How to Kill an Incubus: A Rae Erickson Story (25 page)

BOOK: How to Kill an Incubus: A Rae Erickson Story
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“What was that for?”

“For twitching it in my face like that, temptress. Are you wet?”

I couldn’t keep up. One minute he wanted to feed me, the next he wanted to know what was happening between my legs. I had no idea which to focus on, especially when his hand effortlessly parted my quivering thighs and snaked a path up to the heat between my legs. I was bare there and completely at his mercy.

“Andrei,” I gasped when he dipped a searching finger inside me.

“Wet,” he confirmed in a growl, hiking the hem of my dress up my thighs. “Off.”

His monosyllabic words definitely made me wetter and I wordlessly obeyed his command and tugged my dress off. My bra followed. I heard the slow drag of the zipper of his pants and bit my lower lip in anticipation. 


Warm air wrapped a hand around my lower body as I slowly lowered myself down. Andrei made me spread my legs slightly before wrapping two big hands around my waist, his fingers spanning my lower belly. I gasped at the first feel of his erection at my entrance.

“Oh, damn,” I breathed, my grip on the table threatening to break my nails. “Oh, you feel so good.”

He brought me down all the way, groaning softly when my body swallowed his entire length. I already felt full… of him.

“Eat,” he commanded, raising me off him a little before bringing me back down on him with a grunt.

I moaned loudly, wanting so badly for him to fuck me. After the weird day I had, I needed to feel close to him. This was the only way we knew to do that.

“Eat?” I panted, raising myself off him and coming back down with a cry. “Are… you… out of your damn mind?”

“Rae,” he growled at my back, “don’t let good food go to waste.”

And that just did it for me. I hated wastage.

With a trembling hand, I picked up a fork and dug it into the pasta. Andrei’s hands skated down my stomach until he parted my swollen folds and unerringly found my pulsing clit. It took all my power to bring my fork to my mouth. When I did, the unbelievable taste of the piquant tomato, beef, basil and various vegetables sent a shock of pure delight through my body at the exact same time Andrei began to rub the nub with the pad of his large thumb.

“How is it?” he whispered in my ear, jerking inside me at the same time.

“Oh, fuck,” I panted, unable to resist the urge to buck against him. “Good. It’s

“Rae,” Andrei groaned, “finish it.”

He was tweaking my hypersensitive spot and thrusting upwards in earnest now as I was rocking back against him. Every thrust ripped a moan from my throat and every stroke of my sensitized bud sent me doubling over my plate.

“Please,” I whimpered, because this was absolute torture. “Need… to… come! Let me!”

“Eat,” was his grunting response to my breathless plea.

So I forced myself to attempt the said task.

The lasagna was incredible, out of this world, in fact. But Andrei taking me like this was a painful pleasure. I was caught between savoring the spiciness on my tongue and reveling in another kind of sensation altogether between my legs. It was a tough choice, and so I tried to accommodate both.

“I can’t stop,” Andrei murmured, weighing my breasts in his palms now. “I can’t fucking stop.”

“Don’t,” I exhaled, crying out when he tugged at the rock-hard tips of my breasts, which nearly sent me over the edge. “Oh, God. Andrei, don’t stop.”

“I need you,” he snarled, as if he were angry about that and blamed me. He drove into me, harder than before, hard enough to bring me to a shattering climax. “I need you so fucking much,
mea domina
. My fucking queen. My fucking mistress,” he groaned while I rode out my almost blinding orgasm.

It felt like I just exploded into a million pieces, and the painful pleasure was almost too much for me to bear. My entire body trembled with my climax, bucking and shuddering with it. Andrei continued to ram into me, not stopping his sweet assault, increasing his tempo until he was closer to his own release.

“My king,” I said under my breath, knowing that he would hear me. I was so blinded by my ecstasy that I didn’t know or care about what the hell I was saying. I didn’t really give a damn. “Love…” My voice trailed off when I caught myself.

You’re fucking nuts, Rae!
I scolded myself.

Was I really about to admit to Andrei that I loved him? Yeah, I was a total nutjob.

“Baby,” he growled, his mouth on my shoulder as he sank his teeth into the skin there. “Fucking hell.” And then he jerked himself inside me, coming hard and coming long.

