Read In Her Sights Online

Authors: Robin Perini

Tags: #Suspense

In Her Sights (8 page)

BOOK: In Her Sights
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Ten seconds, fifteen seconds. No second shot. Yet. Luke had to get them to safety. They were exposed and vulnerable.

He shifted his weight, angling his body so Jasmine remained protected. His entire being in combat mode, he raised his head and scanned the area around them. “The red laser sight vanished after the shot. See anything from your vantage point?”

With a steady hand, she aimed her Glock toward a group of oaks and peered into the night. “Nothing.”

“He’s playing with us,” Luke muttered.

“If he wanted a hit, he had the shot,” she said, her voice certain. “Clean line of sight from those trees.”

“And we’re lying in the middle of a parking lot with no cover. On three, make for your truck, north side behind the tire. Ready?”

Jasmine nodded. “One. Two.” Her muscles tensed beneath him. “Three!”

Luke rolled off her and to his feet. She sprang up, crouched, and serpentined toward the vehicle. Keeping himself between her and the sniper’s location, he maneuvered behind her, weaving and following quickly. They hunkered down behind the vehicle, weapons ready.

“No more shots,” she said. “You think he bailed or do we have a chance at him?”

Luke studied the layout. “In Kabul, they’d play us like this. Wait until we relaxed a bit and start shooting again. Not this guy, though. He’s delivering a message.”

“A sniper pinned by a sniper. Unbelievable,” Jasmine said.

A black and white screamed into the parking lot. Two patrol officers jumped out. Seconds later another backup, lights flashing, followed suit.

“Shooter,” Jasmine called out. “Last known position, south of our location, in those trees.”

The men took off toward the oaks, weapons drawn. Luke kept his HK steady, covering the cops. Jasmine paralleled his actions.

“He’s gone, isn’t he?” she said as the cops swarmed in a search pattern.

“Yeah. This was no ambush. Otherwise we’d be dead.”

“A warning.”

“Or a distraction,” he said. “It worked.”

“Clear,” one of the officers shouted.

She was safe. Luke slipped his HK into his shoulder holster. He tugged Jasmine aside and cupped her face, his thumb lingering on the scrape on her otherwise alabaster skin. “You’re okay? I didn’t hurt you?”

She leaned into his touch, and for a moment the world around them faded. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and let the heat between them ignite again. It would be so easy to scoop her up, climb those apartment stairs, and finish what they’d started.

He pressed closer, but the crime scene van rumbling into the parking lot shattered the moment. Jasmine shifted away from him.

“I can handle a little tumble,” she said.

He lowered his lips to her ear. “I’m not letting this go. We need to talk. About more than the shot.”

Her cell phone rang. She scowled at the screen and turned from him to answer the call. The message was one-sided.

“On my way,” she said. “That was Sarge. They called my backup when I reported the vandalism, but he’s…indisposed. They’ll wait ten minutes, or I have to meet them at the site.” Jasmine turned to him, her face a professional mask once more. “I have no right to ask anything of you after what just happened, but would you drive me to the cop shop?”

“Unless you can get us clear of these guys,” he said, nodding toward the slew of investigators roaming the perimeter of her apartment building, “I have a feeling we’re in for a long night here.”

“Leave it to me.” She stepped away from Luke and motioned to an officer. He couldn’t make out the quick dialogue between her and the cop, but she nodded in his direction and headed back to him.

“They’ll interview us later. Let’s move out.”

“Mount up.”

He grabbed her bag before she could heave it over her shoulder and, with a quick move, pressed a button on the keychain to unlock the doors of his SUV. She slid into the leather interior, and he slammed her door shut and rounded the vehicle. He slung her duffel in the back seat where it landed next to Joy’s second favorite toy, Sparkles. The pink elephant bounced to the floor.

Jasmine’s gaze latched onto the stuffed animal. “Now that’s not something I imagined Luke Montgomery would have in his big black SUV.”

