Read Human Rights Online

Authors: S.L. Armstrong

Human Rights (9 page)

BOOK: Human Rights
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I brushed his fur in silence back in the master bedroom. Our eyes didn't meet. I relished touching him, and when his coat gleamed, he turned the lamps down and nodded to the bed. I climbed up and settled under the covers on my side of the bed, my head cradled by the soft, down-stuffed pillow. Such a luxury. I drank in the sight of him as he made himself comfortable, resting his glasses on his nose before opening the book he'd been reading to me for the last two weeks. It was a wild adventure where a noble from the Cougars seeks to free and wed a captured maid from the clutches of an evil Jackal witch. It was a lavish story with swords and foul words and love. His voice was low, soothing, and I couldn't help but inch closer and closer as he turned the page. As Gref, the Cougar, battled Slehb the Witch, I pressed my body flush to his hip and leg. Even with the heath lit and the windows shuttered against he first snows of winter, there was a slight damp chill in the home. Sir Jiat was hot, warming me, and though he paused as I nuzzled his side, he didn't push me away. He resumed the story, and I remained pressed close, his scent strong in my nose as I slowly drifted into desire filled dreams.

Chapter Seven

A gentle combing of my hair woke me the following morning, making my scalp tingle. It took a moment for my eyes to cooperate, but when they opened, my vision was filled with the sight of Sir Jiat hovering over me. His fingers were carding through my hair over and over, slowly and tenderly. I smiled, closed my eyes, and stretched, my body shaking the last bits of sleep as I yawned. When I settled once more and looked up at him again, I saw something in his eyes I hadn't seen before. Something hot, a flickering in the honeyed depths of his eyes that made my morning need tighten low in my body. I swallowed and licked my lips as I felt heat move over my cheeks. Something needed to be said, done, but I didn't know what, and so I merely remained on my back staring up at him, uncertainty painted on my face.

Sir Jiat continued to pet me, but his fingers began to trail along my neck, shoulder. My pulse would jump every time the rough pad of his finger would stroke over my throat. My cock seemed to move with the force of my heartbeat under the blankets, and I was terrified he would look down, see the bedclothes tented over my groin. When I thought I couldn't take any more of this simple intimacy, my master finally spoke.

"I have sent Hosanna and Werrs away today. They will not return until tomorrow morning." Sir Jiat's eyes shifted, slid down along the length of my body. "I know what it is you want. I even think I know what it is you feel."

The words burned in my throat, demanded to be given voice. "I love you," I whispered. "I know I love you. Not as master. You are a good master, but..."

Sir Jiat smiled. "But?"

"But you are more than master." The heat of my cheeks intensified. "You are special."

His eyes softened as he gazed at me, and his large hand smoothed over my chest. "As are you, Ewan. So very, very special. No Human has captured my heart as you have. Without trying, you tempt me to turn away from this life I have so carefully built. Risk it all to press my lips to yours. My body to yours."

"Will you?" I was so bold! I was asking him to throw everything away and love me. I couldn't believe the words had passed my lips.

Sir Jiat stared into my eyes for what felt like an eternity, and then he nodded once, slowly. "Yes," he murmured gruffly. He dipped down, and my heart seemed to stop in my chest as his muzzle opened and his broad, rough tongue slid out and lapped over my parted lips. It wasn't how a Human kissed, but I didn't care. It was how Sir Jiat kissed me, the first kiss, and I would never forget the feeling of the rough muscle, the slight dryness, or the sweetness of his breath. He must have brushed his teeth after sending Hosanna and Werrs away, and something warm unfurled inside me. Sir Jiat had planned this moment with me.

He licked at my lips over and over, taking his time, and when my lips tingled from the roughness of his tongue, he dipped inside to taste me. Uncertain, nervous, I lifted my hands and slid them down his back, through his soft, pale fur. The moan he made rumbled between our mouths, and I heard myself whine. Oh, oh, by the moon and stars, I was practically shaking with my arousal. I brought my hands up to cup his face, and I let my fingers slide up to caress his ears as I began to kiss first one side, and the other, of Sir Jiat's muzzle. Little movements of my lips and tongue against his mouth, my hands exploring every inch of him they could reach.

