Hunting for Curves (BBW Erotic Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Hunting for Curves (BBW Erotic Romance)
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Jasmine gripped Luke's shoulders as Evan pushed further, crushing Luke down into her, his mouth parted in ecstasy.

"To the hilt," he breathed.

Then he pulled back and bucked. Luke gasped again and his cock lurched inside her, flexing against her deepest wall.

As their pace increased, Luke found some leverage to rock into her. But each thrust was accentuated by Evan's pumping, driving Luke's cock deep, stretching her, grinding Luke's hard body against her mound. Her eyes rolled back, the sensation coursing through her body like a white-hot needle of pleasure.

The sound of their breathing took on a ragged undertone as they adapted to an easy rhythm. Luke moaned, sandwiched between the two, and Evan rocked him between Jasmine's thighs.

Her hands slid over Luke's hips, touching Evan's fingers which held him as well. She imagined Evan's cock, sinking in till it could go no more. Every thrust driving Luke into her.

The picture in her mind was deliciously naughty. She could hardly believe it was real. The pressure of their bodies. The masculine scent of their sweat. The bucking and pumping. The wet sound of her pussy receiving each stroke.

To Jasmine's surprise, Evan let go of Luke and his hand stroked down the curves of her body, squeezing between them to where Luke's cock was buried in her. His thumb rubbed over her clit, sending a jolt through her legs. Once. He paused. Then again. Her breath caught. His thumb pressed again. Harder. And her nerves trembled, her mind buzzing with euphoria as she felt the tide tipping inside her.

"Sorry. This is—" Luke made a strained sound in his throat "—can't last much longer."

Jasmine whimpered against his broad shoulder as the surge built inside her.

Evan grunted with what might have been agreement, but beneath his panting breath it was too hard to tell.

The crest of sheer electricity shook her, tensing, clenching, seizing her muscles. God, she'd known it wouldn't take much. Her back arched, straining against Luke's solid weight. Her hips bucked under the two men on top of her: the one deep inside her, and the other buried in him.

As her body tensed and writhed, Luke let out a groan. His face knotted. Then his mouth opened with a long heaving breath. "Oh, fuck!"

Trembling and jerking, she rode the wave with him, moaning out a whine of pure agonizing pleasure.

His body sagged, partially collapsing on top of her, but Evan's hands caught him under the hips, lifting his ass up. Luke pressed his sweaty forehead against Jasmine's chest, and she cupped the side of his face, her shaky hand unable to do much more.

In the aftermath of a bone-jarring orgasm, her eyelids drooped, begging for rest. But she couldn't resist watching Evan—this gorgeous blond Adonis—fucking Luke. Faster. Harder. Until his face changed, his lip curled, teeth gritted, and he came with a harsh exhale of breath.

He pumped a few more times before his taut arms relaxed, and his chin sank to his chest as he panted. For a moment, they all remained as they were, locked together, exhausted, sweaty, their heavy breathing the only sound in the room.

Then Luke let out a long sigh as he disengaged himself from both Jasmine and Evan and rolled on his back next to her. With a slick snap, he pulled the condom off and tossed it into the little wastebasket next to the bed.

Evan leaned down and kissed him, but it was slow, languid, sweet. He pulled back and touched Luke's face. "How was it?"

Luke closed his eyes. "That was incredible."

Evan stretched his long legs and maneuvered behind Luke. He fluffed a pillow, then lay down, his face pressed to the back of Luke's head.

"And you?" Luke breathed as he stretched an arm across her chest.

She nodded a breathy reply.

Truthfully, she didn't know how she was doing. She'd decided she liked the men, long before the sex. And the mind-blowing experience had been like her deepest fantasies come to life. But she wasn't sure how to express that without sounding callous. "Thank you for letting me share your lover," just wasn't the kind of thing she could say. So she started with something easier.

"I had a great time with you two. And all this is amazing." She gestured at the room. "How much does a place like this cost for a night?"

Evan clicked the light off and settled onto his back, his hand touching her thigh. "It doesn't."

"What do you mean?"

