Read Inamorata Online

Authors: Kate Sweeney

Inamorata (3 page)

BOOK: Inamorata
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Chapter 4


“You have done well in just three weeks,” Juan said the next morning. He nodded in approval as he looked around the construction site. The main road was under construction. His cousin had purchased an excellent parcel of land for the clinic. “Not too much to clear. This is good.”

“Exactly what I thought, Juan,” Mick said and patted him on the back. “Your cousin chose wisely. We don’t have to destroy anything to build. That’s always good,” she said, smiling as she looked around.

Juan smiled at his young friend. She learned well from her parents. The land and nature were important to both of them.

In the light of the humid day, the harsh words regarding his cousin were forgotten. A hug and a kiss, and all was right in their world.

“Sean did a good job with our campsite,” Juan said.

“Yeah. He comes in handy,” Mick said with a wink. “I guess we’ll keep him.”

Mick and Sean each had their private tent. Juan and Maria’s tent was situated far enough away for their privacy. With the common area between them used for cooking and dining the site was functional, and in the middle of a forest, it was secluded and a welcome respite from the constant heat. However, nothing could be done with the humidity.

Juan had arranged for the new workers to come today. Laborers who would work hard and long to finish the project. Mick and Sean were adamant about giving them the best pay they could.

At noon, the trucks pulled up with the workers. All from Los Rios and the small village beyond. Juan greeted each man and took charge. Mick and Sean had a small table set up with the drawings and plans for the clinic spread out.

“What do you think you are doing?”

Mick and Sean looked up hearing Juan’s voice. A small boy, perhaps nine, stood there looking up at Juan. His hands were on his hips, mirroring Juan; his little face scowling.

“I have come to work,” he said firmly, pulling the worn New York Yankee cap down on his brow.

Mick grinned at the little ruffian. “Spunky kid,” she said.

Sean chuckled while he concentrated on the drawings. Mick tossed down the pencil and watched with interest.

“What is your name?” Juan asked.

“Ezekiel Estaban,” the little boy barked back. “And I can do anything!”

Juan laughed and looked at the other men. “Who claims this little turtle?”

All the men laughed and shook their heads. Little Ezekiel glared at Juan. “Do not laugh at me, Señor!”

“Go home. I need men, not little turtles,” Juan said, chuckling, and ruffled the boy’s dark head, nearly knocking off the ball cap.

Mick watched the boy, who was so furious she just had to like him. She instantly remembered when her father treated her the same way. “You’re a girl, Michaela. Ya can’t do it,” he would say. Mick saw the same fury she had reflected in the boy’s eyes.

As if drawn to her, little Ezekiel looked over at Mick; a wide grin spread across his dirty face.

“Uh-oh,” Mick mumbled and immediately buried her head in her plans.

“I can help the Señorita!” he announced to anyone who would listen and dashed over to the table.

Sean looked up and gave his sister a sweet smile. “See ya later, sis. Good luck,” he said and took off.

Mick opened her mouth and glared at the retreating coward.

“I am Ezekiel. I am here to help,” he announced proudly.

Mick mumbled and shooed him away. Just then, a light breeze blew and the rolled papers flew off the table.

Scrambling, the little boy picked up the papers and a few big rocks. “Here, let me,” he said, and Mick ran her fingers through her sun-streaked hair and watched.

“Hey, I don’t need…” she started to say as Ezekiel pushed his way between her and the table. He spread the papers out and placed the rocks at the four corners, holding the papers in place.

“See. You need me,” he said and looked up with pleading deep brown eyes.

Mick frowned down at the little boy and ran a finger under her nose. “Look, kid…”

“Ezekiel,” he corrected with a grin. His face was dirty and his clothes, worn. Mick controlled the urge to run her fingers through his thick hair. Dammit, she thought, trying to quell her maternal instincts.

He stuck out his hand and Mick reluctantly took it.

“Mick,” she said gruffly.

