Read Hunger Aroused Online

Authors: Dee Carney

Hunger Aroused (7 page)

BOOK: Hunger Aroused
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Chapter Ten

She couldn't explain it even to herself very well. In this crazy mix of events spiraling out of control, the one constant, the reason she managed to hold on to her sanity, had been Corin. She hadn't forgotten what he said he'd do at the end of three days. How could she?

But the way he looked at her, the way he touched her, his hesitation…all of it conspired against her. If she were truly meant to die soon, she wouldn't go down without a fight, but she sure as hell was going to enjoy her last days on earth. That meant at least one intense time with him.

“Me?” He looked stunned. “Then why did you run?”

“I'm going to run again, Corin. I have to.”

His head dipped in a curt nod, as if he understood. She hoped to God he did, because her will to live had to override any mounting desires. It was stronger than her need to be with him.

“You know I'll have to stop you.”

“I do. But I have to try.”

He unsnapped the button on her waistband. Looked into her eyes as he pulled down the zipper beneath. “Before you do…”

“Before I do…” she agreed, lifting her hips.

Masterfully, Corin removed her clothing without saying anything more. His lips swept across her belly every time he exposed a new expanse of skin, at once making her skin tingle. The way he gazed upon her, the way he touched her, no matter what he said, made the heat rising in her core reach hazardous levels. He couldn't take his eyes off her, and every place they traveled, so did his mouth.

It was a slow, sweet, agonizing torture for his hands to graze across her body, in need of a firm touch. He took his time. Kneeling between her legs, Corin trailed fire along her calves, behind her knees. His touch memorized the skin along her thigh. Jasmine did everything to encourage him to do more, to touch her more. When she parted her thighs, she felt the jolt of his body.

He lifted his eyes to hers. “Not yet,” he whispered.

It went on like that for what must have been hours. Perhaps days. Corin would not be satisfied with less than learning every part of her. She found her breath quickening each time he approached an erogenous area, held it when he stroked everywhere else. By the time he'd finished with just her legs, she was dizzy.

Her pussy had become so damp, she feared for his furniture. To ease some of the ache, she tried to shift, just a little bit, just enough to relieve the burning he stoked, but Corin's hands tightened on her thighs. “Still.”

He ordered her still when all she wanted in the world right now was to grab him by his clothing, infuriatingly unmolested, and pull him close until she could press her mouth to his. She wanted to devour him with a kiss. Make him impatient with lust. Instead she waited for a fever to catch him unaware.

Ever stoic, ever unflappable Corin didn't break a sweat.

Instead, he set her aflame. She dug her fingernails into soft cushions, looking for purchase as her back arched. He ran his nose along the join of her thigh, so desperately close to her swollen lips and yet, not nearly close enough. This was torture, through and through.

“Corin, please…” She wasn't beneath begging. Anything to get him to speed up his glacial pace.

Hot lips whispered across her skin. Moist breath teased. “Wait for it.” He made a tsking sound. “So impatient.”

Her hands left the safety of the cushions and pushed into her hair. Gripped handfuls until it almost pained her. And Corin continued his exploration using little more than lips, tongue and teeth. A deep inhale brought his chest brushing against the inside of her thighs, and she realized he took in the scent of her sex. Took it in himself with an appreciation that curled his lips in a self-satisfied smile.

He dipped his head again, his long and hot tongue sliding against the soft curve of her belly, leading a trail of moisture from the crown of her curls up to her belly button. The way he delved his tongue inside the small indentation thereafter was just short of scandalous. It brought rushing to mind the way he teased with her lower lips earlier. The way he tasted and drank from her until her body had no more to give.

And still he worked his way up.

“So beautiful, Jasmine.” His lips brushed against her skin as he talked, his breath an extension of him. His scent, the apples and subtle cinnamon, was sensual. Arousing. Pleasing.

Her nipples were painful beads on heavy breasts. Her abdomen trembled with greedy anticipation. Heat spiraled through her body, and she knew with unwavering uncertainty that this time, her change had nothing to do with the feelings she experienced. Corin, his body, his sensuality, his whispered words of worship, lit this fire.

