Read Hart Online

Authors: Jayme L Townsend

Hart (4 page)

BOOK: Hart
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Chapter 6


I am so chilled out, for the first time in my life I have nothing going on in my head, just reading and walking along the beach. I have even started taking my book down there with me, I’ve found a nice spot to sit where I can just people watch. Of course what I’m trying to do is pick a man who can give me what I’m missing, I’m not sure how I’m going to have sex with a random man, who I feel safe with and not wear a condom. I have my date tonight with Nick, I’m not sure about it but it’s only a drink so I will give it a go and anyway what does it matter when Will is around to help.

I walk on into town and do some window shopping, I see the book shop is still for sale, I might ring Gerrard and see how much they want for it. I feel a little buzz in my belly as I think about owning a book shop, I walk all the way home thinking about how I could do the shop up when I reach the house before mine a man steps out of the gate.

“Hello I’m Richard, your new neighbour”

“Hello I’m Cam, I have just moved in too”

“That’s funny, so what do you do Cam?”

“I have just given up my job, I’m thinking of buying a shop or something”

“That’s interesting”

“Yeah I think so and you, what do you do?”

“I’m a driver and I look after Mr Hart?”

“Oh, are you American?”

“Yes Mam”

“Well it was nice to meet you Richard”

“And you Cam”

I walk on back to my house and ring Gerrard and tell him to find out about the old book shop, I spend the rest of the day making plans and doing drawings. When I realise its 6pm I need to eat and get ready for my date. I make myself a sandwich and knock back half a glass of wine for courage, I find an outfit and shower.  Once I’m ready I check myself out in the mirror, not bad.

I lock the door, jump in my car and realise I have no idea where O’Malley’s is, I quickly type it in my phone and enter the postcode in the satnav, shit I’m going to be late. I arrive at O’Malley’s ten minutes late, I take a deep breath and walk in. I stop just inside the bar and look around I spot Nick sat at the bar talking to Will, oh great I hope he isn’t giving him my life story…

I walk slowly to the bar and as I reach them Nick turns his head and looks at me, Will is the first to speak

“Hey Doll, you look beautiful”

“Hey Will, thank you”

I watch Nick look at Will then back to me, he places his drink down on the bar and stands up, moves slowly towards me and kisses my cheek

“Hey Cam, glad you came”

“Hi Nick, sorry I had no idea where I was going”

“What can I get you to drink?”

I decide to have one more glass of wine, Nick tells me to take a seat while he gets the drinks. I sit by the window and look around the bar. Will gets a lot of attention and he loves it, he flirts with everybody, I watch as Nick brings our drinks over and sits opposite me.

“So Cam tell me about you”

“I would rather not, tell me you about instead”

After about an hour of Nick telling me about his life I decide he is a nice man, good looking but I don’t think I can have sex with him, ever. I glance across at Will who must be able to read my mind as he comes over to us

“So Cam are you still ok to help me clean up after my shift?”

My mind goes completely blank for a minute then I catch up to reality really quickly “Yeah sure what time do you finish?”

“Well if you help me clear away we could be out of here by twelve at the latest”

“Of course I will help” I glance at the clock quarter to eleven, I think the bar shuts in fifteen minutes

“Ok, well Cam I have had a lovely night but I better be going I have an early start in the morning” Nick leans across the table and kisses my cheek, he shakes Will’s hand and leaves.

“Oh Will that was bad, he couldn’t wait to get out of here”

“Nah it was the vibes you were giving off anyone could tell you weren’t into him”

“Shit really”

“Yeah, don’t worry, hey you don’t have to help clear up you can head on home now if you want”

“No I will help”

“Ok I just need to ring the bell and get rid of this lot”

I watch him walk over and ring the bell, he then shouts “Time to go home you bunch of wasters” a lot of people shout back at him but he just laughs. I get up from my seat and start clearing the tables Will hands me a cloth so I wipe them down as I go. I’ve got my back to the bar when I hear Will’s pitch change as he says

“Well Hello”

“Hi any chance of a quick whiskey?”

