Read Her Master's Collar (On the Hunt) Online

Authors: Sara Brookes

Tags: #Erotica

Her Master's Collar (On the Hunt) (8 page)

BOOK: Her Master's Collar (On the Hunt)
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His free hand started to roam her body, brushing against her shoulder and then her elbow before closing around her wrist. As he securely held her, his tongue nudged her lips open. She accepted, sucking on him as he invaded her mouth. If she’d thought her body had been calling to him earlier, now it was shouting through a bullhorn.

Her world tilted when he inhaled as he drove deeper. Despite the way he ravaged her mouth, he kissed her as if he alone controlled time and space. As if he had all the time in the universe to waste. Pleasure sliced through her core, her lips burning from the pressure as her head started to spin. Slowly and carefully, his tongue possessed her, teasing her tongue to spar with his.

Her clit throbbed, unsatisfied with the inattention it was receiving. She wanted his mouth covering her down there too, sucking and nipping in much the same manner.

He pulled away, nibbling casually on her swollen lips as they parted. Her breath huffed out, fluttering the collar of his shirt. She expected him to kiss her again, but instead, he shoved his hands into his pockets as he stepped to the far side of the hallway. His intense gaze seemed to bore through her. He kept those glorious eyes on her as he used his elbow to hit the lock for the suite across the hall.

“One day.” He winked as the door slid closed.

Damn the man.

Chapter Four


One day at a time.

Roland’s words echoed in her head as she took a shower the next morning. Her body still burned for him, still called out for him to put his hands on her. Even though she’d cursed him for three hours last night, the fact he’d left her in order to give them both breathing room gave her clarity.

Sex would cloud things.

No mistake, the lack of it had certainly clouded her sleep last night.

As she stepped from the shower, she ran her hands through her wet hair. Air jets embedded in the walls dried her skin as she twisted her hair up and out of the way on top of her head. Skin dry and fragrant with the scent of lilies, she stepped into the spacious room. Only to discover she wasn’t alone. Someone was with her and the someone wasn’t Finley.

Heat darkened Roland’s eyes, her body singing in delight at the sight of him standing there in a pair of loose-fitting blue coveralls. A chill swept down her breasts, tightening her nipples into taut peaks. She tried to cover the response, but it was evident Roland noticed.

He moved to step closer, but she held up a hand to stop him. She didn’t want a repeat of last night. “Give me a minute and I’ll get dressed.”

“Don’t.” He reached out, using the barest of touches to skim his fingers over her collarbone, the hollow at her throat and down between her breasts. Fingernails gently scraped over her skin as he slowly traced the underside of her breast. Her breathing increased as his thumb grazed over her nipple.

His hands moved to bracket her waist, tugging her to his body. She sighed when his tongue swept one tight bud into his mouth. He suckled, gently at first, alternating with quick nips from his teeth before he soothed away the burn with his tongue. The incredible feel made her toes curl against the lavish area rug. His wet tongue skimmed over the peak, causing her back to arch in offering.

This is exactly what she’d wished for last night. No, not wished—

She came alive under his touch so quickly, it was hard to ignore how he made her yearn. Pushing every single misgiving aside, she succumbed. She pushed her hands over the curve of his head, pulling him closer as he trailed a path to her other breast and showered the same amount of attention on it.

He sucked harder, pulling a sharp inhalation from her as tension coiled in her pussy. His arms became an iron bar around her waist, unyielding as he continued to sample her. Dampness flooded the space between her legs, but it wasn’t because she’d just taken a shower. She wanted him to hold command over her as he’d once done with such expert precision and grace, even though she’d explicitly said she couldn’t accept his collar. There was a difference between sex and domination, a certain familiarity to the place where she forgot the rest of the universe existed. Where she could come simply as his direction.

She needed their play.

Needed him to be the one directing her because his control filled a need that had been cold and barren for far too long.

As if reading her thoughts, he straightened, lifting a hand to close it behind her neck. She expected him to crush their mouths together or maybe apologize for the liberty he’d taken, but instead, he stepped to the side.

“Hands on the bench. Spread your legs for me, pet.” He tapped his fingers against her neck. “Now.” The command liquefied her knees as the power of it swamped her. She had no choice but to move in order to find something to steady herself. His hand stayed on her nape even as she bent forward. “You said you couldn’t accept my collar again, but your body says you still need me.”

