Read IceHuntersMate Online

Authors: Marisa Chenery

IceHuntersMate (6 page)

BOOK: IceHuntersMate
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“I suppose you can,” Wachei said with a smile. “What time
can I expect you tomorrow?”

“How about after lunch?”

“All right. I’ll be here.”

Wachei took Eryn’s hand again and walked her out to her
pickup. He stepped back as she got in and closed the door. She wound the window
down, then stuck her head out to give him one last kiss before she started the

He watched her drive down the driveway and turn onto the
street. Once Eryn disappeared from sight, he headed back inside the house. Now
it was time to have a little talk with Kajakti and maybe a little payback for
the wolf kisses he’d laid on him.

* * * * *

The next morning while Wachei and the rest of the
inhabitants of the house were in the kitchen eating breakfast—that Cassidy had
cooked, not Durlach—the doorbell rang. At first, he thought it might be Eryn,
arriving earlier than planned. But that ended up not being the case. Capac, who
had gone to answer the door, returned with Brice on his heels. The pack leader
didn’t look happy about something.

Brice tossed the local newspaper he carried onto the table.
“Did you guys read this yet?”

Edensaw shook his head. “No, we don’t normally get the
paper. Cassidy usually reads all the news on the internet.”

“That’s what I thought so I came over here to show you.”
Brice pointed to the newspaper. “A body of a woman was found in one of the
city’s alleys. She’d been raped before she lost her life. The paper said it
looked as if she’d been ripped to shreds by some kind of wild animal.”

“You’re thinking a werewolf did it?”

“Yes, but not just anyone. This has Tanner written all over
it. Obviously, he’s hiding out somewhere in Juneau.”

“But we haven’t seen anything of him for almost a year,”
Ketah said. “Nor have any of your pack members.”

“That only means he’s done a good job of staying off our
radar. Until now, that is.”

“Do you think he’ll make another move against us?” Capac

“Maybe.” Brice let out a sigh. “That brings up the other
reason why I came here.” He looked at Wachei. “Have you told your mate the
truth about you yet?

Wachei shook his head. “No. It’s too soon.”

“Sorry to say, but your time just ran out. With Tanner on
the loose,” Brice pointed to the newspaper, “and the death of the mortal woman,
I think you have to bring her over into our world as soon as possible.”

He shook his head again. “That won’t work. Unlike Cassidy,
Eryn didn’t find me sleeping in an ice cave on a glacier. She doesn’t have a
clue there’s something different about me. Edensaw allowed Cassidy to choose
him as a mate. I want to do the same with Eryn.”

Brice gave him a look of pity. “I know that’s what you want,
but you have to look at this realistically. Tanner is out there. We have no
idea if he’s been watching you guys without you knowing. There’s a good chance
he knows about Eryn being your mate.”

“I can’t turn Eryn without her understanding what it will
mean. She has family she’s close to.”

“Then at least claim her as your mate so the bond forms.
That way she’ll be forced to stay with you at all times or suffer separation
anxiety.” When Wachei gave a curt shake of his head, Brice let out a low growl
before he looked at Wachei’s alpha. “Edensaw, talk to him. You understood when
Cassidy could have been used as a means to get to you. You turned her before
she had wanted you to.”

“I hate to say this,” Edensaw said, “but I have to agree
with Brice, Wachei. Think of what the consequences will be if you don’t at
least claim Eryn as yours. Are you willing to lose her before you’ve even had a
chance to have a life with her? I know it was different with Cassidy, but
sometimes you have to take a choice away from a person you care about if it’s
the best thing for them.”

Wachei knew if he refused again Edensaw would more than
likely order him to do it. And as his alpha, Wachei would have no choice but to
do as Edensaw said.

He blew out a breath. “Fine, I’ll claim Eryn today, but I
won’t turn her. Not yet. She needs to have that choice. I don’t like this, and
if she reacts really badly to this and runs, I don’t know if I can honestly
force her to stay with me.”

“Once it’s done, the separation anxiety will change her mind
real quick. A few hours away from you and she’ll come back in a hurry,” Brice

Whereas before Wachei had looked forward to Eryn coming over
that afternoon, now he dreaded it. This was not how he’d envisioned telling her
about him being a werewolf sentinel. And he hated that he’d have to make her
his mate without her having time to adjust to it all.

