HUNT (The Billionaire's Rules, Book 13) (6 page)

BOOK: HUNT (The Billionaire's Rules, Book 13)
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His legs went into spasms and he almost
seemed to be convulsing.

Knowing that she’d given him such a
powerful orgasm turned her on immensely, and now that she was through the most
difficult part of the endeavor, Lanie was able to enjoy it more.

Her pussy was soaked.

She felt her own hips twitch as a minor
climax rocked her core.

And now she continued sucking him,
stroking him, as the last shivers of his climax ran through his tight, muscular

“Holy crap,” he whispered.
He was bathed in sweat.

Finally, she let go of him and took her
mouth from his large, but softening penis.

“That was different,” she told him.

Brayden raised his eyebrows.
“You can say that again.”

“Did I do well?” she said.

He put himself away and zipped up his
“You take direction very

Lanie got to her feet, turning and seeing
that nobody in the workspace outside his office seemed any the wiser as to what
they’d been doing in Brayden’s office.

just blew my boss in public.

could’ve been looking through those glass walls and seen inside.
They might not have seen me under his desk,
but still…anyone could’ve walked into his office just now.

And as she smoothed her outfit and wiped
her mouth, someone did in fact walk into Brayden’s office.

It was Virgil Spencer.
He was wearing a powder blue suit and a
blue and yellow tie.
He looked
incredibly sharp and crisp and put together.
His hair was close cropped and he was

As he entered the office, he
“Excuse me, hope I’m not
interrupting,” he said.

“Not at all,” Brayden replied from behind
his desk.

Virgil looked at her.
“My name’s Virgil.
I’m the President and Co-founder of
And you must be our CEO’s
new assistant?”

Lanie nodded anxiously.
“Yes, I’m Lanie Day.
So good to meet you.”

Virgil stuck out his hand and Lanie
realized she absolutely could not shake hands with the man.
She’d been stroking Brayden’s cum soaked
cock for the last few minutes.
hands were still sticky from it.

She hesitated for a long moment.
“You know, I’m just getting over a bad
cold,” she told him.
“I probably
shouldn’t risk giving you anything.”

From nearby, she heard Brayden laughing a
little at her.

Virgil withdrew his hand and backed a
step away from her.
Then he turned
to Brayden.
“Anyway, I only stopped
in to say that I know I came across strong in our meeting a few minutes
But you know I trust you.
I get that you’d never do anything to
put our company in jeopardy.”

Brayden appeared thoughtful.
“I appreciate you swinging by to tell me

Virgil gave a little awkward shrug.
“Anyway, I should go, I have a lunch date
with the wife.”
He checked his
Apple watch and then headed out of the office.
“Nice meeting you, Lanie.
Keep this guy in line for me!”

“Will do!” she called after him, as he

When she turned back, Brayden was giving
her a strange look.
“I think that’s
all for now,” he said.




Lanie was washing her hands in the
bathroom when a gorgeous woman came out of one of the stalls.

She had long, flowing dark hair and dark
skin, as if she had a permanent but natural tan.
Her eyes were almond shaped and

She was so striking that Lanie found
staring at the woman in the mirror.

Tall, wearing a body-hugging dress that
revealed a curvy body
that men
surely ogled over, she
could’ve been a model or actress for all Lanie knew.

“Hi,” the woman smiled.
She blew a strand of hair from her face
as she turned on the faucet.
“Excuse me, but I’m sweating like a pig.
My makeup’s running.”

“Could’ve fooled me,” Lanie replied.
“If I was you, I’d never even need to
wear makeup.”

The woman laughed, rinsing her hands and
then dabbing at her face with her ring finger.
“I need someone like you around to talk
sense to me when I get crazy—which is quite often, unfortunately.”

Lanie laughed.
“I doubt I’d be of any help.
I’m pretty crazy myself.”

“It’s always nice to meet a fellow crazy.”
The woman turned from the mirror and
fixed Lanie with her striking gaze.
“I’m Frida, nice to make your acquaintance.”

“Frida like the artist?” Lanie asked.

My parents were huge fans of Frida Kahlo,
so I got stuck with that name.

“I think it’s a beautiful name, and it
suits you.”

“Like I said, I need to keep your around
to say things like that more often.”
Frida grinned.
“And you

My name’s Lanie.
Lanie Day.”

“Are you new here?”

“Just started today.”

“You must be Brayden’s new assistant,”
Frida said, snapping her fingers.
Her brown eyes sparkled.

“That’s right,” Lanie said.

