Harder (Sensual Biker Romance, Spanking, Dark Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Harder (Sensual Biker Romance, Spanking, Dark Romance)
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Before I can answer, he pulls on my arm and puts me on his bike.  He picks up Star and puts her in his leather saddlebag zipping it up. I sit stunned; here I am on the back of a motorcycle with Chance Danger, a leader in the D.B.B, Death Blood Blades. The back of his Jacket lists his rank and club name. 

“Hold on tight,” he says as he pulls away from the curb.  We ride for what feels like hours until the sun sets. I feel even colder and can’t help but to cling onto Chance's warm back.  I slip my hands underneath his vest and feel so warm.  He had put a helmet on me before we left, it smelled like perfume and I knew it was for any girl really.

I probably would just be a notch in his bedpost if I let him have me.  Once chance finally pulled over, I get off his bike without falling “Impressive,” he says. “What?” I ask.

“Most girls’ that have never ridden before fall off,” he laughs.

“Well, I was blessed with some balance I guess,” I say as I dust myself off.

“Where are we?” I ask.

“We are at my home,” he says.

The small house was too nice to belong to a biker let alone someone that is a part of some big gang.

  “Really, you live here?” I say popping my hip.

“Not all bikers are filthy bastards,” he says. He leans over me and I shrink beneath him.

“Just reaching for your pussy,” he says with a wink as he unzips the bag with Star in it.

“Okay seriously that joke is a bit old,” I say.

“What joke?” he shrugs.


“There. Now go play,” he says as he sits her down.

“You can't just do that!” I say with a small shriek.

“Why not? She knows where we are,” he says as he continues to unpack his things.

“Come on inside it's cold as fuck out here,” he says as he walks to the side entrance.  He doesn't unlock the door and just walks in.

“You don't lock your doors?” I ask.

“No one would be so stupid as to steal from me,” he says as he kicks off his boots.


“What are you some sort of reformed biker?” I ask.

“No, and just so you know you shouldn't talk to a man like that, or wear this,” he says and lifts up my short cotton blue skirt.

“I'm covered,” I say pointing out my black tights. “No you're not, I can see every inch of you in that little outfit,” He says as he walks over to the couch and sits down.


“Um, why do you care what I wear,” I say.

“Well you have no home right,” he says.

“I have a...” I try to say but he interrupts me.

“Don't lie. Rule number one in this house,” he says.

“Since you don't have a home, I thought you might want one,” he shrugs.

“What live here?” I ask.

He shrugs again, “Or not, I am sure someone in my gang is looking for a little blond girl,” he laughs. 

“I'm not some whore,” I say stand upright.

“Easy tiger,” he says.

“Look, there are a few rules and you won’t get hurt, rule one, don't lie,” he says pausing looking at my legs and then stopping at my chest.

“Rule two, don't wear slutty outfits,” he reaches out towards the space between us.

“Rule three, bring me a beer,” his hand waves out and he starts to snap his fingers. 


I feel compelled to at least get him one. I go over to his small frig and pull out a cold one handing it to him. I watch as he pulls the top off and takes a long drink, some of the amber liquid spills out from the corner of his mouth.


He takes a deep breath, “Rule four no drugs,” he looks at me from the corner of his eyes. 


The most I had ever done was smoke; I grew up in the middle of a suburb. “Now come over and sit down,” he says.


I stand there watching him carefully. He reaches out and grabs my wrist pulling me on top of him.  I wiggle and try to get away as he pushes me over to the seat next to him.

“You need to calm the fuck down,” he says.  I sit staring at him confused. I feel my heart is racing again; my head and my heart are very confused.

“Here,” he hands me half his beer.  “

“I'm going to go shower. I’ve had a long day, if you know how to cook, there's food,” he says. He gets up and pats me on my head as if I am five. I feel frustration, as he clearly isn't looking at me as a woman.
Wait do I want him to see me like that?


I hear the shower turn on and I sit staring at the TV question what I should do. I think about his arms, his abs that I felt underneath his vest felt very firm. I feel a zing run through my body and down between my legs. I get up and tiptoe down the hall the bathroom is cracked open; steam is coming from it. I peek through the open door and see his perfectly shaped ass as he climbs into the hot shower. 

“Hey, this isn't a peep show,” he barks from the shower.

I feel my heart drop with extreme shame inside. 