Cassidy stood and walked around the table until she was
behind his chair. She bent and wrapped her arms around him. “It’ll be okay,
Wachei. In the end, Eryn will be happy to have you. If you two weren’t meant to
be together your mating urge wouldn’t have been set off.” She kissed the top of
his head, then straightened. “All of us will leave before Eryn arrives so you
can have the house to yourself to do this. It might be easier that way.”

Wachei nodded, his mind already churning with thoughts of
what he’d have to do. He still didn’t think it was fair that he had to pressure
Eryn into accepting him as her mate. As for turning her today, he would hold
firm on letting her decide whether she wanted to become a werewolf or not. The
shaman had given him the choice, it was only right that she had that too. It
wasn’t something a person could agree to lightly. There was no going back once
it was done. But the part of him that wanted nothing more than to protect his
mate understood it would be the best thing for Eryn. It still didn’t make it
right, though.

Chapter Six


Eryn’s phone rang as she washed up the dishes from her
breakfast. Drying her hands on a tea towel, she walked to the living room, then
picked up the cordless that was on the coffee table.


“Hi, Eryn,” Noah said.

“If you’re calling to bug me about Wachei, I’m going to hang
up on you now.”

“No, that isn’t the reason.” Her older brother took a deep
breath and blew it out. “I’m sorry for sticking my nose where it didn’t belong
yesterday, and I promise to allow you to get to know Wachei without having to
worry I’ll try to drive you apart.”

Noah’s speech sounded rehearsed and monotone, as if someone
had told him what to say. She had a feeling that someone was Heidi. She was
soon proven correct when she heard her sister-in-law say in the background
“And? You’re not done yet, Noah.”

“And I promise to be on my best behavior whenever I’m around
you and your new boyfriend. I’ll act like the mature adult I’m supposed to be
and not as a fourteen-year-old.”

Eryn burst out laughing. That last part definitely came from
Heidi. “Okay,” she said once she settled down to a chuckle. “If you go back on
your word, what is your wife going to do in way of punishment?”

Noah let out a long, drawn-out sigh. “She’ll invite Mom to
come stay at our place for a week, then tell her everything I’ve done.”

She barely held back more laughter. The pained way Noah
spoke, you’d think a visit from their mother was akin to being tortured for
weeks. “Oh, you wouldn’t want that.”

“Is that good enough?” her brother asked, his voice not as
loud, as if he held the phone away from his mouth.

There was a stretch of silence, then Heidi came on. “Hi,
Eryn. Noah has gone to sulk now.” In the background, her brother yelled from
somewhere in their house that he wasn’t. “Yes, you are,” her sister-in-law
called back.

Eryn chuckled. “Thanks for getting him to call. Even though
you forced Noah into doing it, it’s the thought that counts.”

“Tell Wachei I’m sorry my crazy husband got a little out of
hand yesterday. It won’t happen again. And by the way, can I say how hot Wachei
is. All that long hair and bronzed skin. Yummy. That man is gorgeous, and what
little I saw of him, he seems nice.”

“I will. I’ll be seeing Wachei a little later today. And I
doubt Noah will like hearing you say my boyfriend is good-looking.”

Heidi snorted. “First of all, Noah isn’t around to have
heard me. And second, even if he had, it would have done him good. I can’t have
him taking me for granted or thinking I wouldn’t find another man attractive.”

“You’re so bad,” Eryn said with a laugh. “You keep Noah on
his toes, and I love you for it.”

“Hey, we girls have to stick together and give the males in
the family what for when they step out of line.”

“So true. Anyway, thanks for getting Noah to call.”

“No problem. You have a good time with Wachei today.”

“I will.”

Eryn hung up and shook her head. She loved Heidi as if she
were a true sister, instead of one through marriage. And she loved that Heidi could
easily handle Noah. Her brother and sister-in-law were perfect together. Noah
might grumble when Heidi reined him back, but he was utterly devoted to his

She returned to the kitchen and finished the dishes, then
brushed her teeth and took a shower. Eryn put on some of her sexiest lingerie—a
matching lacy bra and thong set—with the hopes that Wachei would be getting to
see them at some point today. After pulling on a pair of jeans, a long-sleeved
t-shirt and a jacket, she headed out of the apartment.

Eryn drove to Wachei’s house, looking forward to seeing him
again. During the night, she’d had one dream after another about him. All of
them were erotic. In her REM sleep, her mind had her doing every sexual act
she’d wanted to experience while in Wachei’s arms the day before.

