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Authors: Karpov Kinrade

Hitched (10 page)

BOOK: Hitched
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I tease him as I slowly walk outside, swaying my hips and tossing back flirty smiles.

He catches up to me and drops his hands to my waist. His skin is hot, and I can't wait to get him naked and into the water with me.

The air outside caresses me as we step into his tropical backyard. I love swimming naked, but so rarely have the chance to do it in a big city like Las Vegas. Without wasting another moment, I kick off my heels—the only remaining clothing I have on—and dive with perfect form into the deep end of the pool.

My head pushes through the surface, and I smile at him. "Come on in; the water's great."

He laughs. "You're delightful and unexpected, Ms. Michaels."

"Come join me in all this unexpected delight," I say.

With the ease of a man comfortable with his own body, he sheds his clothing, and I watch with desire. In the moonlight and the flickers of colorful lights that have lit up the pool area, his body is aglow in splendor, setting off the tight bulges of his muscles. His cock is long and hard and at full attention, and I'm ready for it to be inside of me.

He dives in and swims to me, pulling me against him while keeping us both afloat. I wrap my legs around him, our bodies molding together underwater.

"You look magical in moonlight," he tells me, then kisses me before I can reply. The kiss is light, soft, teasing. Then it deepens, claiming my lips, my tongue, making my body shiver from the pressure building inside of me.

"Wait a moment," he says, turning away. "I need to get a condom."

Shaking, I grab his shoulder, unsure that I should say what I'm about to say. "I know we've been using condoms since that first night, but I'm on birth control, and I don't have any STDS, and I'm sure you—"

"I don't." He stares at me, serious.

"Then I want to feel you inside of me."

He pauses, then nods. "I've been imagining this." His words surprise me, but why should they? Haven't I been imagining the same thing?

Perhaps I'm scared by the idea that I care about him just as much as he cares about me. That at the end of summer, I might not be ready to let go.

As I straddle him, he moves us closer to the shallow end until his feet touch the bottom. I settle onto him, his cock teasing my pussy as we come closer and closer together.

When he places his hands on my hips and pushes me onto his throbbing cock, I am lost in him.

"God, Kacie, you feel so fucking good."

"Fuck me harder," I moan in response, riding him as he thrusts into me. His cock feels hot and hard and amazing, and I want to feel every inch of it. I've always been careful; this is my first time without a condom. I've never felt closer to anyone before, never
closer to anyone, and it feels better than anything I've ever imagined.

"You like how my cock feels?" he asks, slowing down.

I nod, biting my lip.

"Then say it. I need you to say it."

"I love how your cock feels."

He smiles. "Good. Now ride it hard. Ride it hard until I come inside you."

We move our bodies together, in small, desperate friction as we each strive for deeper, harder, more... He cups my ass with his hands as I use my legs to ride him, holding onto his shoulders as they flex under my hands.

He fills me, stretches me, makes me feel alive and present and free, and I never want it to end, but at the same time I want the release, crave the explosion of pleasure deep in belly. I feel it building. I know I can get there with his cock inside me, with my tender nipples rubbing against his chest with each thrust.

Our eyes are locked, his cobalt eyes peering into my soul. I am shattered into a million pieces, like stars in the sky, as the orgasm that had been building explodes inside me along with his cock.

He holds me close as my body collapses against him.

His voice is husky when he speaks. "That was—"

"—Amazing," I finish, my voice also deeper, raw with sensuality.

I feel the loss of him as he pulls out. Colorful lights flicker at the bottom of the pool, and I dive back underwater to clear my head, swimming a lap just for the pleasure.

When I swim back to him, I smile with a challenge. "Race you."

He raises an eyebrow in surprise. "I do use this pool regularly. Are you sure you want to lose this early in our relationship?"

I laugh. "You're the one who should ask himself that question before accepting the challenge."

What I don't tell him is that I was on the swim team in college. I'll let him figure that out on his own.

We push off, and despite myself, I'm impressed at his speed. I focus, pumping my arms and legs harder, moving faster, determined to win no matter what.

He somehow gets ahead of me, but only by a fraction, and I've caught up by the time we reach the end of the pool to turn around. My turn pushes me ahead by the tips of my fingers, but I push my body to keep the edge and extend it.

I will win.

And I do. By less than a second, I reach the starting point before him.

We are both winded and breathing hard, so it takes a moment before I see that he's not looking at me but at something behind me.

And he doesn't look happy.

I turn around and look up at one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, standing near the pool looking down at us with wide eyes and a frown.

"Sebastian," she says. "Is this any way to greet your fiancée?"

Chapter 15
Concerns of the Heart







"Who the fuck are you?" The words are out of my mouth before I can consider how appropriate they might be, but whatever, I'm naked. Sebastian is naked. This woman isn't averting her eyes or even pretending to feign embarrassment. She's just staring, her frown now turned to disdain, and I hate her immediately.

Sebastian grabs a towel from the side of the pool and tosses it to me. It's now wet, but I cover myself and watch him do the same as the woman continues to stare. What the actual fuck?

She looks down at me, large brown eyes in a pale face with a halo of golden hair waving down her back, and she smiles. "I'm his fiancée. Who are you?"

Sebastian practically growls at her. "What are you doing here, Celene?"

Celene. The bitch has a name.