My vaginal muscles contracted, squeezing around him like a fist, knowing that it was sweet agony for him. He moaned louder, cursing into the air. And when he was finished, he soothed the tooth marks on my damp skin with his tongue.

He held me upright against his chest and I realized that sometime during our lovemaking, his clothes had vanished and he was just as naked as I was. It felt like being home in his arms, my back against his chest.

“I had a shitty day,” he said suddenly, easily lifting me off him so that he could turn me around and set me back down on his lap. He looked into my eyes, a billion unnamable emotions in the blue pools, and slid his arms around my waist again. “I can’t stay away from you anymore.”

“Then don’t,” I told him, lazily sifting my fingers in his damp hair. “Tell me about your day.”

His eyes momentarily widened before clouding over with confusion, as if he’d never heard that request before and was wondering how to answer it.

“My day?” he echoed, looking slightly uncomfortable.

“I want to hear about it.”

He cleared his throat. “You sure?” When I nodded, he released a heavy sigh. “It was just a regular day at the office, where lesser demons try in vain to get rid of me, forcing me to rip them apart in front of mortals.” He wrinkled his nose. “Which means I waste my time erasing memories. I fucking hate that part.”

My hands froze in his hair. “Get rid of you?”

He took my right hand in his and placed a soft kiss on my palm. “You don’t have to look so… terrified.” His lips were twitching in that way they did when he wanted to smile but was fighting himself not to. “They figure I’m weaker in your world and try to take advantage of that. It’s been like that for millennia and it’s not about to change. We demons are opportunists, no matter the risk.”

I swallowed. “And in your… realm? When you’re in your true form, do they…”

“Attempt to kill me? No. Lesser beings cannot kill the strong in the same way a mouse can’t conquer a lion.”

I didn’t bother to mention the fable of the lion and the mouse.

“But here? In this place? If someone stronger than you wants to… end you? Can you be…?”

“If I haven’t fed for a while, I’ll degenerate, I suppose. That would be the best time to strike. Weaken me so that I’m forced to be in limbo between two worlds until… Well, until it turns into an eternity of suffering.” He tilted his head to one side. “I’m not giving you any ideas, am I?”

I slapped his arm, surprised at the anger that rocketed through me at his somewhat playful words. “Are you crazy? I’d never…”

Once again, he cut me off, but this time with his mouth. His hand came up behind my neck and his tongue slid between my lips, sparring with mine and swirling around my mouth. His kiss was hungry, desperate, and liquid heat seeped into my pores, bubbling in my abdomen.

Andrei swallowed my moans, his tongue confident in what it was doing to me. “Finish your damn food, temptress,” he murmured between kisses.

“Later,” I told him, reaching between us to grab him. He let out a soft hiss, his smoldering eyes clouding over with lust. “I need to feel you inside me again.”

His breathing was ragged as he lifted me to my feet, whirled me around and pressed my belly down against the empty half of our table.

“Then I need to fuck you again,” he announced in a low voice, and I felt his rigid tip slide up and down my wet, swollen labia.

“Yes!” I gasped, tilting my pelvis and pushing back against him, wanting to speed up the process. “Fuck me, Andrei.”

He then pulled out and I felt his hands run along my back and rest on my butt, gathering up the firm globes in his palms and squeezing. “My ass,” he whispered, the quiet sound sending shivers down my spine. He released my ass, reached around me, and cupped my boobs. “My tits. Fucking beautiful tits, don’t you think?” He pinched my nipples and I yelped, glad that I was half-lying on the table because my legs were useless at this point. Andrei’s deft fingers moved up my slit, delving into the wetness they found there. “My pussy, Rae. I fuck it, I own it.”

He owned it. He knew he owned it. If my vagina were a piece of real estate, it would’ve had a “Sold to Andrei” picket sign on the lawn.

“Do I own this pussy, baby?” he asked, lazily tracing circles on my clit with a finger. It was swollen and pulsing for some attention… any attention.

“Yes!” I screamed, shuddering from his unbearable touch. “Andrei, please!” It was crazy how much I needed to feel him, to know that he was powerful beyond measure, and to assure myself that no one could take him away from me. I wanted him so badly even after my powerful release moments ago. It was never enough with him. Never.

