in her stomach and a quick burst of fire even lower.

Gently, slowly, Greg pulled back, his gaze fierce with arousal. “You haven’t been with many men have you, sweetheart?”

How could he know that from a single kiss? Her eyes shot to his chest, unwilling to meet his gaze, sure he’d laugh at her. “No, I haven’t. I suppose you think that’s pathetic.”

Greg cupped the back of her head and tipped her chin up. “Not pathetic at all. A major turn on, actually.”

That did shock her. “But I thought guys wanted a woman who knew what she was about, a woman who could…please.”

He smiled and his hands smoothed their way down her back to her bottom, where they cupped and squeezed. Her flesh molded to his hands as if made for him. “I don’t know what other men want, baby, but I want you. And the idea that I’ll be instructing you on just how to please me definitely does
turn me off.”


He pulled her closer until her pelvis was cradling his rather impressive hard-on; it very nearly caused her to miss his next question.

“Just how experienced are you?”

Oh, lord. She hadn’t seen that one coming. “Uh, well, not very.”

He swatted her bottom.

Sarah jumped, scandalized by what he’d just done. “What was that for?”

“For not being completely honest with me. You said you trust me.”

“I do.”

“Then answer me. How experienced are you?”

She knew as soon as the words left her mouth he’d send her home, but she also knew that he wouldn’t let up until he got what he wanted. The man was too damned tenacious. She sighed. “I’m a virgin, okay?

There, now you know,” Sarah gritted out.

His eyes shot wide and his mouth went slack.

She pushed against him, not willing to be humiliated no matter how badly she wanted him. But he was immovable. She may as well be pushing against a brick wall for all he budged.

“Let me go.”

His brows drew together. “What the hell for?”

“Because I don’t need you staring at me as if I’m some strange object that you’ve never seen before.”

“I don’t think you’re a strange object,”

he quietly explained. “I’m just surprised. I mean a woman your age, looking as good as you do, I can’t figure how you stayed a virgin.” He shook his head. “The guys you’ve dated must have been total idiots.”

She squinted, still leery. “So, you don’t think I’m odd for being a virgin at twenty-five?”

He licked his lips and looked at her chest again, as if mentally picturing her naked

breasts. “No, not odd. Damned enticing definitely, but not odd.”

Well then
, Sarah thought, feeling her heart soar. She swallowed hard as his hands began to massage her backside through the skirt. Greg had somehow managed to wiggle the material higher, exposing the tiniest amount of her panties.

His rough fingers there, teasing. Just as she was about to shout ‘take me!’ he spoke again, driving her a little closer to insanity.

“Jesus, Sarah, the thought of being the first man to push inside your soft, tight cunt is enough to make me come in my jeans.”

“Oh please don’t, Greg. I’d be sorely disappointed.” She smiled and taunted him further. “I’m really looking forward to having you do away with my virginal status.”

His eyes lit with intense arousal.

“Yeah, baby, me too.” He pushed her away gently and demanded, “First, take off your clothes for me so I can see all of you.”

Sarah froze. “Uh, shouldn’t we move to the bedroom first?”

“Nope. I want to see you now. I can’t wait another minute.” When she only stood there, arms crossed over her chest, he hissed, “Off with them, Sarah.”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, knowing she couldn’t deny him a single thing. She began unbuttoning her blouse. Greg stood in the shadows, watching her every movement. His short, dark hair curled up around his collar and his jeans pulled tight over his straining erection. Sarah licked her lips, her entire body





excitement. Her pussy grew damp as she continued unbuttoning her blouse, fingers trembling like mad. Soon the blouse was undone and she slipped it down her shoulders. It fell to the floor in a flutter of silk, then Sarah started on her skirt.

* * * *

Greg wanted everything Sarah had to give, and he'd get it all tonight. He had tried, really tried, to keep their relationship on friendly terms, but he’d failed miserably. Every damned night he went to bed thinking of her. How she’d look naked, how she’d look bent over backwards naked, how she’d look with him deep inside of her and naked. Hell, he’d driven himself certifiably insane! The fucking waiting was over. She was here and she looked good enough to eat. And he was damned hungry for a taste.

He tried to maintain a modicum of control, but it was difficult. His hands fisted at his sides, as he took in the sight of her.

Her hair was just the way he liked it, long and golden blond and full. It hung straight and unfettered, gleaming in the soft glow of the table lamp. Her black skirt had driven him to distraction all night as he imagined himself inching it up, exposing her panties beneath. It thrilled him to know she had followed his instructions by wearing a skirt.

It gave him a predatory feeling deep in his gut. He wanted to command and conquer, teach her all the delicious things he knew and show her how exquisite loving could be between two people.

His mind came to an abrupt halt when his gaze settled on her breasts. Perfect, high, full tits that he wanted to lick and suckle for hours.

Enough was enough.

He stepped away from the wall and ordered, "The rest of it, Sarah."

Sarah did as she was told, as if all too eager to please him. Her words confirmed it. “I want to please you, Greg. In part, because I know that, in pleasing you, I’ll be pleasing myself. You’ve played a starring role in my erotic dreams for the past two years.”

There was something important in her words, but Greg could only stare as Sarah unzipped the skirt and pushed it down, wiggling her hips to get the clingy material off. Soon, she stood wearing only her heels, white bra, and matching panties. She was like something out of a fetish catalogue. She shivered, though he wasn't sure if it was from her lack of dress or excitement over what they were about to do. With any luck, it was excitement. Damn, the woman was addicting.

"Get the bra and panties off, Sarah. If I do it I’m liable to ruin them."

She quickly did away with the lacy bits of material and then she was naked in front of him. He closed the distance between them and enfolded her in his arms.

He looked down into her pale green eyes and declared, "For tonight you're mine and you do everything I say. I swear I’ll make you feel so damned good, baby."

She nodded enthusiastically, then his lips were covering hers in a rough show of possession.

He licked and bit at her, hungry to take all that he could lest she disappear like the ghost of his dreams. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the couch.

He laid her down and stood back up. As he undressed, he held her gaze until the last of his clothes had joined hers on the floor.

Then her eyes left his and wandered down his body in a heated journey that left him singed. Her curious eyes stopped on his cock and he watched her lick her lips in anticipation.

BOOK: Instructing Sarah
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