Read Heat in the Kitchen Online

Authors: Sarah Fredricks

Heat in the Kitchen (18 page)

BOOK: Heat in the Kitchen
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He drew the bed covers over her before easing himself from the bed to take a stroll outside. As he walked to the edge of the oasis he worked at getting his body to calm down. He could have taken care of his need but he wanted to spill his seed inside Ella - nothing else would do.

He felt restless and walked up and down the water's edge. He didn't want to stray too far from the tent at this time of night.

Once his body had relaxed he became aware of the peace that settled around him. The sounds of nature harmonised together in the background and he sensed the restfulness of the environment. He could understand why Azzam came here. For the first time since his parents' death he felt as if he could slow down and enjoy just being. Was that the effect the desert was having on him, the effect Ella had or a mixture of both? He really didn't know, but he wanted to enjoy it. Rushing around the world, working his socks off to be the best had its appeal but it seemed finding peace within himself was now a more satisfying goal.

This introspection was going to give him a headache! Maybe he wasn't so at peace with himself as he thought. A wave of exhaustion rolled over him and he returned to the tent to sleep.

Ella lay there in the early dawn, her eyes adjusting to the half-light of the tent. She had no idea what the time was and didn't think she'd slept for long but her mind was wide awake. She stretched her body from head to toe in complete satisfaction as she remembered the amazing sensations that had swamped her. She looked across to her right and saw Matt lying on his back on top of the bed beside her. She smiled with the knowledge that he hadn't left her.

She turned to lie on her side with her head resting on her hand and looked down the complete length of his body. When she'd gone to sleep he'd had on a pair of shorts but now he lay there in just a pair of black boxers. He was on his back with his left arm flung across his face. She took her time to admire his sleeping form. Her memory was filled with the feel of his chest against her body. She noticed now a light covering of hair across his chest, tapering down towards his stomach. There didn't appear to be an ounce of flab on him - he was all muscle.


She felt her own body tingling as she imagined his body on her, in her. She glanced down to his boxers and wondered what that part of him would be like as she watched them start to tent. She reached her hand out and covered his growing erection. She silently gasped as it hardened under her touch. She stroked it through the silk of his boxers, feeling brave only because he was sleeping.

Ella carried on caressing him, one hand sliding up and down his hardening shaft while the other one lightly cupped his balls. She would never have had the confidence to do this while he was awake.

She thought about how she felt holding him. There was no fear. It didn't feel dirty or wrong as it had before - in the past. She still found it hard to vocalise that summer, even in her own head. Ella moved closer and placed her hand inside his boxers. His shaft was warm and pulsing. She stroked up the length of him and found the first drops of his arousal at the tip. With her thumb she spread the fluid around.

Matt could no longer deny that he was awake, and had been for the last few minutes. He hadn't wanted to upset her, had thought that her solitary exploration may help her heal. But he was getting so close to release, he could no longer feign sleep. He decided to pretend to come awake slowly.

'Mmmm,' he groaned as he stretched out his body.

Ella quickly withdrew her hand and scooted away from him, tightening the sheet around her body.

'That is a lovely way to wake up by the way.' Matt opened his eyes and rose up on his elbow. Before she could react he leaned across to kiss her on the lips. He'd intended it to be a light touch but the moment their lips met it turned incendiary.

He moved the sheet from her body. With their mouths still locked in a kiss that rocked their souls, Matt pulled her across until she was draped on top of him. So lost was she in the devouring kiss she wasn't conscious of his erection pressing into her pubic bone.

Matt caressed the side swell of her breasts then glided his hands down her back and under the elastic of her shorts. He cupped her cheeks, pulling her down harder onto his throbbing shaft.

He didn't think this time he'd be able to prevent his release if Ella wasn't ready, he was too near the edge.

He rolled them over to their sides and tugged her shorts down one thigh. Ella helped him, raising her hips until Matt pushed them all the way down and off.

Matt kissed his way down her body, caressing her as he went. Ella gasped when she realised where he was going and tried to stop him.

'Let me make you feel good Ella.'

'You have, earlier. I want you to feel good this time. I want you inside me.'