When Sir Jiat tilted his head back, and my lips began to press along the fur and flesh there, I felt it. The purr. The purr that became louder, deeper, the longer my mouth teased his neck. What arousal coursed through me soon became suffocating, and I whined as I bit at the rumbling beneath my lips. "Please," I panted, not knowing what it was I was asking him for. I put myself in his hands, hoping wildly that Sir Jiat knew what I simply did not.

"It's all right," Sir Jiat purred near my ear.

He pulled the bedclothes from my body and shoved them down to the foot of the bed. Though he'd seen me naked daily, and aroused on a few occasions, the way he looked at me now made me think he was truly seeing me for the first time. I flushed again, and my hands itched to cover my cock. His broad hands smoothed down my chest, his sharp claws pricking at my nipples. My nipples drew up tight as pleasure sizzled along my nerves. I gasped and my hips shifted, arched just a little. A wicked smile split Sir Jiat's muzzle, and he leaned down and began to torture my nipples with little sandpapery licks. How my head spun!

I lost all sense of time, of myself, as he nipped and licked at me, from my neck to my nipples, from nipple to navel. My stomach jumped each time his tongue delved into that little indent, and when I laughed, he grinned up at me. Then, he inched down just a bit more, and his hot, moist breath danced over my hot cock. I moaned... or maybe I mewled, I don't know. Whatever sound left my throat, Sir Jiat loved. His purr became deafening just before he drew his tongue from my balls up to the tip of my cock. It was a languid, possessive touch, a sensation that left my balls aching. Without a thought, I spread my legs wide, offered all my most sensitive parts up to him to feast upon. I trusted my master with my heart and body, and I was instantly rewarded.

Sir Jiat lapped at my sac, my thighs, my cock. If I bared it to him, he took it as his. He scent-marked each of my thighs, a soft growl in his throat as he did it. "Mine," he told me, and then his cool nose nudged at the base of my cock. I was trembling, aching, my hips arching up eagerly into every touch. "I want to taste you at your source," he murmured, and then he focused on the tip of my cock. He drew the skin back, exposed that sensitive head, and then his tongue slid over my slit.

The strangled, high-pitched cry that I uttered shocked even me. I thought of nothing but that rasp of tongue over the engorged tip, again and again, until I squeezed my eyes shut and bucked. I shouted as climax seared through my brain, wracked my body, and I spilled my seed against Jiat's tongue. My life, I knew, would never again be the same, and I wept as I shivered in the aftermath.

Jiat's arms encircled me, and he nosed my cheek, lapped at the tears, and I turned into him, burying my face against his throat. He held me until the tears stopped, until my body had stilled, his hands always petting, soothing me. I lifted my face so I could look up at him. "I've never felt like that before," I admitted. "Not even when you took me to Syra."

"It is different when you love and care for the one in your bed." Jiat brushed back the hair from my face. "I've rarely let myself love another. The very nature of what I do for Humans means secrecy and betrayal. I have to protect myself and whatever pet I have taken in, and that can be lonely."

"But I'm different."

Jiat chuckled, his hand gliding down my side, over my hip, to rest on my thigh. "You, Ewan, are
different. I've fallen in love with you."

I couldn't help the smile that graced my face. He'd said it. He loved me. I couldn't help but pounce on him, kiss his muzzle and neck and shoulders. "I love you, too," I whispered over his heart. I let my hands wander, touch and learn his body. He was so strong, muscled and thick in so many places. My guard. My protector. Jiat moaned as I circled his nipples with my fingers. This was easy. I mimicked what he had done, scratching my nails over the tight buds. I even pinched them, and he growled, his tail flicking impatiently on the bed. I smiled, bent my head, and drew one between my lips, suckling and licking. The sounds he made! What desire had drained from me during my release surged back, more vicious and demanding than ever. I was hard against his hip, and I could feel him against mine. Slippery. Long. So very, very hot. But as I kissed and licked and nipped over his chest and down his sculpted stomach, I didn't know what to do. Not really. Not beyond licking at him as he had at me.

Was that all there was? Licking? Biting? Touching? I glanced up at him as I straddled his thighs. "I... I don't know..."