“Corin, you're killing me.” He was. If he didn't touch her, very specific licentious touching, her body would overheat and she would die an agonizing, unfulfilled death.

This is not the dying.” He lifted up, his clothed chest rubbing against her bare breasts. He tilted his head until his mouth brushed against the sensitive area between her neck and shoulder. She parted her thighs even farther, making room for him to settle, but Corin had other ideas. Instead of the hard push of his clothed erection on her naked sex, a single stroke of his finger on her clit was what she felt next. “This is.”

He no sooner declared it than Jasmine called his name, an orgasm rocketing through her body with such force her hips punched into the air, almost dislodging her lover. It was a single touch on her clit. A single, precise touch. Corin waited for tight muscles to unclench, for the orgasm to finish its explosive exploration of her core before kissing his way over the rounds of her breasts again.

Gasping, she laughed, breathless. “You've done this before.”

“Not like this, no, I haven't.” That was so very good to hear. So very, very good.

“Well, the thing of it is…” She had to lick her lips in order to stifle a moan. How he managed to get his tongue to do such delicious things against her collarbone she'd never know. “You're not supposed to be dressed.”

He allowed her trembling fingers to push that damned duster out of the way. To help him slide out of the holster housing the lethal-looking spikes. Corin rolled the very tips of her nipples between two fingers, making her bite down a hiss of pleasurable pain. Almost distracted Jasmine from loosening the button on the waist of his pants.

The vampire toyed with her body until she'd been strung tight. Pulling on her sensitive nipples until the pain sparked a delicious rocket of sensation through her pulsing pussy.

“Your clothes,” she gasped. “Off. Now.”

At first, she thought he might ignore her again. His head dipped low, his mouth engulfing the tip of her breast. Jasmine arched, Corin's hot breath and moist tongue causing her to writhe beneath him. The heat in her core reached molten proportions, and her lover only ratcheted up the sensation until she thought she might melt.

He slid out of his shirt, opened the fly of his pants. Meanwhile, every place he touched sizzled, every inch his mouth covered became ready to combust. Her mind went hazy with lust, coherent thought and intelligence degrading into a receptacle of touch. Taste. Feeling.

His mouth devoured hers again, his palms flat against her thighs, the taste of apples overwhelming. Then he brushed her stomach. Her breasts. She gripped his shoulders, ran her fingertips along his bare chest. Touched the perfection of his cobblestone abdomen. And dear God, when she grazed the tip of his naked erection, she thought she'd come again.

“Tease,” he chided against her mouth.

Wrapping her hand around his shaft, she slowly pumped. “Right.” He gasped when her finger slid through the moisture beaded at the tip. “I'm the tease here.”

Corin lifted her closer to the edge of the sofa, his pelvis in perfect alignment with hers. It didn't stop Jasmine from enjoying the hard length of him, or even consider letting go. She couldn't get over his velvety feel, the slight shudders that went through him as she stroked. Yeah.

“Take me inside you, Jasmine.”

She looked into his face because at once his voice was coarse, guttural. There was raw hunger in the way he said her name. In his desperate plea.

Corin's mouth had parted slightly and although he'd been careful not to let her tongue touch them, elongated incisors caught her immediate attention. Her own blunt teeth pulsed with need. Corin could have done nothing less than suffer with the same awesome power in his. One thing she began to learn about the vampire breed was the sensitivity of those teeth. What drove them to be the sexual creatures he proclaimed them to be.

Fascinated, she stared into his mouth, and he opened wider. Heart kicking against her ribs, she threaded a hand into his hair and pulled him closer. Slid her tongue over the sharp edge of one incisor.

Corin's hips bucked forward, so she did it again. And again. He made a sound, some cross between a whimper and a growl before pushing his tongue against hers. Tangling them together until they kissed and touched with furious determination.

Panting, he wrenched his mouth away. “Enough. You make me lose my control.”

“Then I'm doing it right.”

His lips lifted in a curious smile, one that made her overworked heart pause for a long second. Before she could command it to start pumping again, Corin shifted. This time
gasped. Her head fell back, and she gave herself over to the heat that flowed out of her body and into his. Where he slowly pushed inside her needful cunt.

“My God,” she sighed.

