Her Protectors (Peacekeepers Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Her Protectors (Peacekeepers Book 2)
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Fear and anger exploded through his core and his magic wove through every cell in his body as Raylock began to shift.  He wasn’t losing his mate, and if that meant killing every one of those vampires, then he would.

A growl echoed through him as the change became complete. Ashten remained human, how, Raylock wasn’t sure. He was vibrating with rage.

How dare they take her?

All the anger he’d been pushing down while they searched for her came flooding to the surface.

Let’s go.
Raylock communicated telepathically with his brother.

They started running through the woods, on the very path Ashten had taken Jacky this morning. Brad ran out of the lodge and shifted, charging after them.

I can smell the dirty blood suckers.

“Slow down. We’re almost there.”

Raylock forced his legs to move slower as they walked down the embankment towards the stream, Brad behind him, backing them up.

His eyes had adjusted to the lack of light and he could see three male vampires and his precious girl standing between them. She looked unharmed, and as he drew closer his eyes did a quick assessment. No blood, no torn clothes, she didn’t look tired or bruised.

Thank you God.

She gave him a gentle smile and he relaxed his stance a little.

Ashten stepped forward, as the only human in their current group, addressing the vampires. “Hello Amire. Should I ask why you have taken our mate? Or would you like to get straight down to business?” Ashten’s voice was much calmer than Raylock’s would have been, and for once he was grateful for his brother’s calm temperament.

“When you left our talks there was no conclusion given to our plight. You have not told the new coven to leave our territories, nor have you come up with any solution that is convenient for us.”

Ashten stepped closer to the water’s edge and Raylock stayed back, keeping his eyes on the vampires in front of them.

Being Peacekeepers, Ashten, Brad and he were both stronger than the vampires, faster also, but the one factor that would weaken them was the fact that their mate was in the middle.

Raylock took a steadying breath as Jacky stepped forward, her hands clasped in front of her.

“These vampires would like a decision on the land and I said I’d speak on their behalf. I know that as Peacekeepers you need to keep everything as balanced as possible, but I believe these three have a history that cannot be ignored either.”

What the fuck?

Ashten turned towards him and nodded, his eyes strangely wide and startled. What had happened? Had the vampires somehow entranced her? They’d heard it was possible, but as their mate they had never assumed it couldn’t happen to her.

“Ashten?” Jacky asked, taking a step closer to the river.             

Closer to their land.

She gave them a single wink and Raylock’s heart soared. She was still herself, she was just being a clever girl. Saving herself when they’d failed her in finding her.

Shit… we failed her.

That realization hit him with the weight of a thousand punches, knocking the air out of his lungs and leaving him lightheaded for a moment.

He heard Ashten say, “We understand that. Three hundred years is a long time to have full ownership of such a large piece of land. But there are new vampires being born every day, and all of them need a place to hunt.”

Fucking blood suckers.

Jacky took another step towards the stream and so did they, mirroring her movement and readying themselves to grab her when they could.

His heart began to pound louder. He’d grab her alright. And those blood suckers were dead for laying a hand on her.

“Amire’s coven wants the rights to half of Canada and all of Alaska. I’m sure they can compromise a few towns? The eastern coast of Canada perhaps?”

There was a strange grumble from the vampires and their eyes glowed redder.

Easy Ashten. Just let them believe they’ve won, grab our girl, then I’ll kill them.

Jacky pivoted on the spot, inching back towards the water once again, closer to their land… closer to safety.

“Ashten, I’m sure they can think of some agreement, as long as you guarantee they keep the majority of the land. Do you have specific areas which are best, Amire?”

The head vampire was looking from one man to the other, his hands clenching at his sides.

Easy Ashten, don’t blow this.

Ashten spoke up. “Of course. Amire’s coven will have first choice and the majority of the lands. I only ask that they help our plight in making sure these new vampires have somewhere safe to hide and hunt, and perhaps Amire can give them a roster on towns to attack, so that the young ones learn how they are to behave.”