“You own my cock,” he murmured into my ear, and I could’ve come at those words. “Every time I’m inside you, I want you to think about that, about how the only pussy my cock wants is yours. And when I’m not inside you, I want you to imagine that I am, because that's exactly what I will be thinking.”

“Baby,” I whispered, “don’t fucking make me beg.”

Andrei grabbed my hips and effortlessly slammed into me with his first thrust. I cried out, my body remembering his size and protesting that it was way too soon for an encore. I accepted all of him, his entire thick shaft, and murmured for him to fuck me, hard.

He was moving inside me, grinding his hips, punishing the walls of my channel with his silk steel.

“Like this?” he barked, thrusting into me harder than I thought my body could possibly withstand.

“Oh, yeah,” I wailed in response, each subsequent thrust dragging my painful nipples along the table. “Oh, hell.” His balls were heavy as they slapped against the backs of my thighs and his skin was hot concrete against my back.

The table was shaking from the impact and at the back of my mind and through half-closed eyes, I worried that my half-eaten meal was going to meet an untimely demise on the carpet. But all thoughts of food and spices flew out my mind the minute he fingered my sensitized nub and simultaneously plunged into me.

“Come for me,
mea domina
,” he rasped.

I was his queen and I was coming for him, convulsing so hard with my orgasm that he had to tighten his hold on my hips, lest I collapsed. Through my own climax, I felt the rush of his cum deep inside me, hot and thick. His strokes inside me became even until he stopped, holding himself still inside me and gathering me up into him. He held me upright, placing his hot mouth into the crook of my neck, still buried within me.

“Did I hurt you?” he murmured, lightly biting my skin.

I felt incredibly safe with his arms wrapped around my waist, although I was far from comfortable standing on my tiptoes. “Nah, I’m not made out of china, remember?” Although I was probably going to be sluggish tomorrow and sporting a couple of interesting bruises in interesting places.

“No, you’re not,” Andrei conceded, running his tongue along the side of my neck. “But you should know that you can’t lie to me. Let me take you home.”

“OK,” I moaned, stifling a yawn, “but I want you to spend the night.”

I turned to one side until he was kissing my mouth.

“Anything you want,” Andrei said to me, and I knew he meant it.







Chapter 17



“Oh, you’re answering my calls now? Pigs must be flying GVs somewhere,” Renée’s wounded voice said into my ear.

I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I accidentally pressed Accept when I was fumbling for my phone to put it on silent. That would’ve been bitchy of me and I couldn’t be bitchy to Ren, of all people.

“I’ve been busy,” I said softly, slapping my right leg, which was starting to fall asleep. I’d been lying in the same position for about an hour now – which was flat on my stomach like a kid reading a magazine…

“Busy? Do you know how worried Enzo and I have been, thinking you’d been killed or something?”

“Killed?” I absentmindedly flicked what I was
was a piece of lint off my left forearm.

“Have you forgotten how you were attacked on a plane?” she asked, in full-blown Renée-the-Hysterical mode. “We care about you, Rae, but you’re being so freaking thoughtless by not returning my calls. Busy!” She snorted, clearly skeptical.

I heard low voices outside the door, which meant that someone was coming in any minute now.  My best friend might as well have been in the same room as me. That was how loud she was.

“Ren, can I call you back?” I mumbled. “Please?”

“Why are you whispering? Are you in church?”

I could’ve laughed. Yeah, because Damien Ivanov’s office on the second floor of his club was holy ground.

“Talk later. Love you,” I hissed quickly, before hanging up and putting my phone on silent. Thinking better of it, I turned it off all together.

The door swung open just there and I instinctively froze, although I knew that it was impossible for anyone to see me from under the double bed in one corner, especially because the room was still dark. I didn’t even want to brood over why the guy would have a double bed in his office.

The door was closed and the light was flicked on.

Snakeskin-clad feet –
Good God, are those Salvatore Ferragamo Python Loafers?
– strode past the foot of the bed, followed by booted feet. I heard a chair being pushed back, and then the steady stream of what definitely sounded like heated Russian. For some reason, I knew that that was Damien’s voice, just like I knew he was the wearer of the ridiculously expensive dress shoes.

Well, shit
, I thought, when Damien’s Russian monologue seemed to be endless.
How the hell am I supposed to spy if he’s going to be speaking in tongues the whole time?

My James Bond operation didn’t exactly come with a standard-issue Google Translate app.

