Read His Sexy Bad Habit Online

Authors: Cheris Hodges

His Sexy Bad Habit (5 page)

BOOK: His Sexy Bad Habit
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“I’m willing to take that chance,” he said, wondering if Serena would be able to handle being second on his list of priorities. His son would always come first and he knew the women he’d date would have to understand that.

She shot him a sexy smile. “Good,” she said. “Because I so want to do this again.” When Serena pulled Antonio on top of her, he didn’t think twice about going back to the job site.

Chapter 5

It was after six when Antonio pulled himself from Serena’s arms and headed home. He had to cook dinner for his son, but as he drove home, his mind was focused on the erotic things he and Serena had done all afternoon. Her kisses were hot, sweet, and spine tingling. He gripped the steering wheel tighter as the image of Serena on top of him, with her luscious thighs clenching him flashed in his mind.

She’s amazing,
he thought.
But how is she going to react when she finds out I have a son and dating me isn’t going to be exciting every day? I wonder if she even likes children?

Antonio pulled into his driveway and saw A.J. running around the front yard chasing a butterfly while Casey watched from the porch with a glass of iced tea in her hand. He placed his truck in
and hopped out.

“Daddy,” A.J. called out as he gave up his pursuit
of the insect and rushed over to hug his father.

Antonio picked up his son and kissed his forehead.

“You had a long day,” Casey said from the porch. “The restaurant should be reopening soon, huh?”

He turned to his sister-in-law. “Should be.” “What do you want for dinner?” he asked A.J.

A.J. shrugged his shoulder. “Chicken and pasta.”

“Sounds like chicken cacciatore to me,” Casey piped up. “I’d be happy to help you cook. You look worn out.”

Antonio smiled. He was worn out, but she had no idea how good he felt. “Thanks, Case, but I’ve taken up enough of your time today.”

“I don’t mind,” she said as Antonio carried A.J. up the steps. “Besides, I don’t have any dinner plans. Mom and Dad are still on vacation in Europe.”

“You don’t cook for yourself?” he asked as he walked into house and dropped A.J. on the sofa.

“Why should I cook when I have you and my parents?” she asked with a giggle. “Besides, no one cooks at home for one person any more.”

“Maybe you need to find someone to cook for,” he said as he headed into the kitchen. “When’s the last time you’ve been on a date?”

“A date? Please, you wouldn’t know how hard it is to date these days,” she said. “Men are after one thing and I’m not going to give it up without a ring.”

Antonio laughed as he began to take the
ingredients for the meal out of the refrigerator. As he placed the peppers and onions on the counter, he thought about the meal he’d cooked for Serena and smiled.

“What’s with the sappy smile?” Casey asked as she hopped up on a barstool.


“You seem really happy today,” she said.

“I’m happy every day,” Antonio said as he began chopping the vegetables. “But
need a life, Case.”

“I have a life. It just happens to revolve around you and A.J. If I had a man, do you think I’d be able to babysit as much as I do? Most people don’t like dating people with kids and I know A.J. isn’t my son, but I take care of him as if he is. And I’m not complaining about it.”

I’m seriously hoping she’s wrong about that,
he thought as he reached underneath the counter and pulled out a sauce pan. “It can’t be that bad out there. You must be looking for love in all the wrong places,” he said as he placed the pan on the stove and turned the heat on low.

“Maybe I’m just looking for something as wonderful as what my parents have and what you and my sister had,” she said as she grabbed a piece of the pepper. “I’ve always admired your relationship with Marian. You were so good to her.”

Antonio turned away from her and started seasoning the chicken breasts.

Casey continued talking. “Marian was so lucky to have a man like you. Every night, you were at home. You always took care of your son and
worked hard to make sure every one was happy. My sister really loved you.”

“Casey, do me a favor. Watch the veggies. I’m going to check on A.J.,” he said. Antonio couldn’t stand there and listen to Casey’s fairy tale any longer. Hearing her talk so glowingly about the life she thought he and her sister had shared only confirmed to him that he’d done the right thing by not telling her how bad the marriage had been.

Serena stretched her arms above her head and yawned as Jade talked about the relaunch of the restaurant. “I’m sorry, am I boring you?” Jade asked as she shot a glance at her friend.

“No, I was listening. Bring in an R&B singer and make the reopening a festive event, got it,” she said as she flipped her ponytail.