But Evan remained silent as the minutes ticked by in the dark room. Just when she was certain they must have fallen asleep, Luke rustled next to her, his arm squeezing her chest.

"He owns the hotel," Luke whispered.

Chapter 3

Jasmine stared at the spreadsheet in front of her, trying to interpret the patterns for the fifth time in so many minutes. This work was easy and routine for her, yet she found it difficult to focus her thoughts. Her car had trouble starting that morning and she was ten minutes late. As a temp contractor, she knew it wouldn't be overlooked by management.

It had been a few days since her chance encounter with the two men in the bar, yet she couldn't stop thinking about it. It didn't seem real, more like sexy late night television from a premium channel. Or at least that's what she guessed since she couldn't afford cable.

Afterwards, she'd stayed with them for as long as she could. But she couldn't sleep with Luke's arm draped over her and his light snore buzzing in her ear. Truthfully, it wasn't a bad thing, but rather her pulse raced every time she felt his chest brush against her naked back. Plus she had to use the restroom.

Evan slept peacefully, his hand resting on her thigh. So she had to be careful as she gently lifted their limbs so she could slip out. Then she made her way down the wide hall.

There were two bathrooms, of course. Traditionally, they would have been modeled as "his and hers." But as she glanced between the two in the dim light, she couldn't figure out which one to use since they looked more like "his and his." She finally convinced herself that it didn't really matter and picked the one on the left.

As she was washing her hands, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror.
What the hell am I doing?
The men had a lifestyle completely beyond anything she could have ever imagined. She couldn't see herself fitting in with that.

And what would she say in the morning? "Thanks for the great time. See you guys later?"

she thought as she quietly gathered her clothes. She had her fun. It would be best if she left quietly before the awkward goodbyes.

It was only later that she'd found the note, inconspicuously tucked in her purse. Who even knew what that meant? Or how it had gotten there. But by then it was too late, of course.

Rodney had tried to get ahold of her later that weekend but she'd just ignored him. She didn't feel like dealing with his bullshit, and now her work week was shaping up to be crappy.

As the fantasy played again in her mind, the sounds of the office faded into the background. God, she didn't want to think about work, or her awkward hookups with Rodney. But that night with Evan and Luke had been so exciting. She remembered how the two men had looked, spooned together in the large bed. How she longed to climb back in with them.


Evan's blond hair was just visible behind Luke's firm shoulder, their muscled arms crossing over the void where she had been.


She jerked and looked up. The office manager stood over her, his fists planted on his hips.

. She realized he was using the pet name he'd devised when she'd started at the company. It was a terrible bastardization of her name and she hated it. But what could she do? He was her superior, and it wasn't like she could talk to anyone about it. She was only a temp.

"Sorry, sir." Jasmine blushed and sat up, smoothing her skirt with her hands as she tried to compose herself.

"Where's the Taylor report?" His mouth barely moved as he gazed down from under lowered eyelids.

"Um." She glanced around her desk. Then she remembered returning it on Friday. "It should be back in the cabinet."

"Well it's not." His lips scrunched like a pair of mating earthworms.

Her hands clenched in her lap. "I made sure to put it back. Maybe someone else is looking at it?"

"You were the last one to sign for it. I want you to locate it and bring it to my office before you leave today."

"Yes, sir." She groaned inwardly as he turned his back and briskly walked away.

In an office full of rushed and absent-minded employees, she was the only one who religiously followed the chain of custody. At one point, she'd thought that careful attention to detail might lead to a permanent position. That was before she realized it just made her stand out—in the wrong way of course.

She'd wasted most of the morning on a project that should have taken half an hour. And the sun was angling through the large windows by the time she got back to her desk. As she had suspected, another manager had taken the file without signing the log sheet. Not that her supervisor believed her when she brought him the folder. Instead he gave her a knowing look and waved away what he perceived as excuses.

Her hours were restricted and she only had enough time to save her work before she had to clock out for the day. The spreadsheet would have to wait until tomorrow.