For a brief moment, she wondered if
Brayden had ever pursued Frida.
would make sense that he might, given his reputation and Frida’s beauty.
She wasn’t wearing a wedding or
engagement ring.

“I work in IT,” the beautiful woman told
her, “as weird as that sounds.
not a typical girl job, but then again, I’m not a very typical girl.”

“Clearly not,” Lanie chuckled.
“But it’s really nice to meet you.
I don’t know anybody here.”

“Well you’ll get to know everyone very
Hookup is a really cool place
to work, and lots of neat people here.
No stereotypical corporate clones and office zombies.
We’re all weird and kooky, especially

Lanie smiled, feeling very welcomed for
the first time.

As Frida was leaving, she turned.
“You should come tomorrow.
After work, there’s a little open mike
thing at a coffeehouse that a few of us go to every week.”

“That sounds amazing,” Lanie replied,
feeling her cheeks flush.

“Of course, you’ll need to sing or play
an instrument,” Frida told her, growing serious.
“We expect you to perform.”

Lanie asked, nervous now.
“I don’t really…I mean, I could try…”

Frida laughed, clapping her hands.
“I’m totally messing with you.
Oh my God, you’re the best, Lanie.
I’m so glad you’re here.”
She laughed, shaking her head
“Seriously though,
tomorrow—open mike.
You don’t
have to perform, I swear.”

“I’ll be there!” Lanie said.

And then she was alone in the restroom,
wondering what had just happened.

I made a friend
, she
Will wonders never cease?




She returned home from work feeling both
exhilarated and wiped out.

The rest of the day had been a blur of

Brayden had left the office for the rest
of the afternoon and her HR rep had found her and gone through a whole other
round of discussion of workplace policies, including the company’s harassment
policy, which she had to sign.

It felt strange in a way.
Not that Lanie felt harassed at all by
Brayden, because she didn’t.

But she also had a feeling that Virgil Spencer
might not see things that way.

She doubted the co-founder and President
of the company would be happy if he’d known what had gone on in Brayden’s
office just minutes before Virgil had entered to apologize for lecturing his
CEO about ethics.

And now that she was home in her new
apartment, Lanie wasn’t sure how she felt about everything that had transpired.

On the one hand, she couldn’t stop
thinking about Brayden Forman.
was even searching for images of him to look at, despite the fact that she’d
just been with the man in person.

Beyond that, she’d now been up close and
very personal with the man.

Yet, she couldn’t seem to stop thinking
about him.

The way he’d touched her, the way she’d
touched him.

The taste of him.

He wasn’t someone she could ever hope to
have a long-term relationship with, however.

Lanie knew that she needed to be careful
not to fall for the man.
He was
dangerous, a womanizing bad boy who had no intention of changing his ways.

Someday soon he would likely tire of her
and move on to new and more exciting options.

Lanie needed to protect herself against
the heartbreak that might ensue if she started to believe he actually had any
feelings for her.

just sex.

just experience with a very hot, very sexy guy and nothing more.

At least, that’s what she was telling
herself as she sat watching TV and nibbling on a snack bar later that night.

She almost was feeling at home in her new

And that’s when it happened.

That’s when the power suddenly went out,
inexplicably leaving her in the pitch black.

Lanie gave a tiny, strangled shriek.

She was in the dark.
It hadn’t even been raining or storming

Why was the power out?

What had happened?

Her heart pounded through her chest as
she struggled to find her bearings.

Lanie hated the dark more than
Ever since childhood,
she’d had this fear.

Sometimes, she even had nightmares about
being locked in closets or in dark basements where something horrible lurked.

And now she struggled not to panic.
A minute or two went by and still the
lights weren’t coming back on.

You never got candles or so
much as a flashlight.
What were you

hadn’t been thinking about flashlights or candles.
She’d only been thinking about him.
About her new boss.

But she did have the light from her cell
phone, which she took out and shined around in the pitch black.

Tears were threatening.

can’t be alone in the dark all night.

The thought of that was terrifying.
She felt exposed to all manner of
horrors, even though intellectually Lanie knew nothing was really wrong.

But still.
It didn’t stop her heart pounding, her
palms sweating, and the twisting, stomach churning feeling that she was going
to sit alone in the dark all night.

At that very moment, when her panic was
reaching a crescendo, her phone began ringing and she looked to find that
Brayden was calling her.

She hastily answered.

“It’s me,” he said.
“I’ve been thinking about you.”

Although his voice was soothing, Lanie
was still frightened.
“Oh,” was all
she said.

“Is this a bad time?” he asked.

“No,” she lied.
“No, it’s fine.”

BOOK: HUNT (The Billionaire's Rules, Book 13)
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