She swallowed against the dryness coating her throat. “Yes. I do.”

“Just as I promised, it will be one day, one moment at a time. If you can put your trust in me again to give you what you need instead of what you want. We had that place once. I believe we can have it again, even without a collar. I won’t push harder than I feel is necessary.” Sure fingers cupped her slick heat, stroking the folds of her wetness.

The room spun.

The excruciating tension caused her to close her eyes. Everything about his touch spoke of power. He leaned over, moving his hand slightly to part her lips so he could slide two fingers inside her pussy. She actually felt her flesh swell around his intruding touch.

He held his fingers inside her, unmoving. The hand on the back of her neck moved, sliding around so he lifted her face so she looked directly at him. “I would never abandon you again, not like I did. This is my vow to you.”

His fingers thrust forward as his mouth closed over hers. Slow and even strokes caused her to sigh into his mouth as her body ignited. He continued to bestow the hot, hard kisses on her, devastating her mouth with his own arousal.

He pushed her higher, forcing her to take what he gave. The waves of pleasure were unbearable, yet her hips lifted in response for more. Those first glorious tendrils of arousal spread through her, expanding each time he thrust. Her muscles tightened around his fingers as his kiss deepened. He drank as if he’d never tasted her before. As if he would never experience anything this powerful with her again.

The wet sound of their flesh moving together, the slide of his fingers against the walls of her slick channel, drove her higher, making it incredibly hard to concentrate. Frustrated, she growled softly as she ground back against his fingers. She wanted to savor what his touch did to her, but wanted to get off at the same time. Judging by the way he chuckled as he continued to silently demand of her, he didn’t appear to share her opinion. He drove her closer to the edge, slow and easy to build the pressure to excruciating levels. He pumped deep and hard, each slide a delicious thrill as pleasure rocked her foundation.

She clutched at the cushion of the bench, desperately holding on as his powerful thrusts caused her to rock forward onto the balls of her feet. Her body responded with a constant hum of need each time he impaled her.

“Your cunt is so hot and wet. Sweet. Like a tight fist around my fingers. You really haven’t been with anyone else, have you?” She shook her head, gritting her teeth as he drove harder and deeper than before. “Answer me.”

Incredible pleasure ripped through her lower extremities, pulling a strangled groan from her. “Fuck.”

He leaned closer to her ear, flicking his thumb over her pulsating clit. “I am fucking you, pet. Though I’m beginning to rethink doing so unless you answer me.” He started to withdraw his fingers, causing her to whimper in protest. “I asked you a question, Korene.”

“You already know the answer.”

“Indulge me.”

The bastard already knew the answer, but that didn’t matter. He wanted to hear her verbal acknowledgement. Again. “Damn you.”

He burst out laughing, holding just the tips of his fingers inside her opening as he continued to slowly stroke her clit. “Yes, damn me and damn my dominating soul for finding a sick fascination with the idea of you submitting to me even after watching you put Parkin in his place in your boardroom.” His fingers shoved forward, picking up the pace he’d abandoned earlier as his lips pressed against the side of her neck.

His voice turned rough. “So damn me for wanting to bind your ankles and wrists with my ropes so you’re vulnerable to whatever whims I have. Damn me for wanting to spank your ass red to rid you of this obstinate streak. And damn me for wanting to fuck you so thoroughly you’re forced to stay in my bed because you can’t walk.”

A tremor ran through her body as his confession broke through her upheaval of emotions and feelings. She lifted her gaze, struck by the confident power gazing back at her. Her heart gave a sharp thud. “Just you, Roland. No one else.”

“And no one else for me, my precious pet.”

Her breathing stalled as his words washed over her. Her stomach vaulted into her throat as if she hung on to those glorious few seconds before plummeting violently down the hill. Waves of pleasure rippled outward as she hung on the pinnacle of release for what seemed like forever.

“That’s it.” His voice rumbled in his chest. “Remind me how beautiful you are when you come.”

Permission granted, the pressure released and burst forth into a thousand sparkling stars. Sensation roared through her, merging with waves of unrelenting pleasure as he shoved her over the cliff. White filled her vision as she fell screaming into the orgasm, into his mouth. Her body shattered from the intensity as the climax tore free. Unleashed, she came apart as she rolled with the powerful waves as she continued to ride his hand. The delicate flesh between her legs was swollen and oversensitive, susceptible to the slight movement.