But as she opened her purse, Luke's hand written note gazed back up at her. Her phone sat on the desk next to her keyboard and a fleeting thought crossed her mind. She lifted the paper and put her purse back down. What if she just called? Maybe to see how he was doing. Ask if Evan was doing well too.
Was I good in bed?

She scrunched her face with embarrassment.
I don't even know them
, she thought as she shook her head. Then she scooted back in front of her computer.
But at least I can remedy that.

After a few searches which ended in false results, she typed "Evan" and added the name of the hotel. Her eyes widened as the screen exploded with pictures and articles. Most of the images were of him, standing in different suits with the same mischievous half-grin. But a few were candid shots of both him and Luke: walking through glass doors, in an expansive dining room, driving in a car, jogging along a beach. They looked so good together, happy, like they were living the life she could never have.

Words flashed by in a blur as she scrolled through the pages of information cataloging Evan's life and career.

"Evan Westmore, software developer turned CEO… became the owner of a successful tech company… strategic investments helped to grow his wealth… recently became a—"

Her breath caught.

"Oh, who is that? He is hot."

Jasmine jerked and clicked her browser window closed. Then she glanced at the cute young brunette perched over her shoulder.

"Mary," Jasmine breathed. "You scared me."

"Sorry, sweetie. I was just getting ready to leave when I saw the hunk on your screen."

"He's—just something I was researching."

"I bet." A wicked smile broke across the woman's lips. "Does this have to do with Rodney?"

Jasmine knuckled her forehead. She had become friends with her fellow co-worker over the past few months. And she loved having someone to confide in but Mary could be a little pushy at times.

"I don't want to hear his name right now."

Mary crouched down next to Jasmine's chair. "Are you finally going to break up with him?"

"I don't know." Jasmine pursed her lips. "Maybe. I really should after—" Her eyes darted to Mary but heat was already creeping into her cheeks.

Mary's eyes widened. "You met another man."

Jasmine frowned. "Sorta."

"Was that him?" Mary pointed at the now blank computer screen.


"Jasmine. Either you met a man or you didn't." Then her eye swept to the note in her hand.

Jasmine tried to hide it but Mary snatched the paper from her fingers, and her eyes twinkled as she quickly unfolded it.

"Luke," she said with a seductive voice. Then she glanced up. "You're going to call him back, right?"

"I don't think so." Jasmine sadly shook her head. "I should just talk to Rodney."

Mary stared at her, her mouth crooked, and a disgusted look written in her narrowed eyes. "You just said you didn't want to hear his name."

"I know. But maybe I can convince him to be more—you know—understanding of my needs."

"You mean 'faithful'. And good luck with that."

"I don't know what else to do."

"You call
." Mary shook her hand with the note.

"I can't—you wouldn't understand." Jasmine lowered her head and extended her hand. "Can I have that back please?"

Mary took a deep sigh and placed the note back in Jasmine's palm. Then she tapped an idle finger to her lips. "Do you have any chapstick?"

"Sure." Jasmine crumpled the paper in her hand before she turned to reach into her purse. But when she swiveled around with the little tube in hand, Mary had her back to her.

Jasmine tried to see over her friend's shoulder. "What are—" Then her eyes locked on the empty space where her phone had been. "Oh, God. Mary, no!"

She launched out of her chair. But the evil woman giggled as she switched the phone from one hand to the other, keeping it just out of Jasmine's reach. Then she caught it, yanking it free. Her thumb pressed "End Call" just as the first ring echoed through the tiny earpiece.

Jasmine clutched the phone against her chest as she tried to catch her breath. "What are you doing? Trying to give me a heart attack?"

Mary rolled her eyes as she straightened her hair. "I was just trying to help you out." Then she placed her hand on her hip. "Anyway, if you aren't interested in him, maybe I—"

Jasmine felt the vibration between her breasts before she heard the ringtone. She stared down at the phone in horror.
That was fast.
A shiver of fear shook her heart as it continued to drone in her paralyzed hands.

"Well?" Mary said as a grin spread across her lips. "If you don't answer it, I will." She took a step forward, her arm outstretched.

BOOK: Hunting for Curves (BBW Erotic Romance)
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