Read His To Indulge (Billionaire Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Evelyn Rosado

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #bondage, #spanking, #billionaire, #wealthy, #bdsm romance

His To Indulge (Billionaire Erotic Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: His To Indulge (Billionaire Erotic Romance)
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As the staff filed out of boardroom, Mr.
Conrad lagged behind me and gently tugged at my elbow. “Ms. Martin.
Hang back for a brief moment,” he said.

Yes, Mr. Conrad,” I said.
The lump in my throat grew by the second. Surely I was fired.
Finished. Terminated. End of story. I took a deep breath - my back
straight as a razor’s edge - and braced myself for the delivery of
my bad news.

He stood still and looked
down into my eyes. And he said absolutely nothing. What’s up with
his intimidating silence shtick? Why the games?
Danica, stay strong. Just stare back at him. He’s trying to
break you. Don’t crack under the pressure.

He cracked a tiny smile.
“I’ve had to terminate a lot of assistants before,” he said.
Here it goes.
Chin up,
He paused. His brown eyes squinted.
“Come closer.”

I brushed the front of my polyester skirt
and took a half a step forward.

He lowered his face at me and stroked the
stubble on his chin. “Closer, Ms. Danica.” His voice - an octave
high than a murmur.

I took a full step towards him – our
proverbial personal spaces invaded. He could smell my perfume and I
could smell his manly scent – the aroma of leather and ambition.
His eyes were smoldering. “Do I intimidate you Ms. Martin?”

I didn’t know what to
He’s just testing me to see if I’ll
I bet all the others succumbed to
the pressure.
I pouted my breasts and poked
my chin up. He could take me right then and there in the boardroom
if he wanted – and I wouldn’t resist.

No, you don’t, sir.” It
didn’t matter if I lied. He had no way of knowing.

Most people are,
especially women.” His body heat flooded onto me. It made me
anxious. Having this terrifying, albeit handsome, man stand face to
face with me – made me wet too. I jutted my eyes around the room to
avoid meeting his inviting eyes.

Be honest. You thought
about quitting didn’t you?” I hesitated to answer. “It’s

I did.” I looked down at
the carpet.

You can’t quit. I
you.” He needed me?
Where did that phrase come from? I tried desperately to keep my lip
from quivering. The only thought keeping me from doing so was being
this close to him – naked. What would it be like to be alone with
him? His body ravaging mine. And mine only.

It’s good to be needed.”
He let out a thunderous laugh. I see-sawed back on my

You can go back to your
desk now, Ms Martin.” I nodded yes and turned towards the door. He
gave a hard smack on my ass which jolted me so hard I almost
stumbled over my feet. Not only did it make my heart pound out my
chest, it stung like hell. “Fantastic job today,” he said. His
gesture was definitely not workplace appropriate. It was sexual
harassment and downright rude. But why was my pussy


I sat at my desk counting
the hours down for closing time. And just think, today’s the first
day. My blood pressure levels had to have been elevated since I
woke up. This can’t be healthy.
Welcome to
the rest of your life, Danica.

I checked my email inbox and had a new
message from Maxwell. I wonder if his suit dried from the water I
spilled. Oh great - more ridicule. As if I didn’t already have
enough shame christened upon me earlier.

Hey, Danica. I hope your transition is going
well. We’re all rooting for you! It might be a bit rough starting
out, but what job isn’t? Just keep your chin up and I’m sure you’ll
do a fantastic job on the front office side of things just as you
did on the sidelines. Oh and about your new “boss”. He and I go way
back, I know how he can be, especially with women. Don’t be afraid
to stand up to him. You have any problems don’t hesitate to come
see me! – Max

How sweet. Bill’s always been a great to


Danielle! I need to see
you in my office!” Mr. Conrad said. The glass which surrounded his
office vibrated. Abruptly lifting my sights from the sea of letters
and number on my computer keyboard, I gulped down my water and
frantically scampered into Mr. Conrad’s office.

