Hush - Fighting Fate #2 (5 page)

BOOK: Hush - Fighting Fate #2
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Everything inside me was screaming at me to tell her I was on her side
. That she wasn’t alone in this, but I knew I couldn’t risk it. I just hoped I got the break we needed soon, so she could be away from all of it.

Glancing at the time, I decided a little detou
r was necessary.

ve minutes later I pulled into a small gravel car park fronting a very non-descript bar on the outskirts of town. The sign above the door that read,
, blinked spasmodically, flickering off more often than on. Slipping inside, I sat down at the bar and ordered a Bud.

I didn’t look around
, I didn’t need to know who was there. I knew someone would be there within a few short minutes. Picking up a discarded pen, I began doodling on a coaster while I waited.

When I heard the rough voice ordering a scotch, I quickly finished my doodle, glanced at my watch for effect, then downed the last of my Bud and strolled out the door.

As I passed the window, I glanced inside and saw him move to sit in my vacated seat. I didn’t need to stay and watch him to know what he’d do next. He would pocket the coaster I’d scrawled on, and when he was alone, he would read the message I’d left him.

Kaeli. Westside
High. Detail.



Chapter 9





I knew when I woke up the next morning that my life had changed considerably. I
different. A little unhinged.

It was like I was in a constant state of panic, my blood pumping way too fast. I knew the only way out was for me to convince Mom we had to leave. And I had to do it now.

Thankfully, Ken had already left when I finally made it downstairs, so I hurried to get it done. Finding Mom in the laundry, I pushed myself into the tiny space and gave her a desperate look.

“I can’t do this anymore
, Mom.”

She frowned, her eyes instantly darting past
me, worried Ken would overhear.

not home,” I said, my voice sounding a little frantic.

“Not now,” she said harshly.

“It has to be now, Mom. We need to leave, go to the police, or one of us is going to end up dead.”

Panic flashed in her eyes. “Why? Has he done something to you? Has he hurt you?”

I wanted to tell her. I’d planned on telling her, but her panic scared me. I suddenly realized if I told her, she’d do whatever she could to protect me, which I knew from past history, would be to throw herself on Ken’s mercy. God damn it.

I sighed. “No, but it’s only a matter of time, isn’t it?”

Relief passed over her then she shook her head. “No. He promised me he’d leave you alone.”

I blinked at her.

your bargain? That he’ll leave me alone, and give everything to you?” I stared at her incredulously. Un-freakin-believable!

She set her jaw tight. “You’ll understand when you’re a parent
, Kaeli. It’s just the way it is.”

I grabbed her hands,
more desperate than ever. “Mom, that’s not the only option. We can leave, get away from him. If we go to the police, they’ll protect us.”

She was already shaking her head before I’d even finished. “It doesn’t work like that
, Kaeli,” she hissed. “They might arrest him, but he’ll be released at some stage. Men like him don’t just walk away. He’ll come back, and he will kill me. I know it. I won’t risk it.”

“No, Mom-” I started, but
stopped short when I heard the sound of the front door opening.

Mom shot me an angry stare. “Go
. Now,” she mouthed.

With one last desperate look, I turned and left.

I only made it as far as my car though, before the panic flared up even more. Aaron was waiting for me, leaning casually against my door.

He took a long hard drag of his home made cigarette before flicking it away and blowing the smoke into my face. He smirked at my reaction. “Hey,

What do you want?” I hissed.

He shrugged, feigning boredom. “Money. How much have you got?”

I blinked at him incredulously. I couldn’t believe he had the audacity to ask me for money. “Are you joking?
for money?!”

He didn’t hesitate, looking me straight in the eyes. “Yes. I need some money. Now.”

My mouth dropped open a fraction. What the hell? “Ask your Dad! Isn’t he your personal ATM? He gives you, what? Five hundred dollars a week?”

How dare he ask me for
money. I was a student for crying out loud.

He shrugged again. “You either give me what you have, or I’ll go look for some in your room. Actually that sounds like a better option – I might find something good to pawn while I’m in there.”

My eyes widened with his threat. “You wouldn’t!” His eyebrows lifted, ready to take my challenge. “If you take one step inside my bedroom…”

“What? What will you do, Kaeli?” he mocked.

My teeth clenched with anger. Pulling out my purse, I grabbed everything I had and thrust it into his hand. “Stay out of my room,” I hissed as he walked away.

As I stared at his retreating figure, I felt the thin threads of my sanity stretching even further. At this rate, I wasn’t sure how long I had until they snapped completely, and I wasn’t sure what would actually happen when they did.

Chapter 10





The street light illuminated the
stocky blonde boy as he strode hurriedly along the sidewalk, hands shoved deep in his pockets. His head was bent low, and the backpack he wore strapped to his shoulders hung firmly between his shoulder blades.

Davo and I moved silently through the shadows as we stealthily followed behind him.
I knew this boy was the businessman’s son – Ken’s son. I’d seen him before. He was stupid – careless. If my team hadn’t already been aware of him, I knew it wouldn’t have been too long before he got himself caught anyway. Ken was stupid to trust him. But I couldn’t complain. It did work in my favor after all.

I liked doing these recon missions for TJ. I
t felt like I was actually doing something for my real job for a change. I always took them as an opportunity to remind myself of the real me.