That’s the right tact, but why are you worrying about bartering now? They’re dead anyway. Deal null and voided.

Jacky was at the water now, several feet away from the vampires and they suddenly realized it.

Amire frowned at her. “Hey. Where are you going?”

“We’re almost done so I’m just getting ready.”

Amire growled and Jacky flinched, falling back into the water with a splash.

“No, I don’t think so.”

Brad, charge the vampires. Now.

Raylock roared and charged for the vampire who was scooping up his mate from the water.

Get Jacky! He’s mine.

He set his teeth into the neck of Amire, tearing at the man’s throat until thick, tangy metallic blood poured between his teeth.

Ashten grabbed Jacky as she screamed.

Run. We’ll take care of these.

Ashten took off onto their land and Raylock faced the other two vampires, Brad stepping up next to him. The vampires began to move around them in a predatory circle, their mouths open and fangs extended.

Raylock stood up on his back legs and roared to the sky, his magic whirling like smoke around a fireplace. Brad twisted around so they were back to back. Ready to take them down.

They both jumped at the same time and Raylock twisted, grabbing the one coming at him around the throat with both hands, squeezing their windpipes and dragging him to the ground.

Disgusting blood sucker. You’ll pay for that.

He dug in his long claws and ripped out his throat, his body going limp as someone else’s blood force drained out of him.

A struggle continued behind him for a moment and as he turned around he watched Brad pull the vampires head from his shoulders, and toss the head into the water.


Raylock pushed himself to his feet and let go of the bear inside him, shifting back to human form to look down at the bloody mess at his feet.

“It didn’t have to be like this, you stupid fools.”

He lifted his head and nodded at his brother. “Thanks.”

Brad shifted back and clapped him on the shoulder. “No problem. Let’s get back to our women.” And without another word they turned and ran back to their lodges. 

Hopefully Ashten had taken Jacky back to their home and put her in the shower to clean her up.

As soon as he could, he would make sure she forgot all the things that had happened to her. Hopefully she would also forgive them for failing to protect her, the one thing they’d sworn they would do.


Chapter 5.

Jacky couldn’t stop shaking. Her arms trembled and her teeth chattered. No matter how tight Ashten squeezed her, the shivering would not stop.

The door burst open and then banged shut again. She didn’t look up from her fetal position in Ashten’s lap. It had to be Raylock. Back from killing the vampires probably.

A hysterical laugh burst forth from her lips and she hiccupped.

Killing vampires. Since when did you think you’d ever use that to describe a normal day?

“Is she okay? What’s happened?”

“I didn’t know what else to do with her. She’s shaking like she’s freezing.”

Raylock grunted. “She’s in shock. Give her to me and go run a hot bath.”

She was moved from one set of arms to another and she didn’t fight, although she felt completely numb. So strange. She’d been brave when she’d needed to be, but now she just wanted to cry.

“I’ve got you. You’re safe now.” Raylock’s gruff voice washed over her and she let her eyes close, her shoulders slump into his arms.

He was so strong, so big, so warm. Naked too.

Hmmm…. Lovely.

“I know.”

A shiver ran over her and Raylock stood up, holding her tightly to his chest and walked towards the bathroom. “We’ll get you warm, and then put you to bed. Those vampires are never going to touch you again. I promise.” His voice was gruff and deep, rumbling in her ear.

Oh, no. What had he done?

“Are they…?”


He put her down on the bath’s edge and stripped her clothes off her in a few easy tugs, Ashten coming up next to her to hold her up when her legs would have given out. His hands helped with her disrobing and then they disappeared for a moment, Ashten coming back naked.

Raylock picked her up and lifted her into the hot bath. He sat down with her still in his lap, warmth surrounding her and making her gasp as it engulfed her.

All thoughts vanished as Ashten stepped in also, their hands washing her, scrubbing the day’s stress and filthy smell from her skin.

They’d come for her. Saved her.

She forced words to her throat. “Thank you for saving me from them. I didn’t know what they were going to do.”

Kill her probably, use her against the Peacekeepers most definitely.

