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Authors: Sophia Knightly

Heart Tamer

BOOK: Heart Tamer
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Alec and Kate – HEART TAMER (Heartthrob Series, Novella)

Heart Tamer follows Heart Melter, but can be read as a standalone


Kate Hayes has something she wants so desperately she’s willing to swallow her pride and plead with her ex-husband, Alec MacLeod, for help. Up against a ticking clock, she must somehow convince him to go along with her unusual request. She and Alec parted on bad terms. Will he be able to put past hurt behind and embark on a life-changing journey?


Kate is the last person Alec expects—or wants—to see at his sister’s wedding, but damn he’s missed her. Her unforeseen arrival in Scotland makes him suspect she’s up to something. Alec remembers why they parted and he’s determined not to get pulled in, but seeing her again ignites a desire so intense he's tempted. Will he be able to resist? In this fiery second chance at love, whose heart will be tamed?





Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Heart Hunter: Excerpt

About Sophia Knightly

Look for these books by Sophia Knightly




Chapter One


The ancient chapel door opened and gusts of icy Scottish air swept inside as the bagpipers quieted and the first chords of classical music drew the wedding guests to their feet. Kate shivered and hugged her gold velvet wrap tightly around her. It would take more than a wrap to warm her this late afternoon. Every nerve in her chilled body was leaping with anticipation…and anxiety.

Hunched behind an elegantly attired older couple, she was glad of the gap between their shoulders so she could peek behind the woman’s fawn plumed hat at the wedding party without being noticed. Two stunning bridesmaids floated down the aisle in fuchsia satin gowns, one behind the other, then a pregnant redheaded matron of honor followed closely by an adorable dark-haired ring bearer and a little sprite of a blond flower girl.

The music segued into the glorious Canon in D Major wedding march. Any moment the bride would appear on her brother’s arm. Her big brother who happened to be Kate’s estranged ex-husband. She heaved a deep breath and willed the nervous jitters in her belly to stop wreaking havoc on her. She wasn’t usually a nervous Nellie, but the stakes were high today. Too high for her to feel even remotely calm.

The moment Alec MacLeod’s imposing form filled the entrance of the chapel, Kate almost lost her nerve. Almost…but not quite. She hadn’t successfully raised rowdy twin brothers by being a wimp. So why was she wimping out now? Because her ex-husband was standing at the entrance of the church and he had no idea she was one of the guests. That was reason enough.

She uncurled from her crouched position and pushed her shoulders back in a stance that would have made late Aunt Loretta proud. But one glance at Alec entering with his younger sister, Eileen, on his arm and Kate couldn’t contain the tears gathering in her eyes. The past years had been filled with sad events in their lives. Their youngest brother had died nine years ago and this year both of their parents had passed away, reducing the close knit family of five to two. It had to be a bittersweet moment for the close siblings as Alec stepped in for his father to give the bride away.

Kate could only imagine their pain, but she had never experienced that type of parental nurturing. Alec and Eileen had been raised by loving parents whereas Kate’s parents had divorced shortly after her twin brothers were born. She was ten years old when her mom left her and the twins with Kate’s elderly aunt one gray, winter night and never came back. Her shoulders drooped, but Aunt Loretta’s stern voice rang in her ear. The memory of her aunt’s voice chiding,
Katherine Hayes, do not slump like a schlump!
made her straighten right up.

In those days, she was always slumping. It was mortifying to have budding breasts when you were only ten. Even more mortifying to realize your mom and dad hadn’t loved you enough to keep you. Kate’s heart ached for her brothers especially. They didn’t even know what their parents had looked like. When they were older and wanted details, Kate had told them the basics, leaving out heart-wrenching details of how her mother had remarried and raised her new husband’s children as her own.

Kate shook off the bleak memories. Eileen’s wedding was a joyous occasion, not a time for reflecting on the past. Giving into self-pity was useless and only made her feel worse. She couldn’t change the past; she could only forge ahead with the present.

She gazed at Alec and her heart did crazy flip-flops at the mere sight of him. Dressed in formal Highland Scottish attire, his broad shoulders filled the black formal jacket to perfection. The green, turquoise and red MacLeod tartan kilt swathed his lean hips and was decorated by a silver dress sporran over his pelvis. She looked at Alec’s brawny, muscular calves in tasseled wool knee socks and her knees turned to jelly remembering his massive strength tempered by incredible tenderness. When her gaze swept back up his 6’4” frame, she realized she was gaping like a fish.
Shut your mouth, you’re drooling
, she chastised herself, dismayed by her show of weakness.

She forced her attention from Alec to gaze at Eileen fondly, thankful they’d remained friends after Kate’s divorce. She was happy Eileen had found love and was embarking on a new life, one that would ease the pain of losing her parents. She’d been devastated by their untimely death and had told Kate she was glad to be moving to Edinburgh to begin a new life with Callum. The magnificent MacLeod family estate in Skye held too many poignant memories for Eileen to remain there.