And because of those dreams, she wasn’t prepared to settle
for only heavy petting and a bit of oral sex. She ached to have Wachei’s cock
buried deep inside her pussy, stroking in and out, until he’d wrung every last
ounce of pleasure out of her.

Once she arrived and parked her pickup, Eryn walked up to
the front door and rang the doorbell. Wachei answered. With a smile, he grabbed
her hand and tugged her over the threshold and closed the door before he had
her in his arms. He held her tight and kissed her as if he hadn’t seen her for
a month.

Wetness pooled between her legs as Wachei stroked his tongue
inside her mouth. Her body was already primed from her erotic dreams. She
returned his kisses with equal fervor, clutching at his broad shoulders to pull
him closer, even though they already stood as close as they could possibly get.

He left her mouth and nibbled a path down the side of her
neck as he reached up and palmed one of her breasts, kneading the mound.
Drowning in the pleasure Wachei’s touch caused, Eryn forced her brain to work
enough to form coherent words.

“Ah, Wachei, what about your roommates? Oh god,” she
breathed when he dropped a hand to her bottom and ground his hard cock against

He gently nipped her skin before he licked the tiny pain
away. “No one is here. We have the house to ourselves.”

“Good. For how long?”

“All day, I think.”

“That’s nice.” He unzipped her jacket, then shoved his hand
up the front of her shirt. Wachei tugged a bra cup aside and plucked at her
nipple. “And that’s nice too. God, you’re turning me on.”

“Upstairs,” he said in a gruff voice.

He didn’t give her a chance to say anything. Wachei lifted
her off her feet and carried her toward the stairs that led to the upper level.
Eryn wrapped her legs around his waist and took his mouth in a heated kiss. She
locked her ankles at the small of his back and rubbed her pussy against the
hard bulge in his pants.

Their progress up the stairs was slow since Wachei had to
stop every few steps, put her against the wall and drive her almost out of her
mind with desire. He kissed her as if he couldn’t survive his next breath
without tasting her.

By the time they reached the upper floor hallway, Eryn was
desperate for Wachei to take her. She moaned into his mouth, riding his
erection as he walked into his room and then shut them inside.

Wachei carried her to his bed, then lowered her to her feet,
her body sliding down his in the most delicious of ways. He released her mouth,
but Eryn buried her nose in the hollow of his throat and breathed in his scent,
her hands roaming up and down his body.

“Before we go any further, we have to talk about something,”
he said in a strained voice.

Eryn continued what she was doing, not prepared to let
Wachei slow things down. “Then talk, I’m listening.”

“I don’t think I’ll be able to do that with you touching me
like this.”

“Ah, come on. You’re a big, strong man. You can do it.”

She grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and yanked it up and over
his head. She tossed it to the floor. She kissed a trail across each of his
collarbones and then down to his pecs.

“This is really important,” Wachei said on a groan.

“And so is what I’m doing.” Eryn licked one of his flat
nipples and he groaned again.

“Okay. I’ll try. Since we’re still getting to know each
other…that feels
good…there are things I should tell you about me.”

As Wachei spoke, Eryn slowly worked her way down his chest,
licking and sucking, until she was on her knees before him and eye level with
the prominent bulge in his jeans. She trailed her hands along his six-pack abs,
stopping when she reached the top of his pants.

“Go on,” she urged.

“Well, you see, I’m not like normal men you’re used to. I—”
He cut off on a moan that bordered on a growl. “Eryn, you’re really not making
this easy.”

She’d undone his jeans, yanked them past his hips and tugged
down the front of his underwear to spring his hard cock. “Yes, I am. I’m going
to make sure I don’t interrupt you. My mouth will be busy doing something else
besides talking.”

Eryn grasped Wachei’s shaft and pumped her hand up and down.
She used her thumb to rub the bead of moisture that leaked out of the tip into
his skin. Her pussy clenching, and wetness leaking into her thong, she leaned
in and dragged her tongue up the full length of his cock before she took it
inside her mouth.

Her head bobbed as she sucked him in and out, taking him
almost to the back of her throat before working on the tip of his cock,
stroking the sensitive spot under the flared head with the flat of her tongue.
His musky, male scent filled her nose, along with the taste of him, pushing her
arousal even higher.

Wachei’s hands landed in her hair as he thrust his hips,
fucking her mouth. Growl after growl rumbled out of him. Even though the noises
he made weren’t the normal moans and groans, they still turned her on. And
words seemed to have deserted him as well.

