Read Illegal Motion: A Loveswept Classic Romance Online

Authors: Donna Kauffman

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Women

Illegal Motion: A Loveswept Classic Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Illegal Motion: A Loveswept Classic Romance
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Nick was glad that his instincts had taken over and kept Willa and Eric apart, but he cursed
himself for having to admit that his reasons went way beyond clearing his name.

Scowling, he piled two more plates on the quad machine and began a punishing set of leg extensions.

Willa scooped up Nick’s leather bag and headed across the room. As soon as she realized what he was doing, her professionalism took over. She dropped his bag and the clipboards and forcibly stopped him from doing another repetition. “What in the hell are you trying to do? Set your orthopedic surgeon up in a life of luxury?”

“Actually,” he responded, surprised at how easy it was to grin, “he’s already paid off the car. Maybe this will help with the yacht loan.”

“Not funny, Logan.” Thoroughly confused, she still had to fight the urge to respond to his teasing grin. She could have sworn he was angry at her when he’d left her with Eric. “You said you came to me because I’m the best. Well, I am. And if you want my help, we’re going to do this my way. Got it?”

Nick took in her flushed skin and bright green eyes. “Oh yeah, I got it.” His voice softened, all traces of joking gone.
And I think I got it real bad
. Even though there were still a few people left in the training room, his focus narrowed down to just the two of them. For all he knew they were in a
vacuum. He couldn’t hear anything except the pounding in his chest, could only feel a sudden throbbing—and it was nowhere near the region of his knee.

“I think we should start with something that puts a little less direct pressure on the knee.”

What did she say … pressure? Knee?
“I was using my right knee.”

“What?” Willa looked down at his legs and realized he’d only been lifting with his healthy knee. “Oh, well, I still wish you’d waited for me.” Feeling somewhat foolish over her outburst, Willa moved over to a flat bench. “Why don’t we start with some easy stretches so I can see what kind of mobility you have. After we’ve gone through those, it will be easier to decide what machines you should start on.”

Nick slid off the narrow seat of the leg-extension machine and hopped over to the flat bench. He took a moment to watch Willa, her expression so serious as she jotted some notes a bit too furiously on the page. Telling himself he was just following his plan by teasing her, he turned and lay back on the bench, propping his feet up on the other end. Pillowing his head on his crossed arms, he said, “I always knew we’d start out lying down.”

Either the stress of the afternoon had gotten
to her or the lack of food—likely both—but she couldn’t keep from responding in kind. “Don’t get too excited, Logan, only one of us is going to be horizontal.”

Nick breathed a sigh of what sounded like deep satisfaction. “Yeah, that’s one of my favorite positions too.”

For the first time in her career, her life, Willa completely lost control and whacked Nick’s rock-hard abdomen with her clipboard. At his shocked expression, her broad smile dissolved into giggles, which ended with her collapsing on the floor next to him, clutching her middle as his laughter blended with hers.

She was having way too much fun with him. She was light-headed. She should have taken time for lunch. Lunch reminded her of dinner and that brought her full circle to Eric and Nick’s real reason for being with her in the first place. Her laughter faded and she abruptly looked at the clock. Time was running out. Soon she’d have to face Eric.

Frowning now, she wasn’t sure which bothered her most, having to leave when it looked as if she might get Nick to trust her enough to listen. Or having to face Eric again. Willa rubbed her temples to alleviate a sudden pounding.

Nick was watching her intently. He’d been
completely captivated by her deep, husky laugh, and more than a little pleased to have been the reason for it. He realized that he’d truly relaxed for the first time since Eric had left.

Was that what brought a frown to her face? That she’d been enjoying his company? Was she afraid Eric would be jealous? Or maybe she didn’t want to see Eric. Just wishful thinking on his part? Either way, it was a sure bet that Eric Miller wanted to see Willa. And from the looks Miller had given her when he hadn’t been occupied with looking at himself in the mirrors, Nick would say the boy wonder had a lot more than business on his mind.