“Fuck,” I whisper.

“I wasn't peeping, I need to pee,” I call out.

“Go ahead,” he says.


I awkwardly enter the bathroom. I had never been in a room with a naked man before,
why am I here.
I calmly pull down my skirt and tights and sit down on the white toilet.


“Hey,” he says poking his head out from the shower curtain.


I let out a little shriek as I pee, “What are you doing,” I say.


“You're the one that had to pee so bad you couldn't wait.  Can you hand me that razor on the counter when you’re done? Also, loving the red,” he says with a dark grin before darting back inside.


I look down at my red thong around my ankles and feel my face becoming hot again this time with anger.  Once I finish washing my hands I get up, grab his razor, and shove my hand inside his shower, “Careful with that,” he says as he takes it from me.

“Do you always pick up stray cats and girls?” I ask as I lean against the bathroom wall.

“No, you two are the first,” he says as I hear him washing himself.


I want to sneak another peek but know I will be caught. As I close the bathroom door I smile to myself, I wonder if he really does like me. 


In the kitchen, I make myself at home and start cooking hamburgers.  Once I finish I hear Chance coming down the hall. My jaw drops open as I see him in just a bath towel, his beautifully sculpted body is covered in tats.  His serious look at me makes me jump a little and I feel my heart drop for a second.
Maybe he is dangerous.


“Smells good in here,” he says as he leans over to check my cooking. I take in a deep breath and smell his fresh scent. His hair is still a little wet and look up at home watching a bead of water slide from his neck down over his muscles. I trace each indent with my eyes until his white towel around his waist absorbs the little drop.

"Like what you see huh?"  He asks with a big grin. I blush and turn around quickly knocking over my spatula.

"Careful," he barks loudly at me.  It makes me jump as he bends down to pick up the cooking tool.  When he stands up right, he touches my hand and looks into my eyes, "Are you hungry?"  He says.


I stare back into his eyes my hands feel sweaty,
yes I am hungry but not for hamburgers


"Yes," I stammer.

"I’ll grab the buns," he says.
I’d like to grab his buns
as soon as the thought enters my mind I look on as he bends over in the refrigerator. I never have felt this way before about a man, something was changing inside me, and a small fire was building.

"Do you have mustard?" I ask as I plate the hamburgers.

"Yup,” he says.

"Do you want a pickle?" He asks.

"Yeah a big dill please," I say blushing.

"I am going to go get dressed, you got this?" He asks pushing his eyebrows together.

"Yup," I answer. It feels good to be doing normal domestic things, things I had almost forgotten about.

I quickly set up the plates on the small cherry wood table just as my mom would have me do before dinner. As I sit down, I realize how exhausted and hungry I really am.  When Chance comes in, he sits down wearing just a pair of loose fitting yoga pants. I can see the outline of his meaty cock and feel a sudden zing between my legs again.  I wonder what it would feel like to have him deep between my legs.  I feel my face become flush with heat.


I start to eat slowly nibbling at my hamburger.

"Don't be a little bird, I know you’re hungry,” he says as he reaches for his beer.  I give him an annoyed look and then continue to eat slowly.

"It lasts longer this way," I say softly.


He looks down at his plate and I watch him, as it seems he wants to tell me something but the room is filled with silence.  My stomach growls loudly as I take another small bite, I had not eaten in two days and with each bite, my stomach begged for more.  After eating I get up, wash the dishes as I am about to start rinsing them I feel dizzy and suddenly drop to the floor.


When I wake up I am lying in a soft bed with white crisp sheets, I feel warm and slide my bare legs around the sheets. Suddenly, I sit up looking down at myself; I am now wearing one of his white t-shirts and pair of boxers. I hear a soft snoring and realize why I am so warm; Chance is asleep in the bed with me.  I feel angry that he undressed me; I smack his head with my pillow.

His arm reaches out, grabs my wrist tightly as he pulls me down on top of him. I wiggle and try to get free. I realize he is still asleep when I hear him snore. I roll my eyes,
great now I am lying on top of a muscular Greek god
. My heart is racing from the surprise movement.  With my ear now pressed against his chest, I listen to his slow deep heartbeat. 
What am I doing?
I ask myself. 

