Read Help Me Online

Authors: Clara Bayard

Tags: #clara bayard, #seduced by danger, #new adult, #sexy billionaire bad boy, #female protagonist, #racy urban, #steamy romance, #hot alpha male, #prostitution, #serial, #philadelphia

Help Me (4 page)

BOOK: Help Me
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But, of course, I wasn’t here to meet a new guy. I needed to find Kat and maybe he could help. If nothing else, he was offering an easy way to get away from Alexander’s leering gaze and grabby hands.

“Sounds wonderful,” I said, smiling. “Let’s go.”

He tucked my arm in his and we left the room. While we walked, I whispered, “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Rescuing me.”

He chuckled. “Alexander is mostly harmless, but the more he drinks the more insistent he gets that every woman in the room is his personal property.”

“Well, I appreciate it, either way.”

“Good.” He led me back into the large room I’d first seen him in, but now it was almost deserted. We walked over to the window and he snagged two glasses of champagne.

“I had one of those,” I said, musing. “But I left it somewhere.”

“Don’t worry. There’s always plenty of champagne.”

“Okay.” I snuck a glance up at him and felt my insides go liquid again. He was hot, sure, but no one had ever had this strong and effect on me. It was interesting, but rather embarrassing. I hoped I wasn’t staring at him like a lovesick puppy.

He caught me looking and met my gaze, and then held it. Mesmerizing was a word that suddenly made a lot more sense to me. “So, tell me, what are you doing here?”

“Me?” I squeaked. “Same as you, I suppose. Enjoying the party.”

“Mmhmm. And it’s your first time at the club?”

“I…why do you think that?”

He grinned, flashing a row of perfectly even white teeth. “I’m here all the time and I’ve never seen you before.” His eyes swept over me from head to toe, slowly, and then back up again. “And I’m sure I’d remember you.”

I swallowed hard and started fidgeting with my stem of my glass. “Well, you know how it is…” I said, trying to sound vague without seeming clueless.

“Hmm.” He leaned over, sliding his face next to mine to whisper in my ear. “I know your secret.”

The silky, sensual tone of his voice almost made me miss the meaning behind the words. But I got it, eventually, and stiffened.

He stood back and raised a hand. “Relax. I’m not turning you in. I’m intrigued.”

I stared at him hard, trying to see beyond the sexy. Could I trust this stranger? Did I have a choice?

“What do you want?”

“Nothing. I’m just curious.”

“About what?”

“You. I’ve seen a little bit of everything in my life, but I can’t quite figure you out.”

I rolled my eyes. He looked barely older than me, and clearly well-off, so I couldn’t imagine he’d seen much but the inside of fancy cars and vacation homes. “There’s nothing to figure. I’m just here.”

Something crashed behind us and I jumped, almost colliding with him. After spinning around, I saw it was just an empty tray clattering to the floor. The waiter apologized and picked it up before disappearing behind I door I hadn’t even noticed in the room.

“You’re very jumpy.”

I turned back to look at him again. “And you’re very nosy.”

He performed a quick bow. “Guilty as charged. Forgive me… I don’t believe I know your name.”

“Amanda,” I said before thinking. “I…” It was too late. “I’m Amanda.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Amanda.” He held out his hand and I shook it weakly. “I’m Trey.”

“Um…hi,” I said pathetically. I’m no genius but I could usually manage to keep from sounding like an idiot. But the combination of my stress and worry, and Trey’s overwhelming aura had completely thrown me.

“Tell me something, Amanda…” he began before a woman in a long black gown appeared and interrupted.

“Trey, they’re about to begin. Will you and your
be joining us?” At the word ‘friend’ she looked at me like I was a piece of dog shit stuck to the bottom of her shoe.

“Of course, Celeste. We’ll be right in. Amanda and I were just getting hydrated for the festivities.”

I gawked at him and he winked.

“Yes, well, fine.” The woman tossed her head once, letting her long golden hair shimmer across her bare back before walking away. “I’ll catch you later.”

Once she was gone, Trey took a drink from his glass and smiled. “We should probably get in there.”

“Of course,” I replied, lamely.

“Up or down?”

“I…” I had no idea what he was talking about, but figured this was an easy one. “You pick.”

He arched an eyebrow. “For you? Down, I think.”


