Heart of Shell (The Mercrutian Chronicles Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Heart of Shell (The Mercrutian Chronicles Book 1)
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“River and Rayne...” She whispered softly. “He dyes his hair black, he's so silly. It looks like this naturally.” She showed me another picture of a blonde River, still striking and handsome.

“Wow,” was all I could manage before I added, “he's a hunk.”

Rayne actually giggled. It seemed so unlike her and I could tell that River was definitely her weak spot.

“Isn't he?” Pearl said fanning herself.

Coral pouted. “Totally wish Murdock was yummier.”

“Oh my gosh, we're bad,” I said suddenly realizing that most of our conversation had been about guys.

“You think this is bad?” Rayne started, “wait until the first time you go into heat. Oh boy that's an ordeal on its own. The last time River did, he stole away from his training camp, in the southern Atlantic Ocean, just so he could come see me.”

My eyes started to sparkle mischievous and I wrinkled my nose a bit, wondering if Merrick would ever do the same for me. “That's adorable though.”

Rayne laughed outright. “Yeah it was, but he was in SO much trouble. Apparently he had to tell his commanding officer he was in heat. Even then, he was in for punishment big time, until one of his friends said that River should show the commanding officer my picture. After which -for some reason- he gave him pardon.”

“Well, you
beautiful,” I said in earnest. “All of you are.”

“Every Mer is,” Pearl said.

“Not every,” I replied twisting my mouth.

“Oh Anya,” Coral started, “you're beautiful too, and before you know it you'll transcend with the rest of us.”

Pearl came over and hugged me in comfort. Rayne nodded her head in agreement vehemently before speaking. “You're gonna knock the socks off of Merrick.”

“You gals are the best friends a Mer could have.” I replied letting myself relax. They were right about one thing, eventually I would
to transcend.

“You think that's the best...Pearl show her.” Rayne looked over at her sister in encouragement.

“No I don't think—”

“Do it!” Coral said energetically.

“Okay, watch this,” Pearl said as a trickle of water from a nearby glass, slowly crawled up, like a snake in a barrel and swirled upward into the pattern of a Victorian star. Each point was swirling and shifting three dimensionally. It was tiny, no larger than the end of a tablespoon, but it was incredible.

“Albayraous” She spoke enchanting the star.

“It's a beauty star!” I said with a gasp.

Pearl smiled, “yes,
it only shows the bearer of the spell their true beauty, it doesn't create what is not already present in the person.”

“How do I use it?” I asked in awe watching the star float down to levitate above my open palm. Now fully formed and spinning concentrically it was changing colours.

“It'll heat up in a minute. Then it will evaporate and for five to ten minutes you'll be able to see yourself as you would with your true beauty manifested.”

I was mesmerized by the shape, and it began to mist. My heart hammered a little faster in anticipation.

“What are you guys doing?” Gina asked behind me. My heart nearly jumped into my throat at the sound of her voice.

“Nothing!” Coral said and I shifted to block the star. It was almost completely gone but there was no way I would be able to capture the mist with Gina standing there. She would see the change in me immediately.

“Well, what are you guys making?” Gina asked.

“Fish, brussel sprouts, and perogies,” Pearl offered as an answer while Rayne walked next to me and leaned back on the island to block the star from the other side.

“I don't really like fish,” Gina said. “Don't you guys have anything else?”

“Not really,” Rayne said, starting to look annoyed. “The food will be done in about twenty minutes anyway.”

“Is there anything to snack on then?” Gina asked. In my eyes she was pushing her luck, but I guessed she must have felt hungry.

Pearl and Coral both gestured to the fruit bowl, and Rayne matched them by pointing her knife there as well.

“Nevermind,” Gina huffed and left the room, thankfully not asking any more questions. We were all relieved.

Her parents called her before the food was even finished, furious that she had not told them where she was going after school, but she didn't seem to care. Fifteen minutes later, when her dad showed up to pick her up, he looked disapprovingly at Rayne for not ensuring that she had called them. Gina didn't take any responsibility, and her father, Mr. Amos, threatened to have a word with their parents. He was giving Merrick unfavourable looks when Rayne apologized, which I knew killed her a little on the inside. So, I stepped up to take the blame and tried to smooth things out.

