Read His Punishment Online

Authors: Pia Marie

His Punishment (2 page)

BOOK: His Punishment
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“Of course, I didn’t think you’d
drive to school today, you’re still adjusting with time and sure I’m guessing
you’re dizzy.” I said.

We head to the mall. Our parents
gave us our own cars when we had our 18
birthday. Aside from the
birthday celebration thrown by her mom at Makati Centuria Hotel which was
really pricey, she got a car from her dad. Her parents were already separated
long before I even met her. So she got two separate gifts from them.

I, on the other hand, to cut a long
story short, just had an SUV as a gift from my parents.

Lyn and I are both spoiled. We both
don’t have any siblings to share our parents with. That explains why we got
everything. We both come from upper middle class families, her dad is the vice
president of one of the biggest telecommunications company in the country and
mine has a chain of resorts in the country so money is not much of a problem.

After a very quick fifteen minute
drive, we arrived at the mall. We we’re lucky traffic was light going there.

I stopped at the valet parking
station just in front of Delicioso in Asia Mall, handed my keys to the parking
attendant, and rushed to the entrance of the restaurant for reservation as it’s
always in full swing during lunch and dinner.

Just when we got there, the
receptionist was entertaining a guy so we waited. And then when the
receptionist said that the table is ready, I saw the guy turn his head back
just a bit above our heads.

“Matt, go call James and Howard,
our table’s ready,” then he suddenly noticed two astonished faces staring a
little below him. He smiled at Lyn. It was Christian, James’ best friend.

He’s eating here too? Oh my! Now
how can I eat?

“Let’s go.” Christian said, nodding
at someone behind us.

There were three guys who passed
us, one stopped in front of me and looked before entering the restaurant.

“Oh Shit!” James said immediately
right after he saw me. I noticed that his jaw clenched the moment his words
left his mouth. He stormed past us not looking back.

Two words! He said two words to me!
It was a first and definitely a good sign.

“Oh my God! Hon, are you okay? You
want to eat somewhere else?” Lyn asked as she looked at me stunned.

“He said two words to me Lyn!” my
shock turning into a big stupid smile.

“What?! Are you really crazy?” Lyn
tugged at my arm as if wanting to wake me up from a nightmare. “He hates you
hon. We have established that three years back.” She tried to remind me.


“Tara, we
have a meeting with the coordinator for your debut party later. What time will
you be home?” my mom asked as I leapt downstairs.

“Mom, I’m not
sure, I have to drop by the sports complex today.” I was trying to escape my mother’s
obsessive compulsive tendencies.

“What? But
school is closed. It’s a Saturday.” My mom said, knowing that I didn’t have any
business to do at school.

“Yes mom, but
I need to check something.” I neither lied nor told the truth. Is there
something in between?

“Tara, you
have to be home by 5:00 p.m. The coordinator will be here at 5:30.” Mom gave in
for she knew I will not be kept in the house.

“Okay mom,
it’s just 3:30, I will try to be back by then.” I said stopping at the bottom
of the stairs then turning my back to leave.

“What! Come
here. Talk to me first before you rush out.”

I didn’t
notice she was already at my back and holding me by the arm, making me follow
her to the living room.

“Tara, there
are a lot to do. We need to do food tasting at the hotel for the menu for your
party. Then, we need to schedule your initial gown fittings; it’s only two
months away.  We need to schedule your pictorial for your invitations, and I
don’t know what souvenirs you want to give out to your guests…”

“Mom . . . Okay.
I will be home by 6:00 pm, that’s the latest. OK?” I stopped her mid sentence
because I don’t want her to come to the “choosing my escort” part. She has
actually chosen three already, and she wants me to pick one. And I don’t like
any of them, that is why I must get out of the house and ask my soul mate to
escort me to my 18

“Be sure to
be home by 6:00 pm. I will just run over some things with the coordinator later
while waiting for you.” She kissed my cheek before she let me go.


“Hi Matt.
Have you seen James?” I asked running out of breath, as I leaped two steps at a
time in the staircase to reach the third floor of the sports complex. I hate
the traffic. It’s Saturday and took me more than an hour to get here!

When I
arrived, one elevator was still at the fifth floor going up and the other
elevator is off since it is Saturday and only few students come during this
time. So I decided to use the stairs. I really have to settle this thing before
I go home. I have to get James as my escort so my mom won’t recruit someone

right?” Matt asked.

Of course he
doesn’t know me. None of them knew me, except James.

“Yeah, it’s
Tara. Where is he?” I asked looking around.

“On top right
of the bleachers, I think he’s on the phone.” He didn’t hesitate telling me but
he emphasized he is busy on his phone.

I didn’t mind
his discouragement and walked quickly making sure I’m not running towards the
bleachers. Oops, I forgot to thank Matt, I looked back but he was not there

“Rhea, I’m
really tired now. You know the game is opening on Wednesday and the team will
be playing on the first day. We really need to practice.” I heard James say as
I reached the top of the bleachers.

Rhea who? The

“Yeah I know,
but you have practiced your routine since start of the year. You have done it
so well. But basketball is different. We have to check other game plays and
practice really hard so we could stay on top and be champion again.” I heard
him say.

Routine? Okay
so it’s Rhea the cheerleading slut.

“No, I’m not
with girls. I’m here at the sports complex with the team practicing. We just
took a break to refresh then we’re back one more go on the court.”

I looked at
my watch, its 5:00 pm and I have to be home at 6:00 pm. I think I have to start
asking him now.

“James…” I
called and he didn’t hear.

“Yes, yes. I
promise.” he speaks on his phone again.

“James!” I
said louder and he looked at me surprised.

From the look
on his face I know he’s listening to this girl she called Rhea, and then he

“No. I’m not
with another girl,” he told Rhea.