“Yes. Great.” Trey took my arm again and we went back the way we’d came, across the entrance hall and back to the room where we’d left Alexander.

Trey opened the door and let me enter in front of him. Inside, the space was packed full of people. Or rather, full of men. The room was smaller than the last one, but still bigger than my sister’s whole apartment. Men sat on chairs and leaned against walls and the furniture. There was an empty space on the far side of the room. The heavy, velvet curtains were closed and a lamp hanging from the ceiling gave the impression of a stage.

A door to the left of the empty space opened and a woman walked in, flanked by men in suits. One of them was the security guard I’d seen earlier. The men in the room applauded as she entered and Trey joined in, though his eyes were locked on me.

I tried to play it cool, but I didn’t know what was about to happen and it frightened me. Probably because deep inside I really did. I had a feeling. A sense. Nothing I could have put into words. But when more women entered the room, clad only in expensive lingerie, I wasn’t nearly as shocked as I should have been.

It was every man’s dream, and every insecure girl’s nightmare. Each woman as beautiful as the last, they paraded by in satins and lace, a few were skimpier than others, but all gorgeous. They glided in on five inch heels until the ‘stage’ area was full. The two guards stayed to the sides of the room, eyes roaming intently over the crowd.

The other woman, the one in clothes, stepped forward and raised her hands for silence. She was beautiful. As stunning as any of the others behind her, if not more so. “Good evening, gentlemen,” she said. Her voice was throaty and cultured. Not exactly accented, but close enough that I suspected she’d spent a lot of time outside of the country.

“Tonight we have something very special for you, our cherished members. Each of the ladies behind me is wearing lingerie exclusively designed for her. Each piece hand crafted and fitted to every delicious curve.” She smiled seductively. “Everything, from fabric to color to cut was specifically developed to make the woman wearing these pieces to look perfect. I think we can all agree it worked. Yes?”

There was a loud chorus of agreement and the murmuring continued as she spoke.

“If you’ll check your phones, you’ll see you’ve all been sent a text message with a number.”

I held my breath, trying not to freak out. I knew what was coming next but I couldn’t believe it.

“Ladies, please display your numbers.”

Each of the women behind her flipped a pendant that had been hanging behind their necks to the front. They were gold numbers hanging from delicate chains.

“Gentlemen, the lovely young woman wearing your number is your date for the evening. Come and collect them.”

The men rushed the front of the room so fast I was afraid they’d shove right through the wall.

I noticed a few men didn’t move. Ones already accompanied by women. Celeste, the snooty blonde was draped all over a short bald man in front of me. I glanced up at Trey, trying not to panic.

He sighed. “What a boring game. Let’s get out of here before it turns into an orgy.”

I gasped.

Trey laughed and put his arm around my shoulder. “You know, the innocent act isn’t something I’m usually into, but I have to say, you’re really good at it.”

I yanked my arm from him and exited the room, heading towards the front door. But Trey was right behind me and caught up quickly.

“Come on, don’t be mad. I like it, even though I shouldn’t. Take that as a compliment.”

This day had officially gotten too crazy for me. I wasn’t able to process anything anymore. Hours ago I was getting off a plane and feeling wonderful. Now my sister was missing and I was in a house full of weird sex stuff with a really gorgeous guy who seemed to think I was in on it all.

Too much.

I kept walking, and he kept following. Right up to the door. But before I could open it, Trey boxed me in with his body, forcing me to shove the side of my face and front of my body against the door or be pressed tight against him.

“Get away from me. You’re sick.”

He laughed. “Goddamn. You just don’t stop, do you? I appreciate the dedication to the act. But come on. Enough already.”

I turned around and looked up. “Please. Just let me go. I need to get out of here.”

“Not a chance,” he said, leaning in close again until we were almost nose to nose.

I could feel every inch of his strong frame against me and everything inside me heated up. My mind was full of fear and confusion but my treasonous body was ripe with need.

“Please,” I breathed. “I’m not even sure what this place is. I don’t understand what’s going on.”

“I saw you.” He lifted a hand and ran it over my hair. “Saw you sneak in with that group. Pretend you belonged. I don’t know why you’re here, but I aim to find out. I’ve always thought I preferred my women brazen, but you’re changing my mind. If you want to play the scared little mouse I’m happy to chase you. And when I catch you, oh, the games we’ll play.”

