Read Harbour of Refuge Online

Authors: Aliyah Burke

Harbour of Refuge (17 page)

BOOK: Harbour of Refuge
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“That was perfect.”

“Oh, I’m not done yet.” One fast kiss then he deposited her back on the bed.

She crossed her legs and waited to see what he pulled out of his bag this time. He didn’t make her wait long. He gave her a framed picture of Liev using his telescope. The smile on the child’s face nearly brought tears to her eyes.

“He wanted you to have this.”

“Thank you.” She traced the frame with her fingers.

“These are from me.”

She reached for the bound cards. ‘
Full body massage’.
With her brow raised she looked at him. “Full body massage?”

“I kind of made my own suggestion cards. All things I’m willing to do for you, whenever. You want one of them, you just hand over the card.”

Heat fluttered in her belly and she skimmed them. Kisses, positions and more.

“Ohh, me likey.” Her pussy grew slick at the thought of experiencing these cards with him.

“Whew. If that didn’t work I thought I would have to go here.” That said, he drew out a bottle of chocolate syrup and can of whipped cream.

She immediately shook her head. “It didn’t work. You’ll need those.”

His smirk was one of pure sin. “That’s my girl.”

Enzo put the picture, cards and book on the bedside table. Then he returned and began to undress her. The moment she was naked, she went to work on his attire.

One dark pearl button at a time exposed his chest from behind the black button-down. Each exposed inch, she kissed. Taking her time, she finally worked the silk over his shoulders to flutter to the bed, only to slide on to the floor. Pressing him back against her mattress, she watched him from beneath hooded eyes. His gaze remained transfixed upon her.

Fingers trembling with the extent of her need, she reached for his belt and undid the gold buckle. She freed the button then the zipper of his black Levi’s.

“I’m still wearing shoes,” he informed her.

“I know.”

She pulled on the material so it slipped down. When it was at his knees, she pressed a lingering kiss to the bulge in his boxer briefs before making short work of his shoes, socks and jeans.

Climbing back up towards him, she had him move more into the centre of her bed. His eyes swirled with heat and she straddled him, her wetness right above his erection, snug in the black boxer briefs.

“You look damn good in black,” she informed him. “So damn good.”

“Halyn,” he rumbled.

She reached past him for the cards, then flipped through and withdrew the one she wanted. “It says ‘explore at my leisure’, so that’s what I am going to do.” She kissed him. “Here’s your card back. Now hush.”

Beneath her, his chest moved with his deep rumble. Giving him more of her weight, she tossed her hair and leant down, flicking her tongue over his tanned skin in little, short moves. Between her legs, his shaft twitched and she rocked against him. He gripped her hips and she sat up.

“No touching. This is my time to explore.” One wrist in each hand, she put his arms over his head. “Keep them there.”

She loved his eyes as he gazed at her, so full of tumultuous emotions. The most blatant was his unrefined and pure desire for her. She stared at him, cocked her head to the side and gave a mewl of pleasure.

“Now, where was I?”

She didn’t expect a response from him, and with a breathy sigh, she skimmed her hands over her belly and moved them up over her breasts, tugging slightly on her turgid nipples. She watched him from below lowered lids, taking in his increased breathing, dilated pupils and the tensing of his jaw.

Capturing her lower lip in her teeth, she progressed on from her breasts and lowered them over her pussy, only to slide by and continue down along the tops of her thighs.

“Oh yeah,” she purred. “I was exploring you.” She waggled a finger at him. “Uh uh, no touching.”

He muttered in Italian and while she didn’t understand what he said, she got the gist of it. Hands upon his shoulders, she leant down again and kissed him, backing off when he tried to increase the exchange. He flexed his fingers but kept his hands where she’d directed.

She lowered her lids until her lashes drifted to where they were only a hairsbreadth from her cheek. She kissed her way along his sternum until she hit the top of his eight-pack. Of course, he couldn’t have a six-pack. Dragging her tongue along the groove between them, she continued her quest south. She grazed her teeth along the waistband of his boxers.

“Halyn,” he uttered.

“Lift up.” She drew them off, slipping down his body to remove them before tossing them to the side.