This. This is what she needed. What her change demanded, what she'd tried to deny.

She let go of his cock, and Corin's hands on her waist tightened as he pushed deeper, deeper inside. She wanted to moan, to give voice to the ultimate fullness he provided, but it took all of her otherwise overwhelmed concentration just to breathe.

He withdrew and pushed forward in slow, lazy strokes. Jasmine wrapped her legs around his slender waist, pulling him closer, needing more. He responded by cupping her breasts, flicking his thumbs over nipples so sensitive she bit her lip against the sparks he ignited. And the heat of change consumed her. Endorphins were supposed to cool the urges, but right now, what she experienced deep in the pit of her belly consumed her mind. Corin's expert touch, their fucking made her so damned hungry. Painfully so.

Not knowing how to fix this, the conflicting and compelling desires of her flesh and her mind, Jasmine slanted her mouth over his. Corin gave in to her willingly, letting her touch his incisors, suck on the length of his tongue. He slid his cock in and out of her moisture, encouraging the shudders of her body by caressing her breasts.

But the hunger, it grew.

Her eyes moistened at the realization she needed more than what he provided. This surrender to him was no sacrifice; still, it was supposed to serve a purpose. Only now, purpose and desire warred with each other until she knew not which reigned. That knowledge left her terrified.

Corin slammed into her body, driven. “Stay with me,
” he murmured.

She kissed him feverishly. Desperately. “Help me. Please, Corin, help me.”

“Shh.” His return kiss was gentle. Coaxing. Almost…loving.

As if on cue, a wave gathered at the point where Corin's body completed hers. The insatiable hunger grew in direct proportion. Without touching them she knew her teeth elongated as well, her body following an instinct that must have been bred deeply into vampires. Crying out, she dug her fingers into Corin's shoulders, resisting against the pull of something she couldn't yet name.

“Don't fight it, Jasmine.”

Corin changed angle, now touching a sweet spot inside that made her pulse race. Wave after wave formed and flowed, surging forward and retreating, and Jasmine waited for the one that would crest. The one that would swallow her whole. She used the muscles of her cunt to tighten around him, luring out the one wave that would destroy her. “Please.” Her voice trembled, thick with emotion.

He increased his pace, his head falling beside her neck. His panting breath caressed her skin. Chest pressed against hers, she felt his rumbling growl long before she heard it.

She cried out again. Called his name, almost sobbing it. And still the hunger built. As did the pressure of the waves, flowing and ebbing so quickly, they tumbled on each other until she scarcely knew when one began and one ended. Still, none crested.

Corin tilted her hips, forcing her to take his entire length. The motion edged her closer.

So close.

“Come for me,
” His voice sounded just as strained. The words forced through clenched teeth.


He reached between their bodies and flicked a single finger over her distended clit. “Come on me, Jas.”

She slammed her eyes closed as an explosion of pleasure rushed through her body. That damnable hunger pushed through her belly, shrieking its dissatisfaction and need. Jasmine didn't think. Somehow, in the midst of tightened muscles and a voiceless scream, she let urgency run rampant. Gave herself over to instinct.

She threw her head back and then brought her mouth down on Corin's neck. His skin burst beneath the sharp prick of her teeth to send blood rushing into her mouth. In the back of her mind, she heard him roar, felt the first pulse of his come, his body shuddering beneath her hands. She pushed aside those distractions and drank.

His blood was sweet. So very sweet. With every pull, she felt her body ease into a lulling harmony. Felt the gnawing hunger dissipate. The viscous fluid coated her tongue then slid down her throat. Her appreciation for it rivaled the world's finest chocolate, the best cultivated wine. She'd known nothing like it before and knew with unfaltering certainty she would know nothing like it again.

Corin pressed one hand against the back of her head, holding her in place as she fed. His heart punched against her breast, and for some reason, she found that as erotic as the fact he was still lodged within her, hard and ready. She didn't know how long they stayed like that. How long before her head swam, fully intoxicated. Blood ran down Corin's neck, leaving little red trails over his pectorals. A few droplets touched her breasts. When he removed his hand, shifting slightly, Jasmine acknowledged his signal and pulled away.

BOOK: Hunger Aroused
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