Read His Little Courtesan Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

His Little Courtesan (5 page)

BOOK: His Little Courtesan
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She cried out again, clenching her muscles as the
small whip flicked between her mounds a second time. Tears were dripping down
her cheeks by the third stroke, as the burn spread terribly through the soft,
delicate flesh. She choked back a sob as the whip fell in a sharp lash a fourth
instance, then a fifth.

"One more. Do not move." His voice was calm
and controlled, absent of any anger of malice.

Jane's scream echoed through the chamber as the small
whip was expertly yielded and slashed against the moist tissue lining the
inside of her cheeks. She cried, still clutching her buttocks while holding her
knees close to her body.

"That was not pleasurable, was it?" Rama
asked. "This will be just as unpleasant, but I am certain it will teach
you to obey."

A loud moan escaped her throat as she felt the long,
thick root being urged into her sizzling hot anus. The juice, as it touched the
inflamed tissue, sent a burning fire through the most sensitive part of her
body. She screamed again, trying to cover her bottom with her hands.

"You released your hold." Rama said sadly.
He shouted towards the door, and ordered the two guards to assist.

"No! I'm sorry, Uncle Rama. I'm sorry!" Jane
begged, as the two large men positioned themselves at her sides. They held her
wrists to the table over her head and drew her knees to her chest, holding them
steady as Rama worked the rest of the root deep into her tortured bottom.

He then picked up a thick breadboard with a long
handle and placed it upon the protruding edge of her backside. The paddle flew
sharply against her sit-spots, seating the root even deeper within. Jane
involuntarily squeezed her cheeks together to relieve herself of the sting,
only to discover that the action, indeed, compressed the ginger and released
more of the fresh, caustic juice.

"It burns! My God! It burns!" she cried out,
squirming uselessly to relieve the agony.

Rama laid the heavy wood across her bottom three more
times, jarring the root in her bottom every time he left a dark, red splotch
upon her pale skin.

"How many times did I tell you not to leave the
palace grounds?" he asked calmly, flinging the paddle against her jiggling
backside a fifth time. The close proximity of the wood to her pussy frightened
her as much as the harshly delivered strokes in this particular position
brought her pain.

"Three! Three times, Uncle Rama," Jane wept,
unable to break free from the grips of the silent guards.

"Three times. Eons ago, disobedience to the Raja
was punishable by death. Now, at least for you, it merely results in a terribly
sore backside." He paused to survey the condition of her flesh. "Five
more strokes, Jane. They will be severe and leave you tender for several days,
but better for me to leave you tender than for you to risk life and limb."

Jane's head swam with the indescribable pain as it lit
across her lower half. The paddle tasted the backs of her upper thighs and
kissed lightly upon the base of her pussy as it smashed against her stretched,
exposed bottom. The only thing louder than the sounds of wood meeting flesh were
Jane's cries of pain.

When he had completed the paddling, Rama gently placed
the breadboard on the table, next to the sobbing girl. "Release her. You
are dismissed," he said softly to the guards. "To the corner,

He helped her off the table and smoothed down her
dress as she fought to stand on wobbly legs. When he pushed her gently towards
the corner, she obeyed, barely able to catch her breath as she stumbled to her
destination. She clutched her aching bottom, unable to ease the excruciating
burn from either her outer, or inner, flesh.

"Stay there until I return," Rama said
gently, kissing the top of her head.
"You may remove the ginger
after I am gone. And Jane?"

Uncle Rama?" she sniffed, still trying to catch her breath.

"You are
grounded for two days. I will have meals brought to you, but you are not to set
one foot outside that door. Understand?"

sir." At that moment, Jane swore to never disobey the Raja again.


Chapter Three



"I thought you left for the cottage," Jane
sniffled, not turning her face from the corner.

"I couldn't leave knowing that Rama would be
punishing you. Why are you so angry with me? Please, tell me."

Jane pressed her cheek against the wall. It was easier
to talk to him when she didn't have to look at his face, so she spoke to the
sparking white corner as though there was no one around to hear. She expressed
her pain and anger, her words breaking through her hiccups. She held nothing
back about how she felt—the betrayal, the forced loneliness, the
insecurities, and the insensitive manner in which she'd been advised of the situation.
She shared what Rama had told her, and admitted that she was envious that the
paid courtesans had experienced the full courtship ritual with him when she had
barely tasted the beginning of it. She explained the shame of her jealousy, but
also that she was powerless to stop it.

Philip did not interrupt as she emptied herself of all
the fears, doubts, and heartache within her, and waited patiently until she had
finally run out of words and simply stood there, crying pathetically into her

"Damn it," he swore. "Janie? It is not
what you think. Not at all. Please look at me."

"Uncle Rama said I had to stay in the
corner." Jane's voice was very childlike in its tone.

"I am an exception."

"No. I am not risking making him angry

"He is not angry at all. He is in the great hall
waiting for us to return."


"Why in the hell are you so bloody stubborn? Turn

"Why in the hell are you so bloody
stup—" Jane stopped herself. "I'm sorry. It isn't right for me
to hurt you like you hurt me."

"Honey, listen to me," Philip placed his
hands on her shoulders and forced her to turn around. His palms drifted to rest
upon her wet cheeks. "I love you. I've always loved you. I wanted what
Rama had with his life and family, and to do that, I needed to learn how to
find peace and harmony. Our life, back in England, was cold, colorless, and
without true joy. We were both miserable and had nothing there to make us
whole. You know that. We came here to regain our lives. I came here to discover
how to make you mine."

He kissed her lips gently. "Would you like to
meet the women who taught me how to satisfy you?"