“Mr. Amos, it's really my fault. See, it's my birthday next weekend and I invited Gina to come along with us. We got so distracted in the kitchen, since we were all hungry, that we didn't make note of the time.”

His stern exterior started to soften, until he glanced at Merrick. Gina had no sense to let go of his arm, and was still wrapped around him. Even though I kind of wanted Gina's father to disliked my mate, it would be selfish of me. I sent out a calming wave of emotion.

“Please don't be too angry with Gina for my excitement.” I added an inflection I so rarely used, my honeyed words, drenched in empathic energy, reached out to him. Then, his emotions unravelled, and he was like putty.

“I'm sorry, girls. It's okay. I understand, but Gina, you're coming home with me. Your mother wants to speak with you.” I smiled at him softly though my eyes were still intense.

“Have a wonderful evening...” He looked embarrassed that he didn't know my name.

“Anya,” I supplied him, the same emotional evocation in my words. At least I could plant fondness in his heart, so that if Gina were to speak poorly of me, he would doubt it at first.

“Well I hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration, Anya,” Mr. Amos said before he made a 'come here' gesture to Gina. She pouted and stomped her foot like a child, but gathered her things and followed. As soon as the door closed, everyone but Merrick, let out a sigh of relief.

Rayne rushed forward and hugged me. “Anya you were awesome! Thank you for saving me.” Pearl and Coral agreed, but when I turned around to Merrick he had a dark look on his face.

“Why did you do that?” He asked me.

“We'll give you two a moment,” Rayne and pushed Coral and Pearl along. I nodded to them before answering.

“What do you mean?” I asked.
Shouldn't you be grateful?
I wanted to say. He could continue on with his life plan of freedom.

“You took the blame. You used your powers to smooth things out for me.”

“Not just you!” I snapped raising my chin a little, “Rayne didn't deserve the blame for your girlfriend's actions.” I couldn't help it, and I spit out the last part with a bit of edge that I tried too late to soften.

“My girlfriend?” He said challenging me, still angry that I had interfered.

I shrugged. I wanted to roll my eyes, but that would just create more distance between us and he had already asked me to be understanding.

Then, I did the only think that seemed natural. I sent a wave of comfort to him. It was meant to be tender and soothing and was dripping with affection. I watched his face as it cascaded over him, and noticed a visible tug in him when it reached the pit of his stomach.

“I'm giving you what you want, Merrick. You could at least be thankful.” The words were not inflected as seriously as they had been with Mr. Amos, just enough to take the edge off of our emotions. I suspected he was only angry with me because I made him feel guilty. I did what he could not.

He closed his eyes. “Thank you.” He managed to say before opening them. That was when I truly saw what was making him angry. His eyes were filled with fear, and affection, and I didn't know what had triggered the cause of either.
Did he fear me and my power?
He shouldn't, he knew I had never used it on him until that moment. And the affection intermixed was unexpected, but so strongly evident.

“Promise me you won't use that power over me again Anya.” It was a command and a plea.

“Okay,” I said letting the power release from me so my words were neutral.

“And don't fight my battles for me.”

“I'm your mate. I'm supposed to protect you.”

“I'm supposed to protect
, Anya.”

“Whatever. Again Merrick, not everything I did was for you tonight. Now let's go eat, I'm starving.”

“You're impossible.”

“Look, I promised I wouldn't use my powers on you again. I’m giving you your space. What more do you want?” By then I was frustrated and beginning to get cranky. I was hungry and he was keeping me from my supper.

“You don’t understand Anya.”

“Understand what!?”  My hands jerked out.

“You get irritated when you're hungry?” He said, realizing there was more in my words than simply submission to his request.

“Yes,” I replied exasperated. “My stomach is eating itself.”

We both looked down towards it and he laughed. It felt --unexpected.

“What on earth are you going to be like when you're pregnant with our Mer babies?”