Raylock pulled her tighter into the cradle of his lap, the huge steel bath allowing them to move through the water easily.

Ashten reached out and grabbed her chin, dragging her face up to him. Her eyes wouldn’t stop wandering. They were unfocused and she could barely keep them open.

“Look at me, our beautiful mate.”

She inhaled through her nose and pulled her eyes to Ashten’s face, concentrating hard to bring his gorgeous features into focus.

His eyes were sad, his mouth pulled into a thin line.

She reached up and cupped his cheek. What was wrong with him?

“We are so sorry, beautiful.”

She blinked slowly. He wasn’t making sense.

“What for?”

“For letting you get taken. I didn’t protect you this afternoon, and then now, you had to save yourself. We did so little, and as Peacekeepers it is our job to always keep you safe.”

“It is our
job. We failed you.” Raylock growled in her ear.

She turned her face and looked up at Raylock’s tense jaw. “You didn’t fail me.”

“We did.”

She turned her head from one of her mates to the other, a warmth—that had nothing to do with the hot water—pouring through her veins.

“I love you. I love you both, so much. I accept the responsibility of being your mate and I know I’m a bit shaky, but I can save myself too.”

A rumbly, cracked laugh sounded from Raylock as Ashten reached out and grabbed her, pulling her forward onto him.

Her legs drifted open and she straddled him, feeling his cock beneath her buttocks, his hungry body already ready for her.

“We know you can save yourself, beautiful. You’re smart and resilient, and we thank the fates that they sent us someone so strong.” Ashten grinned and gave her a kiss, touching his tongue to her lips and giving her a taste of the passion in store for her.

Her body was tired, her emotions strung tight, but she needed to feel her men next to her, within her, loving her.

Raylock’s hands moved down her spine, finding her arse and drifting between the crack to touch where she was most sensitive.

“Come to bed so we can show you how much we love you.” Raylock growled in her ear.

She rotated her hips, rubbing herself over Ashten’s stiff flesh and Raylock’s fingers. “So you guys love me too?”

Ashten grabbed her waist tight and thrust up so that his cock butted against her opening. “Of course we do! I’ve never been more scared than I was today when you were gone. You can never leave our land again—and if you do, it has to be with both of us. One isn’t enough, I’m not enough.”

She kissed Ashten, her sweet man. He must have felt so guilty about her abduction. She hadn’t really considered it before.

“It’s not your fault, Ashten. I didn’t know where the boundary was, and I should have respected the safety your land gave us. I had no idea there was such a huge difference.”

“So you forgive us for not protecting you as we should?”

Raylock’s voice was the softest she had ever heard it.

She couldn’t have that.

She twisted in Ashten’s arms and grabbed Raylock by the shoulders, wrapping her legs around his waist too.

“Of course I do. I love you. Now, are you two going to make love to me before I pass out? Because after the day I’ve had, I can’t guarantee I’ll still be awake in half an hour.”

Raylock shifted his weight and stood up with her still in his arms. The water ran down his chest and over her thighs and she shivered as the cooler air wrapped around her wet body.

“If we do our job right beautiful, you’ll be passed out in bliss before you know it.”

She moaned and nodded. She couldn’t wait for that. “Please.”

Raylock stepped out of the huge tub, how he maintained his balance while holding her, she had no idea. She just clung to his still wet shoulders and trusted that her men would look after her.

Ashten was in the main room stoking up the fire and as Raylock moved with her towards him, Ashten lifted a fluffy white towel, wiping at her body tenderly, almost reverently.

“I love you, Jacky.” Ashten’s voice was like silk as it wrapped around her heart.

“I love you too.” She reached for him and Raylock put her down on the floor, her feet sinking into the plush rug by the fireplace.

Ashten’s lips met hers and she let herself fall against him, knowing his strength would hold her up. Their tongues tangled, their hands searching and finding each other’s skin.

He tugged her to the floor and she lay down. The rug cushioned her spine as Ashten lay down on top of her, kissing her lips, her nose, her neck. Smothering her in love.

