Read Her Gentle Capture Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General, #Romance

Her Gentle Capture (9 page)

BOOK: Her Gentle Capture
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“That’s impossible,” she whispered.

Mitch took her hand and pulled her off of the hard bench, dragging her down the street to one of the delis. “You’re a good player,” he told her, handing her a turkey and Swiss on rye. How did he already know her favorite sandwich? “Sorry I distracted you. But that’s part of my strategy also,”
he told her and handed her a cup of water while he grabbed an iced tea.

“Let’s eat over there.” He led her to a park bench, handing her a bag of chips. “Talk to me,” he commanded.

“No,” she said and took a bite of her sandwich. “You caused me to lose quickly on that last round of chess. So I’m not going to talk to you.”

He laughed and moved closer to her. “You’re cute when you’re riled
up. So about that dress,” he said.

Adriana rolled her eyes. “I have a dress.”

“Is it low cut?” he asked. “And really short?”

She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. “Are we going to a formal event or the red light district?”

He threw back his head and laughed. “Okay, I’ll allow that you have excellent taste in clothes,” he said, looking down at her jeans that were about a size too
big for her. “Even though you have been losing too much weight. Eat,” he told her and nudged the arm holding her sandwich.

The rest of the afternoon was light and relaxing. And Mitch dropped her off at her apartment around five o’clock, warning her not to be late or he’d send out the cavalry.

Adriana had no idea what the cavalry might be in his mind, but she was pretty sure she didn’t want
to find out. Besides, she was looking forward to the night. There was something going on, something different between them today. It had been nice and relaxing, but difficult to ignore. A tension perhaps? She wasn’t sure, but she knew that she was looking forward to the evening. She was really glad she’d been to her gynecologist’s office yesterday and gotten on birth control. She had a feeling
that she was going to need it.



Chapter 6


Mitch took a sip of the scotch, irritated that she wasn’t here. He’d specifically told her that she needed to be here at seven and here it was, seven-fifteen.

She wasn’t going to show up.

Why that thought irritated him he wasn’t exactly sure. Why this one woman had gotten underneath his skin so quickly and so completely, he didn’t want to even examine. All he knew was that, ever
since she’d sauntered into that meeting months ago with her tight skirts that looked like she belonged on a Hollywood lawyer’s set instead of a corporate office, he’d been fascinated. He couldn’t figure out how a woman at her pay level could afford such expensive clothes, but he certainly appreciated each and every one of them.

Maybe she made them herself. The thought occurred to him and he
really liked that idea. She was extremely smart and creative in the different ways she was starting to analyze and demonstrate the data. Why wouldn’t she be able to make her own clothes?

Except for the fact that he’d bought one of those suits for his previous mistress.

Clenching his teeth, his irritation grew. Where was the damn woman? If she’d decided to ditch him tonight, he’d just head
right over to her apartment and….that thought made his body tighten. Now he was hoping she wouldn’t show up. He definitely wouldn’t mind heading to her place and finishing what they kept dancing around. He’d peel her out of whatever designer outfit she’d donned. Maybe it would be something soft and comfortable. He’d like to dress her in cashmere. And silk. Yes, he wouldn’t mind seeing her in
something soft and silky. Something that would slither softly to the floor when he took it off of her to reveal….

His glass of scotch froze halfway to his mouth as he watched the woman with the stunning silver and grey gown walk into the ballroom. He was vaguely aware of others turning to look at her, wonder who she was but every other part of him was enraptured by the way she walked. He wasn’t
positive, but he was pretty sure that his heart stopped while he watched her look around. And then she found him. Even from this distance, he could see the surprise, the wariness enter her eyes. He put down his drink and started walking across the room, knowing that, if he didn’t reach her quickly, she would turn around and run.

No way, my beauty, he thought to himself. You’re mine tonight.

Adriana watched him, her terrified mind playing through all the options. She really should just get out of here. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t wait for him as he walked across the ballroom. This wasn’t her show and she couldn’t handle this man. He would never listen to her requests and follow them.

Before she could move, he was standing in front of her, taking her shaking fingers
in his strong grip and pulling her into the ballroom.

“You look beautiful,” he said even as his arms pulled her closer. Before she could respond, they were dancing and he was pulling her even closer, his heat making her breathing ragged.

“I can’t stay here long,” she told him, her hands lightly resting on his shoulders. Her eyes took in his chest, the fine material of his tuxedo shirt and
a large part of her wanted to slide her hands underneath the expensive wool of his tuxedo jacket and feel the soft, expensive silk of his tailored shirt, wanted to find the muscles underneath that material and explore.