I had not expected him to say anything remotely similar to those words and it was worse than seeing Gina latched onto his arms. I wanted to ask him to stop saying things like that, to stop being sweet to me when I least expected it, and to never speak of our future again, but Coral came prancing into the room.

“Your food is getting cold guys.”

I tore my eyes from him, though it felt more painful than tearing a strip of skin off of my body and followed her. I wanted to run into his arms and kiss him. I wanted to tell him that I didn't agree to him dating other people because he was mine, but I couldn't. My pride wouldn't let me, and my heart wasn’t so sure yet. Magic had a way of warping things.


Chapter 8



For the rest of
the night I hid out in Pearl's room with the Price girls. Mr. and Mrs. Price had returned from their day of work with Zale, and all three were happy that a delicious supper was waiting for them. They complimented me for my subtle spice suggestions, which seemed to make the meal more enjoyable for them than usual.

I couldn't bring myself to be near Merrick, even when Rayne asked if I wanted to spend some time with him before we got all girlish. I declined, and we watched a few episodes of a show called H20, funnily about Mermaids.

“Do you want us to grab you a glass of juice or anything while we're down in the kitchen?” Coral asked. They were heading to get some snacks, but I was full still from dessert. I had already gone to fill my glass with water.

“Nope!” I answered, grabbing my oversized t-shirt, tooth brush, and toothpaste. I hummed walking to the bathroom, and closed the door to change. After I brushed my teeth, I took a look in the mirror. For the most part I avoided looking into them, but lately, more and more often, I would catch a glimpse of myself in one, and suddenly experience an emotional plummet. This time, I hadn't gotten that far. I jumped when I heard a knock at the door.

Merrick spoke through, “are you done in there pipsqueak?” I grimaced at the nickname and picked up my pile of folded clothes, my things were set neatly atop. I whipped open the door, and gave him a sharp look.

“Stop calling me that, and yes, it's all yours!” I was annoyed, but the emotion quickly melted and morphed to shyness when I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt.  Blocking the entryway, he was leaning in the door frame, his lower half, thankfully covered in red plaid flannel pyjama pants. He was biting a nail, nonchalant, and straightened walking into the bathroom. I took a few steps back evading him, and he closed the door locking us both in, which had me feeling a little claustrophobic. I was almost in panic mode, especially when I actually raised my averted eyes from the floor to look into this eyes. I was starting to realize just how roguish Merrick was.

“Well I should leave you to it,” I started trying to move around him, but he blocked me while still brushing his teeth.

“Merrick!” I said frustrated but trying to keep the volume to a minimum. I didn't want his parents to stumble across the two of us in the bathroom together. Actually, I didn't want anyone to know we were in there together. It was risky, and my heart was hammering faster than a jackhammer. I pulled down on my t-shirt nightie, which suddenly didn’t seem long enough. He finally finished brushing his teeth and checked them in the mirror, placing the toothbrush back into the holder. He turned to face me and I crossed my arms.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Nothing.” He said, but I waited for him to say more. “Are you mad at me, little mouse?”

I groaned, but didn't reply. I refused to let him think he could call me that nickname.

His sockless feet inched forward, and his toes tickled mine. “Huh Anya? Are you mad at me?” I pulled my foot back. He was playing with me, but I was still annoyed from his berating nicknames.

“You are,” he said closing the distance but I stood my ground. “You're mad at me. That's why you're not talking to me. Well, I'll have to fix that.”

Something in his eyes shifted, and his hands shot forward and started poking me and I jumped back trying to avoid him. Before I knew it I was breathless and giggling.

“Merrick stop! Stop!” I pleaded.

“Say mercy,” he said still jabbing at me while his eyes gleamed.

He had me backed against the towel rack in the wall with one more step back, it would hurt.

“Mercy!” I cried out.

“Good,” he said “I grant your mercy. Now give me a goodnight kiss.”

My giggles stopped immediately from pure shock. He leaned down so that his lips were inches from mine, but they hovered there.
Was he going to kiss me again?
Maybe he did like me more than I thought. I froze, unable to move, and he noticed the change in my demeanour.

