Her Baby Secret (Friends & Lovers Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Her Baby Secret (Friends & Lovers Book 1)
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He was stunned. Would it really be this easy? After all these months of suffering, the constant sleepless nights, the pain of being apart?

“I'm sorry, too.” He kissed her temple and pulled back, smiling down at her. Her brown eyes were filled with unshed tears. “I was so stupid to break up with you. I swear, Robyn, that was the biggest mistake of my life and nothing like that will ever happen again.”

She wiped away the slowly falling tears, giving him a barely-there smile.
But she still looked wary and it hurt him to know that she still had doubts. And he couldn't blame her.

He felt a lump in his throat and swallowed several times before placing his hands on either side of her face. He bent to place a light kiss on lips, relieved that - although she didn't kiss him back - she didn't push him away.

He knew there was no more time for self-preservation. He had to tell her everything, to bare his soul and pray that she wouldn't turn him away. He felt strongly that she wouldn't reject him but they'd been through so much already that he couldn't get rid of his own doubts.

“I love you, Robyn. All I want to do is be with you.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Instantly her chest rose and fell as her breathing accelerated. She opened and closed her mouth but didn't speak. But relief already began to spread through his body like warm honey because he could see the love in her eyes.

“Please give me another chance.”

She was immediately nodding wordlessly and threw her arms around his neck. He picked her up in a big hug, tears filling his own eyes. It felt so good to hold her. To finally know that she was his.

“I've been stupid too,” Robyn said, her voice thick with tears. “I've been so scared to trust you again but here I am, suffering without you. We all make mistakes. Once we cleared the air and realized how we were both duped, I should have forgiven you right away.”

“Baby, it's okay,” Devin whispered, placing another kiss on her mouth. “I don't even blame you. I deserved it.”

“Yes,” She murmured, sniffling with a small smile on her face. “But we've punished ourselves enough.”

“More than enough,” He agreed, unwilling to let her go. He pushed back a small knot of nerves and said “I can't spend another day without you. I love you with all my heart, Robyn.”

“I love you too.” Her arms wrapped around his neck, she pulled him to her for a searing kiss.

“Thank god,” Devin said with a laugh, real happiness filling him for the first time in months. “I thought I was going to have to lock you up in this room before you admitted how you felt.”

“It's been so hard, holding it inside,” She confessed.

Devin looked her in the eye. “You are my life, Robyn. You and our baby are my future. You're everything to me and I don't want you to doubt that ever again.”

He swore he could hear his own heart drumming in his ears as he dropped down on one knee. He took a deep breath, gathered her hands in his, and swallowed before speaking. To his surprise, his voice was sure and steady as he uttered the words that he'd come so close to uttering before that fateful night of their breakup.

“Robyn Phillips, will you marry me?”


Robyn felt as if she'd gotten punched in the stomach. All of the air was knocked out of her and she could scarcely believe her ears. He'd proposed!

She'd just started on a high after they'd finally professed their love for one another. It had felt so wonderful to finally admit to her feelings. But she'd never expected a proposal, not so soon after making up. As eager as she was to say yes, she didn't want them to make a mistake. Not after all they'd been through.

“D-Devin,” She stuttered, pulling on him until he stood up. “I love you but do you think... Marriage is a very big step for a couple that has just gotten back together.”

“I know,” He quickly agreed. “But we're ready to take that step. Before we broke up, I'd been close to proposing. We were ready then.”

As much as it hurt to think of their breakup, the immense happiness that she now felt washed away the last of her pain. She pulled him close, feeling like they couldn't be close enough, choking him in another tight hug.

“Yes!” She exclaimed, laughing and crying at the same time. “Yes, I will!”

She met his mouth with her own, closing her eyes and letting his tongue glide into her mouth. He felt so wonderful.
felt so wonderful. She hadn't felt this happy or this free in months. She was weak with relief.

He let her go to fumble in his pocket and took out a small blue velvet box. Robyn clung to him, planting kisses all over his face. She couldn't keep the grin off of her face.

Devin opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond solitaire set in platinum nestled in a bed of blue silk. Taking the ring from the box, he slid it onto her finger.

“It's beautiful,” Robyn breathed. And it fit perfectly. “I love it.”

Robyn wrapped her arms around his waist, not wanting to ever let go. She was so happy but a part of her was afraid she was dreaming.

“Is this real?” She whispered, touching his face. “Is this really happening?”

“Yes,” Devin replied, placing several kisses on her knuckles. “It doesn't get realer than this.”

“Well, thank god for that,” She said with a small laugh, closing her eyes and resting her head on his chest.

Devin slowly turned her so that her back was against his chest. His hands slid across her tummy, tenderly caressing. She twined her fingers with his and imagined their child, snuggled beneath their joint hands. Together at last. Finally, everything had fallen into place and she felt secure in the knowledge that they were finally where they needed to be.

She knew that their families and friends were eagerly waiting to find out what was going on between them but she didn't care. She was too content to move. She deserved this moment. It was an amazing feeling to know that everything was as it should be. Everything was at last beautifully, wondrously right in her world.


He didn't know how long he and Robyn stood like that, just holding onto each other, before he heard a low knock on the door.

“Are you two alright in there?” Emerald asked, sounding muffled but uncertain.

“We're good,” Devin said, smiling broadly as Robyn began to giggle.

The door opened and Emerald slowly walked in, her eyes wide, looking back and forth between them.

Without saying anything, Robyn held out her hand and wiggled her fingers, the ring sparkling under the gleam of the light.

Emerald screamed and ran over, throwing her arms around them both. In a split second, they were surrounded by parents then siblings and anyone else who could squeeze into the room as the good news was quickly spread.

Devin didn't know how many people he hugged or how many hands he shook. It went by in a whirl of laughter, teasing and even tears. The way his mother and Marjorie cried was something he'd never forget. They had puffy eyes but vibrant smiles.

They gradually made their way back downstairs where the party resumed. Devin kept Robyn at his side, unwilling to be away from her for even a few moments after what they'd been through these last couple months.

He thought over how stupid he'd been, how he'd let his pride get in the way of his good judgment, and he was so thankful that everything had worked out. He finally had Robyn. Everything was as it was meant to be. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been happier and from the look on Robyn's face, she felt the same. He'd never let her or their child down again. He knew that he'd do everything in his power to make sure she was always the happiest woman in the world.

Grinning from ear to ear, he listened to Javy propose a toast to him and Robyn. Everyone lifted their glasses and cheered. One year was about to end and another year would begin, and with it his life would truly begin with Robyn forever by his side.



About the Author

Jaye Diane is a poet and novelist who is gradually expanding to the ebook market. For more information on the author go to
Jaye Diane@Smashwords
. .All feedback is appreciated and valued. Please rate this book.


Also by Jaye Diane



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BOOK: Her Baby Secret (Friends & Lovers Book 1)
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