We followed the kid down a darkened alley, where he met up with a group of te
enagers. The exchange was quick. Surprisingly professional. It all happened in a matter of minutes, and then he was off again, heading to another part town.

We watched him make three more transactions before calling Mac to pick us up. TJ had nothing to worry about. The only reason for Ken’s sudden increase in demand was that his son apparently had the knack for pushing drugs. He was probably
kicking himself for not bringing him into the family business a long time ago.

My team
, on the other hand, had a real problem. This kid was young enough to get right into the schools, and he obviously knew how to sell it to them. He wasn’t real good at being conspicuous, but the kids seemed to trust him, so yeah, he was a problem.

Mac pulled up to the curb and I jumped into the back seat, leaving the front for Davo. I wanted
time to get my head around this before I faced TJ.

I hadn’t thought too much about Ken before today. Yes, he was going to go down with the rest of them when the shit hit the fan, but it was the suppliers we were
really after. The shit kickers like Ken were usually offered some sort of immunity to help bring the big boys down. But after meeting Kaeli, I couldn’t let that happen. I had to make sure he was put away for a long time.

For the sake of her, and her mom.


Chapter 11





By Friday, everyone was talking about Ryan’s party. Thankfully, no one had brought up my uncertain attendance since I’d been asked earlier in the week. Even Mia had been careful not to bring it up with me.

But when the bell rang at the end of the day,
I knew my luck couldn’t last too much longer. In fact, it ran out the second Mia and I stopped beside my car.

” she began, making me want to slap my hand over her mouth. “Do you have any idea if you’re coming tonight yet?”

I sighed, trying to repress the urg
e to snap at her. It wasn’t her fault my life was a freaking mess. “Not really. I’d really like to - I think…I just don’t know if I’m going to be able to,” I finished quietly.

bit her lip and glanced up at me hesitantly. It was that exact moment when I realized what a shit best friend I was being.

“Are you definitely going? Do you have someone to stay with you while the guys are playing?”

Mia inhaled deeply then rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I’m going. Ryan’s been assigned my babysitter.”

Now I felt even worse. “Shit, Mia, I’m sorry. I wish I could give you a definite answer.” Rubbing my face with frustration, I groaned. “
This is so shit.”

She touched my arm softly and looked at me with the most understanding eyes I could imagine. God, I wished I could tell her. I hated having it all bottled up inside me. I felt like I could just explode at any given moment.

“Hey,” she said. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. It’s you I’m worried about. I can see something’s really bothering you at the moment. As long as you know I’m here for you and you can talk to me, okay? I don’t want you to feel like you’re alone. I can keep a secret too…”

My throat tightened up on me. Shit. I couldn’t do this. Not here.
I wanted to tell her so badly.

In fear of choking up, I nodded as an answer.
Giving her one last squeeze, I climbed into my car and drove towards home.

Mom had
her music turned up to practically its limit when I got there. I found her in her bedroom, dancing around with a glass of wine in her hand as she held dresses against her body in front of the mirror. She smiled when she saw me in the doorway.

, baby! How was school?”

I couldn’t help but smile back. It was so unusual to see her so naturally happy. “It was as good as school can get. Are you going somewhere?” I asked.

She grinned impishly. “Ken’s been invited to a charity event. It’s a big, fancy black tie thing.”

I refrained from frowning at the mention of Ken’s name,
and focused on Mom’s happiness instead. “Sounds like fun.”

She held up a soft green cocktail dress and frowned in the mirror.
“I hope so. It feels like forever since I’ve been anywhere nice.”

That’s because it
has been forever
, I thought.

She looked up at me with that grin again. “Are you doing anything tonight? Maybe you should go to a movie with
Mia or something. You don’t go out enough for an eighteen year old, Kaeli.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “There’s a party tonight – at
Ryan’s place, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go or not. Maybe I will if you’re going out…”

“Yes! You should,” she said, a little too enthusiastically.

I laughed at her. “Okay. I will.”

I left her boogying in her wardrobe and went to my room feeling good for the first time in weeks. Pulling out my
cell, I opened up my text conversation with Mia.

All good. I’ll c u at 8 :)

About five seconds later, my phone beeped.

YAY!!! Sooooooo happy!!!

I smiled at the message, and suddenly, I was amped. I couldn’t wait to let my hair down and party. Maybe I’d even consider this thing with Corey. I giggled at the thought.

Mom came into my room an hour later, dressed in a knee length black dress with an organza shawl and stilettos. She looked gorgeous. “Ken just got home. I’m just going to heat up some lasagna for you while he’s in the shower
, okay?”

, Mom. Thanks.”

my dark grey, light knit dress off its hanger, I quickly shimmied it over my head and down over my black opaque tights. I finished styling my hair so it fell in soft natural curls down my back, applied a little mascara and lip gloss, then slipped on my black knee high boots.

Giving myself a
quick once over in the mirror, I smiled, thinking how Corey might react to my appearance. It was just the right amount of sexy. I smiled again, and went downstairs to eat.

I was almost to the bottom of the stairs when Ken’s angry voice stopped me cold. Mom
still had music playing in the kitchen so it could hardly be heard over the volume, but I’d just become attuned and watchful for it over the years.

BOOK: Hush - Fighting Fate #2
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