“Señorita Mick, I will be your ass…”

Mick raised a wary eyebrow waiting for him to finish. He frowned, deep in thought, his dark eyes darting back and forth searching for the right word. Actually, his English was remarkable.

“Ass…” he repeated.

Mick hid her grin. “Assistant,” she finished for him.

He beamed and rolled his eyes. “
I agree. I will be your assistant. I can do anything. I am strong and tireless,” he said, trying to sound so adult that it nearly broke Mick’s heart. 

She sat down and looked at the dirty boy. “Where do you live, Zeke?”

The little boy beamed. “Zeke? I like it. I live with my grandmother. She is old and I need to help.”

“What about school?” Mick asked the million-dollar question.

Zeke frowned. “I don’t need school. It is for girls. I am a man,” he challenged.

Mick ran her hand across her mouth in an effort not to laugh. “Well, my man. If you want to work for me, you have to go to school. I need someone who is smart as well as strong. So, you go to school during the day. You come here in the afternoon and on weekends. I pay you a fair wage and you get an education. Deal?” she challenged and stuck out her hand.

Zeke gave her a very suspicious look. Mick could tell this is not exactly what he had planned but she was sure he needed the money. He took the offered hand, looking surprised at the firmness in the handshake. “Not bad for a mere woman.”

“You are right.” Zeke nodded, solemnly.

Why the little…“Is it a deal?”

. It is a deal, Señorita Mick.”

In that moment, Michaela Brennan formed another friendship.


Standing near her tent, Maria watched and listened as Michaela talked with the young boy. This is what she needs, the old woman thought. Too long she has been taking care of her family; too long she has gone without for others. Perhaps now is her time. She smiled as she watched Michaela shake hands with the little boy.

So, for the next few days, Mick had a shadow. Everywhere she went Zeke was right behind her. Maria laughed at how the men thought it funny how the little boy started to walk like the tall American; run his fingers through his hair like the blue-eyed Mick and he picked up another habit—swearing. Mick along with Maria cringed every time they heard him repeat her curses.

“Zeke, Zeke. Geez, you can’t say that,” Mick pleaded, while Maria glared.

Zeke looked honestly confused. “You do,” he said seriously.

Mick sat on the chair by the fire, her hands behind her head. Zeke let out a sigh and mirrored her posture as he sat against a large rock.

“Yeah, but I’m an adult. You can’t go swearing like that. It’s not nice for a young man to curse,” she said.

“My uncle does.”

“That doesn’t make it right,” she insisted and opened a bottle of water and handed one to the Zeke. She took a drink and so did Zeke.

Juan and Maria watched and laughed openly at the little monkey.

“Okay, let’s see what you did at school today,” Mick said and motioned to his books.

Zeke grumbled and kicked at the dirt. “Oh, Señorita Mick. I do not want to study again,” he complained.

Mick sat forward and looked at the little boy. “You want to get paid?”

Zeke rolled his eyes and opened his books, glancing at the serious looks from Juan and Maria.

“Zeke, give me one hour of study and that’s it,” she said and he nodded.

She ruffled his hair and walked over to the others.

“You have a friend,” Maria said as she made dinner over an open fire. Sean grinned but said nothing.

Mick shrugged. “He’s a good kid, I guess.”

“He is a little turtle,” Juan said, grinning.

“Quit calling him that,” she said quietly through her laughter.

“Señorita Mick?” Zeke called out as he concentrated on his schoolwork.

“Hmm, the turtle needs his mother.” Sean laughed as he stirred the boiling pot over the fire.

Mick glared at him. “Bite me,
mi hermano
,” she said and marched away.

Chapter 5


The next week was hot, humid, rainy, muddy and altogether miserable. Everyone was exhausted, and the dampness brought out the mosquitoes. One morning Maria went into Panama and Juan dared the Brennans to think of going with her. She had brought back the netting for each tent. At night, it helped. However, during the misty damp day it was horrendous.