By the time he finished speaking I was panting and my eyes were hooded. I suddenly didn’t care that he mistook me for some kind of slut playing coy with him. Because I wanted what he was offering. Needed it. And just as his fingers moved over to lightly trace my lips, I was so close to giving in. Letting everything else fall away and going wherever Trey wanted to take me.

Then we were interrupted by a parade of couples heading upstairs. Women in their underwear and men chortling and groping.

Trey grumbled something and then pulled me away down another hallway. But the moment had passed. For me at least. I tugged free of him and crossed my arms in front of me.

“Stop it.”

“Why?” he purred.

“Because I don’t belong here. I’m not what you think I am.”

He cocked his head to the side and frowned as if finally hearing what I was saying. “Then what are you, Amanda?”

My throat went dry at the coldness in his voice. As my head cleared I began to put pieces together. “In trouble is what I am. In a lot of trouble, I think.”

Chapter Four

Now that I’d begun to tell the truth, there was no going back. Part of me wanted to tell him everything. Unburden myself and hopefully gain an ally. But I didn’t know Trey. And as much as I wanted to believe he’d help me, I couldn’t be sure.

“I…I’m looking for a friend of mine.”

“What kind of friend?”

“Um…just a girl I used to hang out with. We lost touch and I remembered her mentioning this place so I figured I’d try to catch up with her. No big deal.”

The look Trey gave me was chilling. He wasn’t buying my story for a second. “Uh-huh. And what is this friend’s name?”


“I’ve been coming here for a couple of years and don’t know of any Katherine.”


“But a lot of the girls use fake names. Describe her to me.”

“Um…she’s taller than me. Long straight blond hair. She’s got blue eyes and a really cute nose. People used to tell her she should be a model.”

Trey sighed. “That could be any one of a dozen girls.”

“I’m thinking. Oh, wait. She’s got a tattoo. On the inside of her wrist.” She’d gotten it on her eighteenth birthday, to remember our parents by. I didn’t tell him that, of course. “It’s an M and a J, entwined.”

Trey stiffened for a second and then relaxed. “Doesn’t sound familiar. Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Tears stung my eyes but didn’t fall. “Look, I should go. I want to ask a couple of other people about my friend.”

He shook his head. “No one is going to help you with that.”

“Why not?”

“Does this seem like the sort of place that gives out information?”

“No. But, I mean, clubs keep records.”

Trey let out a huge laugh. “Oh my god.”


He shook his head again and then looked at me hard for a moment. “You’re not fucking with me. You really have no idea where you are.”

I bristled. “Of course I do. I’m not an idiot. It’s some kind of sex club. I don’t care about that.”

He walked over and placed a large hand on my shoulder. “Oh, little mouse. I should have known. No one is that good an actress.”

Shrugging out of his grasp, I glared at him, completely fed up. “Would you please stop talking in riddles? It’s starting to piss me off.”

He grinned broadly and his eyes glittered with humor. “Amanda, this isn’t just a ‘sex club’ as you put it. Most of the women you see around, and all the ones in the skimpy undies are employees of the club.”

“Like waitresses?”

“Like hookers.”

My mouth dropped open so fast my jaw popped and then ached.

“Fucking hell, you really didn’t have any idea.”

Once he said the word it all made sense and seemed so obvious. But really, how was I to know? You don’t just go around expecting to walk into a…brothel. An illegal brothel.

Oh shit.

I was standing in a criminal business. What if there was a police raid? Would I be arrested? What would Kat think?


Why would my sister have the phone number of a brothel in her apartment?

“Hello? Earth to Amanda?”

I blinked a few times and looked up at Trey. “What?”

“Are you okay?”

“Uh-huh. Yeah. Fine.”

“Clearly.” He approached me again, this time his face was gentle. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize this would be such a shock to you.”

“It isn’t.”

“Come on, don’t.” He took my hand and squeezed it lightly. His fingers were thick and warm. “I feel like a total asshole right now. I really thought you were playing around. But seeing you like this, all pale and shaken. I’m sorry.”

This time the tears did spill over. Two fat drops of water slid down over my cheeks.

BOOK: Help Me
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