It was while I was pondering this that I realized the monologue had come to an end and the second person was talking. I had to cover my mouth with one hand to stop a dirty word from escaping, because I fucking recognized that voice.

What the hell were the odds?

Andrei’s voice was low, giving nothing away about what mood he was in. Then again, I wouldn’t have been able to tell if he was threatening Damien since he was speaking in freaking Russian as well.

“You must be out of your fucking mind, Anghelescu,” Damien astonished me by snarling, in English, no less. “Get the fuck out of my club before I call security.”

“If you want bloodshed,” Andrei casually informed him. “You’re a complete and total clown fuck,” he said after Damien mumbled something back. Andrei’s voice was louder this time. “A fucking Bible college? How many times have I told you what kind of shit storm that’ll bring?”

“This is the hundredth time you’ve mentioned that little fact and quite frankly, you’re becoming a broken record,” Damien snapped. I heard his chair being violently pushed back. “Don’t you have some humans to seduce and fuck? Go get jiggy with it, incubus.”

Andrei switched back to guttural Russian and I suddenly felt that extreme wave of nausea and unbelievable prickliness I had endured the night he uncloaked himself. Biting my lower lip, I held it in, fighting not to puke my guts out and give away my location.

“And you forget who I am, demon,” Damien was saying, but it was getting harder to keep up with their pissing contest when I was so damn uncomfortable.

Dammit, Andrei. Stop it!
I mentally implored him—and, wonder of wonders, he did.

I sucked in a grateful breath, shifting slightly to alleviate the pressure on my stomach.  I had never been so appreciative of God’s clean air before. Sure, there was quite a bit of dust under this bed—as if it had never been vacuumed or something, and my incredibly minuscule strapless dress would definitely need dry cleaning, but nothing was worse than being hit with a heavy dose of Andrei Anghelescu.

My relief was short-lived, though, because the bed was lifted clean off of me and I was exposed, my hiding place hovering above me. Panic immediately knocked me in the solar plexus. Andrei was towering over me, holding the bed up with one hand as if it weighed as much as a marshmallow. If looks could kill, I would be buried in the Erickson family plot back home in Sallow Bay in a few days. Despite the fact that he looked absolutely delectable in his usual all-black ensemble, I knew there was no way I was getting the opportunity to run my hands through his snug shirt or loose mane of dark hair… which I think sucked.

“Hi,” I squeaked, awkwardly getting to my feet and ducking from under the bed and into the center of the room. Stretching to relieve the kinks in my muscles, I turned to get a look at the elusive Damien Ivanov. I finally had the opportunity to see him in the flesh, although under the worst circumstances thinkable.
I was thinking,
seeing him is totally worth all the shit I find myself in.

My arms fell to my sides and my jaw dropped when my eyes settled on him.

Damien was beautiful. No, Damien was… angelic!

He was standing behind his large mahogany table but I could tell that he was tall—not as tall as Andrei, but towering all the same—and lean, like an athletic teenager. I could see all these, even through his charcoal black suit. On top of that, he had platinum blond hair that curled around his face in tiny, glowing ringlets and long lashes that framed cornflower blue eyes. And at the moment, his lips were pursed and there wasn’t a hint of hair on his face. The man had rosy cheeks, for Pete’s sake! How the hell was Damien the evil Russian?

Maybe I had it wrong.

But God, I so wanted to touch him, to stare at him forever because his face was like…

An almighty crash resounded behind me and I whirled around, finding that Andrei had flung the bed across the room, mattress and all. I stared at him with an open mouth.

“Was that really necessary?” I spluttered.

“Was that look on your face necessary?” he countered, glaring at Damien over my head.

“Ah, so the rumors are true,” Damien’s singsong voice came from behind me. It physically compelled me to turn and look at him, look upon his face. “The great, almighty lord has found himself a mortal pet to play with. Green is not your color, incubus.”

My face creased up with annoyance. “I’m not a pet, you asshole.”

His eyes narrowed at me. “Maybe so, but you are a trespasser. What shall I do with you? What shall I do to you?”

“Nothing,” Andrei growled, stepping before me and blocking my vision. “You touch her, I fuck you up. Simple.”

“My, my, my, incubus.” Damien let out a mirthless laugh. “Oh, how the mighty have fallen. What a pathetic demon you are.”