“What’s that?” Jade said as she pointed to Serena’s neck. “Is that a passion mark?”

Serena placed her hand on her neck covering the mark. “You don’t miss anything, do you?”

“No, so you need to spill right now,” Jade said as she crossed her legs. “How did you lure him over here?”

“I didn’t lure him at all,” Serena replied, unable to stop smiling. “All I did was invite him over for lunch and it was delicious.”

“Wait a minute. I know you didn’t cook,” Jade said. “You never cook. You can’t cook.”

“I had every intention of cooking, but Antonio
took care of lunch,” she said with a sparkle in her eyes.

“I can’t believe you actually had food in the house,” Jade said. “Was it everything you thought it would be?”

Serena crossed her legs tightly and beamed. “All of that and more. There’s something special about that man and I can’t wait to spend more time with him in my bed.”

“That’s all you want from him?” Jade asked with her eyebrow raised. “What if he wants more? What if he’s not a ‘hit it and quit it’ man?”

“Jade, please. All men aren’t looking for a wife and I’m sure Antonio isn’t. He’s been a widower for three years and he’s probably just learning how to have fun again. And I’m the tour guide that he needs,” Serena said. “Besides, once the restaurant is reopened, I’ll be on my way back to Atlanta.”

“I don’t believe it.”

“Believe what?” Serena asked. “I never said I would live in Charlotte. Remember that’s why you moved here.”

“And look at me now. I’m a mother, a wife, and head over heels in love. You could be next,” Jade said.

Serena shook her head, her ponytail swinging furiously. “That’s not going to happen. I gave up on fairy tales a long time ago. I’m all about my satisfaction.”

“What about what Antonio wants? Since he’s been married, he may want stability.”

“Or he may be getting back into the dating
game and enjoying a no-strings-attached fling,” Serena interjected. “Not everyone is seeking happily ever after.”

Jade folded her arms across her chest and peered at her friend over her reading glasses. “I don’t get you and why you’re so bitter when it comes to relationships. Does this have anything to do with what happened while you were in L.A.?”

Serena closed her eyes and Emerson’s face flashed in her mind. “Nothing happened in L.A. that I hadn’t already known. I watched my father play women for years, watched those boys in college try to string women along, and let’s not forget what I saw Stephen do to you.”

Jade shuddered. “That seems like a lifetime ago. How is it that you take all the bad things into your memory, but throw out all of the good things that you’re seeing now? Does that make sense?”

“Maybe not to you, but it does to me,” Serena said. “One wonderful romp doesn’t make a magical romance.”

“Whatever, Serena. You should really stop pretending that you don’t need anybody.”

Serena rolled her eyes at her friend because on the surface, she didn’t need anyone. She’d had an accomplished career in the computer industry. She’d worked at DVA Incorporated, the international computer company headquartered in Atlanta. But she’d taken a leave of absence from the company after she’d opened the restaurant with her friends. Serena didn’t need a man to
save her or to provide her anything. She’d done a good job of providing for herself. All she wanted a man for was to do just what Antonio had done earlier that day. At least, that’s what she told herself.

Honestly, she would be open to love and what Jade and Kandace had if she wasn’t afraid. Fear caused her to protect her heart with a bulletproof shell. She knew her heart was too fragile for her to risk—again. Maybe Serena would never get over what Emerson Bradford did and how he’d dismissed her because the studio hadn’t given the green light to their movie. Had she just been his while the industry buzzed about his movie? Had their love only been a publicity stunt?

Serena had broken every rule when it came to Emerson and she’d been left with a broken heart. She had the scars to prove that everything she’d ever thought about love and dealing with the opposite sex had been true. She wasn’t going to take that risk with Antonio to see if he was different, though she thought he could be. The way he made love to her, making sure she was pleased and satisfied while they were in bed made her think there was more to him.

“Hello, Serena,” Jade said, once again interrupting Serena’s thoughts. “Are you ordering dinner or what?”

“Actually, we should go out. It isn’t often that James lets you out of the house these days,” Serena joked. “Besides, we should scope out the competition and see what’s going on in the restaurant world while we’re closed.”

“But let’s not stay out too late,” Jade said. “My son is finally sleeping through the night and his father and I have some things we need to go over in bed.” The glee on Jade’s face made Serena smile in spite of her cynical self. She knew it wouldn’t be long before Jade and James added another baby to the Goings family.