He picked up the toy and arranged it on Joy’s car seat. “Things change. People change. Priorities change. Mine are family these days.”

She squirmed in her seat and laid her hand on his thigh. “I’m sorry,” she said quietly.

His muscles tensed under her touch and he gripped the steering wheel. She could set him off with the smallest stroke, but he couldn’t afford to give in to the urge to take her home and keep her in bed for a week. Not if he wanted to keep her safe. He had to keep his mind clear.

“I didn’t believe you when you warned me, and my job put you at risk,” she said. “You should stay away from me, Luke, until we catch this guy. For your daughter’s sake if nothing else.”

She was apologizing to
? “I appreciate the sentiment, Jasmine, but you don’t have the whole picture.”

“It’s simple. Someone took offense when I eliminated the kidnapper and wanted to let me know. The cops’ll find him.”

“You don’t get it.” Luke shifted the car into gear. “I received a call earlier today. Untraceable. About you.”

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“He’d read my article and didn’t like my portrayal of you as a hero.” She didn’t need to know how much of an understatement that had been. “He implied your secrets have something to do with my corruption investigation.”

“That’s crazy.”

“Maybe. Could be someone’s wanting me to focus on you. Or maybe they’re setting you up to be the fall guy for the whole investigation. I don’t know. Yet.”

“You’re looking for conspiracies where they don’t exist.”

The light changed and Luke gunned the car forward. “Whoever called me accused you of hiding your identity because you’re a murderer.
Killer Cop
was scratched into your car on the same day. That’s
a coincidence. They want me to expose everything about you.”

Even in the darkened vehicle, he could see her face pale as they sped under a streetlight.

“I’m a sniper. That’s it. I’m no murderer. I do what I have to do to save lives, but all my terminations were justified. You should know that since you’ve been poking into my life.” She rapped her fist against the window glass. “Can we just drop it?”

She could’ve been killed tonight, and she’d never flinched, but one mention of her past and she lost her cool like a rookie? Why?

“I’ll lay off for now, but there are a lot of blank spots in your history. The person on the phone knows
,” Luke insisted. “He’s trying to make you look suspicious, and thanks to your evasiveness, he’s succeeding.”

“You suspect

Interesting question. She was an expert at diverting questions from her past, even when their relationship had been at its best. He’d been so enamored with her beauty, with the amazing sexual energy between them, and with her sheer determination and guts, he hadn’t recognized the thickness of the wall she’d built around herself. Not until he’d tried to get closer, to bring her more fully into his life. Not until he’d wondered if they couldn’t have something permanent.

He’d asked questions.

She’d pushed him away. No communication, no conversation. One day, she just picked up her toothbrush from his house and didn’t come back.

“You have a lot of secrets,” he said finally. Luke didn’t mention his suspicions concerning Tower. The guy had to be involved somehow. He was a sniper. He had access to Jasmine’s private employee records, and his father was on Luke’s suspect list. A convergence of convenience.

“And you’re a son-of-a-bitch.” She reached into her pocket—for her Life Savers, no doubt. A sure sign she was shaken, no matter how strong a mask she wore.

“Maybe, but I won’t lie to you either. Can you promise the same?”

“Get me to the sheriff’s office. This conversation is over.” She stared out the side window, but he could see the hurt on her face.

He sighed and pulled into the parking lot at the precinct. “Look, I’ve been burned by trusting people who’ve lied. Men died because of it. You know that. Better than most.”

He’d bared his soul to Jasmine. Like a fool. And not just about Derek. He’d revealed his biggest failure, hoping she would return his trust. He’d told her how his long-time translator in Afghanistan had given his unit faulty intel on a stash of weapons. Luke’s wounded shoulder seized at the memory of his decision to capture the arms cache. He’d made the call and led his men into an ambush. It was a blood bath. Nobody walked away. Not even the idealistic embedded journalist standing right beside him.

