Read High Stakes Online

Authors: Erin McCarthy

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary, #Fantasy, #Vampires, #Humour

High Stakes (7 page)

BOOK: High Stakes
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"What I'm suggesting is you return here at the end of every day. You have dinner with me, stroll the casino with me,entertain guests. Sleep in the room next to mine."

"You want me to have sex with my sister's lover after she gets dumped by him?By you. That's sick.


He supposed he should have clarified that earlier. "I have never taken your sister to my bed. We have a platonic friendship, and I apologize for misleading you earlier."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"Can we discuss this in my room?Brittany could step out into the hall at any moment, and I don't imagine she would appreciate this discussion." He opened the door to his suite and smiled. "Don't close the door behind us."

Obviously not trusting him to follow that order, she actually picked up a ceramic hound statue he had standing sentry to his living room, and plunked it down in front of the door. It held the door wide open, and she surveyed her work.

"Nice dog."

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She pointed. "Go first."

To humor her, he did, but he hovered in front of the sofa. He would-not sit down until she did. There were childhood lessons, inherentmanners,taht just couldn't be erased, no matter how long he lived.

"It looks likea Irish hunting lodge in here." That was rather the point. "I tried to emulate my home inEngland ."

"From what?The nineteenth century?"She flopped on an easy chair and turned sideways in it, so her legs hooked over one arm, and the other acting like a backrest.

Inviting her in had been a stupid idea. Now his suite was going to smell like her-like her smooth, human flesh, and her pulsing, hot blood. That was his favorite chairaad he was probably going to have to burn it now. Otherwise every time he sat in it, he was going to be hungry.For Alexis.

He never had mortals in his room. Even his maid was a vampire, because she would clean at nightvhen he was out and about, and she wouldn't balk at the blood stored in his refrigerator.

"So if you don't believe me, you can askBrittany . We haven't…" He searched for a delicate phrasing.

"Been intimate."

"You're trying to tell meBrittany has been living right next to you for three weeks and haven't once banged her?"

So much for delicate."That's what I'm telling you. Not even a kiss. As I said, I apologize for misleading you about our relation-ship earlier." Ethan knew when to be honest, and if he had anychane of coaxing the delicious Alexis into his bed, he had to re-assure her thatBrittany had not been there first. "What the hell was he saying? He was not supposed to be sleep-ingwith anyone. He was wooing. He wasmature , responsible, a post-randy vampire president ready to settle down into marriage. Right after he banged Alexis.

"Then why the hell is she here if you're not 'intimate'?"

She usedSeamus's habit of quote marks in the air, which irritated him since Seamus was yet another reminder of all hisrespon-sibilities , all that was expected of him.

"Because I'm a Master Vampire, over two hundred years old and therefore eligible to run for the presidency.Brittanyis a half-vampire, the daughter of a mortal mother and a vampire father." That was more than he'd intended to tell her, but he wanted to see her reaction.Wanted to fish around for information since he still didn't have any access to her thoughts.

But Alexis just snorted. "Brittany's father was a prick, but he wasn't a vampire."

"You would say that about your father?"

"Not my father.Brittany's father. We have the same mother, but different sperm donors. Neither father is worth dwelling on. My mom had appalling taste in men."

That explained quite a bit. It also meant that Alexis probably had no vampire blood in her. He couldn't
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know for sure, since he couldn't get inside her head, couldn't sense anything about her, but itseemed likely she was pure mortal.

"But this is a game, remember? AndBrittany is a half-vampire. I intended to recruit her to the position of my wife, first lady of the VampireNatfon ."

Alexis just stared at him. "You don't really believe in this stuff, do you? Because I'm going to call the cops and tell them you kidnapped my sister if you do. A weird hobby is one thing, but if you're delusional, I'm calling Metro Police."