Matt stopped his journey to her moist hidden jewel and looked at her.

'Are you sure?'

She nodded her head. As the haze of arousal cleared slightly she looked unsure but said, 'yes, I want to know how you feel.' She looked away, embarrassed to be talking about something so personal.

Matt slid up her body and turned her to face him.

'Hey, two people who are naked with each other shouldn't be embarrassed. This is a beautiful act which a man and woman who are attracted to each other were designed to do together.'

He gave her a fleeting kiss on her lips and on each nipple before briefly leaving the bed.

'Protection. I'll be back.'

Ella moved to cover herself.

'Uh uh.' Matt shook his head. 'I want you to stay exactly as you are.'

She watched as he returned a moment later, removed his boxers and placed a foil package on the pillow. She was drawn to his erection. Despite her previous experience, she'd never really seen one before. It had looked big underneath his boxers but now she saw it in all its glory, she bit her lip at the thought of it fitting inside her. The last time…. She shuddered. The last time, when she had been forced, it had hurt. Her face scrunched up in remembered pain.

Matt lay on his side beside her, guessing at her thoughts.

He kissed her. 'Nothing happens until you're ready. Only beautiful things will happen here Ella.'

She gave a shy smile.

His thoughts were conflicted. He wanted to slake himself in her but he needed to take it slow, to make sure he didn't do anything that would throw her back to the past.

Keeping his hands from her, he started kissing her. He nipped at her bottom lip drawing it into his mouth. Before she could kiss him back he moved on to her throat. He found a sensitive spot at the base of her throat and sensed her body move slightly around the bed. He continued, pressing light kisses along the swell of her breasts until he found a turgid nipple and took it between his teeth.

A soft sigh of pleasure escaped Ella's lips as her breasts tingled with need.

Matt slid his hand over her body, down the swell of her hips, continuing down to her thigh. Her legs parted.

Her hand reached out and caressed his chest, flicking one of his nipples. He drew in a sharp breath which spurred her on.

As he reached the honeyed moistness of her desire Matt felt Ella's hand close around his shaft. His body bucked.

He worked his fingers around her juices, caressing her slit. He slid a finger inside. Her juices coated him - she was so ready to receive his shaft. With every flick of his finger and rub of his thumb across her clitoris, Ella moved her hand up and down his aching penis. He wanted to get her close to fulfilment but he was in danger of exploding before her. He reached up for the condom and ripped the package open with his teeth. He placed his hand over Ella's. 'Help me put this on?'

He guided her hand to take the condom and roll it down his throbbing erection.

He drew in a sharp breath as her inexpert hands worked the condom down his penis. 'I'm so close,' he whispered.

He rubbed himself against her liquid heat, letting her get used to the feel of him.

Ella grabbed his hips and gloried in the feel of him rubbing against her. She felt the sensation growing and in a bold move took his penis to guide him in.

Matt leaned on his arms to keep his weight from her as she held him. Gently he probed her hot core and moved bit by bit, in and out. She bucked her hips as her head thrashed about on the pillow. Matt found himself buried deep within her.

Ella gasped and he held still giving her time to adjust. She pushed up to meet him and sank down again. The feel of him sliding in and out made her do it again. This time Matt helped her and thrust in hard, burying himself as deeply as it was possible to go. She fit him perfectly, her tight muscles contracting around him, encouraging him towards his climax. He wanted Ella to come at the same time. He moved a hand between their sweat-covered bodies and rubbed her clitoris as he drove into her faster and faster.

Moments after Ella screamed her release, Matt followed her into sexual oblivion.

He fell onto her body, breathing hard.

Ella caressed his back, totally overcome by the emotional release that had flooded her as she'd simultaneously come with Matt.

Matt rolled off her and removed the condom.


'What?' Matt moved her hair away from her face.

'I miss it. You know….' She indicated the removal of his penis. Matt smiled at her discomfort, still pumped up from the powerful orgasm they'd just shared.

Ella sat up and looked at him, a wondrous look in her eyes.

'Thank you. That was….' She tried again. 'That was just….' She shook her head slightly. She couldn't find the words to describe it.