She holds up a bag she's carrying. "I was going through some boxes in my garage and found a few things that belong to you. I thought you'd want them back. I knocked, but you didn't answer."

I climb out of the pool, tired of looking up at the asshole. "So you thought breaking and entering was a good plan?" I ask her. I know I should probably let Sebastian handle this, but I don't give a shit. Someone has some explaining to do, and since I still like the guy I'm fucking and I don't like this woman at all, I'm going to assume she's not supposed to be here until Sebastian corrects me.

She's taller than me, I realize, once I'm standing next to her. It irks me, and I'm not usually self-conscious about my height.

She doesn't look at me or acknowledge my words. Instead, she looks at Sebastian, who has come to stand beside me. "You didn't answer. I heard you back here and didn't think it would be a problem to poke my head in and drop this off. You're usually alone this time of night."

How the fuck does she know what he's doing in the middle of the night? And why would she choose this time to come by with his stuff?

"You don't live here anymore," he tells her. "You can't just come in when you feel like it. If you have something for me, call first."

Her face falls for just a moment. "I tried calling. You didn't pick up."

I raise my eyebrow at her. "Maybe that should have been a hint," I tell her.

She finally looks at me, her face returning to a scowl. "This doesn't concern you."

I laugh at that. A full on, out loud belly laugh. This throws her off her game a bit, but I can see Sebastian smiling from the corner of my eye. "I love how you're really trying to play this like you have any rights here. I'm a guest of Sebastian, in his house. We were enjoying a private moment in his backyard. I'm assuming, given your air of entitlement, that you're his
fiancée. That means you have no claim on him anymore. Or this house. You're trespassing, and that's a crime. And since I'm technically Sebastian's wife, all of this most definitely concerns me."

If I had a camera on me right now, I would take a picture of her, because that face is priceless. She stutters and stalls for a moment before blurting out, "Wife? He married…

Her tone is insulting, but I expected nothing less, and I let it wash over me. Before I can respond though, Sebastian grabs her by the arm. "You need to leave. Don't come here again. This isn't your home anymore."

I go into the house to find something to wear while he escorts her back to her car. I don't like leaving them alone together, but I'm not going to traipse around naked or with a wet towel, either.

By the time Sebastian returns, I'm wearing one of his old t-shirts and a pair of his boxer shorts. "I hope you don't mind. I wasn't planning for an overnighter when I went out with Vi. If, that is, you still want me to stay overnight."

A part of me feels bad for using the wife card, since I don't plan on staying married to this man. But I can't stand Celene, and I knew those words would cut her deep. I don't feel bad about that part.

Sebastian drops his wet towel and walks over to me naked. He kisses me, pressing me against his now hard cock. "Yes, I want you to stay. I just want you, Kacie."

I want to ask him more about Celene, about their relationship, but I forget all my questions as he pulls up the shirt I'm wearing and bends down to take one of my nipples into his mouth.

Talking can happen later, I decide, as I give myself over to him yet again.

Chapter 16
Breakfast and Boxers







I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of something beautiful filling my dreams. It's coming from downstairs, so I pull the sheet off the bed and wrap myself in it, then follow the music.

I find Sebastian sitting at the piano, lost in a sad song he's pouring into the instrument. His eyes are closed, and I think I detect a tear on his cheek. I pause, feeling like I'm intruding on something deeply personal, something he doesn't let very many people see.

I should go back upstairs, should give him his space, but I'm rooted to the ground, held captive by the bittersweet tenderness of his music.

When the last note drifts through the night, he looks up, startled to see me there.

"I'm sorry," I say. "I heard something and… "

"Come here, Kacie."

I walk toward him, and he pulls me into his arms, pressing me against the keys. "I'm glad you're here."

I rest my hands on the top of his head as he leans against my stomach, holding me. "Did you write that song?"

"Yes," he says. "For my child. It was the last song I played on this piano."

My heart leaps. "Child?"

He sits back and looks up at me. "Celene was my fiancée, as you've surmised. We got engaged when she found out she was pregnant. It was a happy time for us both. We bought this house with the intention of filling it with our children, our family. But six months into the pregnancy, she miscarried. It was just before Christmas, and they couldn't schedule the D&E until after the holiday. She had to carry our dead child through Christmas. After… after, things changed. We grew apart. We handled our grief differently and couldn't find a way to come together again after that. It was a few months later that I found out she was cheating on me with my best friend. We ended things then, once and for all."

I feel a twinge of grief for Celene, until I find out she cheated on Sebastian. He lost not only his child, but also the woman he loved. My heart swells with sadness for the man sitting before me. "I'm so sorry."

"It was a girl. We named her Hope." I feel his fingers dig into my back, his muscles flexing in remembered pain. "I blame myself. I'm a pediatric heart surgeon. My job is to save the lives of the children who can’t be saved. And I couldn't save my own daughter."

There are no words that can bring him comfort right now, so instead I hold him and feel the warmth of his tears as he grieves.


The next morning the smell of coffee and bacon wakes me, and my stomach growls as I roll out of the now-empty bed and plod to the bathroom to freshen up.

When I come downstairs, now wearing my own clothes from the night before, I see Sebastian in the kitchen, wearing nothing but boxers, cooking.

The kitchen is filled with light from large windows, and his tanned skin is warm as I place a hand on his back. I just want to feel him. The brightness of the morning seems to push away any lingering darkness from last night.

BOOK: Hitched
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