Oh an American accent, now that is sexy. I slowly turn and see him, my neighbour. I try to decide if he looks better with his clothes on or off, shit what am I thinking he looks better with them off although I’ve not seen anyone wear a suit that well before. I must be staring too hard since Will does some type of cough thing, my eyes dart to him and of course he’s laughing.  I quickly turn back and carry on cleaning the tables. I move to the next table hoping their voices will become clearer

“Cute help you have there” the American says

“Yeah I know right, I mean when was the last time you saw an ass like that?” 

Oh my god what is Will playing at…

“A long time, mate”

“Will, the names Will””

“Sorry, I’m Grey nice to meet you Will”

“Nice name, don’t suppose you are gay are you?”

“No Will I’m not”

I’m not sure how he can ask someone a question like that and not get punched in the face..


I hear him laugh

“Hey Cam, I think that one is clean”

I turn and give him the V’s

“Oh careful Will, she’s not happy”

“Ah she’s a pussy cat Grey”

I watch as he knocks back the whiskey and shakes Will’s hand “Thanks Will”

Will just nods and watches him leave; so do I only a bit less obvious. Once the door closes I turn to Will

“He liked you” he says

“Shut up Will he couldn’t get out of here quick enough”

“I saw him give you the look”

“You did not, anyway he nearly ran out of here after you asked him if he was gay”

“Well you need to know where you stand, I wonder if I could change his mind, I have been known to before, once they feel what I can do with my mouth”

“WILL! Enough” I chuck the cloth at him and pick up my bag

“See you tomorrow Doll, I will pick you up, oh and wear something sexy”

I don’t bother answering, I just walk straight out the door. I start thinking on my way home, Will is right I haven’t really had good dirty sex just straight forward. I reach home and decide I need to watch some videos, I get ready for bed and grab my laptop.

I open a search box and can’t think what to type in, oral sex, I press enter and masses of videos come up, I choose one where a girl is giving a lesson on how to give a blow job, eugh I don’t think I will be doing that, then I watch another this one isn’t quite as bad but still it’s not for me.

I close the laptop and turn the light off, I fall to sleep remembering Grey undressing to swim in the sea.

Chapter 7


Gerrard rings early the next morning to say the shop is a steal and if I still want it he thinks he can get it for less. We agree to meet at the shop in two hours, I’m so excited. I have breakfast and get ready. I decide to walk, I really never used to walk anywhere because I didn’t have the time. I grab my bag with my proposals in and walk out the door. I notice Richard in the garden, he waves and asks if I’m off anywhere nice. I tell him about the shop and he asks if he can walk with me.

He tells me all about America, his wife and kids, thankfully we reach the shop before he asks about my family.

“So how long are you here for?” I ask

“Three months”

“And Grey?”

“The same, can I come and look around with you? I’m sorry I really don’t know what to do with my time whilst he’s at work”

“Yes of course”

We walk into the shop and Gerrard is already there, I introduce him to Richard and then he introduces us to Mrs Jones. He walks me to the back of the shop and asks me if I’m sure, I show him my proposals and he agrees that I could make it nice but that I wouldn’t earn a lot of money from it. I just smile at him, I’m not really in this for the money.

We walk back to Mrs Jones and tell her that we have put a full price offer in, she is delighted but when Gerrard asks that we take over two weeks from today, she turns white

“But my dear I have nowhere to go, I have lived above this shop for thirty years”

“That’s ok Mrs Jones, if you help out in the shop you can stay in the apartment”

“Oh my dear, you are an angel”

“I agree” Richard says, I turn and look at him, he is older than me, I would say he was in his forties, his hair is greying but there is something really attractive about him.

