Read Her Doctor Daddy Online

Authors: Shelly Douglas

Her Doctor Daddy (8 page)

BOOK: Her Doctor Daddy
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“Fuck! I hate that name!” he screamed, flailing his arms at the television.

A special task force has been assembled to work on this case and the police are urging all women to be careful when traveling alone. This is Meredith McDonough reporting live from Lauderdale by the Sea.

“That’s all?” he shrieked. “Just a five-minute spot on the news? Hell, local stations should be interrupting their normal broadcasts with special reports on this all day! What does someone have to do to get some damn attention around here?”

Picking up his half-filled can of beer, he angrily heaved it against the wall across the room. The golden liquid instantly splattered and he raced over to inspect the obvious dent left in the drywall.

“Shit, see what you made me do, you little cunt? Now I’m going have to spend the rest of my night cleaning this shit up.” Grabbing his head in frustration, he began pulling at his dark wavy hair.

I can’t stay in this God-forsaken apartment one more minute.

And then he stood still, his eyes darting. With a maniacal smile on his face, he strode back to his bedroom, opened the closet door, and began to rummage through his racks of clothes.

Wait. First, I have to decide what kind of face to put on.

Backing out of the closet, he turned and stroked his chin, staring at the three new hairpieces resting on individual Styrofoam heads atop his dresser. After stretching one over his scalp, he stood in front of the mirror and debated.

No moustache tonight, I wore one on my last date.

Returning to his closet, he selected a gray pinstripe suit, white starched shirt, and a dark tie.

I should be driving a white Lincoln Continental Town Coupe tonight instead of a light blue 1968 VW Bug.

After a final check in the mirror, he stretched his hands, indicating that it was show time. Carefully opening the front door of his apartment, he checked both ways to see if anyone was lingering outside. The last thing he needed was for some asshole to identify him in one of his new
. After determining that the coast was clear, he smiled and slipped into the shadows down the paved walkways. Finally feeling confident that he’d avoided any detection, he peered around and cruised out into the dimly lit parking lot.

I love to watch young women in search of successful, out-of-town businessmen. Unfortunately, the ending won’t be so happy for my date this evening…

With that last thought in mind, he opened his car door and got comfortable in the front seat. Adjusting his yellow tinted aviator frames in the rearview mirror, he spoke out loud in a low, raspy voice. “Which lucky lady should I choose tonight?”

Chapter Twelve



A week later, Raul and Lexi sat on her couch watching the evening news.

Her scream was ear-piercing and frantic. The loud noise should’ve woken the entire neighborhood,” the woman being interviewed said. “I instantly locked the front door and ran to my back window, which overlooks the parking lot. It was just getting dark out and he had to have known that someone was watching him drag that woman into the car. As his head rose to look up, he stared at me. I’ll never forget those evil eyes as long as I live. It was a stare that made me shiver.

The camera quickly cut to the broadcaster sitting behind his desk. “
Laura Lytle told her friends she was going for a quick swim after work last night, but she never returned to her room in the Stardust Apartments. If anyone has seen her or has additional information, please call the police immediately at either of these numbers…

As they flashed her picture on screen with the hotline numbers running underneath it, Raul stood up and turned the television off.

“Just listening to that report made the skin on the back of my neck prickle,” Lexi said, her voice trembling.

He crossed his arms and arched a dark eyebrow. “I’m not very happy about you living here alone, kiddo.”

“Well, I don’t think I’d be welcome moving in with Ronnie and Katie. Come on, you’ve been driving me to work every night, whether it’s your shift or not. So, except for two days a week, I’m not here overnight by myself.”

“It just doesn’t seem safe to me,” he said, returning to the couch. “Since we’re both off tonight, I can sleep right here,” he said, patting the large cushion. “This looks comfortable enough.”

She snuggled back into his lap. “Don’t you think it would be cozier in my bed?”

“Uh-huh,” he said, maneuvering her over his knee to apply a playful swat to her bottom.

“Ouch!” she yelped, attempting to protect her backside with one hand. “Come on, it’ll be like a sleepover.”