Yes, sir! And my name is
Danica.” I said. I sounded like a scared cadet on the first day of
basic training.

Whatever. I need the
report from the scout on the potential draft picks.” His face
stayed laser beamed toward his laptop.

You didn’t get

Does it
like I have it? I
wouldn’t have asked if I did.” He lifted his gaze from the screen
and sat back in his chair. He rocked back and forth slowly. “I want
to discuss the protocol around here.” He finally looked at me,
strictly. “You’re not a cheerleader anymore. This is
business. I have a zero tolerance policy.” He got up from his
chair and circled his cherry oak finished desk like a hawk ready to
devour prey. My head swiveled following his body.

What did I do wrong Mr.
Conrad?” The hair lifted up on the back of my neck.

I don’t know what type of
ship Mr. Burkewood ran before I got here, but…” He looked down at
my hands. “Those nails. They’re…red…I…just…red fingernails will not
be worn here. At all. It’s disgusting and it’s disrespectful.” He
walked behind me and the door closed shut. The deadbolt on the lock
made a loud clang. The lump in my throat refused to

I…I didn’t know. If I did
know, I definitely would not have worn that color.” I could feel a
draft blow up my blouse when the door whisked closed. “I am in no
way trying disrespect you, sir.”

Sir? Hmmmm. I like the
sound of it. Boss would also suffice, but that won’t totally rid
the stench of insubordination you wreak of.” He appeared next to
me; his necktie loosened. “Your punishment is the only remedy for
this conundrum.”

? What did he mean
punishment? I haven’t heard that word since puberty. Was he firing
me? Suspending me? What gives!

Stand up!” he said. His
voice resembled a drill sergeant.

Chill bumps prickled my forearms like tiny
polka dots and my feet felt like they were made of lead. I couldn’t
stand up if I tried.

One thing you’ll learn
about me, Ms. Martin, is that I don’t like repeating myself.” His
gigantic hands forcefully wrapped around my wrist and pulled me out
my chair. “Hands on the desk now!”

But what is this…” Despite
my fear and apprehension, I did what I was told. The air in the
office became a powder keg – ready to explode at any given

You’re making me angry
with this back talk, Ms. Martin. Eyes forward. And not one single
word.” I had no idea what this man had in store for me. Strangely
enough, this man having his way with me was insanely attractive. A
whirlwind of terror and desire coursed through my veins creating
some weird feeling inside of me. It was foreign to me. And a part
of me; a minuscule part of me, from a dark pocket of my soul wanted
more –

I placed my hands on the
stack of papers – they were sure to leave a print from how much I
sweated. “Ms. Martin, today, you’re going to learn to follow the
He moved behind me, taking his suit jacket off and removing his
cuff links. He threw on the desk and they clanged between my arms.
I heard the rustling of his sleeves being rolled up. I imagined his
forearms to be massive. "And this skirt – it needs to go." He
grabbed the hem of my skirt and hiked it up past my knees, exposing
my black lace thong. "That's a good girl."

This was dangerous. A man
as powerful as him wouldn't take no for an answer. Do I even
to say no? What if
he stripped me totally naked and penetrate me with his shaft right
there on the desk? What could I do? Every fiber in my soul said
this was so devilishly wrong. But I just know the way my pussy
vibrated for his touch; I would savor every moment if he did decide
to ravage me.

There I stood, all hands on deck overlooking
the empty hundred yard field, my womanhood half exposed to a
strange man. I hated him for this, but I wanted him

His voice drizzled with ill intent. "We're
no longer on the sidelines, Ms. Martin. And you need a reminder.
One you won't forget." My legs clenched up from the debilitating

Run, Danica. Run like your
life depended on it
. Why couldn’t move? Did
to be
punished? Did I
to be tamed? I had nowhere to go; nowhere to scream. What did
I do to him? Everything about this was wrong. But the way my snatch
pulsated, it felt so right.

He grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked
my head back. He pulled my body to his. His lips graced my delicate
earlobe. He inhaled deeply. “Your scent is intoxicating – regret
mixed despair. Amazing.”

