Read His Flight Plan Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

His Flight Plan (6 page)

BOOK: His Flight Plan
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“Yes, it is. Child abuse is a federal offense,” she yelled at him. Her body was shaking with rage. She was mad enough to pull a brick from the center’s structure and bash the horrible father in his eye, see how he enjoyed it.

In her peripheral vision she saw a car turn into the center’s entrance. A concerned citizen she hoped. Maybe they would notify the cops across the street.

“You thinkin’ of reportin’ me?” Oblivious, he closed the gap between them and grabbed her arms.

His tight grip hurt, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her pain. Using her low heel she stomped hard on the instep of his foot. She may have been a rich kid, but she was smart enough to take self-defense classes when they offered them at her college.

“Aww! Fuck!” Mr. Brown released one of her arms as he bounced on his left foot, then howled again when he set down his right foot. Grimacing, he balled up his free hand into a fist. “I oughta—”

“If you hit her, the city will be mopping up your blood for weeks from the street.”

Mr. Brown, caught in the act of raising his arm, turned and shot a venomous look over his shoulder. “Who the fuck are you to be in my business?”

A large frame formed in the darkness as the person drew closer to them. “I’m your worst nightmare if you don’t get your hands off her.”

Kiera didn’t know who was more shocked by her avenger, her or Mr. Brown. Drake Rhine, the man with the kiss that curled her toes for days, was standing within arm’s reach of her. It wasn’t possible. Maybe this all was a dream and she would wake up any moment. A part of her, the part that fantasized about Drake at some point most days wanted her to keep sleeping if this wasn’t real.

“Drake, what are you doing here?” She almost forgot about the violent parent beside her.

“Are you looking for trouble?” Mr. Brown may have kept up his bravado, however, he released her as he questioned Drake.

“No. But you’ve found it, if you don’t leave. I’m sure she has appropriate office hours.” Drake’s voice was deep, it rumbled.

She could not stop the sparks of passion that exploded in her body as she heard it.

Mr. Brown sneered, but turned to Jaquan. “Let’s go!”

Jaquan glanced at her, then cut his eyes toward Drake before he started after his father’s hasty footsteps.

“And if you lay a hand on your son again, there won’t be a cop called, but an ambulance.”

The angry man stutter-stepped but continued on his path down the lane.

The youth turned and gazed back at Drake, a small glimmer of relief in his eyes that Kiera had never seen before. Soon he and his father disappeared into the night. She didn’t for one moment believe that Drake’s threats to the man had changed Mr. Brown, but if Jaquan didn’t get struck for one night she could maybe get a wink of sleep. Tomorrow she would call Child Protective Services and take out a restraining order.

“Am I dreaming?” She faced the man she never expected to see again.

“Hello, Kiera.” He stepped close to her and offered her a smile. His gaze caressed her face. “If you’re asleep, then so am I.”

Her breath caught in her chest.
Did he just admit that he’d been fantasizing about me too?

Reaching out, he brushed her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “Did that ass hurt you?”

She inhaled as she accepted the warmth of his touch. “No. He wasn’t here long before you showed up.” Staring up at him, she shook her head. “What
you doing here?”

He lowered his hand. “I had some business to take care of in town. After it was complete I thought I would take a tour around town. I was hoping to find a guide.”

Smiling, she arched a brow at him and teased, “At this time of night, I’m not sure if you’re going to find any help.”

He chuckled.

Damn, is it possible this man has gotten even sexier in the two months since I last saw him?

“Maybe a kind-hearted citizen would take pity on me.” He took hold of her hand. “I haven’t been able to get you off my mind, Kiera. Is that crazy?”

Squeezing his hand, she took a step closer to him. “If you’re crazy, then so am I.”

“I know I don’t have a right to ask, but may I kiss you?”

Standing there, she enjoyed the tingling sensation in her hand as it was captured by his larger, stronger one. This man had shown up just in time from keeping her from possibly getting injured. Safe. That’s what he made her feel. No other man did that for her. She wasn’t sure if this was just another moment where they would pass through each other’s lives, but she was going to savor it for however long it lasted.