Eryn continued to pleasure him, his cock growing even
harder. Her pussy ached to have it deep inside. Wachei would fill her to
capacity. The thought of his big shaft spearing into her had more of her juices
leaking into her thong.

Wachei pulled away and tugged her to her feet. “No more,” he
said in a husky voice. “I need to be inside you. Now. I can’t think straight.”

He yanked her shirt up and over her head, then worked on
stripping her jeans from her. Wachei grabbed her bottom, pulled her closer,
then grew still and sucked in a sharp breath. He turned her so her back faced

“What kind of underwear is this?” he asked, a faint growl
lacing his words. “The back of it seems to be missing.”

Eryn chuckled. “It’s a thong. Haven’t you seen one before?”

“No, but I like it.”

She had been about to ask why his previous girlfriends
hadn’t worn one for him when Wachei wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled
her back to his chest. He skimmed his hands down the front of her to her thong.
One of them shoved past the waistband until he reached her pussy. A finger
dipped inside, stroking before it circled her clit.

“So wet,” he said. “And so ready for me.”

He walked her closer to the bed, then released her to unhook
her bra. Wachei skimmed it down her arms before he tossed it aside. He caressed
her breasts, tugging at her taut nipples. Eryn pushed back against him, the
feel of his bare cock against her bottom heightening her desire.

Wachei’s hands traveled lower, his fingers hooking into the
waistband of her thong. He inched it down past her hips until it fell to pool
at her ankles. Eryn stepped out of it and kicked it out of the way. She pushed
back once more, silently begging him to finally take her.

Instead, he bent her over so her hands rested on the
mattress and tugged her hips a little closer. “Don’t move,” he said.

Eryn heard the sound of Wachei taking off his jeans. She
looked over her shoulder to get her first glimpse of him totally naked. He had
the body of a god. He was all rippling muscle and bronzed skin. She was going
to explore that hard, male body with her hands, lips and tongue, but not right
now. Getting his big cock inside her pussy was all she wanted at this moment.

She turned her head back around and let it hang down as
Wachei stepped closer and put his hands on her hips. He used a hard thigh to
push her legs wider apart. His cock brushed up against her pussy, the tip
dipping into her wetness.

“Please,” Eryn panted. “Now.”

She didn’t have to ask a second time. Wachei held her
steady, then slowly worked his cock inside her. She pushed back, matching his
strokes, her pussy stretching to take all of him. Once he was balls-deep, he
stopped moving and let out a groan.

“You feel so good,” he said gruffly.

He pulled back until he was almost all the way out, then
pushed home once more. In and out he pumped. Eryn moaned, her release building
with each stroke of his cock. Wachei filled her just as she’d thought he would.
The head of his shaft butted against her cervix with each thrust in.

Her body coiled tighter, readying itself to climax. And it
was then Eryn felt it. A new sensation she’d never experienced before while
making love. It was almost as if some part of her reached out for Wachei. In
return, a part of him seemed to take hold of it, combing both pieces into one.
The instant it did, something snapped into place between her and Wachei. And on
the heels of that came the most intense orgasm Eryn had ever had.

A keening moan tore out of her. She fisted her hands in the
covers and pushed back to meet each of Wachei’s strokes. He pistoned his hips
faster, then rammed into her one final time. He held on to her hips, holding
her tight against him as his cock pulsed deep inside her with his release. Once
he stopped coming, Eryn realized Wachei was still hard, the same as he’d been
the day before when they’d fooled around.

He pulled out of her and had her straighten before he turned
her to face him. His arms came around her and held her close as he kissed her.
It started off slow and tender, but after a few seconds, the kiss ramped up.
Eryn’s blood heated once more. Need slowly built, and she moaned.

Wachei picked her up, then placed her on the center of the
bed. He came down on top of her, his hard cock nudging her pussy. He left her
mouth and kissed along her jawline. “No point in talking yet. It’s already
done, and I want more of you.”

Eryn had no idea what Wachei meant by something was already
done, unless he meant the first time they’d made love fully. Either way, she
pretty much didn’t care right now. Not when his cock was slowly pressing inside
her, causing delicious pulses of pleasure to shoot through her.

She lifted her legs and wrapped them around Wachei’s waist.
Eryn pressed her heels against his muscular ass, urging him to set a faster
pace and take her harder. He lifted his upper body, supporting himself on his
hands, as he took long, hard strokes. She looked up at him and saw his eyes
were closed. The look of pleasure he wore had her pussy clenching around his

BOOK: IceHuntersMate
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