But he caught her wrist with quick agility and landed another resounding smack to the seat of her shorts with his large palm. “Go get ready for bed, young lady and I’ll tuck you in. Unless you’d care to argue with me some more,” he warned, reaching for his belt.

Just being over his knee like that managed to cause a flurry of action inside her pussy, and she was a little sad that he was cutting their play short. “No, sir,” she said in a disappointed tone, rolling off his lap. “There are a couple of blankets in the hall closet. I’ll get you one.”


* * *


Lexi’s eyes flew open as all the air had been forced from her lungs. A hideous yelping noise was coming from the outside and it was getting louder. Without a sound coming from her throat, she stumbled out of the bed and rushed into the living room. When she saw that Raul wasn’t on the couch, she panicked and ran into the kitchen, her heart pumping furiously as she stopped dead in her tracks to find him sitting on top of the kitchen counter, casually popping a grape into his mouth.

“What’s the matter, sweet pea?” he asked, hopping down to take her by the shoulders.

Confused, she peered up into his warm eyes. “Didn’t you hear that woman crying outside?”

“The yowling out back? Lexi, that’s just a couple of cats in heat,” he said, gesturing toward the parking lot of the apartment complex. “They’re obviously looking for someone to love tonight,” he joked, hugging her close.

She buried her head into his chest, her eyes filling with tears. “Oh, my God… I thought…”

“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I should’ve turned the damn television off sooner. That gruesome report scared the crap out of you.”

“At first I figured it was a nightmare. It sounded like someone was being kidnapped… or worse.” She realized her knees were wobbly, and he must have noticed it too, since he put his strong arms under her legs to swoop her up.

“Do you think I’m being silly, Raul?”

“No, there are terrifying things going on in this city, and that’s why it bothers me when you’re alone. Especially at night.”

“Can I sleep on the couch with you? I promise not to be a bother,” she said shyly.

Carrying her into the bedroom, he carefully placed her onto the mattress. “You’re not the one I don’t trust,” he responded with a slight wink.

“Please!” she begged with tears in her eyes. “I’m afraid to be alone right now.”

He tipped her chin with one strong finger and spoke in a firm, direct voice. “It’s probably not a good idea. Taking care of you is one thing, but sleeping together is another story. We work side by side, remember? And we both know I’m much older…”

“But I feel so safe with you. When I’m in your arms I feel like nothing can hurt me. I’ve never felt that way before.” With tears dripping from her eyes, she took his hand and drew him close to her body. She knew the shaky little girl’s voice coming from her throat was pleading, but just didn’t care.

Mi querida
…” The tone was guttural, and his accent thick with desire. Bolder than she’d ever heard before. And then he lowered his lips to meet hers.

“Please. You know it’s what I want. What we both want,” she said, her voice barely audible.

“Do you have protection?”

“Yes, of course,” she continued, barely in a whisper.

With a low growl, his back straightened as he yanked his T-shirt up and over his head. After tossing it on the floor, he shoved down his jeans and underwear together and stepped out of them. Staring downward into Lexi’s eyes, he grasped the bottom of her short cotton nightgown in his hands and gently moved it upward. His head tilted as he sat on the bed, gazing over her naked body.

“This means you’re going to be only mine now. Do you understand that, my sweetheart?” he asked in a low, serious tone, his lips descending onto hers, capturing them with a lustful kiss.

“I’m ready to be yours,” she answered in a whisper.

Moving in closer, he separated her legs with one knee and bent over to tease her labia with his wet lips. Closing her eyes, she reveled in his tongue gliding up and down her velvety folds and pushed herself against him as he thrust deep into her swollen cunny. With her head thrashing and hips bucking upward, she fervently pressed her soaked pussy against his face. The distinct aroma of her scent was in the air as her juices mixed with his saliva, and while the liquid flowed mightily down the crevice of her ass, she jutted her legs into the air. Without warning, the tip of his finger lightly brushed over her tight rosebud.

“Oooh.” Though it was oddly arousing, no one had ever touched her there before, and her body stiffened as he lightly pushed the pad of his thumb inside her snug little hole.

“Ahh, someday I’ll take you here, but not tonight,
mi querida
,” he said, pulling backward.

