Read Honey and Decadence Online

Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Honey and Decadence (6 page)

BOOK: Honey and Decadence
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Despite her tears, a giggle bubbled in her throat. Her fears faded and her heart soared. He loved her. Above all else, the bond they shared had survived. Roxy gazed up at her man. “Take me inside and teach my ass a lesson.” She offered her hands. “Please, Sir?”

“I will.” Sean scooped her into his arms. “I might lash you down so you don’t run away again. Or I might leave you drenched in honey.”

“I’d like that.” She kissed him hard on the lips. “Will you? Drench me in honey?”

“I’m going to do more than that, but not yet.” He opened the storm door, then carried her to his bedroom. “I’m never letting you go.” He deposited her on the bed. “Hold still.”

Sean untucked the hem of her work shirt, then eased the garment up over her head, kissing her shoulder. Her skin tingled from the touch. The spicy scent of his cologne wafted around her. He spread her out on the mattress, then unzipped her jeans.

“These have got to go,” he murmured. Under his gentle touch, the pants and her panties slid down her legs. She shivered under his appraising stare.

Sean untied his sleep pants. The soft fabric slipped to the ground, revealing him to her. His abs rippled and his cock stood at attention. She balled her hands. What would he want her to do? Anticipation rippled in her mind.

“Right now I want to love you.” He crawled onto the bed and settled between her legs, rubbing his cock over her pussy. “Soft and tender with no barriers.” He rolled onto his back, taking her with him. Sean gathered her in his arms and kissed her. “So you never forget how much I love you.”

Roxy ground her pelvis into his groin, stroking his cock over her clit. From her back to her ass, he touched and caressed. Her skin tingled and her love for him soared. She dug her nails into his shoulders, grappling to get closer to him. From little bites on her neck, to long strokes with his tongue, he touched her everywhere.

“Fuck me, Sean.” She spread her legs.

“Not yet.” He peered up at her, then situated his cock between her folds. Her cream slickened his path. “We’re making love and I can’t wait to be inside you.” Sean entered her with one thrust. His balls slapped her ass and his groan filled the room.

Roxy grabbed his shoulders and tilted her head back. Each ripple and nuance of his cock stroked her from within. Fever swept over her body and her skin prickled.

Sean propped her legs on his shoulders, then grabbed her hips. His thrusts started slow and easy, but soon increased in intensity. Heat enveloped her and she rocked her torso. Her legs trembled. Little whimpers and sighs escaped her lips.

“This won’t take long,” Sean grunted. His brow shimmered with a veil of perspiration and his eyelids drooped shut. He gritted his teeth and the veins in his neck stood out. “Fuck.”

From her head to her toes, her body quaked and she couldn’t breathe. “Sean.”

“Come for me,” he replied. “Come.” He pushed hard, filling her to the hilt. “Come.”

Stars exploded behind her eyes in time with his seed spurting in her pussy. She shivered and moaned. Sean released his grasp on her hips and arranged her legs back on the bed, then collapsed on top of her. Neither of them spoke for a long moment.

Roxy willed her heart rate to slow to normal and held him close. One of the few things she’d wanted to come true had, and in the best way possible. Sean loved her.

Sean rose up on his elbows and grinned. “That was pretty wow.” He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “I want you in my life and business. Elias and I want a third partner—you. What do you say?”

“I’m shocked.” Nervous laughter bubbled in her throat. She trailed her fingers over his chest. “I just wanted to help with the books. I never expected to fall for you. Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. You’re the one we trust and I can’t live without you. Plus, you’ve got the degree to back things up.” He touched his forehead to hers. “I mean it. You’re it for me.”

“Then I’m all yours. Love you, Sean.” No hesitation, no worries. She kissed him lightly on the lips. “Forever. And I want a tattoo to match yours.”

“You want your last name tattooed across your shoulder blades?” He bobbed his brows. “Or this one?” He turned his wrist over.

“That one.” She rubbed her thumb over the script letters. “Might put mine on the other side.”

“I’ll do that, too.” He kissed her again. “Now I’m going to drizzle honey all over you and spank your ass red.” He palmed her ass. “Or shall I use whipped cream?”

Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

Play to Him

Wendi Zwaduk


Chapter One

“You’re going on another date with him?” Kayla wrapped a lock of Rhiannon’s hair around the barrel of the curling iron. “I didn’t think he dated anyone twice.”