“I couldn’t save my men. Not any of them. I don’t take anything at face value anymore, Jasmine. I can’t.”

“Never trust anyone. I get that. We’re in one hundred percent agreement.”

As he stopped the vehicle, Jasmine jumped out. Luke cursed, threw the car into park, and leaped out after her. He grasped her arm and turned her toward him. “One last thing—I watched you tonight. Your head isn’t all there. If you were in my unit, I’d pull you off. Let someone else do the job tonight.”

“There’s no one else.” She jerked away from his touch and his hand closed on air, empty and cold. He studied her fierce expression, but she couldn’t hide the strain. She
let go of what happened.

“I’m a sniper.” She slung her duffel over her shoulder and it slammed against her body. “I have a responsibility to my team and to the victims. I won’t let some idiot who doesn’t have the courage to face me stop me from doing my job and protecting my team. I won’t fail. I can’t.”

She turned her back on him and, with a determined stride, charged into the sheriff’s office.

Luke stared after her. He’d really screwed up this time. Jasmine was vulnerable whether she admitted it or not. She needed someone to watch her back. He bypassed the front desk and headed to the SWAT team’s den. As he opened the door, Luke soaked up the flurry of activity.

Gabe rushed over to him, glancing furtively side-to-side. “What are you doing here?”

“Montgomery,” Sergeant Carder bellowed from his office. “Get your snooping brother out of here before I write you up and throw him in jail.”

Gabe winced and pushed Luke out of Sarge’s sight. “I don’t know why you’re here, but now is
the time.”

Luke stopped him with a sharp tug. “I came with Jasmine.”

Gabe’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding. Is that why she whipped through here? What’d you do to tick her off?”

“What didn’t I do? But that’s the least of her problems. Someone shot at us. After they vandalized her truck,” he whispered.

“What’s going on?” Gabe said.

“I don’t know. The shot could be retribution for one of her terminations. Could be about my investigation. I’ll figure it out, but I’m worried about her. She handled the truck and getting shot at pretty well, but when I told her about the phone call, she started to crack. She’s trying to act like she’s fine, but I don’t think she is. Can’t you tap someone else for this mission?”

“Collins was at a wedding and had a few too many. She’s our only available sniper. No other backup. No choice.”

“Look out for her, Gabe.”

They watched Jasmine, who was checking her tactical rifle and night optics. Her adroit movements seemed so in control, Luke wondered if he’d been too quick to judge. Then she fumbled with the keys to her locker, dropping them with a clang on the floor, her expression shocked, her discomfort clear. Within seconds she scooped up the keys before double and triple checking the items in her gear bag.

Gabe blew out a stream of air as he pushed Luke clear of the SWAT team den. “Don’t worry, bro. She’s got ice for blood. Once she gets to the site, she’ll be fine.
the one who watches out for

“Okay, Blue Team, move out.” Sarge’s voice shot into the room.

The sound of a final few zippers closing echoed through the room. Jazz checked her gear a fourth time and fell in line with her nine teammates. She longed to sneak a butter rum, but on the ride, the close quarters of the SWAT van would give her away. One last time she looked over her shoulder at her locker and the bench in front of it. She hadn’t forgotten anything, yet even after ensuring the state of her equipment multiple times, uneasiness gnawed under her skin like a splinter. She shifted the bag on her shoulder, confirming the weight of her gear.

She tried to shake off the disquiet as she walked toward the parking lot outside. A quick glance told her Luke’s car had left.

Good. She couldn’t afford to dwell on what he’d said or how he’d made her feel. The latter she’d forget. The former, well, after the mission, she’d consider the unwelcome possibilities of what had happened tonight. For now, she had a job to do.

Her vision adjusted to the darkness, and the distinct black SWAT vehicle loomed before her. She didn’t consider asking for help as she jumped in the back. When she was with the team, she wasn’t a woman; she didn’t need or want special consideration. She was
protector, not the other way around.

BOOK: In Her Sights
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