Desire coiled inside her belly as he moved lower, suckling her nipples until she cried out with the pleasure.

“Please.” She tugged at his head and he continued south, finding her throbbing clit with his tongue and swirling around and around it.

“Agh! Oh, God.” She clenched her hands into his long hair, writhing beneath his touch as he skillfully pushed her higher and higher.

“Lay back Ash, let her get on top of you.” Raylock’s deep voice echoed in the room, cutting off the hot, wet tongue that was pulsing between her thighs.

Ashten moved to obey his brother, lying on his back, his thick cock against his belly.

“Take me inside you, beautiful.”

Jacky couldn’t wait to oblige, jumping up on her knees and swinging her leg over Ashten’s waist.

“Yes, please.”

She took his length in her hand, lifting it up and impaling herself on him, sliding down and further down. The thick head spreading her open and pushing deep.

“Oh, wow.” She let her eyes close as she slid all the way down, Ashten ‘s cock stretching her, filling her.

“Kiss him.” Raylock’s gruff voice drifted over her back as his strong hand pressed between her shoulder blades, pushing her forwards onto Ashten.

Jacky went as encouraged, kissing Ashten as he gently thrust beneath her, stoking the blazing fire in her belly higher with each movement. But what was her other mate going to do?

Raylock’s mouth pressed against the small of her back, kissing each arse cheek and then sliding down between them.

Oh fuck!

Raylock’s tongue thrust into her from behind, the feeling completely foreign and yet so erotic. That was the most taboo part of her body and he wanted to possess it, she knew. There was going to be no holding back tonight.

Her cheeks burned, thinking about what he was doing, feeling the insistent thrust of his tongue as he readied her body for his entrance.

“Oh God…” He was going
, wasn’t he?

Ashten lifted his head so that he was speaking into her ear.

“We never want you to leave us, never Jacky. Stay with us forever, bond with us, mate with us, have our cubs.”

An orgasm rolled through her like a wave, squeezing tight as his words washed over her. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

She couldn’t keep her eyes open, she was drowning in a sea of liquid, hot pleasure.

Ashten reached between their bodies and stroked her clit, sparking the fire within her. She cried out as she felt Raylock move and the tip of his cock press against her back entrance.

Too much. This is going to be too much.

“Push back against me sweetheart. Let me in.”

She shut down any doubts and moved as he asked, pressing back against the blunt, hot end of his cock and gasping as he pushed forward.

Burning pain shot through her as he forged forward, rocking into her inch by inch.

“I can’t…” She began to tense up, tightening around both of them. It was too much. He was too big.

Ashten spoke into her ear. “You can take both of us. Relax beautiful. We love you. You’re made for us.”

His words sunk inside her heart and she followed the words, relaxing her muscles and moaning as Ashten thrust up hard and Raylock filled her completely.

“She’s so hot. Quick brother.”

Jacky reached one hand behind her and grabbed Raylock’s arm where it held her hip and the other hand she clamped down onto Ashten’s bicep.

Her men. Her mates.

They moved together, thrusting in and out of her, shattering her nerve endings and blowing apart her mind with each slide of their cocks within her body.

Her orgasm grew and grew within her belly, tightening until, like a coiled spring, she blew apart in a shower of sparkling light.

“Jacky! God, I’m cumming.” Ashten arched his back and pulsed inside her moments before she heard Raylock’s groan as he filled her too.

They all stopped breathing for a single moment, the heat in the air clinging to their straining bodies.

Then Raylock slipped out of her exhausted body, rolled her and they all fell together in a heap of limbs and gasping breaths.

“That was even more incredible than I’d dreamed,” Ashten managed to say between panting breaths and Raylock just grunted and drew her closer.

She tried to laugh but couldn’t. She tried to speak but couldn’t.

Jacky smiled and let sleep claim her. Her last coherent thought being,
my life since I met you has surpassed even my most ridiculous fantasies…









BOOK: Her Protectors (Peacekeepers Book 2)
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