Antonio tucked A.J. into bed and kissed his son of the forehead. “I love you, man,” he whispered to his sleeping boy. Antonio had hoped that Casey would’ve left when A.J. went to sleep, but when he walked into the living room, she was still sitting on the sofa.

“Casey, you don’t have to spend the night,” he said as lightly as he could.

“I hadn’t realized it was so late,” she said as she yawned.

“Yeah. A.J. is sound asleep.”

She smiled at Antonio but didn’t move. Antonio sighed and took a seat on the love seat across from the sofa, focussing on the TV. “I guess I should get going,” she finally said as she rose from the sofa. “Do you need me to watch A.J. tomorrow?”

“No,” Antonio said. “He’s going to a program at the library tomorrow and then we have evening plans.”

“Oh,” she said. “Then I guess I can get some laundry done.”

Antonio stood up and walked Casey to the front door. “You deserve a break.”

“I don’t mind spending time with you two. It makes me feel closer to Marian.”

“Casey,” he said.

“I know it seems silly, but my sister loved you and her son. Being in her house and around you reminds me of her,” she said, then hugged Antonio tightly. “Good night.”

“Good night.”

After she left, Antonio knew he was going to have be honest with his sister-in-law and let her know that the marriage she thought he’d shared with her sister wasn’t as beautiful as she wanted to believe. Maybe she could get some closure and move on with her life. Finally, Antonio felt it was time for him to move forward with his life. And he could thank one person for that. Serena Jacobs.

From the first kiss they’d shared in the Westin to the afternoon they’d spent together, Antonio finally felt that he could be with another woman and not feel guilty about it. He’d never been the type of man to have meaningless affairs. He didn’t know if Serena would be able to accept his family situation. He’d known two types of women. Women who would come and try to be A.J.’s mother and women who would run as soon as they heard he had a son.

Where would Serena fit in this situation? Antonio smiled, thinking that she didn’t seem as if she would come in and try to be A.J.’s mother. But his smile faded when he thought she might not accept kids. That could be a deal breaker. Reaching for his cell phone, Antonio dialed Serena, ready to tell her about his son.

“Hello,” she breathed when she answered the phone.

“Good evening, Serena. It’s Antonio.”

“Hi,” she said, her voice sounding like the sweet notes of a sensual saxophone. “How are you?”

“I’m good. I was calling to confirm dinner plans tomorrow night,” he said, feeling a bit awkward. Why was it so much easier when Serena was making all the moves?

“What time are you talking about?” she asked.

“Around seven-thirty. There’s something I want to discuss with you,” Antonio said.

“Sound serious,” she said. “So, since I owe you a home cooked meal, why don’t you come over to my place?”

“All right,” he said.

“I really enjoyed lunch today,” she said. “And I’m going to hold you to what you said about it not being a onetime thing.”

“I never say something if I don’t mean it,” he said. “That’s one thing you’re going to learn about me.”

“I’m looking forward to learning a lot about you,” she purred. Her voice was making his libido rise like the sun. “What’s your favorite meal?”

“Are you really a cook? Because I’m a man who likes to eat,” he said with a laugh.

“All right then, I’m going to tell you what my signature dish is.”

“What’s that?”

“Chicken and broccoli,” she said. “Anything else would come from my restaurant if Devon was still around.”

Antonio laughed. “That’s good to know and thanks for your honesty.”

“So, now you know what we’re having for dinner,” she replied. “Are you a wine or beer drinker?”

“I don’t drink much,” he said.

“All right,” she said. “Well, I have to hit the supermarket and get the ingredients for dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow, as I have been charged with coming to the restaurant in the morning to check the progress of the renovations. For some reason, Jade thinks I’ve gotten you guys off schedule.”

“You can reassure her that we are still running at the agreed pace,” he said. “But I’m definitely not going to discourage you from checking on us tomorrow.”

“I’ll make sure the coffee is hot and the muffins are moist,” she said.

“That sounds really good,” he said, thinking about how moist she’d been when he’d tasted her.

“All right,” she seemed to sing. “Six, right?”

“Six and please wear some sensible shoes. The floor is in really bad shape now,” he said. “See you in the morning.”

When Antonio hung up, he kicked his feet up on the sofa and smiled. There was something special about Serena and he was going enjoy peeling back every layer.

BOOK: His Sexy Bad Habit
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