“Please do.” She placed her free hand at the center of his chest. His heart thumped hard against her palm.

She thought he would pull her into a fierce embrace as they had shared before her hotel door, but he didn’t.

He simply leaned down and set his lips on hers. It was the softest and most sweet kiss she’d ever had.

When he moved away, he whispered, “I want to do so much more. I don’t think that this is the best place to get carried away.”

Opening her eyes, she looked up at him and was locked into his intense, blue-gray gaze. Why this man? How did he have the ability to still her senses and make her forget everything around her but him?

“You’re right. You still want that tour?”

“Absolutely.” He gave her a devastating smile, wide and showing his beautiful, even teeth.

Moving from the doorway, she pulled her hand from his, feeling the loss. “If you follow me to my house, I can drop my car off and ride with you.”

“That would work. My time is your time.” He followed her to her car, ensured she got in safe before he went to his own.

After she started her car, she pulled out of the slot and waited for him to get behind her. Drake Rhine, her knight in shining armor, had walked back into her life from the night.

The only thing she could do as she led them both toward her house was send up a quick prayer hoping this would end differently than her other relationships.

* * * *

“So, how did you find me?”

He glanced at the beauty beside him as he followed Kiera’s instructions and pulled into a spot close to Freedom Park in Uptown Charlotte. “I remembered Queen City Youth Center, the name of your place and where you’d flown in from.” He turned off the car and got out to open her door. “Since I had business in town I figured I’d look you up. Is that all right?”

“Yes.” She stared up at him from her seat as he stood with her door held wide, then smiled. “I’m glad you did, Drake.” Taking the hand he offered her, she got out.

She slipped her hand around his bicep as they walked into the spacious, well-lit park. There was something about her touch and hold on him that felt comfortable, right.

“May I ask what business you were conducting here?”

“Of course. However, so we are clear, the only reason I didn’t tell you about it before was because it was still being negotiated and I didn’t want to jinx it.”

“Understandable.” She stroked the inside of his arm with her thumb.

The soft brush through the fabric of his short sleeve dress shirt sent warmth through his body as he flexed his muscle. “My brother and I just bought the airport in Harrisburg.”

She stopped and turned to him as they stood before the colorful waterfall. “Are you serious?”

“If the feeling of pride that has been stretching my heart for the last five hours means anything, I’m very serious.” He smiled down at her. Kiera was absolutely stunning. Even though she wasn’t dressed up, just wearing slacks, a soft green blouse, and low pumps, she still managed to take his breath away.

“That’s wonderful. So, are you here to stay?” Her hazel eyes glowed.

He wanted to believe it was happiness at the thought of him living close to her that filled her gaze. “Not quite. I have a few things to tie up in Chicago. I should be back in a month or so. Then I’ll be here to stay.”

“That’s great.” A smile graced her lips, stretching her full mouth wide.

Captivated by the shimmer of her gloss he stepped to her, but kept his hands to himself. “I don’t want to assume that in the time since we last saw each other that you are still single. You’re a lovely woman and I’m sure men are chasing after you day and night.”

“Only the men that want to scream at me about their unruly children.” Her smile wavered and a shadow came into her gaze.

“You sure you’re not hurt?”

“I’m fine, and unattached.”

Silence stretched on as they stood there gazing at each other. The echo of the water streaming down the wall and the occasional steps and light conversation of other pedestrians drifted by, but nothing broke the connection between them.

Reaching up, he caressed her chin, then up along her jaw to her earlobe with the conservative diamond stud. “I want to kiss you again, Kiera.”

Her eyes fluttered as he stroked the shell of her ear. “What’s stopping you?”

“Me.” He closed the gap between them, then slipped his arm around her waist. “You see, sweet lady, I have this thing for you. A bad case. I know that if I taste your sweet lips again I won’t be able to stop there. I don’t want to begin something I can’t finish.”

She placed a hand at the center of his chest, then glided it up and around the back of his neck. There she squeezed. “Then finish it.”

