Hit & Run Bride (Hit & Run Bride Contemporary Romance Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Hit & Run Bride (Hit & Run Bride Contemporary Romance Series)
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“Ooh, that sounds like fun.” She giggled, and he bit back a groan as his dick stirred. “Can we come here again afterward?”

Was she asking him on a date or simply flirting? With Becca it was hard to tell. “Anything you want, Becca.”

She raised her fists and did a celebratory wiggle in her chair, and he was gone. Bam, right there, with his knees squished under the table and the caffeine buzzing in his veins.

Anything at all.

Chapter Eight

Liam could hardly focus the next day, thanks to Becca.

Henry’s mom had called and told Liam she didn’t want to transfer Henry to an L.A. school. At first she used sound reasoning—that Henry would be away from his family, his friends, and thrown into a whole new school and way of life. She argued that it was a lot for a kid to handle. But Liam saw through her arguments. The fact was, she depended on the kid for everything, given her drinking. What she was really worried about was surviving without him.

Liam tried every piece of logic he could find to reason with her. To figure out a way to smooth Henry’s transition. But there was no reasoning with her.

Manny had a private training center and a group of swimmers he was damn protective of. And Liam could get Henry into the nearby private school. Hell, he could hire a private tutor. He just had to figure out all the details. Why couldn’t she see how good this would be for her son?

An hour after talking to Henry’s mother, Liam’s own mother called with news. She was quitting all her meds. Canceling all her pending treatments. “If I’m going out, I’m going out my way.”

As usual, he appreciated her fortitude. At that moment, however, the thought of losing her turned his stomach. “I’ll be over later to discuss this, Mom. Don’t do anything until I get there.”

Then, there was Becca. The big surprise he was planning. Would she get it? Or would she turn tail and run?

When five o’clock finally rolled around, he texted her.
Meet me at the downtown city pool at seven. Bring your suit.

she texted back a minute later.

The surprise is there.

I love surprises, but not if water’s involved.

No worries. I’ll be there.


He arrived an hour early to meet with Henry. The kid was nervous.

“I talked to your mom today, Henry. We’ll get something figured out about the school deal, okay? You’re a terrific young swimmer, and Manny can give you the proper training. Put you on the path to the Olympics, if that’s what you want.”

The kid played with his goggles. “I do, but you know, it ain’t easy getting your mom on board.”

Liam had never had that trouble. The opposite, in fact. “Sucks leaving your family, huh?”

The kid nodded.

“I’m working on options about school, and I’ll figure out a way for your mom to travel up to L.A. whenever she wants to see you.”

“You can do that?”

“I’ll do my best.”

They exchanged a funky Henry-inspired handshake. Then he jumped into the water, happy once more. For now anyway.

Liam took him through their normal warm-up drill and routine. When it neared seven, Liam motioned Henry to the side of the pool. “You holding back tonight?”

“Nah, man.”

“Your breaststroke is off by .5 seconds.”

“Maybe I’m a little tired.”

“Staying up too late again?”


A few of the kids in the seven o’clock class began filing in. “Well, I have a lady friend stopping by tonight. She’s learning to swim like a few in this next class. Think you could give her some pointers?”

“Me?” his voice went up a notch.

Ah, puberty. “Yeah, I figure she can help a few of the new kids who are scared to put their faces in the water, and you, my friend, can show her how to coordinate her arms and feet.”

Henry’s smile stretched from one side of his face to the other. “You fix that school problem I got, and I could probably help you out.”

Liam bent down, and the two shook on it.

Becca, as usual, was running a few minutes late. Liam already had the kids who were scared of water in the pool. One girl in particular was proving a challenge. This was her third lesson, and she had yet to put her face in the water.

Becca was still in her street clothes when she entered. She scanned the group, the pool, and finally smiled when she found Liam in the shallow end. She raised a hand and waved.

“Where’s your suit?” he called to her.

She went to a bench and started undressing…in front of everyone. Luckily, she had her suit on under her clothes or else some of the boys would have had one hell of an anatomy lesson.

Henry swam to Liam. “That your girlfriend?”

“She’s not my girlfriend. Just a friend.”

“Right.” The kid nodded, totally not believing him. “I got your back, man.”

Henry launched himself out of the pool. Liam told his group to stay put and practice bubbles and launched himself out as well.

The kid beat him to the punch. “I’m Henry,” he was saying to Becca as Liam hustled over. “I hear you could use some help with coordination.”

Great. Just great.
“Becca, you’ve met my protégée. He’s going to be a great swimmer, but he’s a sucky wingman. Henry, this is Becca.”

Becca laughed, and Liam could feel her burning gaze running over his dripping chest and shoulders before she held her hand out to the kid. “Nice to meet you, Henry.” She lifted an eyebrow at Liam. “I don’t usually need help with my coordination unless I’ve had more than two margaritas.” She didn’t seem to care about the city pool’s peeling paint and dingy floors. She hadn’t run. Instead she grinned at him.

“In the pool. We need to work on your arm and feet coordination. The next step in your lessons, and Henry’s got a cool little trick he used to learn how to do it. But first, there’s someone else I’d like you to meet.”


She followed him around the edge of the pool, and he helped her into the water. “Becca, meet Lori. Lori, this is Becca.”

Once again, Becca went through the introductions without asking any questions. Lori, shivering in the water with a look of pure terror on her face, refused to let go of the pool’s side to shake hands. Becca seemed to immediately take to her. “I bet your mom made you come here, didn’t she?”

The girl nodded, and Becca waved her arm in a slow arc through the water. “Scary, huh?”

Another nod. Becca kept talking, and pretty soon, Lori started answering some of her questions. Such a simple thing, but it gave Liam hope as he returned to the rest of the class and introduced pushing off from the side.