But could she handle the consequences of that desire? They danced like that for several minutes, their bodies moving, gliding, shifting together. She wanted something, but was
too afraid of him giving it to her.

Taking her hand, he led her off of the dance floor, finding a quiet corner. “Have some champagne,” he said, grabbing a glass off of a passing waiter. “Now tell me why you look like you’re about to bolt out of here like a scared rabbit,” he said, shifting slightly so that she was looking only at him while his shoulders blocked out the rest of the ballroom
and its occupants.

Adriana took a sip of the excellent champagne. “Perhaps because I’m about to bolt out of here like a scared rabbit.”

He was stunned by her honesty. He looked down at her appreciatively. “If I’m very gentle with you, will that ease your concerns?” he asked, his hand moving to her arm, feeling the soft texture as well as the shiver his touch generated.

She laughed softly
and shook her head. “I don’t think you know how to be gentle,” she replied, unable to look him in the eye.

“You could teach me,” he countered. Both of them were surprised by that comment but he knew he would be careful with her. She wasn’t like the other women he’d dated. She was sweet and kind, teased him with her intelligence and made him want her with that soft, delectable body of hers.

Her heart softened with those words. Adriana knew that was silly, that he was probably playing her, but the combination of his deep voice, the need in her body and the hope that this man could make her feel something other than just contentment seduced her. It made her want to seduce him.

It was a ridiculous feeling, but she couldn’t stop the thought from forming in her mind. It occurred to
her that she couldn’t change a man, but she pushed that aside. Surely he couldn’t be that horrible if he wanted her to teach him to be gentle, right? Or was she deluding herself?

They stared at each other for a long moment, the music, the noise of the other people surrounding them, fading into the background. She looked up into his crystal blue eyes and knew what she was going to do. Thankfully,
she’d visited her doctor and she was protected from pregnancy. Was she protected against a broken heart? That she couldn’t guarantee.

“I can’t make you gentle,” she finally said. “I can only hope that you’ll be kind.”

Those words hit him like the force of an anvil and he swallowed almost painfully. If she wanted him to be kind, he’d figure out how to be kind. If she wanted him to be gentle,
hell, he could hire someone to teach him to be gentle. He’d be anything she’d want of him right at this moment.

“Come with me,” he told her, grabbing her hand.

She smiled tremulously and looked around, suddenly remembering where they were. “Don’t you need to socialize?” she asked, trying to pretend that they weren’t about to rush out of this gala and do what she knew what they were going
to do. She could see the intent in his eyes and shivered with anticipation.

She wanted him. That was the bottom line. For the past several days, their time had been leading up to this moment, this night. And she couldn’t turn him away. Possibly if he hadn’t said those words, she might have been able to resist, but she wasn’t positive of that.

“I need you,” he told her. Gently, as if
she were a fragile piece of china, he took her hand and lifted it to his lips. Looking down at her, he ached to lift her into his arms and carry her out of this place. He saw the desire, the desperate need that he too was feeling but he also saw the fear and anxiety. Mitch didn’t want any of that on her mind when he made love to this woman. Normally he wouldn’t care, he would just walk away.
But Adriana, for whatever reason, was different. He was different around her. She wanted him to be kind, therefore, he wanted to be kind for her.

Tucking her hand on his arm, he led her around, introducing her to several of his acquaintances. But the whole time, every moment their eyes caught with one another, there was an electric shock that went through both of them. She sipped champagne,
he drank scotch and their eyes smoldered, their bodies moved closer and closer to each other.

Adriana watched with her breath held most moments, wondering if he was going to toss her over his shoulder and carry her out of the room. The idea definitely had merit and her cheeks flamed with color at the thought. Mitch looked down at her at that precise moment and his eyebrow went up, silently
asking her what she’d been thinking. But when the blush only deepened and she was unable to express her thoughts, the heat in his eyes reached nuclear heat proportions. The fingers holding her hand tightened for a moment before he took a breath and Adriana watched with fascination as he struggled to control himself. He briefly closed his eyes and a moment later, he looked down at her again, the
fires banked but still hot.

That heat made her body respond and she wasn’t aware of her mouth falling open slightly but every cell in her body was unconsciously inviting him to release that control, to give in to the need that was sparking between the two of them.

“Let’s go,” he whispered hoarsely.

He took her hand and started heading towards the door. Thankfully, he didn’t embarrass her
by dragging her across the room. But nor did he linger with any of the groups that were trying to get his attention. With polite finality, he nodded his head and kept moving.