If Mick slapped at a mosquito one more time…

In that time, three laborers quit, which meant double duty for Sean and Mick. At the end of the week, Mick paid the workers and the truck took off for the weekend.

Zeke waited and Mick handed him his first pay in cash. “You did good, Zeke. I’m proud of you,” she said honestly and tiredly. She, like the rest of them, was covered in mud and dirt.

“Señorita Mick, you need sleep,” Zeke said.

Mick bent over the large basin filled with water, waiting for the day when the well was finished. She washed her face, hands and arms, then doused her head. She came up shaking her head.

“Shit, um, heck I could use a bath,” she exclaimed.

Zeke laughed. “You look like
el perro

Mick lifted her head, reaching for a towel. Zeke quickly picked it up and handed it to her. “I hope that’s a compliment.”

Sean stood nearby and laughed. “I think Zeke means you look like a dog, shaking its wet head.”

!” Zeke said.

“Hmm… Well, thanks, my man,” she said with a smile. “Now get home. See you tomorrow.” She patted him on the head and headed toward her tent.

Once inside, she peeled off the sweaty tank top; parted the netting that covered the sleeping area and fell face down on her large cot.

Outside, she heard a car driving down the little road, which was now very muddy. The annoying rain had stopped and now the sun was out. Even at five in the afternoon, it was so hot and humid Mick wondered how she would survive a whole year.


The jeep pulled up next to Mick’s Land Rover. Maria was pleasantly surprised to see Dr. Rivera. She wore a white tank top, a pair of khaki shorts and hiking boots.

“Isabella!” Maria called out as she and Juan greeted her.

Dr. Rivera looked around and nodded her approval. “You have done much in such a short time,” she said, honestly amazed.

“It’s Mick and Juan. They keep them all working. We’ve lost a few laborers so they are all working. Sean is in Los Rios. Mick I think just collapsed.” She motioned to Mick’s tent where Zeke was standing guard.

Dr. Rivera gave the tent a worried look. “Collapsed?”

“She is exhausted. She and Juan are on a time frame and they want to get as much done with the workers they have,” Maria said as she set the pot on the fire. “You will stay for dinner? Or do you have to get back to Panama?”

“I would love to stay, Maria. Then I will go back to Los Rios and stay at my mother’s,” she said and gave the tent another look. “Are you sure she is well? I don’t want anyone to harm themselves.”

Juan let out a tired laugh. “That one would not know harm if it bit her on the…”

Maria shot him a warning glance. He stopped and chuckled quietly.

“Ezekiel, come here and eat now,” Maria said and the little boy dashed over to her side.

“I will bring something to Señorita Mick,” he said firmly.

Maria rolled her eyes and sat the boy down. “You will eat your dinner then go to your grandmother’s before it gets dark. Let Michaela sleep. She can eat later,” Maria ordered gently.

“But she is hungry,” he protested.

Isabella smiled as she watched him. “
Buenas noches
, Ezekiel. How is your grandmother?” she asked kindly.

“Zeke,” he corrected her proudly. “She is okay I think. She gets so very tired,” he said in a small voice.

Isabella gently stroked his hair. “I will go and see her tomorrow, Ezekiel, oh, Zeke,” she amended with a wink.

Zeke blushed and grinned. “Señorita Mick talks of you,” he added as Maria placed the tortillas on his plate and ladled the thick stew over them. He licked his lips in anticipation.

Isabella felt her face flush for some reason as she glanced at the tent. “Of me?”

The boy nodded as he watched Maria. “

. Señorita Mick says you are a wonderful woman to do something like this. This is why she works so hard,” he said absently.

Maria smiled slightly; Juan scowled. He was still smarting from their last argument over his cousin. He glanced at his young relative who was frowning slightly in confusion.