"No, thank you." Her voice was hard and
bitter, and she pulled her face away from his hands.

He captured her again and kissed her forehead. His
thumb caressed the curve of her ear and then traveled down the length of her
neck, pausing to press gently into the tense muscles on her shoulders. Slowly,
he dragged it back to graze across her plump, red lips. "Did you know that
the skin of a firm grape is as delicate as a woman's nipple? To be able to bite
into it without breaking the peel teaches me how hard I can bite your nipple
without causing you pain. "

He kissed her between the eyes. "If I run my
teeth down the length of a peeled banana, and barely scrape the fruit from its
stalk, that teaches me how to nibble on your flesh without causing undue
pain." He chuckled and patted his stomach. "I needed the voyage home
to lose the weight I gained while I was learning the art of using my

"You did?" Jane sniffed.

He ran his lips across her eyelids, kissing both like
the flitting of a butterfly wing. "Did you know that an orchid is shaped
like a woman's garden and that, if covered with honey and then properly licked
clean, it will become translucent? And by the same token," he pulled her
to his chest, "to spend too much time and pressure in one spot will make
the petal turn brown."

"I didn't know that." She felt her resolve
start to fade as Philip's mouth ran along the nape of her neck.

"Did you know that if you stand under a single
stream of rain flowing off the edge of the roof, the water will touch every
zone of erotic pleasure? The earlobes," he whispered, as his hot breath
touched her ear. "The throat." His fingers trailed from under her
chin to the top of her breasts. "The inside of the elbow." His kiss
pressed against the pulsing vein hidden beneath that sensitive spot.

"No. I did not know any of that," Jane said
hoarsely, feeling her knees weaken.

"That is how they taught me to please you, my
love. I never had true relations with them. It was actually very
embarrassing." Philip chuckled. "They were around the same age as
Aunt Elsa."

"They were?" Jane blinked up at him.

"They were. I am truly sorry that you were hurt,
darling. I wish you had given me a chance to explain. It would have saved all
of us so much pain."

"I don't know about saving the rest of you. It
would have spared me both the physical discomfort and humiliation I was forced
to endure for making a fool out of myself." Jane rubbed her bottom.

"This family of ours are all affected. Rama is
pacing back and forth, worried that he was too severe with you; Usha is praying
for forgiveness for being too firm and not taking the time to explain things
better; Lynette has not stopped crying since you ran away in tears; and

Jane allowed her mouth to touch his, barely brushing
her lips against his own. "I am so sorry. I was an idiot to doubt you.
Please forgive me."

"Janie," Philip stretched her at arm's
length. "You do understand that I have been with other women before. Long
before my feelings for you were realized. Not here, for I would never
disrespect Rama or his country by being wanton, but back home."

"This is home, Papa." Jane smiled, kissing
him. "Thank you for being truthful with me."

"Do you realize that you always call me 'papa'
when you're happy, and Philip when you're cross?"

"I do?"

"You do. Let's go to the cottage," he
suggested, laughing away the observation. "I will teach you all you need
to know to pleasure me. I, in return, will demonstrate the prowess I had as an
eager student who desired to please his partner."

"I can't. Not right now," Jane said, her
hand still clutching her bruised bottom. "I need time to heal from the
Raj's paddle."

"Then I shall bring you back to the guest
chambers, cover your body with sandalwood paste, and pat powder upon your
bruises." Philip lifted her into his arms and carried her towards the
door. "Afterwards, we will feast on fruit and grilled meats, drink sweet
liquor, and talk under the moon. Would you like that?"

"Yes, Papa." Jane snuggled into his chest,
suddenly feeling very small and young. "Whatever you wish."




Jane remained in the guest house for two days. Rama
not only sent delectable meals of fruit, vegetables and meats to her, but also
servants, who bathed and oiled her body, and painted her hands and feet with
beautiful designs of red henna. They clucked amongst themselves in Tamil, too
quickly and quietly for Jane to make head or tail of what they were discussing.

On the third day, after receiving a long talk from
Philip regarding expectations of proper behavior, Jane reluctantly left her
glorious prison to find the people she had wronged.

"Rana Usha?" Jane called, looking around the
temple gardens, guarding her eyes from the blazing sun. "Usha?"

"Yes, Jane?" The woman stood tall in the
center of the path.

Jane came to a startled halt. "
, Rana."

Usha returned the gesture, her face stern as she
looked at the young woman. Philip had dressed her like a little girl that
morning, complete with pigtails and pretty purple ribbons.

"I wish to ask for your forgiveness for being so
rude and disrespectful. I'm sorry," Jane said, forcing herself to look
Usha in the eye. "There is no excuse for my not trusting you after all you
have done for me. Please forgive me."

Usha touched Jane's cheek and smiled gently. "You
are forgiven, however, I wish you to prove your repentance before you and
Philip embark for the cottage."

"Certainly! Anything!" Jane said brightly,
relieved that Usha did not extend herself to add to her shame with further

"Meet the other wives and myself at daybreak
tomorrow in my chambers. Eat nothing before you arrive. You will submit to our
instruction—without question and without argument."

"Yes, ma'am," Jane said, her heart sinking.
Were Usha and her sister wives going to punish her for her rude behavior and
failure to follow the lesson? Her bottom was still too raw to take another
spanking so soon.

"I also want you to take a nap. You look very
tired around the eyes. You need your rest," the older woman said gently,
cupping Jane's face in her hand.

"Yes, ma'am."

"You are a wonderful child," Usha kissed her
forehead. "But you are still just a child. I only want the best for you.
If I am stern, it is only to help you grow to your full potential."

BOOK: His Little Courtesan
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