By the time they were outside, his limousine was already waiting, door open and he held her hand while he helped her into the back. But when the door closed, he lifted her into his arms. She snuggled on his lap, her
breathing rapid as she stared at him. His hands rested calmly on her waist but there wasn’t anything calm about him. He was little more than a barely leashed panther.

Oddly, she had no fear of him now. She could feel the tension in him and it was mirrored within her but she knew that he would take care of her. The hands at her waist clenched and that very slight movement seemed to break
the spell that had been holding them back. He jerked her to his chest, covering her mouth with his and he ravished her, his kiss making that ache intensify to an almost painful, desperate need.

He kissed her as if she were his only lifeline, like he was taking his breath from her and she didn’t want it to stop. Wrapping her arms around his neck, her fingers dove into the soft depths of his
black hair, holding his head close to hers while her body pressed closer, moving against his in a way that she’d never even thought was possible.

When the vehicle pulled to a stop outside of a large building, he lifted his head, then carried her out of the car, setting her onto the cement sidewalk. But he quickly took her hand and led her inside. Adriana didn’t see the doorman open the glass
doors or the security personnel standing guard by the elevators. She wasn’t even aware of Mitch putting in a code to make the elevators move. All she could sense was the sexual tension that vibrated between the two of them. He pushed her back against the cab of the elevator, his arms pinning her still but he didn’t kiss her. She stared up at him, willing him to lean down and kiss her again
but he only said, “Cameras,” in almost a whisper and she understood.

The moment the doors opened up again, he almost yanked her through them, kissing her and bending her backwards to get more of her. She happily gave it to him, her hands once again diving into his hair, feeling the strength in his neck and moving lower, pushing the jacket off of those magnificent shoulders.

She was unaware
of his deft fingers loosening the hooks at the back of her neck or of the subtle slide of the zipper on the side of her dress. All she knew was that cold air touched her skin suddenly and then his hands were there, warming her, heating her. Making her hot and aching. She was unexpectedly swung up into his strong arms as he carried her effortlessly through his penthouse. There were subtle lights
illuminating strategic areas of the room, but she didn’t take her eyes off of him. And he didn’t lower her legs until he was standing next to his enormous bed. He only released her legs though, keeping his arms around her back while his fingers trailed down the slender curve of her spine, causing more shivers to race along her body.

With a strong movement, he lifted her up and placed her in
the center of his bed, looking down at her. Adriana suddenly realized that she was almost naked, and a shyness came over her. But he shook his head while his hands moved quickly to his bow tie, tossing it to the side. “Don’t,” he urged, his eyes looking down at her, demanding that he be allowed to look at her.

Normally, Adriana would rebel against a command like that, but there was something
in his eyes, possessiveness or perhaps just heat, that made her proud of her figure, excited that he wanted to see her.

She forced her hands away, feeling the soft comforter underneath her and she took a deep breath. It wasn’t like she was completely naked, she reminded herself. The strapless bra and her underwear hid the most private parts of her.

But Mitch only took the time to unbutton
his shirt before he was back, looming over her. Those magical fingers drew a line of fire from her shoulder down between her breasts, then running a trail along the edge of her lace bra, making her close her eyes with need.

“Open your eyes,” he told her. “I want to see how you’re feeling. I want to know what you’re thinking and I can’t do it when your eyes are closed.”

Adriana opened her
eyes, feeling that sensual tug once more. When his hands unclasped her bra, she was staring right into his eyes. But then those blue eyes moved downwards and it took all of her restraint to keep herself from covering her breasts. He was the only man who had seen her like this but he didn’t know that.

Thankfully, the way he was looking at her made her feel sexy and beautiful. She wasn’t ashamed
and his fingers touched her stomach, making that need swell up and she arched into his hand. “Please!” she gasped, feeling something in her stomach, and lower, start to throb but she was too new at this to know how to appease that throbbing.

His smile was strained and his eyes flared. “Oh no, my pretty lady. You’ve been torturing me for weeks, months even. I’m going to make this last.”

She shook her head. “I haven’t…”

“You might not have done it intentionally,” he said, standing up again, his hands going to the zipper of his slacks. “But I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you in that conference room.”

Adriana lifted her head up, wanting to see him even though her face flared once again with color. “You couldn’t have…”

“Want to bet?” he asked as he reached into his
bedside table and pulled out several condoms, tossing them onto the bed beside her. She looked down at the pile and gasped.

BOOK: Her Gentle Capture
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