Once we have signed the papers, Gerrard leaves and I take Richard for a coffee to celebrate

“So how come you are not married?” he asks

“Richard, I like you but there are things I don’t like talking about, one, my family. I have a brother, sister in law and two nieces. Two, my marital status – my fiancé died a couple of years back. That’s it, no more questions”

“I’m sorry – you really are quite alone, very beautiful, nice and charming but alone, you need to get on and live”

“Thank you I intend too, hence my fresh start”

He seems happy with that and leaves it alone, he looks over my plans and makes a few suggestions, he suddenly looks at his watch and says he has to leave to pick up Grey. Funny every time he says his name my belly does a little flutter.

“Are you coming or will you be ok walking back home?”

“No I better come, I have a date tonight”


We make it back in record time and I watch laughing as Richard jumps in the car and races off. I wander on to my house.  I make a tea and spread my designs over the table, Gerrard rings to say the shop is mine and if I need any help with builders and things, to ring him. I thank him and tell him I am going to try and do this myself.


I better start to get ready for tonight, Will said to dress sexy and I’m not sure I can do sexy. I wander outside and decide to go for a swim, I look around nobody is about so I strip to my bra and panties and dive in. I have really missed swimming, when I was in college I used to get up early every morning and swim and now I can’t remember the last time. When I’ve completed forty lengths of the pool I swim to the steps and make my way out, that’s when I spot Grey, he is just stood there watching me, I think what would Will tell me to do, sexy, I drop my head down and flick my hair up and back, I slowly dip and collect my clothes making sure I don’t cover my body, I might as well give him a good show, I turn and walk towards the house, I’m so glad I am wearing a matching set, although I’m sure white goes a bit see through when wet. I reach the door and turn to look at him, yeah he is still watching, so I give him a little wave and almost run into the house, once inside I can’t stop laughing.

I throw my clothes by the machine and make my way to the bedroom, I glance at myself in the mirror, holy shit, my underwear is completely see through, instead of being horrified I start laughing again, I grab my phone and take a selfie, I will show Will tonight, I’m not daft enough to send it to him though.

I’m dressed and ready waiting for Will to collect me, I’ve tried hard to go with sexy, I will just have to wait and see what he thinks. I hear a toot of a horn and grab my bag and run out the door, Will is stood outside between the car and the door

“Fucking hell Doll, I know I said sexy but shit you look fan-fucking-tastic”

“You sure it’s not too much?”

“You look amazing, I love the red dress, is it new?”

“Yes I got it yesterday” I say trying to pull it down, it is very short and very tight

“Leave it”

I quickly move my hands and get in the car

“I thought I would take you to dinner then some drinks back at O’Malley’s”

“Sounds perfect”

We arrive at a small restaurant in town, once we have ordered I tell Will about the shop, he’s really pleased for me but I knew he would be he always is.

“That’s great Doll because that means you are going to stay for a while”

“Oh I intend too, I just need something to occupy me a bit”


Chapter 8


Well that’s the first week over, I’m not sure I like this working eight till seven, you don’t have any time for anything else. I haven’t had a drink all week up until last night when I found a small pub and even then I only had one whiskey.

James has dragged me to a pub along with some other work colleagues, males of course, they are a pretty boring bunch, until we leave the one pub and get to the next. I’m not sure what happened but suddenly they’re all really drunk, which is quite funny because I’m the only one that isn’t.

I watch as a girl approaches James, she whispers something in his ear, he nods, gets up and leaves, I must look a bit shocked.

“Hey Brian, did that just really happen with James?”

“What? Oh that yeah, happens every week” he replies with a really casual tone in his voice, not really giving a fuck that James is married

I just nod my head and slowly the guys are picked up by ladies and leave, eventually I’m the only one left, when I’m approached

“Hey gorgeous, what you doing sitting here by yourself, fancy a good time? I will do anything you like for £250”

“£250 you must be good”

“Oh I’m the best, come on there must be something your pretty little wife won’t do”

“No, I’m ok, I’m just leaving” I say trying to push her off my lap, when I succeed I’m out of there like lightning.

Jesus I’m stood waiting for Richard when I am approached again, I’m just pushing her away when Richard pulls up, I quickly jump in the car.

“Fuck Richard, where were you?”