“Señorita Mick, er Brennan said this?” she asked as she took the offered plate. “Maria, make two plates
por favor
. I do not want anyone to become ill because of this,” she said firmly.

Maria nodded; Juan scowled.

“I will take it to her,” Zeke announced with a mouthful.

Maria put a hand on his little shoulder and shook her head. “You eat. Juan will take you home. You can come back tomorrow,” she said and the little boy grumbled as he ate.

“You like Señorita Brennan, Zeke?” Isabella asked as Maria prepared another plate.

The boy nodded firmly. “She teaches me. She does not laugh at me and she treats me like a man,” he said and shot a glare at Juan.

Juan hid his grin. “You are like little fireball.” He looked at Maria. “Reminds me of Mick when she was a little girl.”

“When I grow up I will build things like Señorita says. She says if we work in harmony with nature, we can do anything. She says it is good that you picked this land. Nothing will be destroyed for your clinic.” He wiped his mouth and looked up. “She admires you,” he finished and continued with his meal.

This amazed Isabella. She remembered the arrogant, drunk, blue-eyed American who brazenly and explicitly requested sexual favors. Remembering that night, Isabella shivered involuntarily. The explicit requests still rang in her ears. She quickly dismissed the images. Surely, this was not the same woman.

Maria touched her arm, breaking her from her thoughts, and handed her the plate. Isabella nodded and walked to tent, trying to steady the plates with shaking hands.

Mick lay as she fell—on her stomach and sound asleep. Isabella glanced around, found a small stool and pulled it over, setting both plates down. Mick mumbled in her sleep and Isabella gently pulled the protective netting back and sat on the edge of the cot. She noticed at once how filthy Mick was and how sunburned. She was wearing only a sports bra and shorts; her back was beet red. American skin, Isabella thought, shaking her head. She quietly walked to the tent door.

“Zeke!” She hissed a whisper and immediately the young boy dashed over. “Go and get my bag out of the jeep,
por favor
,” she said and winked. The boy smiled and ran to the car.

Maria quickly walked over her. “Is she not well?”

“No. No, she is fine. She is still sleeping.  Just sunburned and I have aloe that will help. There is nothing to worry about. I will take good care,” she assured her. She noticed Maria’s happy smile and her cousin’s ever-present scowl.

Zeke carried the bag, following Isabella. “Is Señorita Mick okay, Dr. Rivera?” he whispered.

Isabella nodded and cupped his little cheek. “She is fine, just a little sunburn. Now, you go and finish your meal, Zeke,” she ordered gently.

Zeke frowned while he stared at Mick. He knelt down beside the bed looking into her sleeping face. “She is so still,” he said, his lip quivering.

“She is fine, please believe me.”

With that, Mick stirred and woke. She looked over to see only Zeke kneeling by her head. “Hey, my man. What are you doing here? It’s late. Did you eat?” she asked in a tired voice.

Isabella was touched by her gentle concern for the small boy.

“Go home to your grandma. She’ll be worried,” she mumbled. “Don’t worry her, Zeke. She’s your family.”

“Are you all right, Señorita Mick?”

Mick chuckled tiredly. “Yes, Señorita Mick is fine. She is just fucking el-poop-ed. Oh, shit, don’t say fuck...” She stopped as Zeke giggled. She chuckled as well. “You know what I mean.”

“I know.
Buenas noches
, Mick,” he said and Mick raised her hand and ruffled his hair.

Buenas noches
, my little man,” she mumbled and gently pushed him away. She then noticed the two plates of food. “Hey, thanks for the food, Zeke.”

“I did not bring it, Doctor Rivera did,” he said grinning.

Mick’s eyes flew open as she tried to sit up.

Isabella quickly sat on the edge of the bed. “You are much sunburned Señorita Brennan. Please stay still.”

“Let Doctor Rivera help you Señorita Mick. She is very good,” he assured her.

“Okay. Scram, Zeke. See you tomorrow,” she sighed as she laid back.