Searching her gaze, he wanted to be sure she understood completely what he was hinting at. “I want to make love to you, Kiera Stanfield.”

“Good. Because that’s what I want you to do.” She leaned toward him and her eyelids drifted shut as she tilted her chin up and offered him her lips.

He stepped back and took her hand.

When her lids shot up, shocked, he winked at her. “I told you I can’t start until I can see it all the way through. My hotel or your house?”

Removing her hand from behind his neck, she nodded. “My house.”

As they exited the park, she talked to him about current events coming up in the area. From Broadway plays, to concerts and sporting events.

Listening attentively, he asked questions and was happy for the mundane topic; it kept his desire at a midlevel hum.

Twenty minutes later they returned to her home, where they’d dropped her car off two hours ago.

Pulling his car into the driveway before the closed door of her garage, where her car set, he then killed the engine of his rental. The overhead dome brightened the car. “You can change your mind.”

“Only if I was a foolish person. Fate has brought us back in the same place once again. I want to do what I desired to do that night in Chicago. Make you scream my name.” She winked.

A chuckle burst out of him.

She joined him, laughing too.

“I got you.” Her humor was just one of the many things he liked about Kiera. Getting out of the car, he went around and assisted her out of the vehicle.

Hand in hand they went to her door. Once she unlocked it, they entered.

Moving away, she placed her keys in a dish and set her purse on the table beside it.

Glancing around, he took in the décor of her home. The living room and dining room that he could see from where he stood had a very modern, bold color décor to it. It was classy, yet still inviting.

“Can I offer you something to drink?”

The sultry texture of her voice drew his gaze back to her. “The only thing I’m thirsty for is you.” He walked to where she stood behind the couch.

“Then let’s—”

He wasn’t sure what she was going to say, and a part of him, the overactive hormonal part, didn’t care. Allowing all the passion he felt for her to showcase in his kiss, he held her tight to him and slipped his tongue into her mouth.

* * * *

This was not the same kiss he’d given her at the center. Hell, it wasn’t even the hot, toe-curling one he’d laid on her in Chicago. No, this one turned her body inside out and flipped her heart upside down. It made her dizzy and her entire body became Jell-O. She could barely keep her grip on his shoulders; he made her feel that weak and rejuvenated at the same time.

She was packing enough passion and energy to climb Mount Everest or bang a sexy man for hours. There was no contest between the two which she would choose. Slipping her arms around his neck, she pressed her body closer to him, then ground her pelvis against his stiff cock.

Drake groaned.

The vibrations tickled the roof of her mouth.

His hands moved from her waist and cupped her ass, squeezing it, then giving one cheek a hard smack.

“Hmm.” She moaned. The smart sensation shot from her backside to her sex. Her clit throbbed and cream saturated the seat of her panties.

He pulled back. “I’ll settle for your couch, but I’d prefer to have you in a bed.”

His deep, husky voice shot her heat level up even more. She inhaled, tried to inject a little sanity into her muddled brain. “You’re not one of those guys who have issues with wearing a condom are you?”

“Hell no. That’s not because I have anything, but I believe in keeping me and the woman safe and children for when we both agree on it.”

She exhaled. As she figured, he wasn’t only good looking, but a smart and considerate man. “Let’s go to my room.”

Taking his hand, she led him down the hall, passing her entertainment room and her guest bedroom before she entered the only other room in her house. The house should have been a three bedroom but she had it remodeled and knocked down the wall between the second and third room and had then added a bathroom. So her room was huge. The room across from hers had a bathroom in it as well, being the original master bedroom.

Facing him, she began unbuttoning his blue, short-sleeve dress shirt. She couldn’t wait to see all his sculpted muscles stretched out on her California king.

Undoing the last button, she pulled his shirt from his pants, then looked up at him. There was a smile on his face and his eyes shined with laughter.

“Am I moving too fast?” She paused as she pushed the sleeves down to his wrists, causing the shirt to drift to the floor.

“Not at all. I’m just glad you’re just as anxious as I am.” He grasped the hem of her shirt and dragged it up her torso and over her head.

BOOK: His Flight Plan
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