'Yeah, I know. That was pretty amazing. You're amazing.' He pulled her down to him and kissed her. 'Mmm, I need some sleep now. Go back to sleep sweetheart. We'll do it all again later.' And with that promise between them, they both fell into a dreamless, restful sleep.

Chapter 11

Ella awoke with a smile on her face and pleasant aches to certain parts of her body. She stretched out and almost caught herself purring like a satisfied cat. Their early morning lovemaking had been nothing short of.., of…. Oh hell, she still didn't have words to describe it. She'd surprised herself with her behaviour but then a big part of her had been driven by love. Could she do that with another man without the strong feelings she had for Matt? She didn't think so. She tried not to feel sad that Matt didn't feel the same for her. She told herself she would live in the moment and take what Matt was offering.

While they were isolated in the desert, she was going to make the most of every moment and let Matt be her teacher, her healer. The past was receding. She felt scar tissue forming over the previous gashing wounds in her soul.

Bounding out of bed and heading for the bathroom, she felt the burn between her legs. She then headed outside in search of her lover. She smiled at the word. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined she would ever get this far with a man, and it was just divine that it was Matt.

For the rest of their time in the desert they ate, walked, swam and made love.

Ella felt liberated from the dark days of her past and wanted everything Matt was offering. Being with him was easy, relaxing - there was no sign of the awkwardness she'd felt before each time they'd been on the verge of making love. She wasn't ready to instigate their lovemaking but she was a very willing participant.

Whilst out walking in the late afternoon sunshine Matt showed Ella the narrow, rough path that took them over the waterfall and across to the pool on the other side. Swimming through the waterfall or taking the path were the only ways to get to the pool. She sat down at the edge and dangled her legs in the hazy blue water.

'Ooh, it's really warm!' She turned to Matt to discover he was stripping off. 'What are you doing?' She exclaimed.

'What does it look like?' Matt stood before her, stripped to his bare skin - all over! 'Come on, come and have a swim.'

Matt dived into the pool sending a wave of water splashing up over Ella. He popped up above the surface and laughed. 'Guess you may as well come in now you're wet!'

Ella jumped to her feet shaking the wet skirt away from her. 'Matthew Adams! That was not nice!'

'Mmm, it looks very nice from where I am.' His voice had turned sexy, his eyes dark with desire.

Ella looked down and discovered the outline of her breasts was visible through the wet tee-shirt and her nipples were protruding. She blushed.

'Sweetheart, I've seen every luscious inch of you, how can you blush? Come on, join me.' Matt set off swimming across the pool.

Ella shook her head at his retreating back - she couldn't explain her attack of nerves after what they'd shared. While he wasn't looking she could strip off, get in the water and keep her body under. That was a plan she could handle.

One minute she was treading water, the next she was coughing and spluttering as a pair of hands grabbed her ankles.

Then she found herself held close in strong arms, her breasts crushed against his hard chest. Automatically she placed her hands behind his neck and curled her legs around his waist to hang on. His erection brushed up against her soft flesh. Just like that, heat filled her. Their mouths met in a fusion of need. Ella found herself kissing and being kissed as if it was their first time and last time all rolled into one. Their teeth clashed and their tongues tasted, tangling with each other as they circled and plundered.

Ella was like a drug - he just couldn't get enough of her taste. He lifted her away slightly then positioned her over his shaft and guided her down.

'Oohhh.' Ella was lost in the feel of him. She sank down until she felt his balls against her. With a different angle, the sensation of him filling her, stretching her, felt new. Slowly she moved up and down on him, revelling in the feel of his engorged tip rubbing against her channel whilst the length of him slid against her clitoris. She clung to his neck, her nails digging into his flesh.

Matt watched her rapture as she used him for her own pleasure. She was a delight to watch with her head flung back, mouth half open and groans of excitement whispering through her swollen lips. He felt a thrill rush through him that he had helped her discover her sexuality. He had a moment of darkness at the thought that another man would one day enjoy this sight before becoming overwhelmed with a primeval need.

BOOK: Heat in the Kitchen
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