"I know the difference between truth and fiction," he said in a soothing voice. He didn't want her bolting and takingBrittany with her. Nor did he want any close encounters with the police. While he could fool most humans, he didn't want to test his ability to hide his vampire traits long-term in a jail cell. Dining on the guards wouldn't earn him any early release points.

"But I'm up for reelection, and as I've been known in the past as a bad-tempered vampire, prone to certain playboy tendencies, my campaign manager and I agreed I needed a woman by my side.To soften my image."

"Well,Brittany would be good for that. I would suck at it." Her feet kicked up in the air as she lounged in the chair.

That little scrap of nothing shirt had slipped to the side, exposing the swell of her breast. He could sink his teeth in there, with a firm bite, and his fangs would puncture like into a soft apple. He wished that when he bit, there were sound, sort of a crisp, powerful crunch instead of soundless sliding into flesh.

Chomping on Alexis would be very satisfying.

He crossed his legs, uncomfortable now that he had a raging erection.

This was not the original plan, coaxing Alexis intoBrittany 's place, but already he liked this one much better. The thrill of the chase, the satisfaction of finally catching her—he looked forward to both with an anticipation that wasn't befitting the staid middle-age vampire he was supposed to be. "Actually, you would be even better.Sister of an Impure and a career woman. Perfect. If I have a confident businesswoman by my side, they will see that I have really matured if I allow my partner to have equal say in our relationship."

Not that he was feeling very mature. He was acting more along the lines of a teenage boy looking to score than a responsible adult vampire. You'd think he'd been havingSeamus's dry spell the way he was behaving.

"So, you've always been a dictatorial asshole and now you want people to think you're more willing to compromise?"

Not the words he would have chosen, but he was trying to be charming and agreeable. He wanted this woman. Despite the fact that Seamus would kill him, and his spontaneous plan was less than foolproof, he had to have her.Would have her."Exactly."

"So you play pussy-whipped and I play bossy girlfriend? That could be fun." She grinned, tucking her blond hair behind her ears.

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He was having a midlife crisis. That's what this was. There was no other explanation for whythat statement suddenly made him feel like the horniest vampire inNorth America .Lusting after much younger women, good God. Next he'd be buying a sports car and getting a tattoo.

"I think a lot of things between us could be fun."

"One week. I'll stay for one week if you agree to letBrittany leave and never have any future contact with her, personal or professional. I get my own room, with a master key so no one else can enter at any time.

If I have to work late, I have to work late and you'll just have to get over it, but I will be here from eight p.m. to eight a.m. every day for seven days. I'll depart at midnight on Friday, the seventeenth, because tonight counts as night one. You provide me access to dining in the casino restaurants for free and dry-cleaning services. I'll draw up a contract for you to sign and failure to comply with any of my terms will result in me identifying you as a cult, potentially holding people against their will. Do you understand and agree to all terms?"

And here he'd been worried he was taking advantage of her concern forBrittany . Alexis could take care of herself. He drummed his thumb on his knee'."Anything else?"

"Yeah.Just so we're clear, I'm not having sex with you. I am not interested in you as anything other than a means to an end. This escort service has no fringe benefits other than me smiling at your weirdo friends."

That's what she thought.

So she found him unattractive, did she?

Well, he would just show AlexisBaldizzi that Ethan Carrick was a man who knew how to treat a woman.

"I had no intention of using you in such a crude fashion. I confess myself shocked."

She rolled her eyes and sat up. "Somehow I don't think a whole lot would shock you. You're like me that way—I've seen everything and then some."

"You're a prosecutor, right?"

"Yes.Sex crimes. There are a lot ofsickos in this world, Carrick, and I've met quite a few of them. So your vampire games don't surprise me. As long as you're not biting people or something whacked out like that, what you do is your business.But not with my sister around. That's the bottom line—Brittanygoes home."

"I agree to all your terms." This was probably one of the worst ideas he'd gotten since that time he'd gone coffin sledding inFrance nine hundred years ago, but it was done.

And he found himself really looking forward to getting to know Alexis better.