Magnificent. That was the only word that popped into her mind for the moment she stared at him. His cock stood erect, thick and long. Her pussy clenched at the thought of him inside her. She licked her lips as she moved closer to it. A few pearled drops graced the mushroom head and she swiped her tongue to gather them.

His groan had her smiling. She opened her mouth and took him in. She ran her tongue around the bulbous head before swallowing up more of his shaft. Up and down she moved, keeping the suction tight, lightly grazing him with her teeth. He gripped her hair and she added her hand to the base of his shaft, stroking where she wasn’t sucking. Angling her head so she could watch him, she smiled at the agony on his face. She loved that expression on him as he tried to remain in control. She increased her speed.

His moans grew louder. “Jesus…Halyn…sweetheart. I’m about to…”

That was her warning. She drew hard on him as he released into her. Swallowing what he gave her, she took him fully in again before allowing him to pop out of her mouth.

He reached for her but she shook her head. “Nope, still exploring.”

His gaze burned with the promise of retribution. Was she worried? Not in the least. Excited? Most definitely.

Moving back up his body, she whimpered when his thickness entered between her pussy lips. Focusing on his face, she ignored her own needs and got back to exploring his hard body.

By the time she reached for a condom, she was on fire for him. He slid easily into her. She moaned at the same time he did. His hands settled upon her hips and he stared into her eyes.


So she did, lifting and lowering herself in a rhythm she wanted. She undulated her hips and rocked on him, prolonging her need as much as she could. When she could almost reach her orgasm, she dug her nails into his chest. His fingers flexed into her skin seconds before he began thrusting up to meet her.

“Yes!” she hissed, needing his deep strokes.

Still buried inside her, Enzo moved them from the bed only to lay her back along it. He stood over her, angled her hips up and began driving into her, his face a mask of feral need.

She exploded around him and came with a scream of pleasure. He echoed her with a raw cry of his own. When he lowered his body to hers, she hooked her legs around his waist and wrapped her arms around his neck. She loved being this close to him and she held him tight. He didn’t seem to mind.

He crawled up the bed and lay them so their heads were on pillows and feet no longer hung off the bed. Sated and content, she began to fall asleep.

“I like that gift of cards,” she whispered. “A lot.”

His indulgent chuckle escorted her to the land of slumber.

Chapter Twelve




Taking the tomato quiche from the oven, Enzo moved and placed it on the trivet. He glanced at the clock, noting it was almost six in the morning. Halyn still slept—he wouldn’t wake her until everything was ready. She had to work today but he’d kept her up late last night and into the morning.

He grinned with pure masculine arrogance—he’d worn her out.
She made you just as exhausted,
his subconscious reminded him. He shook his head. She was more than welcome to wear him out like that anytime she wished.

He’d just set the diced fruit on the table when his cell went off.


“What’s this I hear about you having a son?”

The eldest Cassano child. “Hello, Valentino. How are you doing?”


He chuckled. His brother sure didn’t mince words. “I have a son. I see Mama has been blabbing again.”

“You could have told me.”

He nodded, accepting that as truth, all the while knowing Valentino knew why he didn’t call when he was gone. None of them did, he would let his family know when he returned then they would catch him up. “I know and I’m sorry. Just been a bit hectic lately, trying to figure out how to keep racing while I have him with me.”

“Liev—is that his name?”

“Yes. Ekaterina is his mother. Was,
his mother. Smart kid, we’re going to have him tested soon.”

“We? Who’s we?”

“Jaydee said she’d go with me. She’s very protective of him. Honestly, I think she sees a lot of herself in him, and wants to make sure he doesn’t have the shitty childhood she did.”

“Is that where he is?”

“For the night, yes. I had a date.”

“This is the woman from Monte Carlo.”

Christ, could his family stay out of his business? “Damn that Gio.”

“I’m coming along with Zia, I want to meet this boy of yours.”

. “Awesome, it’ll be good to see you.”

“Liar, you’re wishing I wouldn’t. I’ll see you then.” His brother hung up before he could say anything else.

Phone on the counter, he sighed. “Great, family coming and I don’t have places to put them. Well, they can get a hotel or stay with Gio.”

“Everything okay, Enzo?”