“What’s wrong? Is our time up already?” Nick asked.

“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just—”

“Not used to having fun with your clients?” Willa’s quick flash of guilt was as soothing to his wounded pride as it was intriguing. Had Eric, or someone else, hurt her so badly that she was afraid to loosen up?

“Actually we have enough time to go through the stretches,” she said, quickly scooping up the clipboard, then rising onto her knees beside him. “After tonight I’ll work up a routine for you. You’ll need to set up your first few workouts so I can supervise them and make any necessary
changes. After that, any of the people here on staff will be able to help you.”

Willa smiled in relief when Nick seemed to accept their return to business. His last taunt had hit too close to home. She put down her clipboard and positioned herself next to his legs. She reached out, intending to bend his bad knee, but stopped just short of actually touching the nicely filled-out white sweats. Suddenly the idea of touching him took on wholly unprofessional dimensions.

“It’s the left knee.”

Nick’s voice was strained as if he were in pain. But she hadn’t done anything yet. Focusing on the knee and not the man it belonged to, she gently gripped his leg, one hand under his thigh, the other on his calf. It was like touching granite. She paused for a moment, her fingers flexing together as she grappled with the sensations racing through her. Nick remained perfectly still—too still—and she looked up to see his jaw tighten into a grimace.

Before she could ask him if he was hurt, he abruptly sat up.

“Did I hurt you?” she asked quickly. “Are you in pain?”

“Yeah, you might say that.” Nick let out a short laugh. “Listen, I know we have a few minutes
left. But I can tell you’re in a hurry to get out of here, so why don’t we finish this some other time? I still have my Monday appointment, so we can do this then.” Maybe by Monday his sweats wouldn’t tent like a teenager with his first crush every time she touched him.

Willa didn’t know what had happened, but she was coward enough to take his suggestion. In the past few hours her feelings toward Nick Logan had gone through as many ups and downs as if she’d been on an emotional roller coaster.

“Monday sounds fine,” she answered, hurrying to collect the training files and clipboards. She was halfway to the door when he caught up with her and stopped her by placing his hand on the door over her shoulder.

He was so close that Willa could smell his skin. The faint musky scent invaded her nostrils and she wondered distractedly if a taste of him would adequately make up for the meals she’d missed today. Dangerous thoughts. She swallowed in a vain attempt to moisten her throat. He was so close. They were eye to eye—or rather eye to lips.

“Who has got you in such a panic, Willa? I hope it’s not me. I’m harmless.” Proving he was anything but, he shifted his weight forward until their bodies were almost touching. “That means
it must be your date this evening. That’s a real shame, Willa. I think a man should keep his woman quivering in anticipation.” His gaze fastened on her trembling lower lip. “Not shaking in her shoes.”


His woman … quivering
. Willa gasped, her lips parting slightly.

That did it. Nick lost the tenuous hold on his control and gave in to the urge to touch her. Lifting his hand, he toyed first with a wisp of her hair. Her eyes dilated at his brief touch and he continued, running his fingertip across her lower lip and wondering what it would taste like. He knew he had to stop, and even started to move back when she lifted her hand. His good intentions went up in smoke when she ran her finger lightly over the scrape of beard along his jawline.

“You know, you should smile more often,” she said, the return of the husky edge to her voice driving him crazy.

“I haven’t had much to smile about lately,” he answered honestly, then sucked in his breath
when her finger brushed his lower lip. “Willa, I—”

A loud gurgling sound interrupted him and Willa jumped away from him as if coming out of a trance. Flustered, she looked around, wondering what had made that noise. When the sound repeated itself, her expression turned to one of mortification.