Once Zeke zipped up the tent screen and was gone, Mick raised her head. “Hi, um. I forgot you were coming. Has it been two weeks already?”

. They weather has not been too good?”

“No, the weather has been horrible,” Mick agreed and sat up. “Look, I’m fine. I was just tired. I…”

“Señorita Brennan, please. I do not want anyone to become ill. Please eat then I will take care of your back. Do not argue with the doctor.”

Mick chuckled quietly as she sat up. She regarded the attractive face before her—just as she remembered. She touched the lingering bruise under her eye. “Don’t worry, I won’t argue,” she said and to her delight, the doctor blushed deeply, as she looked down at her plate. She handed the other to Mick. “Thank you.”

Isabella smiled. “You’re welcome. But I am the one who should thank you and your brother.”

“Well, you’re welcome.” Mick took a forkful and all at once, she was ravenous. She ate the entire bowl of stew and four tortillas.

Isabella watched then offered her own plate. Mick refused at first then sheepishly took the uneaten plate and devoured it as well. Now, she was once again exhausted.

“Tell me how it is going?” Isabella asked as Mick started to unlace her boots. “Let me help you.”

“I’m…I…” Mick started to protest but Isabella had already knelt down and began to unlace them.

“Um, well, we’re a bit behind schedule. We lost a few workers. I don’t know why. Sean’s in Los Rios trying to figure out the reason,” she said and yawned so wide she thought her jaw would crack.

Isabella took the muddied boots. Looking around the spacious tent, she decided to place them in the corner of the large tent. “This is very big, no?”

“Yes. It’s a good-sized tent. We figure we’d be here most of the time. So, why not be as comfortable as we can. I really miss a hot bath though. Maybe one weekend we can go to Panama City and…” she stopped abruptly and turned red. She noticed Isabella stiffen as she turned to look out the opening of the tent. Mick doggedly went on. “I am sorry. God, if I could change any one stupid-ass thing I’ve done in my whole life, that would be it,” she said sincerely.

“I know,” Isabella said softly. “I know you did not mean…”

When she stopped, Mick groaned again, burying her head in her hands. “I’m so sorry.” She looked at her then. “Can I be honest with you?”

Isabella turned to her and cocked her head, but Mick saw the adorable smile. “I am not too sure you should be.”

Mick let out a nervous laugh. “While I’m sorry I insulted you, I have to tell you I found you very attractive. I still do. And for that, I am not sorry.” She let out a huge sigh. “So, there I said it.”

Isabella folded her arms across her chest, absently kicking at the tent floor. “You do not have to be sorry, Señor—”

“Please don’t call me Señorita again.” She stretched her back and winced. “Guess I did get a little sun.”

“You are burnt to crisp as you Americans say. And you are filthy.”

Mick laughed tiredly and nodded. “I’ll…”

“Lie down. I will return in a moment,” she said and walked out of the tent.

Mick sat there for a moment then laid back and winced. Sunburn, she thought and rolled onto her stomach and yawned. “Marie told me to use sunblock. Why don’t I listen to her?” She laughed and hugged the pillow. “Why don’t I listen to anyone?” She yawned again and closed her eyes.

The next thing she remembered was a cool cloth on the back of her legs. Oh, God, she’s washing me. Mick took a deep breath and held it as she listened to the doctor wring out the cloth in the bowl. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt it on her upper thigh. Oh, please don’t do that, she begged, trying not to move.

Her arms were next and Mick fought the urge to groan openly. Okay, think of something else. Ah, the Cubs, they suck but I love ’em, she thought then inwardly groaned as her back was treated to the same gentle touch. Okay, dead baby seals, that’s tragic. She screamed inwardly as the cloth bathed the back of her neck. 

Then there was nothing and Mick hoped she was finished. She moved and she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. “Lie still, please. I have aloe for your back,” Isabella said in a soft voice.

BOOK: Inamorata
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