His hand spanked my
backside with fierceness. My entire body bucked forward. I still
held tightly on the desk. The stinging shot through my eyeballs.
“Discipline will be enforced at this organization.”
“Nothing less will
be tolerated.”
Another smack.
This one harder than the last. My ass had to be
red from the spanking. I tried everything in my might not to
scream, but the pain was white hot. My mind hodgepodged in a
million different directions. How could he do this to me? But who
could I tell? I wanted to keep my job.

Mr. Conrad, I’m sorry!” I
said. My voice was shrill as a church mouse.

His hand pounded another smack against my
ass. I let out an animalistic moan. “Sorry isn’t good enough Ms.
Martin. I need to make sure something like this will never happen
again.” I saw stars and spots, but it felt so fucking good to be
manhandled like a rag doll.

I deserved it. I broke the rules. This was
my penance.

It won’t happen again,
sir!” I nearly drew blood from how hard I bit my lip. I placed the
tip of my finger in my mouth, imagining it to be
something else
. I just
knew he had a sick grin on his face. I wanted to scream. Scream in
pain – and pleasure. This man was deranged. But was I even more
deranged for enjoying it?

It better not happen…wait.
What. Is. Your. Finger. Doing. In. Your. Mouth. You’re getting off
on this aren’t you?” His warm hand caressed my red, bare ass. By
this time I had arched my back and pouted my ass out to embrace his
hand. He grabbed my hair tightly and pulled me close to him. His
hot, sparkling breath filled my ear. “You naughty little button. I
nearly can taste your disobedience. It’s palpable.”

My hot ass jammed up against his pelvis. Mr.
Conrad was beyond fully erect. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself,
sir.” My tone - innocent, yet devilish. I wanted to egg him on even

You couldn’t help
yourself? Is this a game to you?” I looked back at him out of the
corner of my eye, his face redder than a pair of beets.

No, it’s not a game, sir.
I promise.” I tried to hold back a smirk, but I couldn’t help it. I
wanted more. My pulse intensified and my hands were so sweaty they
were blotting out the black ink on the paper.

He got down on his knees on the black marble
floor. I felt my thong being slid to the side and then a warm
finger pushed into my snatch. Then two. They were pumping slowly –
in and out. The rigidness of his fingers nearly made my legs
buckle. I let out a blissful whimper under my breath. “It’s not so
funny now, is it?”

I said nothing. The pleasure from his
fingers and my ass stinging left me unable to formulate a subject
and a predicate. “Is it?” His voice crashed against the walls of
his office.

Oh…Ooooh. Nooo….no sir!” I
balled up the piece of paper under my hand and gripped it
furiously. His fingers penetrated me deeper and swirled around in
my hot, pink channel. The tip of his middle finger kissed my
g-spot, making me pound on the desk.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Bad girls
like you must remain silent during their punishment.” He gave my
ass another pop. His hand felt like a hot poker against my
backside. I knew I had ground my teeth to the enamel.

As he increased the pace of his finger
fucking, I couldn’t help but feel my pussy seizure harshly.

Little naughty button’s
like you don’t get to cum, until I say so. You hear me?” The way
the word cum, dribbled off his lips made me want to climax even

I hear you, sir. I hear
you.” I couldn’t believe no one else in the office didn’t hear me

His fingers had me throes away from powerful
climax and I continued to hold back at his command. No matter how
bad a salty tear wanted to leak from my eyes, I wouldn’t let it. I
clenched every joint in my body. Even the muscles in my jaws were
filling with lactic acid. He hammered his fingers even faster into
me, wetness flowing down my legs.

Okay, little button. You
can cum.” I let out a monstrous screech filled with ecstasy &
pain. My pussy convulsed, erupting molten hot pleasure which
crashed over my bones. I lost the concept of time and space. How I
wasn’t comatose from this I didn’t know. No man had taken me to a
place like him before.

BOOK: His To Indulge (Billionaire Erotic Romance)
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