He continued to move, ramming home the fact her body wasn’t her own as he extended her pleasure until she drenched his hand. She hadn’t experienced this kind of potent release in a long time, which made it difficult to maintain. Yet, he found a way to keep her spilling over the edge. The power of the unrelenting releases drove down into her core, rendering her helpless.

Unable to sustain her balance, her knees gave way. He went to the floor with her, providing the strong support she needed as her body shook with pleasure. He continued to drive into her hard and fast until a sheen of sweat coated her body from the exertion. She splintered again and again, her pussy squeezing those clever fingers. She milked them, groaning into his mouth again as her body continued to tremble.

She went limp and loose, melting from the inside out as the walls of her cunt spasmed another release. A shock of pleasure bolted through her veins as he slowly extracted his fingers. Her heart hammering away, she cracked open her eyes to find him licking his fingers. Soft rumbles of pleasure vibrated his chest against her arm as he savored her taste.

“Christ, baby, I’d forgotten how superb your cum tastes. So tangy and sweet. Heady stuff.” He leaned down to brush a tender kiss over her mouth, his hand now roaming her body. The sheer bliss of their connection making her lust-drunk. His hands shifted, cradling her body to his. This was something else she missed. The comfort of his arms as she basked in the utter pleasure he’d gifted upon her. As he cossetted her after making his sometimes harsh demands.

While this paled in comparison to other times they’d been together when she’d been collared, he still recognized her needs as a submissive. The attention to detail was what made him an excellent Dom. And stood as a reminder she had been so fortunate to find him so long ago.

“There is nothing more satisfying than having you come apart in my arms. I’ve missed having my hands on, and in, you.” Emotion colored his voice. “Missed the fresh scent of your skin when you come out the shower. Missed the way your eyes go dark and unfocused when you come. Missed your taste…hell, I’ve just missed you, period.”

She swallowed and nodded, her nerves still trying to find some semblance of normal. “Even after all these years, Roland, you’ve managed to surprise me.”

His lips pressed against her sweaty forehead. “Wouldn’t be very good if I did everything you expect, would I?”

“Speaking of expectations…something tells me your crew is going to be angry when we show up late.”

Roland snorted. “Markus has already called twice. Once while my fingers were shoved inside you. You were in the middle of coming, if you really want to know. Let them sweat for a few minutes.” His hold around her shoulders tightened, indicating he intended to release her when he was good and ready. “I wanted to do that last night, but you needed some time, didn’t you?”

She looked up, smiling at his curious expression. “Yes. And thank you. This wouldn’t have happened at all if you’d tried then.”

The sheet from her bed drifted around her shoulders. He tucked in the corners, turning her to face him while he placed his back against the bench he’d just bent her over. “We may not be on the most stable ground, but I still know what you want.”

“Better than I do, right?” As she sat on his thighs, she bracketed her hands on his waist. She’d always loved the feel of his strong muscles hidden beneath the fabric under her hands. She hadn’t taken the time earlier to appreciate the firm lines of his body. She’d have to correct that at some future point when they had more time.

He gave her a half smile. “Always.”

“You know we’re not back to the way things were. Just because—”

He caught her hand midair. “I never assumed anything, Korene. You should know better. I didn’t come in here expecting everything would be fixed and perfect. And I didn’t expect you to change your mind either just because I got you off. Quite splendidly, I might add. I’d forgotten how magical you are.” He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, his eyes flashing in a way her guts did some kind of funny cartwheel. “If I wasn’t willing to work at gaining back your trust completely, I wouldn’t have touched you in the first place.

“Now, as much as I enjoy the view and would like to stay here with you and get familiar with this gorgeous body of yours again, we should get going. I think Markus is determined to blow my eardrums out.”

* * * * *


A curve of crystal-clear
arced high overhead as they walked down the exit ramp. Despite what most people thought, the surface of Mars wasn’t the vivid rich red pictures represented. The shades of red and orange were actually dull and muted. And most of the landscape mirrored the deserts spread over a large part of Earth. Still, the view was downright gorgeous.

BOOK: Her Master's Collar (On the Hunt)
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