“Sorry, I was helping Cam and then the traffic was bad”

“What Cam our neighbour?”

“Yeah, she is a really nice girl Grey, I just don’t think she’s your type of girl”

“What makes you think that?”

“Well I’m not sure she sleeps around, a bit posh and has lived a boring life”

“Well I’m sure I could change that for her”


I just laugh at him, I rest my head back what a night, first I was propositioned by a prostitute and then Richard telling me to leave Cam alone, that only spikes my interest in her. As I think about her my cock starts to stir in my trousers.

“Richard drop me at home then I spotted a bar back up the road”

“Grey, you are doing really well, are you sure? What am I meant to tell Nikki?”

“Don’t tell her fuck all. I just need to get out I’m not going wild or anything, how about you take me there later?” I watch as he nods his head.

I make a coffee and take it outside, I spot Cam in the swimming pool, as she gets out her underwear is see through, wow what a body she notices me and carries on. I smile and finish my coffee; I make a quick call to Nikki and wait for Richard to come back.

A couple of hours later I’m sat at the bar, I’ve taken off my jacket and tie and rolled my sleeves and loosened some buttons. I decide to have a beer rather than whiskey. I have gained a bit of interest from the ladies but I can only think about one.

I grab the attention of the barman as he walks pass “Excuse me is Cam working tonight?”

“Sorry mate, nobody called Cam works here”

“Oh what about Will?”

“He’s got tonight off, taking a lady out or something”

“I thought he was gay”

“Yeah mate so did I, I’m usually his Friday man”

“Oh.. Sorry” not sure what I’m apologising for. It’s getting late I will have one more pint then ring Richard to come get me. Just as I order my pint the door goes, I look up as Will enters and behind him I think is Cam. They step inside then Will moves and takes Cam’s arm and walks towards me. Holy Fucking cow, I though she looked good in her underwear but wow that dress, it is skin tight and red and as sexy as fuck.

“Hey Grey, how are you?” Will says

“Good Will and you?”

“Yeah fine, let me introduce you to Cam”

“Hi Cam” I stand from my stool and put my hand out for her to shake

“Hello Grey”

Shit even her voice is sexy and then when she touches my hand, it’s like a shock that darts straight to my cock

“I like your dress, although I prefer you in just your underwear” I watch as she goes red perhaps I shouldn’t have said that…

“Thank you, nice suit although I prefer you in just your boxers” she answers

I just look at her, I hear Will laugh then add “nice one Cam”

“When?” I ask

“You went for a swim in the sea”

I slowly nod my head, ok I think I’m in here “You were watching me?”

“No. I was watching the sea”

I look a bit puzzled as Will laughs again “Yeah she told me about that, shame I wasn’t there I like a good view too”

We all laugh except the barman who is shooting daggers at Will, I nod my head and roll my eyes towards him, Will follows my nod and smiles at the Barman

“Don’t worry Andy, you will always be Mr Friday night” he says to the barman, who then walks off smiling.

“Cam can I get you a drink?” I ask

“Will’s getting these” I love her eyes, dark like her hair but innocent and sexy at the same time.

“Would you like to sit at a table?”

She nods her head and follows me to the table, I pull the chair out for her to sit

“Thank you”

I sit opposite her and Will brings her a glass of wine “You two ok if I go play pool?”

“Yes” we answer together

For a second I’m lost for words just looking at her “So Richard said you are buying a shop?”

“Yeah, I gave up a job I did for years, it was full on, now I just want more from life, hence the move down here. I stumbled on the shop earlier in the week and loved it, it probably won’t make me much money but it will give me something to do”

“I understand that”

“So do you work in London?”

“Yeah on placement for three months, then back to LA after that”

“How are you finding England?”

“Ok, haven’t seen much of it yet though, too busy working”

“That was my problem, I have some friends in LA, I visited them about five years ago, I really liked it there”

“Yeah I like it”

Will comes back over asks me to play pool, I look at Cam who nods her head.

BOOK: Hart
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