“I was just joking, Anya” he said, his voice rich and teasing my lips. A loud knock on the door had us both turning our heads.

“Hurry up in there!” Zale cried. “I've got to go! I drank a litre of juice.” His voice was clearly audible through the door and I was afraid it would call attention to the whole house. Merrick swung open the door, and gave Zale a glaring look before brushing past him.

I followed quickly, but Zale stopped me. “Wait Anya.”

I turned to look at him. He was adorable, leaning in the doorway similarly to Merrick. Only he wore a blue tee and pyjama pants, his blonde hair falling into his eyes.

“You okay?” I asked noticing the darkening change in his face. He looked tormented and tired. I felt an indescribable kinship to him in that moment, and the word
echoed in my mind. He glanced back at Merrick's closed bedroom door.

“I will be okay.” He said to me. His words held weight to them and I suddenly had the urge to open up to him emotionally. I shifted into my powers slowly, and felt an oncoming rush of his sadness and anger. I wondered if it had to do with being a Sealatian and suddenly I worried for him. There was a dark cloud of emotion close to his heart. So I reached out to him, and placed my hand on his shoulder in comfort.

“Whatever it is Zale that's bothering you, I'm sure things will work out. It'll be okay.” Then I reached out to him emotionally and took away his heavy feelings, replacing them with something light and comforting. He softened and I watched his shoulders relax, as though some menacing darkness had been removed from whispering behind him. His eyes intensified, looking at me as though he was at ease. His face seemed moonlight before he spoke again.

“You are everything I thought you would be.” It was a soft whisper off his tongue, like he was chanting a spell. His hand had moved over mine and rested there in comfort. Yet, the words he spoke made me wonder.
What did he mean by that?
Why would he wonder about me, and did this have to do with me being a potential Sealatian.
Had the girls mentioned my powers to Zale?

“Zale?” I asked, hoping he would elaborate. He didn't though,he just placed his free hand against my cheek.

“Will you help me Anya?”

I had no idea what he was asking of me, yet I felt compelled to say yes. I could not resist the swallowing depths of his blue eyes, so brightened and like shining orbs.
Was he manipulating me with his powers?
I wondered briefly before the thought drifted away like a log caught in a wave.

“Yes.” I said. “I will help you.”

He broke our touch and the moment dissipated to an awkward hallway encounter.

“Thank you,” he said. “You are the

He repeated himself and I nodded not knowing what else to say. He disappeared into the bathroom closing the door. I turned away from him, feeling bereft and as though I was on autopilot. I found my way back to Pearl's room on the second floor.

When I sat with the girls, all gathered in front of the television with pillows and bean bag chairs, immediately I felt lightened. Yet, the intense encounter with their younger brother was still weighing on my mind.
What had he meant by saying I was the one? And why did he need my help?

Had I been tactless at that given time, like my usual self, I would have simply asked them all what powers Zale had. I thought it might be best to wait for a later time, though, when my question wouldn't be followed with an inquisition as to why I had asked.

My thoughts were quickly replaced with laughs as we talked and painted each other's nails. One of the bottles of nail polish remover was knocked over when Coral bounced by, and Pearl quickly held her hand out stopping the liquid from spilling over, and making it levitate. Coral fixed the bottle upright and slowly Pearl directed the liquid back into the container. It made sense that she had water manipulation like Merrick, the two were twins.

Coral giggled as she watched. “I wish I could do that too,” she said with a sigh. “Or control the weather and speak to water animals like Rayne.”

“I can only control it in a close area,” Rayne said to better explain her powers.

“What are your powers Coral?” I asked.

“I have healing powers.” She said and pouted.

“The most useful powers out of the three of us, and she complains,” Rayne said with a smirk.

I laughed, and nestled into my pillow as Pearl turned off the lights and Rayne played the next episode for us to watch.

Sometime later, curled up in my sleeping bag on a futon, with many layers of blankets beneath me, darkness crept in, and I slept. 





BOOK: Heart of Shell (The Mercrutian Chronicles Book 1)
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