I looked at
my watch again, I have to be out of here soon or mom will kill me.

“James, I
need to ask you something important.” I said while he’s still looking at me
questioningly with more creases in his forehead after his frown deepened.

“No. No.
Wait…” then he stared at his phone. I think Rhea dropped the line.

“WHAT?!!” he
asked me furiously while he slipped his mobile phone in his duffel’s side

“Uhm, James,
I’m sorry, but I really have to ask if you could escort me to my debut party in
two months?”  I asked nervously.

“TARA! You
came here just to ask me that?” he shouted at me.

I was
petrified. It was the first time I heard him yell and it was directed to me. I
started nibbling my lower lip in nervousness.

“Of all the
times you would talk to me, you picked this moment?” he continues glaring at

“I’m sorry
for interrupting your conversation but I really have to be back home in an
hour, so I was kind of desperate to ask.” I said still looking at him and
trying to extend my apologies with my low shaking voice.

Its desperate you’re asking me to escort you to your party when you know how
much I hate your guts!” He said still glaring at me.

“But…” I
wasn’t able to finish my sentence when he interrupted.

you are for sending me a love letter in the locker room two months back!
DESPERATE that you asked me in that letter to be your boyfriend when we’re not
even friends! DESPERATE that every time I go out with my friends you are there
from afar following me like a stalker! DESPERATE that you go jogging with your
friend every week-end in my street and stopping in front of my house for rest!
DESPERATE that even after I have confronted you and told you to stop following
me, you still do. DESPERATE that you got my number and texts me and calls me
like a hundred times a day!”

I was
shocked. Yeah I know I’ve done all that. But what can I do? I like him. A lot.
More than a lot, actually. And I feel we are destined to be together in the
future. He is my soul mate! I just wanted to make him realize that.

the last time Tara! STOP your illusions that we can be boyfriend-girlfriend!”

I am almost
in tears and I couldn’t respond. I felt his two hands gripping my shoulders.

“I don’t like
you! I will never do! I hate your guts for approaching me! I hate that you are
the one proposing to me! I just hate you! Don’t you get it through your thick
head?!” he’s already shouting at me with his face just inches away.

I looked
around the gym, seeing that the whole basketball team is there. All his friends
are there. Even the team’s coach is there.

TARA! And please never ever talk to me again!” he let go of my shoulders.

I couldn’t
move. My feet were like stuck to the ground. I don’t know what to say. I just
looked down in shame. I didn’t notice he moved towards me again and held both
my shoulders more tightly it hurt.

“Look at me!”
he ordered and shook me.

“You will get
away from me or you will regret knowing me at all! You understand?!” he asked

“But…” I said

“No buts
Tara! I don’t like you. You are definitely not my type. I don’t go for silly
girls like you. I hate chinky eyes! I hate very white girls! I hate brats who
think they could get everything they want! I hate tall girls like you! All in
all, Tara, I don’t like you, not even a bit. And I would die in shame if I ever
like someone like you at all!” he finally finished speaking and went down the
bleachers leaving me behind.

I wasn’t able
to answer back nor did I intend to. I just ran back down the sports complex and
to my car. I don’t know how I arrived home in one piece. But that was the day I
told my mom that I’m cancelling my debut party.

End of Flashback

 “Earth to
Tara!” I was suddenly bolted back to reality when I heard Lyn.

“Sorry.” I told

“Don’t go
spacing out on me again, I feel stupid talking alone.” She’s half scolding me
but still holding my arm. “Come on Hon, let’s eat somewhere else.”

“No.” I said
firmly. “We’re eating where we want to and I don’t care whoever is here!”

I had enough.
Ever since that incident at the sports complex, I decided to stop following
him, to stop stalking him, just as he ordered and just as a mature person
realized how stupid it is to have a crush on the biggest jerk in school. Though
I still secretly thought of him, I am not looking at him like that anymore,
okay except when they are playing in the dome every UAAP season, I still
watched him.

But hey! I
support the school okay! It’s not about him! Okay, I tried to convince myself
there. But at least I stayed far away from him as much as possible, and I
stopped with the messages.

Until today in
the classroom. But it wasn’t my choice. I didn’t know we had that change of
schedule. I was sure my block mates are happy they don’t see me now. It was no
wonder that no one told me about it. I am now more certain that they really
want me out of the block.

I don’t know why
people don’t like me and Lyn. We’re both cute girls with very cheerful personalities.
But we don’t have much friends and I am really clueless of the reason. I am
definitely not blaming James for that, but I know that the rumors have spread
faster than high speed internet about the way he rejected me at the bleachers.

“Stop it Tara!
Come back!” I heard Lyn say again.

“I’m sorry. I’m
really, really preoccupied.” I apologized one more time.

“Your table is
ready ma’am.” The usher approached Lyn and walked us to our table.

Once we’re
settled inside, we got food from the buffet and went back to the table and
started talking.

“Lyn, there’s
something you should know.”

“What is it?”
she asked while chewing her California rolls.

“I got
de-blocked.” I confessed.

“What?” Lyn
looked at me alarmed, “What did you fail? How did you fail?”

I can’t help but
laugh at her reaction.

“No. I didn’t
fail anything. Remember, I was at Samal Island most of our summer and I didn’t
have internet access for the last two weeks before school started?” I reminded

“Uhuh..” she
answered dunking some tamago in her kikoman and then chewing it while looking
at me.

“Well, I didn’t
know that they changed the schedule of my block with James’. My professor this
morning said it was to accommodate some subjects that the other block is taking
this term, and for UAAP season purposes.” I continued talking just as she

Lyn just looked
at me frowning as if not understanding what I’m telling her.

“Well, I wasn’t
informed that they will change the schedules so I’m kind of stuck with the
other block.” I dropped the bomb.

BOOK: His Punishment
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