“This is our third date, but who’s counting? And, really, what’s a date? We’re not going anywhere special. I’m just playing music for his customers. Nothing exciting.” Rhiannon stared at her reflection in the mirror. Talk about scoring the best stylist in the business. She trusted Kayla to make her look beautiful before each show. Rhiannon pursed her lips and pinched her cheeks. The fat curls accentuated the sunken qualities of her face. She frowned. At twenty-seven, she already looked old. The black liner made the blue in her eyes pop and contrasted with her ivory skin well and paired with the inky colour of her hair nicely, but she worried everything looked too dark and moody. She shrugged. She played moody music, why not look the part? “Do you think I should ramp up the liner?” She squinted. “It’s too light, isn’t it?”

“You’re nervous for a not-really date, that’s a very-much-so date.”

“I’m not nervous.” What a liar. Rhiannon rubbed her sweaty palms on her thighs. Hell yes, she was nervous. Sebastian Chastain, billionaire playboy and owner of Rock Hard Toys and Gear, didn’t give second engagements. Unless the woman really tickled his fancy, he rarely offered a first chance for a play date. He’d signed a contract with her to play whenever he wanted and she’d agreed.

She shivered. Tingles radiated over her back from the memories of his whip spread over her skin. Her pussy creamed and she clenched her knees together. Besides, there was a chance the concert wouldn’t lead to more.

“Whatever.” Kayla rolled her eyes. “Your hair is done. Thoughts?”

Not bad.
Rhiannon twisted the cascade of curls on the top of her head. “I like it.” The updo would keep her hair out of the way during the session with Sebastian. “Thank you.”

“Cool.” The stylist gathered her brushes and the bottles of hairspray. “Good luck. Maybe this guy will be the one who gets you to settle down.”

“Settle down? Kayla, I don’t want to be tied down to a family and responsibilities. I want to be free and figure out who I am.”

“And not be lonely.” Kayla winked and strolled out of the room.

That word.
Rhiannon frowned at her reflection and sighed. She’d been without the affection from a man for so long. But she had a reason for keeping things separate. She stood and turned away from her image. Sebastian, though detached in the emotions category, gave her the kink she needed. And he was stable. He understood her boundaries.

She dropped her robe, then pulled the skimpy thong up her legs. The scrap of fabric showed off her best asset, her legs. Oh, what the hell. Rhiannon appraised herself in the mirror once more. The scars weren’t visible to the naked eye, but she knew where they were and winced. Most guys didn’t understand her need to be dominated. Of those who did, she had managed to find the two who took what she wanted to the extremes.

Except Sebastian. He understood everything about her.

Head held high, she squared her shoulders. He accepted her and knew what the word no meant. Now, if she could keep her heart in check, she’d be fine.

Behind her, her phone rang. She glanced at the ID.
Sebastian Chastain.
A ripple of excitement travelled straight up her spine. She grinned and pressed the buttons to answer the call. “Sebastian.”

“Are you ready to perform tonight?”

“Yes.” She cradled the phone between her ear and her shoulder and rummaged through the closet for her corset. “I’m looking forward to playing. I haven’t had a decent venue since I split from Razrs Edge. This is my shot to show everyone I can still work an audience.”

“Very good.”

Rhiannon frowned.
Very good?
She gritted her teeth. He liked to use open-ended answers with her so often. “I’ll be ready.”

“The car is coming for you in an hour.”

“An hour?” she squeaked. Sure, she didn’t mind him taking care of her, but the quick turnaround time? Shit.

“The audience won’t wait.”

“I know.” She held the corset against her chest. “I’ll be ready.”

“Beautiful.” Before she could answer him, he clicked off the line.

Strange, exotic man… Give him a billion dollars and he thinks he owns the world.
She tossed the phone onto the chair. “Kayla? Can you lend me a hand?”

Footsteps thumped on the floor. “Sure.” Kayla stopped in the doorway. “Corset and dress?”


“Let’s get you beautiful for Mr No Second Dates.”

Beautiful enough for him to want to unwrap her, and ravage her body in his perfect mix of pain and pleasure, then send her on her merry way. Something about her had him coming back for more. Now if she just could figure out what that something was, she’d be set and able to walk away for good.