I try to escape his tight grasp but start to fall asleep after giving up.  I dream about that night, that horrible night.  I see slashes of red all over the kitchen floor and the large silvery knife on the floor covered in a thick dark red.  I scream as I see my mother’s ashen face and my world turns to blackness.


"Hey kid wake up!" I hear I feel my body being shook to life. 

"Wa?"  I open my eyes and fear hits me as I see a man I don’t remember. I fight and claw at him until he wraps me tightly in his arms, "Shh, it is okay, you're safe," his deep voice says. I am pressed against his chest as he strokes my hair I hear a familiar melodic beat. I slowly remember I am safe, and let him pet me until I fall asleep.


I wake up with sunlight hitting my face; I squint as I open my eyes. My head is pounding. I sit up slowly and rub my temples, I can smell bacon; my stomach responds with a loud grumble. I stand up and make my way down the hallway remembering where the bathroom is.

For the first time in weeks have a hot shower. My hair is matted at the nap of my neck and I spend extra time pulling my fingers through the tangled mess. My hand goes back to between my legs and I push apart my soft smooth lips. As I let the hot water roll down my neck I wash between my legs and feel arousal, by my own touch. 

It feels soft and warm as I push my finger further inside; I wiggle it a little until I find a special spot.  It sends a jolt of electricity through my body. I begin to rub that spot fast and hard while my other hand massages near my clit.

I imagine Chance and his big hands inside me deep and pushing against my clit.  I want to know what it feels like to have a man like him between my legs. I moan as I imagine myself kissing and sucking gently on his thick cock while he slides his hot tongue darting between my pink puffy lips.  My face feels hot and my muscles start to tense up as I feel my body becoming more intensely electrified. I want him to lick and finger me so badly; I ache for his touch as I rub myself into pure pleasure.

I feel a sudden explosion inside my body the pleasure shoots down into my toes and up to my nipples, I moan loudly as I feel my pussy pulsing around my wet finger. I lean against the cold tiled shower stall in pure exquisite pleasure as my body recovers from the intense gratification. I feel naughty for thinking about being with Chance he may not even feel that way towards me.

I scrub myself clean and let the hot water hit my shoulders and neck, relaxing my tense muscles. A fresh set of clothes but no bra surprises me. I slip the pair of jeans on and t-shirt, they are too big for me but I try my best and tie the top off to the side of my waist exposing my mid-drift.


"Good morning,” he says as he looks down at his phone while eating some eggs. 

"Thanks for the food and last night," I eat the thick salty piece of bacon quickly.  I hadn’t had bacon in forever. I feel embarrassed remembering how he held me like a small child while I wept. 


I smile at Chance as he picks up his phone when it rings. He gets up from the table and goes outside. I can hear every other word and he sounds upset. I see a puff of smoke from the window and peak out to see him pacing while smoking.  I open the front door, the cold morning air bites at my bare skin and I feel my nipples immediately harden.

I watch Chance turn around mad, he stops moving and stares at my chest.  I smile coyly at him and walk up to him sliding my hand down his shoulder. I feel bold and sexy as my legs rub against each other with no underwear on under my jeans. 

A flash of anger crosses Chances face, "I thought I said don’t dress like that,” he says tightly. I turn around, "You set these out for me, and I don’t think a t-shirt and jeans is considered whorish," I say crossing my arms. 

I feel rejection as he stands still behind me. Then both our heads turn as we hear the rumbling sound coming up the drive.

"Go inside Sasha," he says as he stands in front of me.

My feet won’t move. "Now," he barks at me. I jump and stay put.

"Sasha, go, please stay inside," he says turning around. I finally make myself move and head inside. I move the curtains to the side and look out keeping my body hidden. I see three men on bikes approaching the house. I watch as Chance greets them with a fist bump. I see them talking and a big filthy man patting Chance on the back.  My pulse races as I see them head towards the house, I run into the bedroom leaving the door cracked.


I stay still as I eavesdrop on their conversation. I gather that Chance is in deep with the gang they are talking about some deal going down tonight.

"Did you get the goods?" One man asks.

"Yes, of course," I hear Chance say.

"Shit it’s going to be a wild night," I hear one of them say.

"You made breakfast?" One of the men says. 

"Gotta eat," Chance says. I sit back on the bed and smell his pillow. Then men stay for what feels like hours and then finally leave.

BOOK: Harder (Sensual Biker Romance, Spanking, Dark Romance)
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