Eileen’s radiant face glowed beneath the fingertip tulle veil and sparkling crystal and pearl tiara. Her upswept light brown curls showcased porcelain skin and wide amber eyes. The gown of ivory
peau de soie
and Belgian lace sheathed her slim torso in silk and flounced with yards and yards of Belgian lace from her tiny waist, adding curves to her otherwise boyish shape. Now a successful fashion designer in Manhattan, Kate had made the gown to Eileen’s exact specifications.
I want to have an hourglass shape for once in my life, with hips and breasts—like yours,
she’d added eagerly, prompting an exaggerated eye roll from Kate. There was nothing boyish about Eileen tonight. With the plunging sweetheart neckline, she looked like a sexy, ethereal angel. Kate smiled and shook her head at the oxymoron.

The closer Alec got, the harder Kate’s heart beat. She swallowed hard against a throat as dry as hay. The fine hairs on her arms prickled in anticipation of his reaction to seeing her at the wedding. She stood first in the third pew from the front and couldn’t hide behind the elderly couple forever. She didn’t want to either. The look on Alec’s face when he saw her would be interesting…to say the least. Eileen hadn’t told him Kate was invited or that she’d designed an exclusive bridal gown for her as a wedding gift.
Let him be surprised
, Eileen had said with a chuckle. It hadn’t seemed amusing to Kate then and it certainly didn’t now that Alec was getting closer.

By the time he reached her side, Kate’s legs felt like liquid. Alec glanced at her and did a double take. Kate’s hand flew to her chest as she sucked air into her suddenly constricted lungs. His dark gold leonine eyes narrowed beneath furrowed thick brows and flicked over her from head to toe.  He gave her a curt nod.
That was it?
Alec’s reaction utterly deflated her. He obviously thought she had no business being there. It cut her to the quick, but what had she expected? A welcoming smile? The warm twinkle in his eyes he’d once reserved for her?

She gave him a cautious smile, but his face had already turned impassive. With a set jaw and shuttered eyes, he turned his gaze away and escorted Eileen toward the altar.

Kate’s heart squeezed, remembering the look of love in his eyes when he’d said, “I do” to her ten years ago. From the moment they’d met in a London pub, he lit her up like a firecracker and she’d never been the same since. Hot, astounding passion had reigned between them, robbing her of common sense. So much so that she did the only impulsive thing in her life—eloped with him only two months after they met, much to her Aunt Loretta’s panic and the MacLeod family’s surprised delight. She had been studying at the London College of Fashion and planning on returning to the States. But instead, she eloped and left everything behind to begin a new life in London as the wife of Alec MacLeod, a successful Scottish barrister practicing in London.

Everything should have gone well, but their passionate union was soon marred by bickering over things they should have discussed
getting married, like where they would live and if they wanted kids right away.

A year into the marriage, all communication spiraled downward when Alec’s little brother Robbie tragically died. Alec became obsessed with tracking down the suppliers of tainted drugs that had killed Robbie at a college party. He shut out Kate and everyone close to him as he hunted down the drug dealers. Alec’s emotional detachment eventually tore them apart as Kate felt lonely and terrified he would get killed while chasing down dangerous criminals. She reminded him she had married a lawyer not a detective, and she was alarmed he would end up dead like his brother Robbie.

After several months of living with limited communication, of agonizing each time he disappeared overnight to follow a lead, Kate issued an ultimatum—
stop putting yourself in danger or we get a divorce!
Alec had been so incensed when she’d threatened divorce that he walked out. And before she knew it, their marriage ended just as swiftly as it began. She had loved Alec more than she’d ever imagined possible and he blindsided her when he abruptly walked out. 

Alec segued from being a barrister to owning a highly successful private security company in London. Eileen had told her he’d become a jaded ladies’ man with no desire to remarry. It wasn’t the best situation, but Kate would accept that—as long as he agreed to her plan.
Not bloody likely
as Alec often said, but definitely worth a try. She chewed her lower lip and stared at his broad shoulders where he sat in the front row rigid as a stone column, his head erect and wide shoulders squared. She was running out of time and she wouldn’t give up her mission until he said yes. But she wasn’t naïve enough to think he was any less stubborn than he’d been years ago.

Each had hot-blooded temperaments and were used to doing things their way. Alec’s naturally dominant personality was often exasperated by her strong streak of independence. They were older now…and wiser. She could only hope that additional wisdom would help him keep an open mind.

She stared at the back of Alec’s dark, wavy hair which grazed the collar of his white shirt. Most people considered him easy to get along with, but Kate wasn’t most people. Alec had a highly developed analytical eye and keen curiosity. She knew him too well not to realize she’d aroused his suspicions.


What in bloody hell was she doing here?
Just one glance at Kate and hot blood surged through Alec’s body, muddling his senses with a flood of potent memories. He struggled to get a grip and concentrated on delivering his sister to Callum, who waited beside the priest with a beaming smile for his future bride.

BOOK: Heart Tamer
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