Half an hour later, Becca had Lori putting her face in the water up to her lips. They blew bubbles in unison, seeing who could blow the longest string. The lesson was only forty-five minutes long, so Liam let them continue, and he took the other kids one by one into the back float position.

When the lesson was over, the kids filed out, leaving Liam, Becca, and Henry alone in the pool.

“My turn,” Henry said, grabbing Becca’s hand. “Follow my lead.” He started her off with slow strokes while she stood in chest-deep water. “Remember, cup the hands and reach forward.”

“Like this?” she said, mimicking Henry’s motions.

“When your hand enters the water, fill your cup and push it out the other side.”

If there was one thing Liam had learned over the years, it was that teaching others could be a satisfying experience. As satisfying as learning a new trick or accomplishing a goal. It could also help you lose your inhibitions and take bigger risks. Teachers often learned from their students. At least the good ones did.

With Liam’s help, Henry moved Becca into kicking position. Liam held Becca afloat on her stomach. Henry held his hand over her heels. “Kick me,” he said.

She started kicking, keeping her arms straight out in front of her. As she kicked and hit Henry’s hands, he absorbed the blows. “Harder.”

Becca held her face above the water. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.”

She hesitated. Liam leaned down and murmured in her ear, “Go ahead. Do what he says.”

She kicked, and Henry grabbed hold of her ankles, pushing down on her legs, then pulling them up in the correct form. It took a few seconds, but Becca caught on fast. Soon, he released her ankles, and she continued kicking, her heels hitting his palms.

Once Henry was satisfied that she had the correct form and rhythm, he told her to windmill her arms the way he’d taught her.

Liam explained to her how to turn her head and breathe on every up stroke of her right arm.

“Don’t turn loose of me,” she said as she began to flail.

Henry moved in front of them. “Have her push off the wall.”

Liam did as instructed, scooting her backward until her feet touched the wall.

“Now,” Henry said. He was really enjoying being the coach tonight. “Pull back and push off the wall hard. Kick first, then windmill your arms.”

“Without Liam?” Becca asked.

“I’m right here,” he told her, enjoying the way she said his name. Like he was her lifesaver. “I’ll catch you if you start to sink.”

They were still in the shallow end. She could simply put her feet down, but he didn’t mention that. More fun to rescue her if she needed it.

She drew a deep breath, scrunched back, and pushed off the wall, shooting through his hands. Her feet kicked twice, but she didn’t put her head in the water, and before she truly got anywhere, she started to sink.

Liam was there, reaching for her. His hand skimmed the bottom of one breast on accident, but he caught her and kept her from doing her usual panic. They came up together, chest to chest. His favorite position with her these days. There was a sexy glow to her eyes when she looked up at him.

“Henry?” Liam said, still holding onto Becca. “Why don’t you take off?”

“But we—”

“I’ve already kept you overtime. Your mom will be waiting for you.”

A heavy, disgusted sigh echoed over the water. “Fine. See you next week.”

From the corner of Liam’s eye, he saw Henry heave himself out of the pool. “Nice to meet you, Becca. Don’t forget about our deal, Coach.”

“I won’t,” Liam called, smiling down at the warm woman still in his arms.

Once Henry had left, Becca arched a brow. “Deal?”

“I got the kid into a private training camp in L.A. Now I have to get school and some other stuff worked out with his mother so he can go.”

“Is your dad going to train him?”

“Nah, another coach. One as good as my old man.”

She wasn’t moving back, and that flirty face she was giving him told him she liked being right where she was. “Do you do that for all the kids here?”

“Only the ones with real talent.”

“But you teach all these kids to swim, right? Like you’re doing with me.”

“You made good progress tonight. Should we celebrate with another coffee shop meeting? I was thinking about what you said the other day...the campaign you’re working on. I have an idea for you.”

“Really? I’d love to hear it.”

Still she didn’t move.

His gaze dropped to her lips. Damn, she was begging him to kiss her, and he was only so strong.

Her lips parted ever so slightly. He lowered his head, and let his lips gently skim over hers. Soft, warm, willing. She tasted like mint with a hint of pool water.

His mind shut out thoughts about impropriety. The feel of her curves pressing into him, the warmth of her lips, sent his body into the stratosphere.

When she didn’t move backward, he kissed her again. Deeper. Harder. He drew her body even closer, twining his tongue with hers. Her full, round breasts strained at the spandex they were confined in as they rubbed against his chest.

She took the kiss to the next level, parting her lips fully and returning his passion with her own. Her tongue slipped between his lips and toyed with his. He gently bit her bottom lip, and she moaned into his mouth.

They were in the city pool. In a minute or two, the next class would start arriving. But she felt so good pressed against him. Her lips, her taste, was familiar, and yet not. She was Becca. Never had he kissed anyone like her.

One of her hands skimmed over his back. She broke the kiss long enough to murmur, “God, you feel good.”

He would have returned the compliment, because damned if he didn’t think the same about her, but he couldn’t find his voice. Instead, he ran a hand up and down her spine, pulled her hips closer to his. His rigid erection pulsed in his trunks. If only they had more time…

He needed to touch her everywhere. His hands itched to caress her full breasts. He wanted to taste her. Absently, he wondered if all of her tasted like the butterscotch color of her skin.

She wrapped her legs around him, and he nearly lost his mind. The action created space between their upper bodies, even as she locked her pelvis around his, bringing his straining erection against the heat of her core. He took the opportunity to skim one thumb over her breast and then repeat the motion with the other one. She arched into his hand, so he went farther, palming one and giving it a squeeze, while never taking his mouth off of hers.

BOOK: Hit & Run Bride (Hit & Run Bride Contemporary Romance Series)
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