Read His Obsession Online

Authors: Sam Crescent

His Obsession (6 page)

BOOK: His Obsession
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“You know, Ursula is one hot woman. Did you see the size of her tits?”
Tate said.

Stephen clenched his hands around the cup holding his coffee. None of
them were allowed to look at her body.

“I bet she’d be one wild ride in the bedroom. She must have a nice,
tight pussy. She doesn’t look like the kind of woman to let too many men

The anger went to boiling point inside him. His whole body was shaking.
They would not talk about Ursula like that. Didn’t they have any respect? He
hadn’t spoken.
stare was pissing Stephen off.

“I can imagine sinking my dick into her—”

Stephen’s cup shattered on the table top, and he lunged for Tate. Sean
and Lucas stopped him with their hands on his arms holding him back.
moved closer.

“Do you feel the burn?
The gut-clenching agony of
thinking of another man touching her?
Do you feel the
need to claim her to make sure no man can mistake who she belongs to?”

Stephen was breathing hard to try to control himself. Staring at Tate he
saw the other man smirk.

“No offense, Stephen. Ursula is hot, but I love Rebecca. I don’t want
your woman. We were trying to show you how you felt.”

“I don’t feel like that. I don’t like you talking shit about her.” He
denied everything coursing through him. For so long he’d believed he didn’t
feel any part of the possession the other men at the club felt. The sound of
his phone ringing interrupted his thoughts. “I’ve got to get that.”

Lucas and Sean let him go, slowly. He would have loved to clock them
one. Instead, he grabbed his phone, flicking it open. He didn’t recognise the

“Hello,” he said.

“Stephen, is that you?” Ursula asked.

“What’s the matter?” He knew if she was calling it couldn’t be good.

“Do you remember your offer?”


Yelling came over the line followed by an unmistakable shout from Ursula
screaming to be left alone.

“Would you come and get me? Paul took the next step, and I don’t know
how long the lock is going to keep on the door.”

“I’m on my way. I know where you live. You don’t need to tell me your

And don’t phone the police. I don’t want them
to know.”

“They might be alerted already if he’s causing enough problems,” Stephen

“I know, but if they haven’t been alerted then please don’t. I don’t
want that kind of attention. Please, hurry and stop pissing about.” She clicked
off, making him laugh even though he shouldn’t. “I’ve got to go.”

“What’s going on?” Sean asked.

“Ursula’s in trouble. I’m going to go help her.”

“I’ll come with you,” Sean and Lucas said together.

“I’ve got to get home,”

Tate and Kevin made their excuses before leaving. Stephen didn’t argue
and let Sean and Lucas follow behind him. The journey was short as he broke
most of the speeding laws to get to her. If he found her in any other state
than perfect he’d kill the bastard. Her apartment didn’t have a machine to buzz
him in. He opened the door, which was unlocked, and ran up the stairs to her
door. Stephen had memorised her address when she’d given it to him for work.

Sean and Lucas were behind him as he knocked. Seconds later he came face
to face with her boyfriend. He wore a stained white vest, his belly causing the
bottom to ride up. Looking up, Stephen saw he was unshaven and looked ready to
do violence.

Stephen clenched his fists ready to pummel the bastard. This man had
mistreated his woman. He’d lost any right to call himself a man. As he went to
throw the first swing, Lucas stopped him. “We’re not here to deal with him.”

“What do you want?” Paul said, running his hand over his nose. Stephen
was repulsed by the sight of him. He pushed the man out of the way calling
Ursula’s name. “Ursula,
Stephen. Come out.” The
door in the corner looked positive. He stood in the doorway as she was walking
around the bed.

“You came,” she said.

“I said I would.” He opened his arms, and she went into them willingly.
She wasn’t crying. He felt her body shaking. “You’re staying with me tonight.”

She nodded her head. He was pleased she didn’t argue with him. Stephen
wasn’t in the mood to argue with her. Staring at his surroundings, he knew Paul
had trashed her apartment. He took hold of her hand then walked over to her

“You get out of this place by noon tomorrow, or I’ll have you arrested
for trespassing.”

“So, you’re the rich lover-boy. How can you cope to be with her? She’s
fucking fat and useless in the sack. You’ll need to cover her head with a bag
to be able to fuck her.”

Stephen was about to pound his face in. Ursula pulled away from him and
slapped Paul round the face. “I was good enough for you. I can’t believe I
lowered myself to let you near my body.”

She looked angry, pissed, and Stephen winced as she kneed Paul in the
groin. He took her hand, walking out of the apartment.

Once outside the building, she stopped by his car.

“I like her,” Lucas said.

“Me, too,” Sean said.

He said goodnight to the other two men then helped her inside his car.
Once he was settled inside the car, he started the engine and began driving
towards his own house.

“I’m really sorry about calling you,” she said.

“Don’t be. I asked you to. I’d be upset if you didn’t.” He rounded a
bend. “That was a great knee kick. Remind me to never piss you off.”

“You always piss me off, Stephen. You’ve never insulted me. What he said
was cruel, and I didn’t like it.”

He grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers while he drove the last
few miles to his house.

The rest of the journey went by in silence. When they got inside, he
lifted her face to the light for him to check her over.

“I’m fine. He barely touched me.”

“Your face looks red. He slapped you at least once.” She nodded, and he
wanted to go out and kick the bastard in the balls himself. “Let’s get you
something cold to put on that. I don’t like the thought of you bruising.”