He turned, a smile lifting his lips at the sight of Halyn standing there in fitted jeans and a nice shirt.

“Morning, sweetheart.” He moved to her side and kissed her quickly. “I was just about to come wake you up.”

She allowed a hand to linger on his chest, the look in her eyes slightly far away. “Something smells wonderful.”

“I made you some breakfast. I know you have to work today.”

“You didn’t have to cook for me, Enzo.”

“I know, I
to do it.”

She lifted up on her toes and placed a kiss on his lips. “Thank you.”

“You haven’t tasted it yet.”

“I’m not worried. Jaydee told me your mama made sure all you boys could cook.”

“Did she now.” He led Halyn to the table and held her chair for her. “What else did she tell you?”

“Sorry, sworn to secrecy.”

He tugged her hair until her head dropped back. “Really?”

“Oh, yes.”

He laughed at her solemn expression. “You’re very upbeat in the mornings.”

“It’s my favourite time of day. Everything clean from the night’s dew. It’s a new beginning. If someone hadn’t worn me out so much, I would have been up earlier to drink coffee on the patio.”

“Let’s go eat out there.”

Her smile was better than winning any race. It didn’t take them long to put the food out and sit at the table. They ate in silence for a while, enjoying the crisp morning air.

“Thank you for this,” she said on a moan. “It’s so delicious.”

He shifted on the seat, his jeans a bit tight from the hardness in them. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”

She sipped some coffee and sent him a wink. “I am. I think this should be one of my cards. Cook for Halyn.”

Finishing his last bite, he placed his fork down. “I can make you a few more cards.”

Her grin was wicked. “I’d like that a lot.”

So would he.

She cleaned up then got ready to go. As he watched, she shoved her identification in a backpack.

“No purse?”

“I don’t use one when I ride in. I have the pack.”

“You’re riding in today?”

“Yes. Have a good day, Enzo.”

“I don’t like this, you shouldn’t ride.”

Her chuckle didn’t set him at ease in the least. “I love to ride my bike. I do it a couple times a week. It’s good exercise.”

“It’s dangerous.”

“So is riding in a car. I’ll be fine.” She squeezed his hand and shoved into her backpack. “I have to go.”

He walked out the door and watched as she pushed a bike around from her garage. She put her helmet on and he walked to her.

“I could drive you down there,” he offered.

“And I could drive myself. I want to bike, Enzo. I
to bike. Don’t worry so much, I’ll be fine.”

He gripped her shoulders and drew her close. “You’d better. Dinner tonight?”

“Can’t, sorry, have plans with Mila.”

He ignored the shaft of disappointment and nodded. “Okay. I’ll call you.”

“Sounds good.” She brushed their lips together all too briefly before she straddled the bike and got on her way. Prior to turning out of her drive, she glanced at him over her shoulder, waved and grinned.

He almost followed her for his own peace of mind. Instead he pointed his car in the direction of his brother’s and went to pick up his son. Jaydee was outside when he got there, putting things on her motorcycle.

“Morning, beautiful,” he said, climbing out of his car.

Cool brown eyes ran over him. “Enzo. Your brother is inside.”

“Thanks, love.”

He jogged up the steps. The differences between Jaydee and everyone else never ceased to amaze him. He loved his sister-in-law and would do anything for her but she had at no time reacted to him flirting with her. It was more like she didn’t even register that that was what he was doing. At least when he did it in front of his brother, he got a reaction from one of them. Jaydee just didn’t care.

Sure, she cared about him, he knew that, and she was happy to see him. But he was one of those things in her world where if he didn’t show back up she would be distressed simply by what it did to her husband. She just wasn’t like, say…Halyn.

Just thinking of that woman had him grinning as he pushed into the large home. “Where you at, bro?” he called out in Italian.

Gio appeared on the stairs, carrying his daughter. “He’s still sleeping. We stayed up late last night to look at the stars.”

Enzo nodded. “Not a problem, unless you are leaving and need us out of here. I see Jaydee’s out with her bike.”

“She’s heading into town. But let him sleep. The boys are out as well, just Daddy’s little princess who’s awake.”

BOOK: Harbour of Refuge
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