“Why the hell are you letting him talk to you like that, Andrei?” I wanted to know, more than incensed on my behalf and his.

“Pathetic?” Andrei snarled, ignoring me. “If I’m so pathetic, why do you keep running away from me?”

“Take your little eavesdropping bitch with you and get the hell out of my club,” Damien spat in response.

Andrei launched himself at the guy and I prepared myself to witness the death of a stupidly courageous human. But Damien ruined that by vanishing into thin air… literally.



“OK, I get it. You’re mad at me,” I stated, watching Andrei stride past me and onto the balcony outside my bedroom, “but could you please explain what I just saw?”

The sky was dotted with stars tonight, and that—coupled with the nightlights on earth—would have made it so easy for me to think of just curling up on a deckchair outside, leisurely observing life around me.

Not tonight, though. Tonight, I felt like a teenager caught sneaking out by her father. It wasn’t a great feeling. Andrei was standing outside now, his back obstinately turned to me. It had been torture teleporting back to my penthouse, since it meant that we had to be pressed really close and I could feel the anger radiating from his powerful frame. What probably took five seconds felt like an hour to me.

Sighing heavily, I peeled my dress and underwear off, throwing on a very unsexy old basketball shirt to sleep in. Although I knew I wouldn’t be getting any sleep that night. First, I had to text Temp and let him know that I got busted by His Royal Sexiness. And then I had to piece together what little I found out that night. Sift through the little English that had been said, that is. And lastly, figure out what the hell Damien Ivanov was, since he sure as hell wasn’t a demon. My brain was already aching thinking about it all.

Whipping out my phone and turning it on, I shot Temp a quick text letting him know that I was fine and didn’t just ditch his ass at the club. When that was done, I flopped onto my bed, raising my left hand and staring at the ruby that was glimmering in the light. This little thing was the reason Andrei found me under the bed. That much was obvious. It was proving to be extraordinarily traitorous.

“How did you get into his office?” Andrei stood at the foot of my bed, staring down at me. “And don’t lie to me. I’ll know if you do.”

I let out an exasperated sigh. “Temp might have worked his magic on a couple employees there.”

“Temp might be dead tonight,” Andrei said through clenched teeth.

I instantly sat up. “He’s my brother.” It felt weird saying it aloud. Nevertheless, it was true and I didn’t care how warped it was. “He only wanted to help so don’t even think of going after him. Damien’s only human, right?” I snorted. “Well, maybe not so much.”

Andrei’s nostrils flared. Grabbing my ankles, he tugged me down the bed, until I was sprawled in an ungainly fashion.

“What did I tell you about Ivanov?” His voice was dangerously low, dangerously promising. “What did you promise me?”

I blew out a breath. “That I would stay away from him.”

“And sneaking into his office is synonymous to that?”

“I didn’t expect you, of all people, would be there,” I muttered, trying to pull my legs free from his grip. “Andrei…”

He held fast, his eyes gleaming with a familiar menacing red. “If I hadn’t been there, do you know what would have happened?” He didn’t wait for my answer. “First, he would have thrown you to his friends. They would’ve raped you, defiled you in all the ways my kind could not. By the time they were done with you, you’d be begging them to kill you.” He paused, stroking my feet. “But they wouldn’t. Because Damien would want that honor.”

I swallowed, shaking off the mental image. “So if he isn’t human and he isn’t a demon, what is he?”

Andrei’s lower lip curled in disgust. “He’s worse.”

“You have to tell me, Andrei,” I told him. “Relationships need communication. You can’t keep something important like this from me.”

“If you’d just minded your fucking business…”

“Minded my business?” I freed my leg with a hard tug and pushed myself to my feet on the bed, so that I was looming over Andrei. “This is my business. Whatever Damien is doing, he’s using innocent humans and it involves demons. Sure, this scares the bejesus out of me. But hey, what can you do? It’s my job to investigate. And up to this point, I’ve been very good at it.”

A long moment of silence passed, in which we glared at each other.

Andrei finally broke it with a muttered, “Fallen angel.”

“Excuse me?”

“Damien… is… a… fallen angel,” he bit out. “Is that communication enough for you?”

BOOK: How to Kill an Incubus: A Rae Erickson Story
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