Although he was not sure whether he should be frustrated or relieved at the interruption, the cause nevertheless made him smile. “Gee, I sure hope this guy plans on feeding you.” Her skin darkened further and he gave in to the urge to soothe her embarrassment. Placing a finger under her chin, he gently turned her face back to his. “Just promise me you’ll order something big and expensive. Deal?” His efforts earned him a smile and a nod. It made him want to kiss her, to tell her that Eric Miller was a bastard and demand that she cancel their date and— “Good night, Willa,” he said abruptly, his voice still hoarse. He leaned down to scoop up the cane he’d dropped during their heated exchange and walked back across the now deserted room to get his gym bag.

Willa clasped the clipboard to her chest and pushed through the door. Once in the hall, she leaned against the wall and took in several deep
breaths. It didn’t help. Without a doubt she was in over her head. Way over her head.

She hurried toward her office before Nick could come out and find her still standing there. Eric was waiting in her office. She had to be clearheaded if she was going to pull this off.

Willa wasn’t sure if she had any willpower left to deal with Eric and this whole mess tonight. What she really wanted was to go home and sink into a tub full of steaming water, drink a glass of chilled wine, and pretend the past two days had never happened. Then she thought of Nick, and how for a moment he’d seemed to look into her soul and request her help in healing his. She couldn’t ignore that, or her responsibility to him. Whatever his motives were for the little scene in the doorway, she still needed to clear his name. And her own.

She was a fool if she thought for one minute that he had any real desire for her. He believed she had betrayed him, cost him a part of his life. Even if she exonerated herself, there was no way he could ever look at her without being reminded of his past and her significant role in it. And for that she couldn’t blame him. She had to clear him
stay clear of him.

Eric straightened immediately from behind her desk as she entered the room. Before Willa
could question him on what he was doing, he asked her a question.

“Where have you been? I feel like I’ve been waiting for hours.” His pout made Willa sick.

Swallowing her distaste, she said, “Sorry I’m late, Eric. My last appointment ran a little long.”

“Well, are you ready to go?” Eric jammed his hand through his salon-styled blond hair and shifted from one foot to the other. He seemed impatient, almost edgy.

“I still have to shower and help Kelly lock up. It will only take about thirty minutes, but if you’d rather not—”

“No, that’s okay.” Eric walked toward her, looking contrite over his less than polite greeting. “I’m sorry, Willa, I guess I’m just anxious to be alone with you.”

He touched her arm, and she casually moved away. “Why don’t you go ahead to the restaurant and order our drinks,” she said, her voice bright.
And about ten appetizers
, she added silently. “I’ll meet you there.”

“That’s okay. I’ll wait here.”

She hadn’t forgotten he’d been behind her desk when she’d come in and she wasn’t about to leave him in her office alone again. “Why don’t you wait upstairs in the reception-area lounge?
It’s closing time, so I don’t think you’ll be bothered.”

“I’ll be counting the minutes.” Eric flashed his perfect teeth. “I’m really glad to be seeing you again.”

As he bent his head closer Willa reached behind her and opened the door. “The sooner I leave, the sooner I’ll be back.” She backed through the doorway and pointed up the hallway. “Just head up those stairs and take a right.”

Eric had no choice but to leave the office. Willa locked the door and headed the opposite way down the hall.

Twenty minutes later she emerged from the locker room, showered and changed, though not exactly refreshed. Pulling her hair into a ponytail, she fixed it with one of her favorite green puffy bands. She adjusted a thin leather belt over a forest-green print shirt. She couldn’t stop her thoughts from wandering to Nick and imagining what it would be like to dress for him, to see his blue eyes light up in admiration. Her smile broadened as she recalled the way his gaze had all but devoured her in her green track suit. She was sure Nick would like her to dress down—preferably completely.

The idea of undressing for him was undeniably tantalizing, especially since it would only happen in the safe confines of her imagination. Enchanted by the idea of working through her distraction with Nick by playing out their earlier scene to a more satisfying, and perfectly private, conclusion, she let her thoughts drift.

BOOK: Illegal Motion: A Loveswept Classic Romance
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