Read Hello Treasure Online

Authors: Faye Hunter

Tags: #Contemporary Romance - Lost Loves Reunited

Hello Treasure (4 page)

BOOK: Hello Treasure
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His hand moved between her legs, sliding in her wetness. She gasped, her muscles clenching at the unfamiliar invasion as he slipped a finger into her tightness. Breathing out she willed herself to relax, letting her body adapt and embrace his touch. With one hand she gripped his shoulder, her other went down to stroke his steely erection. As he slowly pumped his finger in and out of her, she stroked up and down his length. They entered a rhythm that was hypnotic. She was floating in an abyss of sensations when he abruptly pulled away.

Left gasping and sucking air, she looked down at him.

"We need protection," he said, his voice was tight and rough like gravel. He reached around her and popped open the glove compartment. With a practiced hand he quickly sheathed himself.

His gaze locked on hers as he grabbed her hips and lifted her above him. "Ready?"

Celia nodded as she settled over him, his length sliding into her.

A sharp stab of pain ricocheted through her core before finally ebbing to a throb of need. He froze, barely breathing, until she nodded that she was ready.

As he pushed deeper, her body slowly stretched and adjusted to the unfamiliar fullness. The pain faded away until all she could feel was pleasure and a sense of completion. Rocking her hips she started riding him, her body bowed, breasts thrust out. She felt amazing and finally understood why everyone raved about sex.

Sex was the bomb! Who knew her body could feel this good?

He let her lead, his thrusts timed with her movements until they both hit the edge together. Mini explosions started in her apex, building on each other until her whole body clenched and spasmed from the ecstasy crashing over her. His body arched under her as he drove himself deeply into her slick core, his fingers dug into her hips as their bodies locked together in passion. Their cries of abandonment and pleasure echoed throughout the truck.

Her first time had been everything she wanted. Bash made it everything she wanted, and needed, just as she knew he would. He had made her feel confident, beautiful, special.

As they cuddled after, she snuggled against him. Loving the feel of his chest as it rose with each breath or rumbled with each laugh or word.

"Thank you. This was the perfect evening," Celia said, her hand resting on his flat stomach.

"I'll never forget a second of tonight. I will always treasure you." His lips brushed her hair with a kiss, she could feel the heavy emotion behind his words. They both knew their evening was coming to an end, and it filled both of them with a heavy sadness.

"I have a proposal."

"What?" Celia's head popped up as she gasped.

He burst out laughing.

"No, no, not that kind of proposal, you goof." Bash dug a finger into her ribs making her laugh, too. Then his face softened, taking a more serious edge. “Well, actually, it kind of is.

Celia looked at him warily, her fingers clutching his forearm.

"I propose that if we both aren't married by the time we turn forty, we get married. That gives us time to live our lives, build our careers, see the world, meet other people. If both of us never find something as special as this, I say we make it official. Make us our forever."

Celia thought about his words.
Forty seemed a lifetime away.

"So, what do you say, Treasure?"



Nothing looked the same as Celia drove around in circles. What used to be a field on the outskirts of town when she was a teenager, was now a strip mall backing onto a large condominium complex, all linked together by parking lots that interlocked into a crazy maze.

She hadn't been back to the old neighborhood in twenty years and everything had changed so much. It made her wonder how much Bash had changed, and how much she had changed, and if Bash would like those changes. Her palms started to sweat and slip on the steering wheel as she found herself at another dead-end alley.

Finally, as she turned around she saw a small, hand-painted sign. It read 'TREASURE', with an arrow pointing down a gravel road with a sign showing an airplane.

Things had changed, but obviously the old airport was still around, Celia thought as she stepped on the gas, spraying gravel as her tires spun before gaining traction as she transitioned from pavement to rocks.

The airport came into view on the other side of a chain-link fence that seemed to go on forever. Only one plane was on the tarmac, a private jet. Much fancier than she would have expected to see at a small, dilapidated country airport, which could mean only one thing, she realized with flutter of excitement—it was Bash's plane.

She drove until she found an open gate with another hand-painted sign, pointing her onto the tarmac. She parked in the shadow of the plane.

The steps were down and as she glanced up he appeared at the door, dressed in a suit and trench-coat that blew in the wind.

Her heart squeezed as her lungs constricted and goosebumps erupted down her bare arms. She couldn't believe he was here.

Bash looked just as she remembered him. Tall and lean, an air of cockiness. With his trench-coat flapping in the wind and a rose clutched in his fist like a sword, he looked like a superhero. She suspected he knew exactly how he looked and, if he was still like her old Bash, was loving every moment of drama. He always loved to draw attention and embrace the drama in a situation. He always found the fun which meant things were never boring with Bash around.

Her smile stretched from ear to ear. She needed to get to him.

Her body shook like an addict, desperate for a hit, as she fumbled and fought to get the sandals off and the sapphire heels on. Finally, she exited the car slamming the door closed. The wind whipped her hair around her face and the dress around her legs. With one hand she tried to hold the skirt in place while the other pushed hair from her eyes so she could watch Bash as he came down the stairs.

As the distance between them shrank she noted small changes that she hadn't noticed from afar. His sandy hair was cut shorter than she remembered and his face was a little more rugged and mature. But his emerald eyes hadn't changed and the way they crinkled when he smiled and held out his arms brought Celia slamming back to that night and her memories of a teenage Bash.

All her old feelings washed over her. Happiness, joy, glee, love. She felt like an awkward teenager all over again. Wobbling a bit in the heels she ran, jumping into his arms. He spun her around and she noted how strong and firm his body was beneath the exquisite suit.

"You came," he breathed out.

"You did all of this? For me? Are you insane? Crazy? By the way, your poetry sucks," she laughed, teasing him as he set her down gently. Both of them were red cheeked and breathing hard as he placed the rose in her trembling hand.