* * * *

Sebastian folded his arms and stared out over the darkened Cleveland skyline. A line of buildings stretched to the heavens. Fat raindrops pelted the towering windows and a clap of thunder split the air. The stadium lights glittered off to the south and the traffic speeding down Prospect blurred under the unrelenting rain. He glanced at the statues guarding the cathedral on his right. Looking at the white twinkle light-draped trees lining the road did little to take his mind off his troubles. He adjusted his watch on his wrist. Only ten o’clock. He had the whole night in front of him and an hour to think.

Of all the women he had played with, Rhiannon Dubois stuck in his mind. The songstress responded to his touch and the longer they played, the more relaxed she became. A vision of her wrapped in his rope, with clips dangling from her nipples, came to mind. He groaned and palmed his crotch. Soon he’d have those sweet lips of hers wrapped around his cock. Then he’d show her how much she meant to him. The contract meant nothing. He’d rather have her love than a piece of paper granting her submission.

Her music played on the high-dollar sound system and enveloped him in a calm he sought long and hard for. He closed his eyes and gave in to the daydream. In the mental picture, he covered her bottom with fingers of red from his flogger. Rhiannon’s sighs filled his brain. He dug his fingers into his thigh. The sooner the concert ended and their play began, the happier he’d be.

“Mr Chastain?”

Jerked from his daydream, Sebastian opened his eyes and sat down in his chair. The supple leather groaned under his body. The rich dark wood panelling kept the outside noise to a minimum. All the money in the world, the best decorators and an office fit for royalty didn’t mean shit if he had no one to share them with. Soon, if he played his cards right, he’d be able to share them with Rhiannon. He measured his breaths to keep the hard-on at bay. Thankfully he had his back to his secretary. “Yes, Annabelle.” He swivelled around, making sure to cover his deflating erection. “What do you need?”

Her severe blonde bob curled around her heart-shaped face. Clad in a tight business suit and minimal jewellery, Annabelle could’ve been a secretary for any business, not one selling sex toys. She crooked one brow and clasped her small hands together. “I have the products for the new line. Do you want them delivered here or to your home?”

Sebastian rested his elbows on the desk and folded his hands.
The new line.
Rock Hard’s elite class of toys and gear, loaded down with studs and slick glass—perfect for the discerning customer. Who was he kidding? He’d created items for a specific use. With Rhiannon. He’d release the line to the general public eventually, but only once he had tested all the items and earned her approval. “I’d like them sent to the fourth floor. I want to look them over later.”

“I see.” She smiled. “They’ll be there within the half-hour.”

“Is Rhiannon in the building?” He needed to know. Other women didn’t affect him like Rhiannon. She had wormed under his skin and caused him to break his self-imposed rules. He never played with a partner a second time. Except her. They had played two times and still he hadn’t had enough. Preposterous. But she stayed in his mind. She might agree to being his mistress or even a casual girlfriend. But he didn’t want casual. He wanted it all.

“Miss Dubois arrived a couple of moments ago. We’ve installed her in the green rooms outside of the auditorium. She’s convinced there will be a larger audience. Did you explain the circumstances of this concert?”

He wanted to be annoyed with Annabelle. She’d served him well for more than five years and he hadn’t given Rhiannon all the details. “She knows.”

“Very well.” Annabelle nodded, then left the room.

He glanced at his watch. Time to deal with Rhiannon. He pocketed the pouch and the set of handcuffs. “Perfect for later,” he murmured to himself.

Five minutes later, he stood in the auditorium of the Rock Hard building. He’d wanted the sumptuous room built for in-house presentations. A hundred rows of seats stretched to the back of the space. Thick maroon sound panels ensured every person in the room could hear the speech, or, in the case of Rhiannon, her acoustic show. He snorted. The show wasn’t going to be a screaming, huge audience. Once he’d sorted things out with Rhiannon, he’d go through with the huge celebratory concert. Right now the concert would be exactly what he planned—a concert for one. If he had his ultimate way, she’d be his main model for the bondage gear. Unlike the other women he had working as models, he refused to buy Rhiannon. He wanted her to pose out of her own volition—and to please him. Holy hell, she affected him like no other. It stood to reason the woman who enjoyed his brand of kink would be the woman to tie him down.

BOOK: Honey and Decadence
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