Maybe then he could shake off the boredom and discontent that encircled him like a tight leash, growing tighter and tighter.

Maybe an affair with Alexis would satisfy his growing tactile urges and prevent him from doing something bizarre like dying his hair, dating his secretary, or getting his chest waxed.

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He was
having a midlife crisis.

Chapter Five

Brittanywas starting to think she shouldn't have let Alexis talk her into leaving. They were driving on U.S.

95 toward Alexis's house inSummerlin and all she could think about was that man— that vampire—and how he had caressed the woman outside the restroom, suckling her, making her moan with pleasure while he drank her blood.

It had been like watching two people have sex—embarrassing, arousing,shocking .Exciting. And that disturbed her… What those people were was wrong—soulless, evil—yet she was fascinated by them, and she had to do something.

"I need to go back." She had agreed to leave only because Alexis had threatened never to speak to her again—which they both knew was a lie, but if Alexis was worried enough to say it,Brittany knew it was serious. She never wanted to cause Alexis worry. Her sister had had her childhood yanked away from her way too early, and she'd spent a lot of years stressing about money andBrittany , when she should have been dating and having fun.

SoBrittany had left the hotel because she didn't want to see that look in Alexis's eye, the frantic concern that made her look older than she was. But she couldn't get the image out of her head of the man with the expensive suit, rich caramel hair, and a little lab kit in his pocket.

There had to be a way to form an intervention or something. But first she needed to know everything about Vegas vampires. If she understood them and their ways, she could figure out how to save their souls. And the only way to learn about them was to spend time with them.

"Over my dead body," Alexis said, turning into the driveway of her stucco house, the garage light glowing in the dark. She opened the car door and cursed."Flipping yucca bush! I hate this ugly, spiky plant. I can't believe the landscaper put it right where I park the car and need to get out. I hit it every single time."

She forced her way out of the car.

"Alex…"Brittany bit her lip.

Her sister stopped whacking at the foliage with her purse and bent over to stare at her suspiciously.

"What? You've got that pretty girl wants something voice going on."

"I have to go back." Lives depended on it. She might be just a dentist, and too trusting, according to Alex, but there was a reason she had met Ethan Carrick. A reason he had invited her to his hotel, and she didn't think it had anything to do with oral hygiene.

It was a cry for help, and she had to answer it.

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Alexis saw the stubborn tilt toBrittany 's chin, and the very impressive pout her lower lip was creating.

She knew that look.Had caved under it many, many times. But this she couldn't compromise on.


"I'll go on my own."

"I'll lock you in my spare bedroom."

"No, you won't."Brittany scoffed.

Shit, she was right. Alexis would never do that. "You're serious?"

"Very." .

"You'd go back without me?"


Then Alexis had no choice. She sighed.Leaned on her car door.Crossed her arms.

Despite her earlier conversation with Ethan, once she hadBrittany out of the hotel, she had rethought the whole staying with him thing. If she hadBrittany out on her own powers of persuasion, what did she need him for?

Nothing.Her whole willingness to stay had been based on his offer to kickBrittany out. So when that became unnecessary, she had figured their little agreement was just null and void.

Brittany's one-eighty changed things again.

"Alright, how about I go back? You stay here and I'll take your place at the hotel and keep an eye on them." That was a little vague, but she was just feelingBrittany out for the time being.

Brittanywasn't buying it. "Alex. I want to find a cure for their vampirism. Not prosecute them."

Here's where it got dicey. "Who said anything about prosecution? I could do that—cure them." Maybe a high kick to the head would solve their problems. "I'm persuasive."

"If that's what you want to call it."Brittany still wouldn't get out of the car, just sat there in her cocktail dress, long legs crossed.

Alexis couldn't imagine whereBrittany got her stubbornness. Alexis would have thought she herself had drained the family gene pool of that particular trait long beforeBrittany was born.

BOOK: High Stakes
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