Jiat's words were warm, soft. "Touch me," he murmured. He took my hand in his and pressed my palm to the slick heat of his cock.

I looked down and stared. Jiat was shaped oddly. Well, compared to my own cock. For one, it jutted out of a furry pouch, and his balls were covered in his white fur, too. It was strange, but he said I could touch, and so I did. I ran my finger around that area where his bare cock met that furred sheath. Jiat moaned, and a rush of power filled me. I could make him as weak as he made me, and the realization was intoxicating. I traced upward, over the very slick, smooth, pink flesh, and when I came close to the elegantly tapered tip, the texture changed. I rubbed there, just under the head of him, feeling firm, slightly stiff barbs. They weren't prickly or scratchy, but they were so odd! I leaned down and, yes, decorating along the top third of Jiat's cock, just under the head, were soft, pliable barbs of flesh!

My eyes met his, and I saw amusement mingling with his arousal. "You have little bumps!"

"The Felines do." Jiat chuckled. "It pleasures the females. Helps us with conception. Do you not like them?"

I shook my head, smiling. "I love them. I love learning about this part of you." I traced up again, and now I played with the tip of him. Where I was rounded and blunt, he was elongated and pointed. And in the slit there at the peak, beads of slippery, clear fluid gathered. I swiped my finger through the fluid and brought it to my lips, blushing as Jiat watched me. It was musky, thick on my tongue, but not unpleasant. I smiled at him. "So slick," I whispered.

"Do you like it?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Will you press your lips to me? Lick and suck at me?"

Jiat didn't order me about, he asked. Most of my life, I'd been forced to always say yes, the option of 'no' never being real. But it was real here. I could say no, and nothing would come of it. But I didn't
to say no. Instead, I leaned in and drew my tongue over him. I had no basis for comparison, no lover in my past that I could draw experience from. Part of me was glad for that.

When I reached the tip of him, I suckled, licked, and his groans and growls only encouraged me. I threw myself into worshipping Jiat's cock with my mouth. I couldn't suck him too far into my mouth, but I used my hands to touch every inch my mouth couldn't. I didn't give up, even when those clear fluids seemed to become stronger in flavor. It was part of Jiat, and the mewls and moans told me what I did, Jiat liked. His claws scratched at my scalp a little, and then tangled in my hair. Jiat's hips began to rise and fall, shift from side to side, and then he yowled. His cock jerked in my hand, and my mouth flooded with his seed. I was shocked, unprepared—though I shouldn't have been—and I wasn't as graceful or skilled as Jiat. I made a mess of him and myself, and my embarrassment burned red from my chest to the very tip of my ears. I didn't want to look up because I didn't want to be faced with his disappointment in me.


Slowly, I met his eyes, but there was only lazy satisfaction to be read in them. "Yes?"

Jiat was purring, drawing me up the length of him, and then he began to lick at my mouth and chin, cleaning up the mess I'd made. "Mmm... that was..." He sighed, a grin on his face. "That was wonderful."

I smiled, too, relaxing against him. "I was messy."

"That will lessen with practice." His eyes sparkled. "You would like to practice, right?"

Now I laughed, nuzzling his shoulder. "Yes. Lots of practice."

"Well, we have all day and night together, no interruptions. I will make us food, and after we've eaten..." Jiat licked at my throat. "I want to show you a new pleasure."

I shivered in his arms, already impatient to learn this new pleasure of his. But he eased me back, kissed me again, and then rose, padding off into the house. I could hear sounds in the kitchen, and then the scent of meat cooking. I grinned up at the ceiling, my stomach rumbling and my limbs weak. This, I decided, was the best day of my life.

I'd fallen asleep after eating the meal Jiat had brought me. A full belly, a sunbeam, and the quiet of the house had made it impossible for me to keep my eyes open. Curled up against the naked, solid form of my lover, I'd let sleep take me. No nightmares haunted my sleep, and I don't remember if I dreamed. It was peaceful. My mind at rest, and Jiat's hand petting me as he read, I napped. I didn't budge until I heard his voice, felt his whiskers teasing my shoulder. I moaned and shifted against the bed, my half-hard cock pressed to the mattress. His rough tongue lapped down my spine, and I sighed.

BOOK: Human Rights
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