He led the way into the kitchen. There was a bag of unopened sweet corn
in the freezer. “Here, put this on.” He pressed the bag to her cheek. She
winced but held it over her cheek.

“Can you get brain freeze holding it like his?” she asked. He laughed,
caressing her cheek for a second. She licked her lips, and his gaze dropped to
the fullness of her lips.

Clearing his throat, he removed his jacket. He waited a few minutes for
her to get too cold. When she handed the bag back to him, he washed the bag
before putting it back.

“I’ll show you to your room. You can get some rest.” The tension had
climbed in the room. He felt the electricity sizzling beneath the surface. The
tiny hairs on his arms stood to attention. She followed behind him. The feeling
of dominance that surrounded him made him pause on the stairs. Closing his eyes
for a second, he tried to get his mind to control his actions.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

He continued
up until he got to the room next to him. Opening the door, he let her inside.

“Wow. This is amazing. It’s almost as big as my apartment,” she said. He
stared at her, watching the way she rubbed her hands down her legs. Everything
about her pulled him in. He wanted her.

“I’ll leave you to rest.”

“Stephen?” He turned to her. “Thank you.”

He went to her, cupping her cheek in his palm. “I would never let
anything happen to you.”

“You didn’t have to come for me. Thank you for coming.”

There was a different type of coming that was on his mind. Smiling, he
brushed his lips against hers. “Get some rest.”

Chapter Five


Ursula watched him leave her room. Her hand went to her lips touching
where he’d kissed. She wished he hadn’t left. When he’d come to her rescue,
she’d never been so happy to see anyone. Not just because he’d come to help her
but she knew Paul wouldn’t be around much longer. For the last six months she’d
avoided having sex with him. The last time she’d had sex with him could have
been longer. She hated the thought of being with him. Turning away from the
door Stephen exited, she went in search of the bathroom. He’d told her each
room had their own bathroom for guests. The first door opened to a large
walk-in wardrobe. She gazed at all the space imagining how pathetic her
clothing would look in such a large space. The next door she found the
bathroom. She took a quick shower. When she got out, she brushed her teeth then
grabbed a robe. There were brushes in the top drawer. She couldn’t find a
nightshirt. Removing the robe, she got under the covers and closed her eyes.

Sleep wouldn’t come as she was worked up over the night’s events. She
didn’t feel traumatised by Paul’s treatment. If anything, she felt annoyed with
herself for staying with him for so long. How could she have let herself be
used by him? Her family had seen the way he was, and she hadn’t believed them.
Shaking her head, she rolled over staring at the ceiling. She would need to
call her family. Getting out of bed, she grabbed her mobile from the pocket of
her jeans,
got back into bed. She liked the way
the sheets felt against her naked body. It had been so long since she’d been
comfortable enough to sleep naked. Flipping open her phone, she saw it was only
ten. Most of her family stayed up late talking. A warm feeling filled her as
she thought about her family.

She dialled her parents’ home phone. The dial tone rang in her ear,
once, twice, and on the third ring her mother answered.

“Hello,” Ruby said.

“Hi, mom.”

“Ursula, is that you?”

The very one.”
smiled as she heard her mother shout to the others. “
you lot, Ursula’s on the phone. Get your butts here.” The sound was dull, and
then she heard the phone moving. “Your brothers are visiting and are spending
the night in their old rooms. Your sister moved out.”

“I bet she’s causing all kinds of trouble.”

“I bet. Here’s your father. Wait. Hold on, we can put her on speaker
phone.” Ursula started laughing as they put the phone to speaker.

“Can you all hear me?” she asked.

They all talked to her at once.

“How are you, honey?” her father asked.

“I’m great.”

She told them all about Paul.

“I knew he was a slime-ball,” her father said.

“The biggest slime-ball.
I’m so sorry I didn’t see it.”

“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. When are you coming home?” her mother

“I don’t know. I’ve got college to finish.” She avoided talking about
Stephen. After twenty minutes she ended the call feeling happier for talking to
her family.

She’d missed them and wished she’d listened to them before. When sleep
refused to come, she grabbed her robe and left her room. She walked down the
stairs and saw the light through the crack in the door of the living room.

Moving closer she saw Stephen sitting on the couch. He was drinking what
looked like a glass of milk. An action flick was playing on the screen. She walked

“Couldn’t you sleep?” he asked, turning to her.

“I thought I was being quiet.” She smiled, tucking her hair behind her

“I knew the moment you were at the door.” He frowned but didn’t
elaborate. “Have a seat.”

She sat next to him, her feet tucking under her. She covered her exposed
leg with the robe. They sat together watching the movie.

“Do you like this film?” he asked.

Ursula shrugged her shoulders. “I’m so busy with college I never get
time to watch television. Paul always had a porn flick on.” She wrinkled her

“You don’t like porn flicks?”

“What’s to like? Their actions are mechanical, and the women look bone
dry. I never knew a man had to spit on a woman so much to get her wet.” She
blushed when she realised what she was saying.

Stephen laughed. “I know what you mean. I’d consider it an insult to
myself if I had to spit on a woman to get her wet.” He tucked more of her hair
behind her ear.

“Do you have a woman in your life?”


She settled down, watching the movie. The storyline wasn’t gripping, and
she found herself zoning out and being more conscious of the man at her side.
He moved his hand to the back of the sofa. She felt the heat radiating off his
arm through the robe she wore. At some point, she’d laid her head on his chest,
and the hand across the couch went ‘round her, stroking her hair. The time
passed. She rested a hand on his knee to help support her.

BOOK: His Obsession
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