Read In Love With My Best Friend Online

Authors: Sheena Binkley

In Love With My Best Friend (11 page)

BOOK: In Love With My Best Friend
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Chapter 16
fter being thrown out of The Corinthian, I noticed Tia was
standing by her car in a fit of rage. When she saw me and the
look I had on my face, her expression softened.
“Do you feel better?”
“Nope, feel even worse.”
“Come here,” Tia said as she gave me hug. She held me for a few seconds before punching me in the arm.
“What was that for?”
“For taking my car; next time just ask.”
“How did you get here?”
“A cab and you owe me seventeen fifty.”
“Fine,” I said as I fished through my purse for some cash. I handed her
a twenty. It was the least I could do since I took her car.
“Trevor still married Chelsea?”
“I don’t know. I was hauled away by security.”
“Wow, it was that bad?”
“It was bad,” I said as I leaned against Tia’s car.
“At least you had the courage to tell him how you feel. What shall we
do now?”
“I just want to go home.”

Tia nodded as she went toward the driver’s side. I threw her keys to her
so she could open the door. As I was about to get into the car, I saw
Trevor and Charles running toward us. I had to admit, Trevor looked
gorgeous in his tux.

Tia noticed the two coming over and smiled. “Maybe there’s still hope.”
“Camille!” Trevor yelled.
I looked at Trevor running toward me, deciding whether I should give
him the time of day after what happened.
“Please, Camille, give me two minutes,” he said as he came up to me.
“Fine, start now.”
Trevor took a deep breath as he looked into my eyes.

“First off, I need to apologize about what happened back there. I
should have defended you. Chelsea had no right to talk to you like

“One minute, Trevor.”
“OK. Camille, I know things have been complicated lately.”
“That’s an understatement,” Tia said softly.
Trevor looked at Tia, and then he returned his gaze to me.

“But it was mainly because of me. I wasn’t man enough to admit my
feelings for you. Instead I just pushed them under the rug, expecting
things to change because of the fact I was engaged. I didn’t handle the
situation very well, and I just want to say I’m sorry for any pain I have
caused you.”

“Your two minutes are up,” I said as I was getting into the car.
“I love you, Camille!”
I looked at Trevor as I got up from my seat. “Really?”
“Yes. I always loved you as a friend, but I love you much more than
that. I can’t live without you. I don’t want to live without you.”
Tears were flowing down my cheeks at the words Trevor was expressing.
“I hope those are happy tears,” he said.
“Of course, but what about Chelsea and the wedding…”
“Let’s just say I won’t be invited to a Parkers’ holiday celebration again.”
I laughed at Trevor’s comment.
“I’m so sorry, Cam. If I didn’t admit my feelings sooner...”
“Baby, a lot has happened. Just knowing that you love me is enough
for me.”
I smiled as I went up to Trevor for a hug. How much I had missed his
“I missed you,” I said.
“I missed you too.”

Trevor put his hand in my hair as he leaned toward me and placed his
lips on mine. The kiss was definitely significant this time around because he was finally mine.

While we were kissing, we forgot that Charles and Tia were still standing by us. We didn’t realize it until Charles started to clear his throat.
“You might want to leave the premises before Ron or Mr. Parker starts
looking for you.”
“Good idea,” Trevor said.
As if reading our minds, Tia looked at the two of us and smiled.
“Take my car. I can get a ride with Charles. Just don’t have sex in it,
Trevor and I smiled at Tia as she threw the keys to Trevor.
“We won’t,” I said.
“How do you know if I want to take you home?” Charles asked Tia.
“For once in your life, just do something nice.”
“See you two later,” I said as I watched the two go toward Charles’s car.
Trevor put his arms around me and smiled. “So now that we’re officially a couple, what is the first thing you would like to do?”
I gave Trevor a naughty grin as I kissed him. “I think you know.”
“Hmmm, I think you were reading my mind. Let’s go,” he said as he
got into the driver’s seat.
As I got inside the car, I took Trevor’s hand in mine and gave it a kiss.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
After all the pain and heartache and mishaps, I could finally say I got
my man. And it felt pretty damn good.


BOOK: In Love With My Best Friend
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