Inhaling a short heated breath, she watched with widened eyes as he stroked his swollen, reddened shaft. “Is my little kitten ready for me?” Spreading her legs, he positioned his cock at her wet entrance while closing his lips around her warm, stiff nipple. As he suckled and then tugged slightly with his teeth, her face radiated with arousal.

“More?” he whispered.

“Oh, God. Yes. Don’t stop,” she moaned.

“I want you to ask politely, little miss,” he growled in a low tone, gently stroking the line of her collarbone.

“Please. Fuck. Me. Dr. Morales,” she begged, arching her back, her pussy aching with need, her clit throbbing in anticipation.


* * *


Straightening his upper torso, he took hold of her wrists and pulled them over her head. With piercing eyes locked onto hers, his steamy gaze communicated that this wasn’t a game. It was the real thing for him.

As he rubbed his surging cock up and down the hot, soaking slit of her sex, Lexi’s legs spread further in supplication, silently begging him to sink into her heated core. Pulling back one more time to look into her eyes, his lips finally seared onto hers with a fevered possessiveness, his thick sword edging into her tight sheath, the strokes building mightily. Slow and deliberate, his strides were steady and deep-seated over and over, her moans quickly escalating to groans until he felt her clench and flutter around his hard shaft. Thrusting into her one final time, he ground his pelvis hard against hers and shattered as she squeezed convulsively around him.

Shuddering in breaths of gasping completion, her eyes remained closed and he stared upon her face as his thick seed pulsed deep inside. Keeping perfectly still, she waited patiently until he softened within her velvety cunny. As his lips touched her forehead, her eyelids slowly lifted. “So how does it feel to be all mine?” he asked, the edges of his eyes crinkling as he smiled.

“Like pure heaven,” she whispered, wrapping her arms tightly around his body.

He smiled, kissing the tip of her nose. “Was I too rough for my angel?”

She shook her head, grinning.

“Good,” he said, rolling her so he could spoon her from behind. “Lex, I didn’t want to ruin the moment by asking too many questions, but what kind of protection are you using?”

She swallowed hard before answering. “I took a class in college and learned how to monitor my cycle, so I’m aware of when my fertile time is. Don’t worry, we’re safe today.”

He tumbled her onto her back. “Are you kidding? That’s not what I call
. Oh, my God, you’re not under a doctor’s care?” he asked, his stern hazel eyes glaring down at her. “You’re telling me we just had unprotected sex?”

Dramatically, she rolled her luminous baby blues up to the ceiling. “Don’t be silly. Just because I haven’t seen my gynecologist since last year doesn’t mean I’m not under anyone’s care. For your information, CM-BBT is a highly rated type of protection and completely natural. It stands for cervical mucus-basal body temperature…”

“Yes, yes. I know exactly what it means. And tomorrow, I’m going to schedule you for a complete gynecological exam and see to it that you get some real birth control. After that, we’ll talk about how
I am,” he scolded, rolling her back over to sleep in his strong arms.

“Please, Raul,” she whined loudly. “I don’t want to have that kind of exam.”

He smacked her backside in response. “Go to sleep,
mi amorcita

“Again with the Spanish?”

“It means ‘my little love.’”

She sucked in a deep, audible breath. “You aren’t angry with me?”

He snuggled up closer, his teeth gently sinking into the back of her neck. “What do you think?”

She smiled and sighed, interlocking her slender fingers with his large, protective ones.

Chapter Thirteen



Dick Cheek sneered at his nighttime security partner, Bob Paise. “Hey, keep your eyes on the monitors. You heard what Mr. Bozar instructed us to do.”

“Who gives a fuck about that douchebag? He struts around like he’s God’s gift to women.”

“He’s also our boss, and I happen to need this job,” Dick bellyached. “Not to mention the extra attention he gives that whiny little princess in the ER who thought she was being followed.”

“Christ, she’s only been here a few weeks and walks around like she owns the fucking place. Not only is that little blond bombshell afraid of her own shadow, but I’ve heard through the rumor mill that she’s already balling Dr. Morales. I’d almost bet he’s the one that scared her, just to get into her tight little black pants.”

BOOK: Her Doctor Daddy
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