His to Command #1: The Chase (5 page)

BOOK: His to Command #1: The Chase
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“Of course. When would you like to meet?”

“How about this Friday?” he asked.

Kate circled the date on her desktop calendar. “That works for me.”

“Fine. I’ll have my assistant send over the details.”

As Kate got ready for bed on Thursday night, her stomach fluttered at the thought of stepping into that meeting tomorrow, sitting in front of a group of high-powered executives and answering questions that would affect the future of her company. The representatives from Facts and Figures Inc. were coming in from New York and the meeting was set up for six o’clock in the evening. They had arranged all the details of the meeting, which was a relief since, with her partner leaving, her regular workload had doubled.

The weather was turning nasty overnight and the light snow was supposed to turn to freezing rain tomorrow. She hoped that wouldn’t prevent them from traveling from the city.

Kate woke up to the sound of ice pellets hitting her window. By the time she got ready and stepped outside, it wasn’t too bad. It had been above freezing overnight and was dropping now, but the ice melted when it hit the ground. If the rain kept up, though, it would soon start freezing to the pavement.

As the day wore on, the rain started and stopped. By late afternoon, Kate stared out her window at the trees glazed in ice.

Ann walked into her office. “Hey, Kate, I just e-mailed you the information for your meeting this evening. They never did send me a complete list of the attendees. I think they weren’t quite sure who’d be able to make it, especially given the weather,” she said as she nodded to the window, “so I attached a list of their executives along with a bio for each one so you’ll be prepared, no matter who shows up.”

“Have you confirmed the meeting’s still on?” Kate asked.

“Yeah. The car will pick you up here at five o’clock. They say the location is only about thirty miles from here, but they’re allowing extra time for the bad weather.”

“Okay. Thanks, Ann.”

Ann smiled and headed for the door, then stopped in the doorway. “If I forget to say it before I leave, good luck. We’re all counting on you.”

Kate climbed into the long black limousine and felt the soft leather seat enfold her. She rested her head against the headrest and closed her eyes briefly as the car pulled away from the curb with a smooth thrust of power. The chauffeur had arrived at her office and identified himself as a representative of Facts and Figures Inc. with a photo ID and all, then led her to the sleek vehicle.

She longed to just relax and nap, since she’d slept so fitfully last night, but she wouldn’t. She didn’t feel it looked very professional.

At this time of year, it was already dark outside, so she couldn’t see much out the windows. The lights of the city soon slipped behind them as the miles drifted by. She grabbed her cell phone and opened the e-mail Ann had sent her and began reviewing the bios of the executives of Facts and Figures Inc., but she quickly tired of it. She’d already been over them several times this afternoon.

She leaned forward and stared at the reflection of the driver’s face framed in the rearview mirror. “Excuse me.”

He glanced up and their gazes met in the glass.

“Where are we going?”

“To Erin Gate Manor, ma’am.” He smiled politely. “It’s a lovely spot, right on the lake. It’ll be about forty-five minutes before we get there.”

Some companies held their meetings at resorts where their executives could unwind and reduce stress levels between meetings. It sounded like this was such a place. In January, with snow carpeting the world and the temperature well below freezing, it would probably be lovely. Too bad she wouldn’t be able to see it in the light.

The driver turned on some quiet music and she watched the snow-clad trees, glowing in the light of the moon, zip past along with the miles. When they finally turned off the main road, they drove along a densely treed road, which eventually opened onto a wide, curved driveway. The driver stopped the car, then got out, opened her door, and helped her out. Her gaze drifted over the warmly lit country house before her, drawn to the spectacular stained-glass panels on either side of the huge oak door. Although large, the house didn’t look like a lavish resort.

She followed the chauffeur along the stone path to the entrance. Inside, a huge stone fireplace stood majestically in the center of the large room they entered, a welcoming flame licking at the wood logs behind the glass screen.

She slipped off her coat and thanked the driver as he hung it on a coat rack by the door. After he made his way out, she found herself alone in the large, quiet room, uncertain what to do next. It was clear as soon as she’d walked into the foyer that this wasn’t a hotel or restaurant. It seemed more like a private residence. Maybe it had been easier to pull together a meeting at one of the executive’s homes. It was a big place and would allow them the privacy to talk about financial matters, but in a comfortable setting.

She set her purse beside the couch, then wandered over to the fireplace, staring into the mesmerizing flame, letting the heat swirl around her.

“So, I see you’re settling in.”

Shock vaulted through her at the sound of that deep masculine—and very familiar—voice. She spun around, and came face-to-face with the one man she would have given anything to avoid.

Matt Pearce.

Also by Opal Carew


Forbidden Heat

Secret Ties




Twin Fantasies

Pleasure Bound

Total Abandon

Secret Weapon



About the Author

OPAL CAREW is the award-winning author of twelve previous erotic romances for St. Martin’s Press. To learn more, visit her on the Web at

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

. Copyright © 2013 by Opal Carew. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.


Cover photograph ©

e-ISBN 978-1-250-03314-7

one woman's surrender to desire at the hands of a dominant man

Don’t Miss Any of the Installments in this Sexy Serial!

Table of Contents
BOOK: His to Command #1: The Chase
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