"We made a promise, all those years ago. And I keep my promises. By the way, happy fortieth birthday, Celia." He tipped her chin up with a finger, staring into her eyes.

She blushed, a sudden shyness blossoming through her. He was her old Bash but different. A stranger, really. It had been so long, she wasn't sure how to act around him. She studied his face, so familiar yet not quite the same.

"Thanks, but why all of this? I mean this is crazy. What if I was with someone?"

"I checked to make sure you were single." His eyes took on that mischievous glint she remembered oh so well from their days of causing chaos as kids.

The whole scavenger hunt had been a fun game for him. And, Celia realized with a smile, for her too.

"But what's all of this?" Celia gestured to the plane.

Bash got down on one knee, trench coat pooling on the ground, and took her free hand in his. Celia's breath caught, every muscle in her body solidifying to stone as she stared at him, her mouth hanging open in shock.

"Celia Huxley, twenty-two years ago we made a pledge to get married if we were both still single at forty. At the time it was the fanciful words of two kids who had loved each other for years… and were a little overcome with fresh, powerful emotions. We knew what we had, that it was something special, but we were smart enough to know we weren't ready. I've had over two decades to think about it and I know you are the only person I have ever loved. So today I would like to honor our pledge. Our promise to each other that we made in that old truck." He sucked in a deep breath.

Celia cut him off, the rose quivering in her hand. "Stop, just stop. Don't say it. Don't ask it." Her voice and body were trembling like a leaf buffeted by the wind.

Bash stood, slowly, his chiseled, handsome features tensing with emotion… fear, worry, sadness, all took a turn.

"Please, don't propose. It's been so long. We've both changed so much. I'm not that girl who asked you to pop her cherry anymore. A lot has happened. I've changed. I loved you so much. You were my best friend and so much more. You might be the only person I have ever loved, but I don't know if I love you now. I don't know you now. I don't know Sebastian Carr, famous business man. I only know my Bash, that I played with, explored with, and grew with, but he's been gone a long time. He was part of my childhood. This Bash in front of me is a stranger. I don't know how we fit now. Or if we fit."

Celia stared up at him with big eyes, expecting an outburst or anger-filled words, but instead he shocked her as he started laughing.

"Oh Celia, I wasn't going to propose marriage right away. I was going to propose a courtship first. I want you to come with me. Let's go somewhere far away where we can get to know each other again. I'm still your Bash, just a little more polished and experienced. Oh, and I have better wheels now." He winked, hooking a thumb over his shoulder at the plane. "You'll see. I've waited twenty-two years. I will happily wait a few more months for us to make sure this is right. What I propose is that you come with me, right now, on this plane to somewhere special where we can get to know our forty-year-old selves. What do you say?"

"But work…"

He cut her off. "I have it on good authority that you're currently on vacation and have an excessive amount of banked time that needs to be used."

"Wait. Did you arrange for HR to force me to use my vacation time?"

That mischievous and cocky glint flashed. "I may have pulled a few strings. I didn't want anything standing in the way of your decision. I know how important your career is to you. It’s been the same for me. My life has been about work, but now it’s time for us to focus on something personal. Something special and lasting. Us."

"But I don't have my things. I haven't packed anything."

Bash stroked a hand down her arm, interlocking his fingers with hers. Palm to palm. A little jolt of electricity zipped up Celia’s arm. "Anything you need we will buy. Clothes, shampoo, whatever it is, we can buy it. Just say you'll come with me."

Emotions raced through her, so many, so fast. Slipping past her before she could fully make sense of them. Like a storm attacking her sanity, leaving her a shaking confused mess in the aftermath.

She couldn't believe all of it was true. Real. That she was here, with him offering her so much.

"Please, Treasure. Say you'll come with me. Give us the chance at happiness and love that we promised each other so long ago." He leaned in, his face a breath from hers. She could feel his warmth, smell his familiar scent. It was the same after all these years. Heat flashed through her body as it responded to his closeness.

She had missed him. In that moment, more than anything else she knew or understood, the one undeniable truth was that a part of her had always been with him. There had never been anyone else. No one had ever stood a chance in all this time because he had always held some vital part of her heart.

She wondered if this is what it felt like to have a soul mate.

Tipping her face up, she paused for a breath before taking his mouth with hers. He let her lead, his lips gentle, malleable. She teased with her tongue until he opened with a low moan, letting her in. She tasted him, shared breath with him, and it filled her with a lightness she hadn't felt since that night in the old truck on a warm summer night.

His hands cupped her face, thumbs tracing along her jaw leaving a tingling trail. Breaking the kiss she stared into his eyes, the only sound their breathing as they synced and became one. It had always been that way with them. Their bodies in tune with each other. She had missed her best friend, her soul mate, and she couldn't wait to start their lives together.

With a smile that stretched from ear to ear, she said the word that looped over and over in her mind like a scratched record. "Yes. Yes. Yes."


Born in Canada, Faye was raised to be exceptionally polite and say sorry all the time. She ditched her apologetic ways once she grew up and discovered it's much more fun to be naughty and mischievous. She loves poutine, tea and touques. Since it's damn cold in Canada she likes to rock thigh-high socks as her sexy legwear of choice. She has a passion for writing stories about women embracing their beauty and sexiness. Women who are empowered and strong, not afraid to chase their desires and dreams. She writes erotic romance, contemporary romance, women’s fiction and romantic suspense.


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His Fantasies Indulged

Hello Treasure
(originally published in the Love is… anthology)



A Tease
(Story 1)

(Story 2)

(Story 3)

A Taste
(Story 4)

The Complete Castle O Collection
- A Tease, Ascent, Masquerade & A Taste


THE FYREFLY SERIES - Romantic Suspense

BOOK: Hello Treasure
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